Wallstein – Foreign Rights Catalogue autumn 2015

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Wallstein Verlag Foreign Rights Catalogue | Autumn 2015

Literature Umschlagabbildung Š SG-Image unter Verwendung eines Fotos von Walter Wehner Š VISUM

Editions Contemporary History About Literature Backlist Highlights

Wallstein Verlag Geiststraße 11 D-37073 Göttingen About Wallstein Wallstein Publishing was founded in 1986. A major event in the development of the publishing house was the huge success of Ruth Klüger’s biography »weiter leben – Eine Jugend« (Still alive) in 1992. Partly due to its high literary quality, this book is one of the most-read literary works written in German on the subject of the holocaust, and has become a »classic of holocaust literature«. Wallstein continues to add approx. 150 books per year to its list, with an annual turnover of approx. two million euros. Foreign Rights Manager Stefan Diezmann T: +49 551 54 898 12 | F: +49 551 54 898 33 Email: sdiezmann@wallstein-verlag.de

Representatives French speaking World Katharina Loix van Hooff, AJA - Anna Jarota Agency, Paris T: +33 (0)1 45 75 21 28 | F: +33 (0)1 43 54 71 99 Email: k.loix@ajafr.com Italy Barbara Griffini, Berla & Griffini Rights Agency, Milano T: +39 02 80504179 | F: +39 02 89010646 Email: griffini@bgagency.it Poland Dr. Aleksandra Markiewicz, Literary Agency, Warsaw T: +48 22 665 90 54
 Email: aleksandra_markiewicz@space.pl Spanish speaking World Sandra Rodericks, Ute Körner Literary Agent, Barcelona
 T: +34 93 323 89 70
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Content Literature 4 Ralph Dutli The Lovers of Mantua 5 Anna Baar The Colour of the Pomegranate 6 Laurant Gillard de Kéranflec’h The File on Manuscript No. 3930150 Editions 7 8

Christine Lavant Prose Martin Niemöller Conscience before Reasons of State

Contemporary 9 Helmut Bachmaier Lessons Learned with Age History 10 11 12

Daniel Münzner Kurt Hiller Marietta Meier Sources of Tension Falko Schnicke The Male Discipline

About Literature 13 Julia Benner Feather Warfare 14 Andreas Bähr, Peter Burschel, Jörg Trempler and Burkhardt Wolf Lost at Sea and New Voyages 15 Annemarie Schimmel Friedrich Rückert Backlist Highlights 16 Lukas Bärfuss Koala | A Hundred Days 17 Lukas Bärfuss Alice goes to Switzerland – The Test - Amygdala | The Death of Meienberg – The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents – The Bus | Malaga – Parcifal – Twenty Thousand Pages 18 Lukas Bärfuss Style and Morality Ralph Dutli The Song of Honey 19 Ralph Dutli Soutine’s Last Journey Valentīna Freimane Adieu, Atlantis 20 Maja Haderlap Angel of Oblivion Michael Hagner The Matter of the Book 21 Irene Heidelberger-Leonard Imre Kertész Friedrich Kellner »Clouded, Darkened are all Minds« 22 Christine Lavant Complete Works Dea Loher Bugatti Surfaces 23 Hans Mommsen The Nazi Regime and the Extermination of Judaism in Europe Teresa Präauer Johnny and Jean 24 Teresa Präauer For the Ruler from Overseas Joseph Roth and Stefan Zweig A Friendship with me is a Perishable Thing 25 Patrick Roth My Journey to Chaplin Reinhard Rürup The Long Shadow of National Socialism 26 Gregor Sander What Would Have Been | Absent | Winter Fish 27  Armin T. Wegner The Expulsion of the Armenian People into the Desert | Shout it to the World 28 Kai Weyand Applause for Bronikowski Matthias Zschokke The Man with Two Eyes | The Strict Ladies of the Rosa Salva

Wallstein Verlag Literature

The new utopia of love.


Ralph Dutli The Lovers of Mantua Novel

Ralph Dutli The Lovers of Mantua Novel ca. 250 pages

They had lain entwined in each other’s arms for 6000 years: in 2007, the skeletons of two young people from the Neolithic Age were excavated near the town of Mantua, and the pictures went around the world. »Stone Age Romeo and Juliet«, was the sensational news. Then came the crisis and the earthquake in May 2012, and the Renaissance town of Mantua had other things to worry about. In Ralph Dutli’s novel, the famous Neolithic lovers have suddenly disappeared following research studies in an archaeological laboratory, and the author Manu goes out in search of them. However, after a short time he disappears himself. Abducted to the estate of a dubious count, he is to help in founding a new religion of love. Rather than Christ on the cross, its central symbol will be the image of the lovers of Mantua … Mantua in the Renaissance shimmers in an intermediate world between dream and reality. The painter Mantegna is to paint his famous »Room of the Newlyweds« again, the poet Vergil flies above his native town of Mantua as a surprised observer, and a number of strange murders are committed. »The Lovers of Mantua« is a novel about the earthquake zones of life, about a new utopia of love, about religion and Renaissance, the uncertain status of reality and the incredible power of writing. Ralph Dutli, born in 1954, lives in Heidelberg, where he works as a freelance author (poetry, essays, novels, translations); he studied Romance and Russian studies in Zurich and Paris.


Anna Baar The Colour of the Pomegranate

Wallstein Verlag Literature

A great story of love and re­ conciliation, war and peace, exclusion, appropriation and the alienation of growing up between cultures.


Summer after summer, a girl is sent far away from her home in Austria to stay with her grandmother on a Dalmatian island. Here she lives just a stone’s throw away from the sea, beneath the leafy canopy of the almond trees, the screech of cicadas filling the air. It is something similar to paradise, but at the same time it represents the other, the alien. This place is the archaic island world of the mother (and grandmother)land, where people pay homage to Marshal Tito and his partisans and celebrate the victory over the Germans. Meanwhile, the latter are beginning to return to the country, welcome this time around – as paying tourists. The other place is a middle-class, sheltered existence in an Austrian provincial capital (fatherland), where the hardy National Socialist sediment persists, and where most Yugoslavian visitors come as migrant workers. The main themes of this novel are the search for identity, alienation, growing up between two cultures and two childhood settings: the archaic island world of Croatia and the world of Austria. It is also about gender identity, contradictory expectations, demands and impositions, and loyalty to the mother tongue, the father tongue, and the grandmother tongue. Anna Baar, born in 1973 in Zagreb. Grew up in Vienna, Klagenfurt and on the Dalmatian island of Brac. Studied journalism and public relations at the Universities of Vienna and Klagenfurt. Lives in Klagenfurt.

Anna Baar The Colour of the Pomegranate Novel ca. 312 pages

Wallstein Verlag Literature

»The File on Manuscript No. 3930150« is an archive from the future.

Laurent Gillard de Kéranflec’h The File on Manuscript No. 3930150 ca. 48 pages


Laurant Gillard de Kéranflec’h The File on Manuscript No. 3930150 After a brutal and dirty war that has defiled the world and claimed countless victims, a difficult investigation is launched at the heart of a secluded community. The task is to decipher a manuscript that contains important secrets of humanity. However, before it can be studied, it must be conserved and painstakingly reconstructed. Initially, there is nothing but a complex accumulation of text fragments that are only partially associated with one another. Some of the contents are completely clear, whilst others are entirely obscure. It is by no means easy to be sure of anything; it is difficult to distinguish truth from misconception, especially as the mysterious document contains obvious lies and deliberate deceptions. The pendulum seems to swing backwards and forwards between allusions to Jonathan Swift and references to science fiction. The search for certainty constantly leads the researchers through unknown terrain, and they never seem to come any closer to their goal; on the contrary, a constant stream of new questions arises. The book is an adventurous research expedition to the depths of the self and to a future that is anything but secure. Laurent Gillard de Kéranflec’h, born in Paris in the 1960s, too far away from the sea to become a lonesome sailor, too late to have known Apuleius and Kant, but just in time to explore the secrets of the world - its libraries and museums.


Christine Lavant Prose

Published during the Writer’s Lifetime

Wallstein Verlag Editions

Christine Lavant’s poetry has belonged to the established canon of post-war literature for some time. As a writer of short stories, however, she was not discovered until recent years.

Christine Lavant’s prose moves in on the fates and inner worlds of her characters with remarkable sensitivity and unadorned realism, very direct and distinctly poetic. With the formal certainty of a sleepwalker (Franz Haas in the NZZ), Lavant tells of the things she knows best: of the damaged souls of children and women, of subtle and less subtle social differences, of poverty, sickness and exclusion, of enforced conformity, bigotry and violence, but also of the liberating power of love and the imagination. The second volume of the four-volume edition presents all twelve of the short stories published during Lavant’s lifetime in a newly edited form, most of the early prints having been edited by third parties. Alongside her two first book publications »Das Kind« (The Child, 1948) and »Das Krüglein« (The Jug, 1949), the volume contains »Die Rosenkugel« (The Rose Globe, 1956), the two collections »Baruscha« (1952) and »Nell« (1969), and other published stories. »Christine Lavant tracks down stories that have an archaic power; nevertheless they are completely contemporary.« Carola Wiemers, Deutschlandradio

Christine Lavant (1915 –1973), born in St. Stefan in Lavanttal (Carinthia) as the ninth child of a miner, was a lyricist and narrator. She finished her school education early due to bad health. For decades, she supported the family by knitting. She was awarded the Georg-Trakl Prize (1954 and 1964) and the Grand Austrian State Prize (1970).

Christine Lavant Prose Published during the Writer’s Lifetime ca. 700 pages

Wallstein Verlag Editions

Sermons, speeches and writings by the church resistance fighter and peace activist Martin Niemöller.


Martin Niemöller Conscience before Reasons of State Selected Writings

Martin Niemöller Conscience before Reasons of State Selected Writings Edited and with an introductory essay by Joachim Perels ca. 320 pages

Martin Niemöller did not accept the injustice of the world, mindful of the quotation from the bible: »He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted the lowly.« (Luke 1:52) From his position as chairman of the Pfarrernotbund (Emergency Covenant of Pastors) and pastor in Berlin-Dahlem, he spoke out against the Nazi state, although he had initially welcomed the introduction of the »Führer state« in 1933. His sermons had a considerable influence on the opposition of the church against Hitler. Because of his resistance, he was detained in concentration camps for eight years. After the end of the »Third Reich«, he raised the question of guilt more vehemently than any of his contemporaries. In the post-war period he was active in a rapprochement between the churches in east and west, and committed to causes in the Third World. In the relationship between Christianity and war, Niemöller called the church’s legitimation of military service into question. The volume includes sermons from the Nazi era, speeches and lectures on the question of the guilt of the church, on pacifism, relations with developing countries, rearmament, the threat of nuclear weapons and the »emergency laws«. The volume closes with an interview with Günter Gaus, in which Niemöller reflects upon the story of his life, shaped by his opposition to Hitler and restorative post-war development. Martin Niemöller (1894 –1982), after a career as an officer with the imperial navy, became a protestant theologian from 1919 and a local church pastor in Berlin-Dahlem from 1931. Temporarily imprisoned in 1935; 1937 –1945 detained in a concentration camp. 1947–1965 Church President of the Church of Hesse and Nassau. Joachim Perels, born in 1942, professor emeritus for political science at the University of Hanover, co-founder and editor of the journal »Kritische Justiz«. 1968 –1974 editor of the journal »Stimme der Gemeinde«, for which Martin Niemöller also worked as an editor.


Helmut Bachmaier Lessons Learned with Age

Wallstein Verlag Contemporary

Cultural-Historical Perspectives

In this book, the great gerontologist Helmut Bachmaier summates his thoughts on the theme of old age. In an analytical, narrative, informative way.

»The very fact of growing older means taking up a new business; all our circumstances change, and we must either entirely cease to act or take over our new role with purposefulness and deliberation«, Goethe writes in his »Maxims and Reflexions«. There are any number of handbooks and instruction manuals telling us what form this »new role« could take. This book does not aim to be either of these things. On the contrary: in Bachmeier’s view, regulations and control are counterproductive. Trying to fight against old age and negating it in an obsession with youth is just as wrong as romanticising it, refusing to recognise the difficulties that accompany it. Bachmaier’s concept, on the other hand, is aimed at achieving lightness, a relaxed attitude, effortlessness. ›Make your own old age!‹ could be its adage. Here, it can be useful to seek the confirmation of the experience of growing older found in the history of culture, philosophy, art and literary history. How has old age been perceived, understood, evaluated over the ages? The cultural gerontologist Bachmeier affirms: growing older means that we must set ourselves a new task each day. And each of us has to find that task for ourselves.

Helmut Bachmaier Lessons Learned with Age Cultural-Historical Perspectives ca. 216 pages

Helmut Bachmaier teaches at the University of Constance (Faculty of Humanities). He is a scientific advisor to the Tertianum Group / Switzerland) and the Foundation Board of the Tertianum Foundation. He has edited and written commentaries on works by important authors of the 18th and 19th centuries. Another focus of his work is on humour research (editor of the works of Karl Valentin). His current research theme is cultural gerontology, a form of ageing research based on cultural science.

Wallstein Verlag History

Kurt Hiller – the prototype of a left-wing intellectual changes his anti-democratic views and becomes a supporter of democracy.

Daniel Münzner Kurt Hiller The Intellectual as an Outsider ca. 416 pages, ca. 10 illustrations


Daniel Münzner Kurt Hiller

The Intellectual as an Outsider

Kurt Hiller (1885 – 1972) was a pioneer of literary expressionism and one of the best-known publicists and intellectuals of the Weimar Republic. Being a child of Jewish parents, a homosexual, pacifist and socialist, he was exposed to anti-Semitic, homophobic and anti-intellectual hostilities. As such, he was the prototype of the defamed left-wing intellectual in the 20th century. Until 1933, the author polemicized against democracy on the world stage, arguing in favour of the supremacy of the intellectual elite. The state critic Hiller found himself moved by the the admonitory reminder of the failed Weimar Republic and Nazi terror. Driven on by the positive way in which he was treated whilst in exile in England, not to mention his conflict with the party communists, he fled into the arms of the British secret service, working as an informer for almost 15 years. Due to his experiences, and thanks to the integration of the left-wing intellectual milieu via the SPD, he changed his anti-democratic views and became a tolerant, peaceable supporter of the social-liberal coalition led by Willy Brandt. The first comprehensive biographical study of Kurt Hiller is concerned with the history of literature, intellectuals and the secret service, and tells of the multi-faceted life of a great forgotten publicist. Daniel Münzner, born in 1984, currently researching in the field of the history of intellectuals, gender, anti-Semitism and the secret service. Publications include: Kampf um Wissen. Spionage, Geheimhaltung und Öffentlichkeit zwischen Nationalstaat und Globalisierung (1870 –1940) (The Fight for Knowledge. Espionage, Secrecy and Publicity between the National State and Globalisation, co-ed., 2015).


Marietta Meier Sources of Tension

Wallstein Verlag History

A gripping study that pleads for us to set our view of emotions, the brain and the self into a wider context.

Psychosurgery after the Second World War

In 1935, a Portuguese neurologist developed the lobotomy. The objective of the operation was to relieve serious psychic disorders; however, it met with harsh criticism from the experts. Being a direct intervention in the brain, changing the personality of the patient, it broke a taboo. After the end of the Second World War, however, the procedure became widely established. Because of the rapid increase in the number of psychosurgical operations, new opportunities arose in the field of research. It was now claimed that the lobotomy alleviated the »affective tension« of the mentally ill, worked even in »hopeless cases«, and provided relief not only for psychiatric institutions, but for society as a whole. Although experts adopted a more and more sceptical view of the method during the 1950s, the era of the lobotomy did not draw to a close until around 1970, when psychiatric practice was increasingly caught in the crossfire of public criticism. Marietta Meier examines the history of a treatment procedure that raises questions of an ethical, scientific and socio-political nature. Her main focus is on Switzerland, but she also takes the whole of German and French-speaking Europe and its links with the Anglo-Saxon world into consideration. This not only shows how local practices, national conditions and international debates were interconnected; the multi-layered approach also underlines the interplay of subject, knowledge, gender and social systems in the post-war era. Marietta Meier, born in 1966, historian, private lecturer of modern history at the University of Zurich. Publications include: Zwang zur Ordnung. Psychiatrie im Kanton Zürich, 1870 –1970 (Compulsive Order. Psychiatry in the Canton of Zurich, 1870 –1970, co-author, 2007); Die Pragmatik der Emotionen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (The Pragmatics of Emotions in the 19th and 20th Centuries, co-editor, 2007).

Marietta Meier Sources of Tension Psychosurgery after the Second World War ca. 480 pages, ca. 20 illustrations

Wallstein Verlag History

The formative power of the middle-class gender dichotomy in the scientific understanding of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Falko Schnicke The Male Discipline The Gendering of German Historiography 1780 –1900 ca. 680 pages, ca. 5 illustrations


Falko Schnicke The Male Discipline

The Gendering of German Historiography 1780 – 1900 Real science can only be practiced by men – this was the world of ideas from which German historiography in the late 18th and 19th century emerged. This study investigates what impact this way of thinking had on the science of history. As sources, classical historiographic texts are read again from a new perspective; additionally, the author examines portraits of historians (frontispieces and oil paintings). This material allows Schnicke to lend contours to a hitherto neglected dimension of historiography: the human body. Although it fell short of the horizon of self-reflection, it was a central factor of social definition in the science of history. The study presents a convincing case for the fact that the masculinization of the science of history was not only due to the existence of exclusively male expert representatives. In fact, masculinization was widespread at all levels of the discipline: in the anthropology of the historian, in the conception of historical research, and in methods and institutions. Falko Schnicke, born in 1982, studied modern history and modern German literature in Hamburg, Berlin and London. After completing his doctorate at the HU Berlin, he was a research assistant at the Department of History, University of Hamburg. Since 2015, he has been a research assistant at the DHI in London, where he is working on his postdoctoral thesis on the theme of the staging of state visits in the 20th century.


Julia Benner Feather Warfare

Wallstein Verlag About Literature

Resistance in the written word: dissident children’s and youth literature from the National Socialist era.

Children’s and Youth Literature against National Socialism, 1933 –1945 Books for children and young people that spoke out against National Socialism were written from exile, but also from within the oppositional literary system in Germany. Many of these works have fallen into oblivion. Julia Benner retraces their steps, presenting this form of resistance in a comprehensive form for the first time. The volume addresses the means used by the authors in their written fight against National Socialism, and the circumstances governing the production of children’s and youth literature of any kind at that time. In an exemplary analysis of the works of Maria Gleit, Kurt Held, Fritz Rothgießer and Lisa Tetzner, Benner opens up new perspectives on books for children and young people between 1933 and 1945. Julia Benner, born in 1983, studied comparative literature, English philology and cultural anthropology / European ethnology in Göttingen. She is the coordinator of Jürgen Seifert‘s historical collection of books for children and young people, and a lecturer at the Seminar for German Philology in Göttingen.

Julia Benner Feather Warfare Children’s and Youth Literature against National Socialism, 1933 –1945 Göttingen Studies on Generation Research, vol. 18. Edited by Dirk Schumann ca. 416 pages, ca. 40 illustrations, partly in colour

Wallstein Verlag About Literature

The shipwreck as an end and a new beginning in the modern European era, from the perspective of history, literature and visual studies.


Andreas Bähr, Peter Burschel, Jörg Trempler and Burkhardt Wolf Lost at Sea and New Voyages The Shipwreck in the Modern Era

Andreas Bähr, Peter Burschel, Jörg Trempler and Burkhardt Wolf Lost at Sea and New Voyages The Shipwreck in the Modern Era ca. 160 pages, ca. 10 illustrations

Someone who is shipwrecked loses a great deal, if not everything: his ship, his cargo, and in many cases his life. Hopes are shattered, plans and life projects are destroyed. However, the shipwreck can sometimes imply the possibility of a positive turn of events – for the survivors or for the onlookers. This perspective, previously largely disregarded, is the main focus of the authors of this book. They concentrate on the modern European era, when the shipwreck had an important meaning with regards to the history of seafaring, literature and art, as well as in a metaphorical sense. When a shipwreck hails the beginning of a utopian state and social projects, when distress at sea is understood as the conclusion of one’s old life and the beginning of a new, real existence, when the aestheticization of the shipwreck evokes a feeling of transcendence in the face of destruction, when a shipping disaster appears as a moment of critical social diagnosis that results in new maritime regulations and nautical safety technology, an accident at sea does not signify the end of successful seafaring, but in some ways its beginning. Andreas Bähr, born in 1968, historian at the Humboldt University of Berlin and at the Free University of Berlin. Publications include: Furcht und Furchtlosigkeit. Göttliche Gewalt und Selbstkonstitution im 17. Jahrhundert (Fear and Fearlessness. Divine Violence and Self-Constitution in the 17 th Century, 2013). Peter Burschel, born in 1963, historian at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Publications include: Die Erfindung der Reinheit. Eine andere Geschichte der frühen Neuzeit (The Discovery of Purity. Another History of the Early Modern Period, 2014). Jörg Trempler, born in 1970, art historian at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Publications include: Katastrophen. Ihre Entstehung aus dem Bild (Catastrophes and their Images, 2013). Burkhardt Wolf, born in 1969, literary scholar, currently a visiting professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Publications include: Fortuna di mare. Literatur und Seefahrt (Fortuna di mare. Literature and Seafaring, 2013).


Annemarie Schimmel Friedrich Rückert

Biography and Introduction to the Poet’s Work

Wallstein Verlag About Literature

In commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the death of Friedrich Rückert on 31 January 2016: the new edition of Annemarie Schimmel’s extensive biography.

The poet and orientalist Friedrich Rückert (1788 –1866) was one of the earliest experts on Arabic and Persian poetry in Germany. As a scholar and translator of poetry from the Middle and Far East, he gave the German language »a treasure that no other language possesses« (Annemarie Schimmel). Rückert’s own poetic work is also remarkable: his journal of Lieder (published from his estate) is the greatest work of poetry from the 19th century. When Gustav Mahler set the touching Kindertotenlieder to music, these poems became a part of German cultural heritage. The Islam scholar Annemarie Schimmel retraced the stages of Rückert’s life and made his work accessible to contemporary readers. Annemarie Schimmel (1922 – 2003) was one of the most important Islam scholars in Germany. She taught at Harvard, Ankara and Bonn, and was awarded a large number of prizes, including the Friedrich Rückert Prize (1965) and the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade (1995). Publications include: Ein Buch namens Freude. Gedichte von Frauen aus der islamischen Welt (A Book Named Joy. Poetry by Women from the Islamic World, 2004); Morgenland und Abendland. Mein west-östliches Leben (Orient and Occident. My Life in East and West, 2002); Sufismus. Eine Einführung in die islamische Mystik (Sufism. An Introduction to Islamic Mysticism, 2000).

Annemarie Schimmel Friedrich Rückert Biography and Introduction to the Poet’s Work Edited by Rudolf Kreutner ca. 160 pages, ca. 10 illustrations

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights


Backlist Highlights

Lukas Bärfuss Rights sold:


·· Belarus: Paperus ·· Bulgaria: Black Flamingo ·· China: Zhejiang ·· Croatia: Edicije Bozicevic ·· English World: Milkweed ·· France: Editions Zoé ·· Spanish World: Adriana Hidalgo ·· Turkey: Adam Aylak

Novel | 184 pages

Rights sold:

A Hundred Days

·· Arabic World: Kalima ·· Bulgaria: RIVA ·· China: Shanghai Publishing ·· Croatia: Edicije Bozicevic ·· English World: Granta ·· France: L’Arche Editeur ·· Israel: Babel ·· Italy: Einaudi ·· Mazedonia: ILI-ILI ·· Poland: Ha!art ·· Russia: Text Publishers ·· Spanish World: Adriana Hidalgo ·· Sweden: Norstedts Förlag ·· Turkey: Metis Yayınları

Novel | 198 pages

Nothing about the story told in Lukas Bärfuss’s new novel seems normal. For the story culminates in an act of suicide, committed by the author’s brother. Bärfuss tries to track down his brother’s fate, of which he knows very little. He encounters silence. Somehow the theme appears to be hidden behind a high wall; there is a huge taboo. And a secret. Why did his friends call him Koala? How did he get the name? And did it perhaps somehow influence his brother’s fate, does a person start behaving as his name suggests he ought?

Lukas Bärfuss’ meticulously researched novel tells the story of people who set out to do good and finally caused nothing but evil. ›A Hundred Days ‹ relays the darkest chapter of Africa’s history, the Rwanda genozide, a story which concerns us more than we wish to believe. Not least, it is the moving story of love in times of war and the devastation caused by hate.


Alice goes to Switzerland – The Test – Amygdala Plays | 168 pages

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Rights sold: ·· Bulgaria: Pygmalion Press ·· France: L� Arche (Alice goes to Switzerland. The Test)

Euthanasia, paternity test, brain research, these are all only sec-ondary matters – Lukas Bärfuss’s plays in this selestion address all the big moral questions of the present day in a way which is both auspicious and playful.

The Death of Meienberg – The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents – The Bus Pieces for Theater | 220 pages In The Sexual Neuroses, the mentally handicapped Dora is in a certain sense such a grain of sand in the works of the good, liberal society – not when she fulfils the role of the merely pitiable, but with immediate effect when she makes her own demands and no longer serves as the projection screen for all the nonsense about tolerance.

Malaga – Parcifal – Twenty Thousand Pages Plays | 208 pages Bärfuss lets things start off like a piece of conversation and swell to a tragedy of Greek proportions. This plays tell stories that are related to our everyday lives and yet discuss wide-ranging themes such as guilt, responsibility, individual fulfillment – funny, tragic, grotesque. Full of unexpected turns. Exciting.

Rights sold: ·· Bulgaria: Pygmalion Press (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus. The Death of Meienberg) ·· France: L� Arche Editeur (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus. Four pictures of Love) ·· Poland: Ksiergarnia Akademicka (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus) ·· Romanian: Europress Group (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents. The Bus) ·· UK: Nick Hern Books Limited (The Sexual Neuroses of Our Parents) ·· Adapted to a movie by Stina Werenfels

Rights sold: ·· Bulgaria: Black Flamingo ·· Spanish World: Quatenus/Eduvim

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Rights available


Style and Morality Essays | 235 pages Whenever Lukas Bärfuss thinks about the great concepts: freedom, falsehood, space, time, »Where am I here?«, it never happens in the vacuum of abstraction. He always tells stories. He is curious about the world, about things great and small. Above all, he turns his attention to people and the relationships between them: in the spheres of love, work, politics and art. »Why do authors remain silent?«, asks Bärfuss challengingly. »Lukas Bärfuss is the most exciting author in Switzerland. « Richard Kämmerlings, Die Welt

Ralph Dutli Rights sold:

The Song of Honey

·· Arabic World: Kana’an ·· Netherlands: Cossee

A cultural history of the bee | 208 pages The bee has provided inspiration for religious rituals, superstitions and miracle stories. It has stood for community spirit, self-sacrifice, provision for the future, well thought-out organization, purity, industriousness and abundance. But also for magic and prophecy, soul and inspiration. Ralph Dutli tells us all these things in a knowledgeable, witty and poetical way. A pleasurable invitation to reflect on the important role of the honey-making hymenoptera in world culture.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Soutine’s Last Journey

Rights sold:

Novel | 272 pages

·· Arabic World: Kana’an ·· Czech Rep.: Archá ·· France: Le Bruit du temps ·· Italy: VOLAND

August 6, 1943. Chaime Soutine, a Belarussian/Jewish painter and a contemporary of Chagall, Modigliani and Picasso, is driven from the town of Chinon on the Loire to occupied Paris, hidden in a hearse. Suffering from a gastric ulcer, he is in need of an urgent operation which can no longer be put off. Being forced to lie quietly in the car fort he whole trip, his mind starts wandering back in time. A novel about childhood, infirmity and art. About the wounds of exile in Paris, the powerlessness of the letter and the over­ whelming power of pictures.

Valent ī na Freimane Adieu, Atlantis Recollections | 341 pages Translated from the Latvian by Matthias Knoll What a life! The childhood of the authoress, born in 1922, could certainly be described as cosmopolitan. One of her grandmothers spoke German, the other Russian, and the Latvian-Jewish family constantly moved back and forth between Riga, Paris and Berlin. Here they lived in a guesthouse close to the Kudamm, where a constant stream of actors, directors and authors from all over Europe met and exchanged the latest news and information. Valent īna Freimane tells us about this era from the carefree perspective of an adolescent girl, painting a magnificent portrait of the period. A deeply moving book.

Rights available

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights


Maja Haderlap Rights sold:

Angel of Oblivion

·· Arabic World: Dar Al-Muna ·· English World: Archipelago ·· France: Editions Métailié ·· Italy: Keller Editore ·· Slovenia: Litera

Novel | 288 pages The story of a young girl and a family, and at the same time relates the story of a nation. This story goes back to the memories of a childhood in the mountains at Kärnten. In a highly sensuous way, the author recalls the scents of summer, her grandmother’s cooking, her parents’ fights and the idiosyncrasies of the neighbours. It tells of a girl growing up and her attempts to understand her family and the people around her. Although the war is over, it is still omnipresent in the minds of the Slovenian minority to which the family belongs and has more influence on people’s bahavior than she would have ever guessed.

Michael Hagner Rights available

The Matter of the Book 280 pages Michael Hagner combines his analysis of the digital cultural critique of the printed book with a thorough examination of Open Access. In this way, he investigates the very phenomenon that bears some of the responsibility for the contemporary crisis of the book: the excessive supply of scientific literature. An intelligent analysis of contemporary forms of book publication.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Irene Heidelberger-Leonard Imre Kertész

Rights available

Life and Works | 192 pages Irene Heidelberger-Leonard presents the first biography of works of this exceptional writer. She shows how closely Kertész’ life is bound with his work, but also the freedom with which he constructs his life within literature. Writing down his life story is for him an existential necessity; it is the only possibility of breaking out of the passive role of victim and retrieving his individuality. Irene Heidelberger-Leonard draws a sensitive portrait of the Nobel Prize winner, whose main purpose in life was self-research and its aesthetic transformation.

Friedrich Kellner »Clouded, Darkened are all Minds«

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Diaries 1939 –1945 | 2 vols, together 1134 pages

·· Poland: Fundacja Ośrodka Karta

Edited by Sascha Feuchert, Robert Kellner, Erwin Leibfried, Jörg Riecke and Markus Roth The diaries of the judicial inspector Friedrich Kellner show that everyone was in a position to unmask National Socialist rhetoric and be aware of the atrocities of the Third Reich. By placing newspaper articles next to his comments, Friedrich Kellner finds a highly effective method which places the importance of his diaries alongside that of the reports of Victor Klemperer. »At that time, I was unable to fight against the Nazis in the present. Therefore I decided to fight against them in the future. I wanted to give future generations a weapon to use against the resurgence of any such injustice.« Friedrich Kellner

Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Rights sold: ·· Arabic World: Kana΄an ·· Turkey: Encore Yayınları


Christine Lavant (1915 –1973), born in St. Stefan in Lavanttal (Carinthia) as the ninth child of a miner, was a lyricist and narrator. She finished her school education early due to bad health. For decades, she supported the family by knitting. She was awarded the Georg-Trakl Prize (1954 and 1964) and the Grand Austrian State Prize (1970). Wallstein holds the rights to her complete works and has published several volumes until now: • The Changeling, Story (2012) • Poems published during the Writer‘s lifetime (2013) • The Child, Story (2015)

Dea Loher Rights sold:

Bugatti Surfaces

·· Arabic World: Kalima ·· Netherlands: Cossee ·· Macedonia: ILI-ILI

Novel | 208 pages No other German-speaking dramatist is so widely read, in her own country and all over the world, and more successfully staged (more than 300 productions, translations in 31 countries) than Dea Loher. This narrative focuses on existential matters: The death of a young man and the desparat efforts to deal with it. It investigates the meaning of life in the face of this completely meaningless death, finding images of great intensity.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Hans Mommsen The Nazi Regime and the Extermination of Judaism in Europe 235 pages

Rights sold: ·· Hungary: Corina ·· Poland: Bellona

Hans Mommsen, one of the leading contemporary German historians, gives a compact overall interpretation of the complex events leading up to the unleashing of the holocaust. He begins by sketching the hostility against Jews in the Weimar Republic and the role of anti-Semitism during the rise of the Nazi party. He describes how the Nazi regime radicalized the persecution of the Jews, resulting in their complete disenfranchisement.

Teresa Präauer Johnny and Jean Novel | 208 pages Create good art! Johnny and Jean have no less goal in mind when they meet up again at the art academy after the summer holidays. The story begins with a jump in at the deep end, and there is still quite a way to go before embarking on an international career in New York and Paris. Some things that seem to be of help are the murmurings of the old masters, well-sharpened pencils and a bottle of Pastis. In a series of adventurous episodes, Teresa Präauer fabricates the life of two young men who are out to discover everything about art and life. Sensuous and quick-witted!

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Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights


Rights sold:

For the Ruler from Overseas

·· Arabic World: Kalima ·· Turkey: Dedalus Kitap

Novel | 138 pages A novel about flying, love, and the pure beauty of language. The grandfather tells a story to his grandchildren that is so playful and fantastic, it is hard to believe – but even harder to turn away from. It brings up sheer fireworks of imagination in the minds of the children. And there is this spark in his eyes every time he speaks of this mysterious Japanese woman, it just cannot be all made up …

Joseph Roth and Stefan Zweig Rights sold: ·· France: Payot & Rivages ·· Italy: Adelphi ·· Spanish World: Quaderns Crema

»A Friendship with me is a Perishable Thing« Correspondence 1927 – 1938 | 624 pages Edited by Madeleine Rietra and Rainer Joachim Siegel. With an epilogue by Heinz Lunzer Joseph Roth (1894 –1939) and Stefan Zweig (1881–1942) are still two of the most widely read narrators in German literature. The correspondence tells the story of a friendship that is broken apart by the political circumstances – and the story of two lives des­troyed by exile. »We exiles don’t live long« Zweig comments when Roth dies in Paris in 1939. In 1942, Zweig commits suicide in Petropolis, Brazil.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Patrick Roth My Journey to Chaplin

Rights sold:

An Encore | 88 pages

·· Arabic World: Kana’an ·· France: Le Bruit du temps

»My Journey to Chaplin« is the story of a passion. It tells us of Roth’s life-long love and veneration for the maker of »City Lights« (1931), whom he follows from the screen of a run-down L. A. cinema all the way to the door of his house in Vevey, Switzerland, just to hand over a letter to him in person. In its own way, the »Journey to Chaplin« becomes a film à la Chaplin, with the young man in the role of the tramp and the narrator as the director of the story of a memory. On April 16th 2014 will be Chaplin’s 125th birthday, which will be widely celebrated throughout the world.

Reinhard Rürup The Long Shadow of National Socialism History, the Politics of History and the Culture of Remembrance | 248 pages With a preface by Stefanie Schüler-Springorum The author’s many years of experience in dealing with the history of National Socialism provide the basis of this volume. Reinhard Rürup describes the historical events and processes that are of particular significance for a real understanding of the Nazi regime in a precise and vivid way: from the »seizure of power« and »bookburning« to the persecution and murder of the Jews and the war of conquest and annihilation against the Soviet Union to the way the German politics and society deal with the past.

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Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights


Gregor Sander Rights sold: ·· Arabic World: Kalima

What Would Have Been Novel | 236 pages Gregor Sander interweaves past and present, telling tales of German life histories that almost make your head spin. He succeeds in creating delicate images that are full of surprises: Love, friendship, escape, betrayal. Nothing is how it seems at first glance. Or at second, or even third.

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·· Arabic World: Kana’an ·· Spanish World: El tercer nombre

Novel | 156 pages

Rights sold:

Winter Fish

·· Czech Rep.: Vetrne mlyny ·· Spanish World: Ed. Herder, MX

Christoph Radtke, in his early 30s, has to go back to his home town of Schwerin to watch over his father, who has been in a coma for years. Being pulled out of his everyday life he starts to wonder about his past and future. Who was his father and what did he want out of life? The silence of his father in life, as if in death, is interrupted by a peculiar letter from Switzerland. The son is suddenly far more active than he would like to be.

Short Stories | 192 pages These stories are set in Rerik, at the Kiel Canal, in Gotland, Helsinki, Klaipeda. They are about people who are on the move and yet bound by their fates: Taciturn seadogs, disillusioned artists, female idols. Although the stories are all different, they do have one thing in common. They are about longing – longing to be with loved ones, to lead a free life or simply to feel understood. Sander’s writing appears sparse, almost restrained; like the char­acters, like the northern landscape. In just a few strokes, discreet but precise, the author draws fates that never fail to fascinate the reader.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

Armin T. Wegner The Expulsion of the Armenian People into the Desert

Rights sold: ·· Sweden: Mediable ·· Ukraine: Teza

Edited by Andreas Meier. With an essay by Wolfgang Gust As a first-aid attendant in the First World War, Armin T. Wegner witnessed the stream of Armenian refugees driven into the Syrian Desert by the Turks. Between the years of 1915 and 1917, up to 1.5 million Armenians died there. In an open letter to the American president Wilson, Wegner protested against this outrageous injustice. Immediately after the war ended, Wegner recapitulated his experiences as an eye witness in a presentation, which he held several times from October 1919 onwards. Here he showed 100 slides he had made in spite of the Turkish ban and – as he said in his lecture – »hid under his truss and smuggled across the border«. Although many of these photographs have greatly influenced the iconography of the genocide, up until now Wegner`s eye witness report has remained unpublished.

Shout it to the World Manifestos and Open Letters | 248 pages Edited by Miriam Esau and Michael Hofmann Armin T. Wegner was an exemplary 20th century witness. He literally experienced the atrocities and brutalities of totalitarianism at first hand, offering resistance for his entire life – the resistance of the spirit, as he saw it. The texts in this volume cover subjects from the 1918 revolution to the Palestinian conflict of 1968 – the testimonies of a wakeful spirit. bear testimony to this resistance. Armin T. Wegner took a stance on all aspects of the significant ideological battles of the 20th century, often by means of the manifesto and the open letter.

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Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights


Kai Weyand Rights available

Applause for Bronikowski Novel | 188 pages For Kai Weyand it’s a matter of life and death. Very funny. Nies is over thirty now, but sometimes he still seems far away from becoming an adult. He prefers spending his time throwing eggs and tomatoes against buildings to working in a bank like his brothers. He is an observer, a player who makes up his own mind about everything. It is more by luck than judgement that he suddenly finds himself with a job: at a funeral parlour. The confrontation with death proves demanding, especially as a sense of responsibility has not been one of his outstanding characteristics up until now.

Matthias Zschokke Rights sold:

The Strict Ladies of the Rosa Salva

·· France: Editions Zoé

414 pages There are a considerable number of books about Venice. But no one has ever written one like this before! It brings the magnetism of the town to life in such a passionate, observant and laconic way that it overwhelms you. Zschokke’s infectious curiosity protects him from idealisation – it is directed towards the whole world, wishing to fully grasp every­ thing it is possible to know. In this way a shimmering kaleidoscope emerges, a study of the big picture and the smallest of quirks, from theatrical rumblings and the literary scene to the real things of everyday existence. A marvellous thing, this book.


Wallstein Verlag Backlist Highlights

The Man with Two Eyes

Rights sold:

Novel | 244 pages

·· English World: Thames River Press ·· France: Editions Zoé

The man with two eyes has a real aversion to anything out of the ordinary, even though, as a legal correspondent, you would expect him to be continually in search of the sensational. But for him normality is far more interesting, not boring at all: on the contrary, he finds it complicated, surprising and fascinating. Matthias Zschokke writes of seemingly everyday things, discov­ ering their uniqueness, beauty, sadness and humour, and tells a discrete love story along the way.

To get more information on our titles please visit our website at www.wallstein-verlag.de/rightslist.html

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