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Suzano is highlighted in the Alto Tietê region.

Suzano has one of the strongest economies in Alto Tietê, with operations in several segments. Each year it receives new companies and investments. The municipality is betting on a development aligned with the well-being of the Suzanenses and respect for the environment.
The city has the third-largest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the Region - R $ 11.1 billion, which places it as the 36th economy of the State. Another excellent indicator is the trade balance. In 2019, according to the Ministry of Economy, $ 574 million in goods were exported.
Logistics differentials
With important road connections, such as the Rodoanel East Section, the Presidente Dutra, Índio Tibiriçá, Anchieta / Imigrantes highways, and the Ayrton Senna / Carvalho Pinto corridor. Suzano becomes a crucial logistical point for the flow of the companies’ production.
Skilled labor and investments in tourism
The city also counts on qualified labor by the various teaching units, such as technical schools and universities. To further strengthen the economy, Suzano has invested in tourism in recent years. The Nambei Shingonshu Daigozan Jomyoji and Honpa Hongwanji temples are some of the attractions, as well as the Tomoe Uemura Municipal Nursery and the Suzano Arena.

Suzano is among the 100 best cities in Brazil to do Business
And because of the sum of all services and their structure, Suzano stands out in the national indicators, given that the Ranking of the Best Cities to Do Business (2018), prepared for Exame magazine, presents the municipality as one of the 100 best in the country, with highlighted in Infrastructure (67th position), Social Development (72 °) and Economic Development (57 °). The survey “Challenges of Municipal Management (DGM) 2020” presents Suzano as the fifth Brazilian city that has made the most progress in the country, being the only one in Alto Tietê and the first in the State to be among the ten that most evolved in the decade.
In the Trat Brasil ranking, an annual survey that assesses the quality of basic sanitation in the country, Suzano is in 10th place, among the 100 largest Brazilian cities, still the 6th in the State 1st in Alto Tietê.