SUMMARY As we covered in the aforementioned research, community gardens are successful, crucial spaces allowing biophilic
communities to bond together through their love of nature and
agriculture. In turn, this strong connection formed a strong alliance and a projection of voices during the turmoil that Dalston
Eastern Curve Garden and Daubeney Garden encountered
against the council to keep these gardens untouched, which
was fortunately successful with the Dalston Eastern Curve.
Furthermore, the Edible Bus Stop Garden proves that regardless of unfavourable locations and external factors, commu-
nity gardens can still prosper through the commoners’ team-
work and appreciation of biophilia and gardening, therefore
theorising that Daubeney Garden can also flourish in their new location, reminiscent to the Edible Bus Stop Garden.
Stavrides states that these spaces will either force the
community to come into fruition or produce spatial boundar65