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An Unparalleled Example of Patience

how my mother and I survived those days. Despite the severe hardship, adversity and deprivation, he was a rock of selfrespect, patience and resolve. His sense of honour in matters of religion was such that no enticement, friendship or relation could come in his way. All praise belongs to Allah the Almighty! We were thus brought up in an environment that this world means nothing to us. Seeing this content and selfsufficiency, people eventually started saying that Mirza Sahib gives Maulavi Sahib a stipend. (Monthly Ansarullah, Rabwah, September 1977, pp. 11–12)

The exemplary patience of Hadrat Umm-ul-Mo’minin ra [wife of the Promised Messiahas] is matchless. During the last moments of the life of the Promised Messiahas, unlike worldly women who scream, lament and utter words of impatience, Hadrat Umm-ul-Mo’mininra demonstrated a pure example of supplicating to Allah the Almighty alone and prostrating before Him with absolute humility.

When during the last moments surah Yasin was recited and the pure and blessed spirit of the Promised Messiahas departed from this world and met its Beloved Maker, Hadrat Umm-ul-

Mo’minin ra simply said:102

102.To Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.

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