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As the most voted mayor in Suzano’s history. What society can expect your second term?

The Suzano population can expect even more work, for sure. Unfortunately, there are many cases of declining performance during the second term. It must be stressed that this is different. On the contrary, in Suzano, we continue with the mission of reconstructing the city with even more energy than in the first term. The municipality was abandoned for years, it won’t be in four or eight years that everything will become perfect, but it will be a much better city than the one we found in 2017, of that there is no doubt. We are working day and night to obtain the best result in all sectors. The objective is to continue the work and generate more and more opportunities for growth and advances for the municipality.


With the arrival of the vaccine against Covid-19 in the year 2021, considered the

prospect that everything will return to normal this year. Knowing what are your expectations for the development of the city in the post-pandemic context?

The expectations are the best possible, of course, working with everything that is within our reach. I believe that at this moment, it is necessary to have a realistic view of the current scenario. We care for the life and well-being of the population, so we go to great lengths to ensure everything possible to combat Covid-19 to resume our routines as soon as possible. We know that nothing will be as before. Today, the focus is to immunize the population and offer care to all who need it, in addition to mitigating the direct impacts caused by the pandemic, as in the social and economic issue.

In this second term, what will be the priority sectors in receiving investment?

We have already started this mandate in the context of a pandemic, which is on a rising wave. Therefore, Health has been the main focus, as always. But it is necessary to point out some other areas, such as Education, Social Assistance, and Security. I believe that these are the priority pillars for us to be successful in management because they are directly linked to those who need it most. In addition to investing in budgetary issues, I see investment from a management point of view, with strategic projects and actions aimed at improving these sectors’ performance and performance, thus guaranteeing more quality of service and positively impacting the lives of the population.

In your view, what are the main differentials that Suzano offers to potential investors?

Suzano has a diverse economy and is constantly growing, and the numbers show that. We are strategically located in Greater São Paulo, with easy access to Guarulhos International Airport, the coast of São Paulo, and other important regions, such as ABC Paulista and Vale do Paraíba, being cut by important routes of the State.

Through the Municipal Secretariat for Economic Development and Employment Generation, we also offer a series of projects and actions to promote commerce and business in the city. Not to mention the qualified workforce, with higher education institutions in the city, which even has a unit from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology.

Is there any other point you would like to highlight?

We are always betting on the population of Suzano. Our people are welcoming, supportive, and hardworking. For this reason, we are always seeking to offer free training opportunities to residents, either through the Social Action and Special Projects Service (Saspe) or through specific actions developed by the municipal departments. Our goal is to make everyone grow, develop and have the opportunity to contribute to a better society. Everything we do, from plugging holes to building a hospital, is thinking of the best for the Suzano’s community.

Party: Liberal Party (PL). Age: 42 years Education: I have a degree in Automation Control Engineering from Universidade Braz Cubas (UBC). I also studied MBA in Business Management, at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), and did postgraduate studies in Public Management. Book: ‘The Art of War’, by Sun Tzu, and ‘The Monk and the Executive’, written by James C. Hunter. I believe they are essential readings. Hobby: Riding a bike and watching national comedy movies, always in the company of my wife, Larissa.


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