The Pyramids of Meroë, Sudan

The recent outbreak of internal fighting in Sudan brought uncomfortably to mind the ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The great loser when war breaks out is always the people, and it can often be in ways that aren’t immediately apparent. Few realise that Sudan is home to more standing pyramids – over 200 – than Egypt, thanks to the exploits of the Black Pharaohs who once ruled the Nile Valley. The Kingdom of Kush swept the region between 2500 BC and 300 AD, and in its ancient southern capital, Meroë (pictured), their legacy still scatters the dunes. This UNESCO-listed site is home to around 100 pyramids, recognisable by their steep slopes and narrow bases. Not all belonged to royals, but it is a spectacular sight nonetheless. While years of instability have held back visitors (and the much-needed income they bring to locals) from uncovering the stories that lie hidden in these ancient tombs, we hope to return in better times to witness the legacy of the Black Pharaohs once more.