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Do Not be Carried Away by Passion
That is: The reward for goodness is nothing but goodness. In a hadith, the Holy Prophetsa says that, ‘Anyone who is ungrateful to people cannot be grateful to Allah.’ Just imagine, if you move outside the protective shade of this government, where will you find refuge? Name one government that will grant you protection. Every Islamic government is grinding its teeth to kill you because according to them you are disbelievers and apostates. Be then grateful for this favour of Allah…. To spread the doctrines that a bloody Mahdi will come and will apprehend all the Christian monarchs is a concocted approach that has blackened and hardened the hearts of our opposing Muslims. Such doctrines can, and definitely will, incite the ignorant to rise in rebellion at some time. Therefore, we are striving that Muslims may get rid of such doctrines. Remember, a faith that lacks human sympathy, is not from God. God has taught us, ‘Be merciful on earth so that you may be shown mercy in Heaven.’ (Majmu‘ah Ishtiharat, vol. 3, pp. 582–585)
The second condition also draws the initiate’s attention to not being carried away by passion. The Promised Messiahas says:
The fourth stage of spiritual progress is that which is mentioned by Almighty Allah in the noble verse of the Holy
32.And who guard their chastity— (al-Mu’minun, 23:6)
That is, higher in status than the believers of the third rank are those who guard themselves against the carnal passions and unlawful lust. This rank is higher than the third rank because at the third rank one only sacrifices wealth that is dear to him. But a believer at the fourth rank sacrifices something that is dearer to him than wealth—the carnal passions. Man is so enamored with his carnal passions that he spends large sums to satisfy his lust. He gives no importance to wealth when pursuing such desires. It has been observed that there are many stingy people who do not give a penny to the needy, but destroy their households by spending large amounts on visiting women of ill repute. It is thus established that the carnal passions are a fierce flood that carries with it a filthy habit like stinginess. It is therefore obvious, that in comparison with the strength of faith that cures stinginess and prepares one to part with his beloved property for the sake of Allah, a much stronger and long-lasting faith in combating Satan is required to safeguard oneself from the deluge of carnal passions, because such faith tramples under its foot the old serpent called Nafs-e-’Ammarah [the self that incites to evil]. As far as stinginess is concerned, it can be avoided during times of satisfying the carnal passions or for ostentation and show, but this deluge that is raised by the upsurge of carnal passions is a very severe and long-lasting deluge that cannot be averted except with the mercy of Allah. Just as the bone is the hardest part and longest living in the components of the body, so too the strength of faith needed for safeguarding from this deluge is hardest and longest lasting so that it may persist in combating this enemy for a long time. And that too with the mercy of Allah, because the deluge of carnal passions is such a devastating
flood that nobody can safeguard himself from it except with the mercy of Allah. That is why Hadrat Yusufas had to say33 :
That is:
‘And I do not absolve myself of weakness; for the soul is surely prone to enjoin evil. It is not possible to safeguard oneself from its attack except that Allah the Almighty should have mercy.’ The phrase mentioned in this verse is:34
Similar words were used at the time of Noah’s deluge:35
This points out that the deluge of carnal passions is similar to the deluge of Noah in its severity and danger. (Barahin-eAhmadiyyah, vol. 5, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 21, pp. 205–206)
In summary, the carnal passions will always try to vanquish you. Avoid them, ever seeking the mercy of Allah. In these days, many other paths to it have been opened. Therefore, we need to pray and turn to Allah seeking His mercy more than ever before.36
33.(Yusuf, 12:54) 34.…Save that whereon my Lord has mercy. (Ibid.) 35.There is no shelter for anyone this day, from the decree of
Allah, excepting those to whom He shows mercy. (Hud, 11:44)
Hearken, it is to Allah alone that sincere obedience is due. And those who take for protectors others beside Him say, ‘We serve them only that they may bring us near to Allah in station.’ Surely, Allah will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Surely, Allah guides not him who is an ungrateful liar.
The Promised Messiahas says:
Believe in the God, Whose existence is confirmed unanimously by the Torah, the Gospels and the Holy Qur’an. Do not fashion a god whose existence is not proven by the unanimous testimony of these three books. Accept that which is testified by intellect and human conscience and is testified by the books of God. Do not believe in God in a manner that creates discord between the books of God. Do not commit adultery. Do not tell lies. Avoid the evil look. Safeguard yourselves from wickedness, immorality, cruelty, dishonesty, and ways of rebellion. Do not be overpowered by carnal desires.
Establish the five daily Prayers because human natures undergo five kinds of trials. Be grateful to your noble Messenger and invoke blessings upon him, for he is the one who showed you the way of recognising God in the age of darkness. These are the principles that are the distinguishing features of my
Community. The way this Community establishes human
36.(al-Zumar, 39:4)
sympathy, avoiding to do harm to human beings, and forsaking the opposition of the official in charge, are not found in other Muslims. Because of their own mistakes, their principles are of a different type, which do not need explanation at this time. (Damimah Tiryaq-ul-Qulub, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 15, pp. 524–526)