Letter to Parents re Ofsted Inspection

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H:\AJC 2013-2014\AJC\Ofsted Follow Up\Ltr.Prts.Ofsted.12Dec2014-ULJ.docx

10th December 2013

Dear Parent / Carer You will be aware that Wallasey School underwent an Ofsted Inspection on the 6th and 7th November 2013. This report will be published on Thursday 12th December and made available on the Ofsted website. The school is required to make a copy available to all Parents/Carers within 5 days of the report being published which is why we are sending you a copy with this letter. In September 2013 I took over the Headship of Wallasey School and set out my vision for the next few years. I firmly believe that Wallasey School should be an outstanding school, that it should be the school of choice for Parents/Carers, and that it should be a safe and enjoyable learning environment for pupils. My vision is that pupils should receive the highest quality of teaching so their learning is of the highest quality – young people only get one chance to achieve, and with high expectations and a culture of learning, it is my expectation that they will receive this at Wallasey School. You will be pleased, as we are, that the Inspection team made very positive comments about your children, how they conduct themselves at school and how they feel safe in school. Pupils spoke highly of the care and of the quality of extra-curricular provision that they receive. Pupils especially reported that instances of bullying are dealt with effectively and promptly when reported to staff. Some subjects were highlighted because pupils make good or better progress in them such as English and the Humanities. Pupils with disabilities or special educational needs make good progress when they are taught in the Redgrave Centre. When reading the report you will see that many positive comments have been made about the school, but overall Wallasey School has been graded as a school with ‘serious weaknesses’. On the third page of the report the HMI has highlighted nine key points linked to what the school needs to do to improve its performance. I would like to reassure you that the areas identified for improvement were already highlighted in the school’s self-evaluation and school development plan. The report states that ‘the resolute leadership of the Headteacher, Senior Leaders and Governors provides very clear direction and they have moved swiftly to put actions in place to address weaknesses’. As a direct result of the report we are now updating our development plans to strategically focus on the areas for improvement highlighted in the report.

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