8 minute read
Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] and the system of Wasiyyat
from fazle umar
by waqfenauintl
The gap between the rich and the poor is the widest it has ever been in the history of mankind and continues to grow ever wider concentrating wealth into fewer and fewer hands. Religion cannot cater for man’s moral and spiritual needs in isolation without considering his individual, social, political and economic needs.
The Promised Messiah [as] laid the foundation of a New World Order by introducing a scheme, called “Wasiyyat” (a Will or testamentary direction). According to it, the testator promises, on his own free will, to lead a life of righteousness dedicated to the service of God and mankind and paying at least one-tenth (or a maximum of one-third) of his income and property. If he owns a house or some other property, anywhere in the world, he must pay one-tenth of its valued price. Upon the death of such a person, his case will be reviewed and circumstances permitting he shall be buried in the Bahishti Maqbara (Heavenly Graveyard).
This is not an innovation thought up by the founder of the Community. The Holy Qur’an clearly mentions the concept of Al-Wasiyyat (The Will) in the following words “Surely Allah has purchased of the believers their persons and their property in return for the heavenly Garden they shall have…” (Ch. 9:V.111) This verse is amplified by the verse of The Holy Qur’an, “you cannot attain to righteousness unless you spend out of that which you love…” (Ch.3:V.93) The word used in this verse for righteousness is Al-Birra, which means goodness and righteousness of a high order. It means that one must be prepared to sacrifice everything that one holds dear in order to attain true faith which is the essence of all righteousness.
The Holy Qur’an says, “When Paradise is brought nigh” (Ch.81:V.14). Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih II [ra] in a sermon delivered on 26th August 1932 in explaining
this verse noted, “Allah has blessed us with a great opportunity. Paradise has been made approachable. The system of Al-Wasiyyat is our path to this.”
One can judge the importance given by the Community to this system from a book entitled, “The New World Order of Islam”, that is based on the lecture delivered by Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] at an Annual Gathering. He argues that the slogans being raised about the various ‘isms’ and organisations around the world are all worthless. Starting with the philosophy behind the creation of the Tehrike Jadeed scheme, Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] states:
“As I have indicated, however, this scheme requires time before it matures. It must await the years when the greater part of the world will have accepted
Ahmadiyyat. Our present income is not adequate even for the efficient running of the Centre. God therefore inspired me with the idea of the Tehrike Jadeed as a means of establishing a central fund, which may be utilised towards the more intensive propagation of Ahmadiyyat. The Tehrike Jadeed therefore is a symbolic offering of faith to God indicating that as time is not yet ripe for the universal establishment of the new order based upon Al-Wasiyyat, we proceed to construct a humble model of it by means of the Tehrike Jadeed, so that pending the establishment of the system based upon Al-Wasiyyat we should be able to utilise the funds obtained through the Tehrike Jadeed for the spread of
Ahmadiyyat, and this in turn should enable us to carry on into effect, on an ever wider scale the objects of Al-Wasiyyat.
“It is obvious that as Ahmadiyyat spreads, the system based upon Al-Wasiyyat will embrace wider and wider circles and the national fund will continue to
grow. Things always move slowly at first but soon gather speed and momentum. It is true that the funds collected by means of wills are at present not very large, but as Ahmadiyyat goes on spreading faster and faster, these funds will also grow. By a natural process they will go on multiplying, so that the day of the complete establishment of the new order will come nearer and nearer. “In short, though Tehrike Jadeed had in point of time been inaugurated after Al-Wasiyyat, it is in effect its forerunner. In other words, it is an Elijah to the Messiah of the new order and it proclaims the ultimate supremacy of the message and principles of the Promised Messiah [as]. Every person who participates in the Tehrike Jadeed helps to foster the system of the Wasiyyat and every person who does this helps in the establishment of the new order.
“To sum up, the system of Al-Wasiyyat comprises within itself the whole social and economic system of Islam. They are mistaken who think that the fund established by the Wasiyyat can be used only for the verbal propagation of Islam. This is not correct. The Wasiyyat contemplates both verbal propagation and practical establishment. It no doubt includes missionary effort, but it equally includes the complete establishment of the system under which the needs of every human being should be looked after in a dignified manner. When this system attains maturity, it will provide not only for missionary work but will also help abolish want and distress by making adequate provision for the needs of all individuals. An orphan will not have to beg, nor will a widow have to ask for charity, nor a needy person to suffer anxiety. The system will be a mother to children, a father to youth and will afford security to women. Under this system, not by means of
compulsion or coercion, but out of real affection and goodwill, a brother will be eager to help his brother. Nor will such sacrifice be in vain. Every giver will be recompensed many times over by God. The rich will not suffer loss nor will the poor suffer privation. Nation will not fight nation, nor class will contend against class. The system will put everyone under an obligation. “I assure you that the new order will not be inaugurated by Mr. Churchill or Mr. Roosevelt. Declarations like the Atlantic Charter will accomplish nothing. They are full of defects and shortcomings. New orders are always established in the world by Prophets raised for the purpose by God. They have no bitterness against the rich, and no bias for the poor. “They are neither of the East, nor of the West. They are the Messengers of God and proclaim the teachings which furnish the foundations of true peace. Today also, peace will be established only through the teachings of the Promised Messiah [as] the foundations of which were laid in Al-Wasiyyat in 1905. We should all realise the significance of Al-Wasiyyat, and remember the fundamentals to which I have drawn attention in the course of this address.” (The New World Order of Islam, by Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra], pg.136–139 ).
The Promised Messiah [as] originally established the Bahishti Maqbara in Qadian. However, as the Community grew and prospered Heavenly Graveyards began to appear all over the world. Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] established the Heavenly Graveyard in Rabwah, Pakistan soon after partition. This is where the graves of Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] and Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih III [ra] are located.
Many Companions of the Promised Messiah [as], and many devoted servants of his heavenly Community are buried here.
Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra] sent a message to the members of Ahmadiyya Jama’at, USA and enjoined upon them to join the sacred institution of Wasiyyat. He also indicated that several burial plots would be purchased for these Moosian in different parts of the country in the following words:
“Once you have studied the whole document carefully (referring to Al-Wasiyyat written by the Promised Messiah [as]), you will fully grasp its grand purpose and objective but I also request Brother Khalil Ahmad Nasir that he should arrange that the purpose and objective of Al-Wasiyyat should be explained to you by representatives of the Movement in detail at your respective centres. In compliance with the spirit of Al-Wasiyyat, the Ahmadiyya Association of the
United States of America will arrange the purchase, as early as possible, of a suitable plot of land in some central locality which may be dedicated as the place of burial of those who make their wills in compliance with the conditions set out in Al-Wasiyyat and the rules promulgated from time to time by the Head of the Movement and the Central Ahmadiyya Association and Tehrike Jadeed. I am convinced that once this project is put into effect in the United States, it will quickly gather force and thousands of your country men, maybe even millions, will in due course join this scheme and thus swell the number of those who shall continuously devote their efforts and substantial portions of their income and properties to the objects mentioned in Al-Wasiyyat. As the number of such sincere and devoted Ahmadis increases it may become necessary to establish similar burial places in different parts of the country, and this shall be done from time to time as necessity shall require.” (Review of Religions, January 1956, p.8–14).
In accordance with the instructions of Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra], the Jama’at has established graveyards for the Moosies at thirteen locations in USA.
Every bygone day is a witness to the fact that every single word of the prophecy mentioned earlier was fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled. After the establishment of
the system of Wasiyyat, the sincere members of the Jama’at have donated their properties amounting to millions of pounds to the Jama’at, and this trend is still continuing. Even the enemies of Ahmadiyyat have acknowledged this fact. Hence, during the Khilafat of Hadhrat Musleh Mau’ood [ra], a Pakistani newspaper noted:
“The third aspect of the Qadiani (i.e. Ahmadiyya) Organisation is that system of propagation which has made this Jama’at an international Jama’at. In this context the reality should be clearly understood that all the Jama’ats in India,
Kashmir, Indonesia, Israel, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, America, England,
Damascus, Nigeria, African regions and Pakistan accept Mirza Mahmud as their Khalifa. And some of their Jama’ats and individuals in some other countries have donated millions of rupees worth of properties to Sadr Anjuman
Ahmadiyya Rabwah and Sadr Anjuman Ahmadiyya Qadian.” (Al- Mimber, Lyalpur, 2nd March 1956, page 10).
The manifestation of this sacred system of Wasiyyat worldwide are clear for all to see. The institution of Wasiyyat, by the Grace of Allah, is now established in 75 countries throughout the world.