Matakana Island Biodiversity
History of the Matakana Island Environment Group • Where have we come from? • What are we doing? • Who are we doing this for? • How have we achieved this?
What is Biodiversity?? • The most important thing to us was to protect and enhance the many taonga that are part of us. • What are the problems we are facing? • Why has it declined? -‐ wetlands/swamps etc used as rubbish Bps -‐ Unsustainable land-‐use e.g. agricultural farming
To us everything needs to be in a state of balance in order for living things to thrive. “sustainability”.
Achieving our goals • Through a number of wananga and hui we idenBfied common environmental issues of the community. • Put them into achievable acBon plans.
Sourced funding through Ngawhenua Rahui.
Key Areas • IdenBfying key areas to start. • Recording the korero from our kuia and koroua on areas of parBcular importance. • Carrying out the restoraBon plan. • EducaBng the tamariki about the importance of kaiBakitanga of our taonga
• The fresh water outlets and springs that are found throughout the island form part of the natural life cycle of the many fish and shellfish species found in the Tauranga Harbour. • An increase in Kaimoana quality and quanBty depends largely on the quality of fresh water tributaries that run into the harbour.
So far so good...... • So far we have restored over 60ha of wetlands with another 120ha leR to restore. • Water quality has definitely improved. • Improved bird life. • Improved fishing.
Key to our success 1. Gaining Community support 2. EducaBng tamariki/schools 3. Liasing with key stakeholders and interested parBes
Many thanks to........... • Nga Whenua Rahui -‐ advice, kawenata, funding opBons
-‐ networking with other maori environmental organisaBons
• EBOP, NZ Landcare Trust, WWF • Whaingaroa Harbour Care Group • And of course the whanau from our moutere
Key to our Future • Passing on our matauranga to the next generaBons is criBcal to ensure the knowledge pertaining to our whenua and moana lives on through to the next generaBons. • Start with the Tamariki...... And the rest will follow.