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Status of the Meek in the Eyes of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa
There is another tradition we should also keep in mind as with respect to mutual matters and dealings.
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that the Holy Prophetsa said,
‘Wealth does not decrease when it is spent in the way of Allah, and the extent to which a servant of God forgives another,
Allah the Almighty increases his honour likewise. The more humility and humbleness one adopts, the greater is the status one is granted by Allah the Almighty.’ (Sahih Muslim, Kitabul-Birri was-Silah, Babu Istihbabil ‘Afwi Wat-Tawadu‘i)
So each Ahmadi should adopt the habit of forgiving each other. This would elevate one’s status in the Hereafter, and Allah the Almighty shall continue to increase one’s honour in this world as well. Allah the Almighty does not leave anything that is done for His cause without a reward.
How great was the status of the meek in the eyes of the Holy Prophetsa might be determined by this hadith:
Hadrat Abu Sa‘id Khudri ra narrates with reference to the
Holy Prophetsa that he loved the meek. Hadrat Abu Sa‘id
Khudri ra said that he heard the Holy Prophetsa praying:
O Allah keep me alive in a state of meekness, give me death in a state of meekness, and raise me from among the group of the meek.
(Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Kitabuz-Zuhd, Babu MujalasatilFuqara’i)
Thus, each Ahmadi should adopt the same path and should tread the ways on which our master the Holy Prophetsa was. Each Ahmadi should try and be counted among the meek, for the pledge of bai‘at states that, ‘I shall spend my life in meekness.’
It is narrated in one tradition:
Hadrat Abu Hurairahra narrates that, ‘Hadrat Ja‘farra Bin Abi Talib used to love the meek and needy. He would sit in their gatherings and would talk to them, and the meek and needy would talk to him. Therefore, the Holy Prophetsa would call Hadrat Ja‘farra with the title of ‘Abul Masakin [i.e., the father of the meek].’ (Sunano Ibn-e-Majah, Kitabuz-Zuhd, Babu Mujalasatil-Fuqara’i)
The Promised Messiahas says:
If you wish to find Allah the Almighty, seek Him near the hearts of the meek. This is the reason Prophets of God adopted meekness. Similarly, it is required that people of bigger nations do not deride smaller nations; none should say their ancestry is higher. Allah the Almighty states that when you come before Me I shall not enquire of you about your nation; rather, the question would be, what are your deeds?
Likewise, the Prophetsa of God said to his daughter that ‘O
Fatimah, Allah the Almighty shall not enquire into one’s lineage. If you commit a wrong Allah the Almighty shall not condone you because you are the daughter of the Prophet.
Thus, you should watch what you do at all times. (Malfuzat, new edition, vol. 3, p. 370)
He also states:
It was an essential requirement for ahl-e-taqwa [righteous people] that they spend their life in poverty and meekness. This is a branch of taqwa by which we are to ward off the unjustified anger. The last and most crucial stage for great pious and honest people is indeed to shun anger. Haughtiness and conceit are borne out of anger, and similarly, anger is at times a consequence of haughtiness and conceit. Anger is aroused only when man gives preference to one’s nafs [self] over the other. (Report Jalsah Salanah, 1897, p. 49)
He states:
If you wish that God in heaven is pleased with you, then be as if you are two brothers from one womb. The more esteemed among you is one who forgives the sins of his brother, and wretched is one who is obstinate and does not forgive. Such a person is not from me. (Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 12–13)
VIII condition
That he/she shall hold faith, the honour of faith and the cause of Islam dearer than his/her life, wealth, honour, children, and all loved ones.
The pledge to prefer faith over the world is a pledge that everyone who is constantly linked with the Jama‘at and attends meetings and ijtima‘at repeats over and over again. Banners are set up at every ijtima‘, jalsah, etc. Often, one of these banners displays the idea of giving preference to faith over the world. Why has this matter been given so much importance? Without it, faith cannot survive. It is not an easy task to act upon this requirement. To achieve it, one should constantly ask for Allah’s help. This high standard can only be established with His grace. For us who are (with the grace of Allah) in bai‘at of the Promised Messiahas, Allah the Almighty has given the instruction in the Holy Qur’an:80
And they were not commanded but to serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, and being upright, and to observe Prayer, and pay the Zakat. And that is the religion of the people of the right path…
By offering Salat on time and in congregation, and by spending in the cause of Allah and helping the needy, we can establish ourselves upon the correct religion. Thus, we can incorporate the teachings into our lives and enforce them in our conduct; and when we worship Allah and act upon His teachings, Allah the Almighty will give us the ability to do so. He will strengthen our faith to such an extent that ourselves, our ambitions, and our children will all appear insignificant in comparison to our faith. So, when everything will be purely for Allah the Almighty, and nothing will be considered our own possession, then Allah will not let us go to waste. He guards the honour, protects the children, and puts His blessings on such people. He enlarges their possessions, always keeps them wrapped in His Mercy and Favour, and removes all their fears. As Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:81
Nay, whoever submits himself completely to Allah, while he is excellent in conduct, shall have his reward with his Lord. No fear shall come upon such, neither shall they grieve.
80.(al-Bayyinah, 98:6) 81.(al-Baqarah, 2:113)