Our ref:
H:\PJD\Letters\Whole School Mailing\Gd-PJD-Rtr-May2013.docx
13th May 2013
To all Parents/Carers of Wallasey School
Dear Parent / Carer and Student Mr Duffy’s Retirement Having planned to retire at the end of the summer term last year, Governors asked Mr Duffy to stay on for a further year to provide continuity and stability. We were delighted when he agreed and we have no doubt that the school community benefited from him doing so. I write now to inform you, and the wider community that Mr Duffy has decided to retire at the end of this term, July 2013, after nine years of outstanding service to the school since September 2004. We will be extremely sorry to see him go. Governors have asked Mrs Cawood, Deputy Headteacher, to take up the post as Acting Headteacher until a permanent appointment is made. We are delighted that she has agreed and can confirm that she will be in post from September 1st 2013. Governors will act swiftly by placing adverts as soon as possible to appoint a permanent replacement for Mr Duffy. However, Governors are very pleased to inform you that Mr Duffy has agreed to continue to support the school in an advisory capacity for a period of time to assist with this transition and the future development of the school. Mr Duffy has worked in the Education Service for forty years, starting in Salford moving to Birkenhead, Liverpool and now Wallasey. Twenty three of those years have been as a Headteacher in three Secondary Schools. We know that in each he has made a positive impact and not least in Wallasey School which is enjoying the best examination results ever in the school`s history. On behalf of the Governing Body I wish to thank him for his significant and positive contribution to this school and we wish him well in his retirement. Yours sincerely
Mr G Dunn Chair of Governors