From the Editor... Reflecting upon the Qur’anic verse highlighted by Hazrat
Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah strengthen his hand) in his Friday Sermon of 28 November 2014, “Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help,” we realise the significance this verse holds, as it is a prayer which is recited many times a day in our daily prayers.
EDITOR Munazza Khan
In times of hardship, we find ourselves prostrating before God, pleading His help in improving our situations. When we end up at a crossroad in life, with no signs to show us which way to turn, it is then that we bow down with the fear of God and the trust that He will make everything better.
EDITORIAL BOARD Hibba-Tul Mussawir Hina Rehman Maleeha Mansur Meliha Hayat
However, when we are comfortable and sailing through our
Ramsha Hassan
lives happily, seldom do we fervently fall into prostration. We
Salma Manahil Tahir
must remember The One who provided us with the comforts in our lives and offer thanks to Him.
MANAGER Zanubia Ahmad
In this New Year, let us surrender our prayers to thanking Allah for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us in the previous year and seek His help for the year ahead of us. On this note, the Maryam Magazine team would like to extend a very Happy New Year to all our readers! May Allah enable us all to beautify our prayers with undivided attention. In this issue, you will find an exclusive New Year’s competition that is sure to excite readers, so here’s wishing you all the best!
an Munazza Kh
ASSISTANT MANAGER Dure Jamal Mala COVER DESIGN Atiyya Wasee PAGE DESIGN Soumbal Qureshi Nabila Sosan Adeeba Tahir ARABIC TYPING Safina Nabeel Maham
Do you have any comments, suggestions or want your article featured in our next edition? Email us at: or send us your Tweets:
PRINTED BY Raqeem Press, Tilford UK
3 Divine Commandments 4 Hadith
36 Australia Tour- A Personal Account (Part Three) Abid Khan
40 Discourse: A Social Convention
5 Writings of the Promised Messiah
Faiza Rehan
7 The Life and Character of the Seal of the Prophetssaw
43 Tarbiyyat Page
10 Prescribed Prayers by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba
45 Poem: We are proud of it Fatima Eman
13 Focus: Fountain of Christianity
46 Report: Inauguration of the Maryam Mosque, Ireland
17 New Year’s Celebrations Meliha Hayat
22 The Colour Green – Its Perceptions and Influence in the World
50 Kids spread: New Year Quiz 52 Poem: Our job Aniqa Ahmed
Sabeeha Mughal
26 Arabic Lesson
53 Faith Inspiring Incidents of Devotees
28 Waaqifaat-e-Nau Class with Hazrat Khalifatul Masih
55 Important Guidelines for Waqf-e-Nau
V , Germany, 8 June 2014 aba
From the Syllabus
57 Austrian Fairytale - The Star Maiden and the
33 Points to Ponder Stories and anecdotes related by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II
Flax Flowers
divine commandments
Ettiquettes f o r Entering into Houses Etiquettes for Entering Etiquettes for Entering into Houses into Houses َ ٓ ْ َ ّ ُ ﱠ ETIQUETTES FOR ENTERING INTO HOUSES
ٰ ْ ُ َ َُ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ ُُ ً ََْ ُُ ُ ْ َ ﱣ َ ٰٓﯾ َﺎ ﱡ� َ�ﺎﺍﻟﺬ َﻋ�� ﺃ ْه ِﻠ َهﺎETIQUETTES ﻮﺍ ﺑﻴﻮﺗﺎHOUSES ﻳﻦ َﺁﻣ ُﻨﻮﺍ ﻻ ﺗﺪﺧﻠ ﺴﺘﺄ ِ�ﺴﻮﺍ ﻭ�ﺴ ِﻠﻤﻮﺍFOR � ﺣ�یENTERING ﻏ�� ﺑﻴﻮ ِﺗﻜﻢINTO ِ َ َ َ ٓ ﻮهﺎ َ ْ َﺣ َ ﱣ َ ٰٓ ﺣ ًﺪﺍ َ ُ َﻓ َﻼّ ُ َﺗ ْ ْﺪ ُﺧ ُ َﻠ َ ُ ٰﺫ ٰٓﻟ َ ُﻜ ﱡْﻢ َ َ ﱠﺧ ْ� ٌ� ﱠ َﻟ ُﻜ ْ َﻢ ُﻟ َﻌ ﱠﻠ َ ُﻜ ْﻢَ ْ َﺗ َ ُﺬ ُﱠﻛ ُﺮﻭ ُ َ ُﻥ ً َ ْ ََﻓﺈ ُ ْ ُﻥ ﱠﻟ ُ ْﻢ ْ َﺗ َﺠ ُ ﱣﺪ ْﻭﺍ َ ْﻓ َ�� ْﺎ ﺍ ْ ی � ِ � ِﯾﺎ ��ﺎﺍﻟ ِﺬﻳﻦ ﺁﻣﻨﻮﺍ ﻻ ﺗﺪﺧﻠﻮﺍ ﺑﻴﻮﺗﺎ ﻏ�� ِ ﺑﻴﻮ ِﺗﻜﻢ ِﺣ�ی ﺴﺘﺄ ِ�ﺴﻮﺍ ﻭ�ﺴ ِﻠﻤﻮﺍ ﻋ�� ﺃه ِﻠهﺎ ﻁ ُ َ ٓ ﻮﺍ ُ ﱠه َ ْﻮ َﺃ ْ َﺯ َ�ﻰ ُ َﻟ ْ ُﻜ ْﻢ َ َﻭ َُ ﻴﻞ ُ َﻟ ْ ُﻜ ُ َﻢ َﺍ ْ ﱠﺭ ُﺟ ُﻌ َﻮﺍ َﻓﺎ ْﺭﺟ َُﻳ ْﺆٰ َﺫ َ ُﻥ ْ َﻟ ُﻜ َْﻢ ْ ٌﺝ ﱠَﻭ ُﺇ ْ ْﻥ ِ َﻗ َ ﱠ ٌ َ ﷲ َﺑ ًَﻤﺎ َ� َ ْ َﻌ َﻤ ُﻠ َﻮ ْ َﻥ ُ ُ َﻋ ِﻠ ْ �یﱣ َﻴﻢﺎ ﺣ ﻌ َ ﺫ ِﻟﻜﻢ ﺧ�� ﻟ ِﻜﻢ ﻟﻌﻠ َﻜﻢ ﺗﺬﻛ ِﺮﻭﻥ ِ ﻓ ِﺈﻥ ﻟﻢ ﺗ ِﺠﺪﻭﺍ ِﻓ��ﺎ ﺍ ِﺣﺪﺍ ﻓﻼ ﺗﺪﺧﻠﻮه َ َ ُ َ ُْ َ ُ َ ْ َ ْ َ ً ُ ُ ُ ْ ُ ُ ُ ْ ُ َ َ ْ َ ٌ ْ َ ُ َ ْ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ٌ ﻮﻧ َﺔ َﻓ َُ��ﺎ ْ َ َﻣ َﺘ ُ ُ َ ﺎﻉُ ﱠﻟ َ ُﻜ ْﻢ َ ْ َﻭ َ ٌ ﷲ َ َ� ْ َﻌ َﻠ ُﻢ ْ ﺎ ﻣ ﻟﻱﻳﺆ ﺴ�ﻮ ﺃﺯ ٍ�ﻰ ِﻟﻜﻢ ﻭﷲ ِﺑﻤﺎ �ﻌﻤﻠﻮﻥ ﻋ ِﻠﻴﻢ ﺟﺇﻨﻥﺎﺡ ِﻗ ﺃﻴﻞﻥ ﻟ ﺗﻜﺪﻢﺧﺍﻠﺭ ِﻮﺍﺟﻌﺑﻴﻮﺍﻮﺗﻓﺎﺎﺭ ِﻏﺟ�ﻌ�ﻮﺍﻣ ه ﺲﺫﻥﻋﻠﻟﻴﻜﻜﻢﻢﺝ ﻭ ِ َ ٌ ُﺗ ْﺒ َ ُ ْﺪﻭ َ َﻥ َﻭ َ َﻣ َﺎ ْ َ ُﺗ ْﻜ ْ ُﺘ ُﻤ ُﻮ َ َﻥ ٌ ْﻥ َﺗ ْﺪ ُﺧ ُﻠﻮﺍ ُﺑ ُﻴ ًﻮﺗﺎ َﻏ ْ� َ� َﻣ ْﺴ ُ� َﻮﻧﺔ ﻓ َ��ﺎ َﻣ َﺘ ُ ﺎﻉ ﱠﻟ ُﻜ ْﻢ َﻭ َﷲ َ� ْﻌ َﻠ ُﻢ ﻣﺎ ﻟﻱﺲ ﻋﻠﻴﻜﻢ ﺟﻨﺎﺡ ﺃ ِ ٍ َ َْ َ ُ Translation: Translation: ﺗ ْﺒ ُﺪﻭﻥ َﻭ َﻣﺎ ﺗﻜ ُﺘ ُﻤﻮﻥ ﻁ
OOye yewho whobelieve! believe!Enter Enternot not houses houses other other than than your your own own until untilyou youhave have asked asked leave leave and and saluted the inmates thereof. That is better for you, that you may be heedful. And if you find saluted the inmates thereof. That is better for you, that you may be heedful. And if you find Translation: no one therein, do not enter them until you are given permission. And if it be said to you, no therein, do not not enter themother until you are given permission. Andasked if it be said to you, ‘Go OBack’ ye one who believe! Enter houses until youwhat have and then go back; that is purer for you.than And your Allahown knows well you do. leave It is no sin on your ‘Go Back’ then go back; thatThat is purer for you. And that Allahyou knows what youAnd do. Ityou is no sin saluted inmates thereof. better for maywell be heedful. find part to the enter uninhabited housesiswherein areyou, your goods. And Allah knows whatif you reveal on your part to enter uninhabited houses wherein are your goods. And Allah knows what no one therein, do not enter them untilCh.24:V.28-30) you are given permission. And if it be said to you, and what you conceal. (Surah Al-Nur,
you reveal and Al-Nur, Ch.24: V.28-30) ‘Go Back’ then gowhat back;you thatconceal. is purer(Surah for you. And Allah knows well what you do. It is no sin on your part to enter uninhabited houses wherein are your goods. And Allah knows what you reveal and what you conceal. (Surah Al-Nur, Ch.24: V.28-30)
َ ﻮﺕ ﻣ ْﻦ ُﻇ ُهﻮﺭ َهﺎ َﻭ َﻟﻜ ﱠﻦ ْﺍﻟ� ﱠ� َﻣﻦ ﱠﺍﺗ ﱣﻘﯽ ﺝ َﻭ ْﺃ ُﺗﻮﺍ ْﺍﻟ ُﺒ ُﻴ َ ﺲ ْﺍﻟ� ﱡ� ﺑ َﺎ ْﻥ َﺗ ْﺄ ُﺗﻮﺍ ْﺍﻟ ُﺒ ُﻴ ْ َﻭ َﻟ ْ ﻮﺕ ﻣ َ ﻦ ﻱ COMMANDMENT OF ENTERING ِ ِ ِ THROUGH DOORS ِ HOUSES ِ ِ ِ ِ INTO ْ ْ َ �َﺃ ْﺑ َ َﻮَ ْﺍ َ ﻮﺕ ﻣ ْﻦ ُﻇ ُهﻮﺭ َهﺎ َﻭ َﻟﻜ ﱠﻦ ْﺍﻟ� ﱠ� َﻣﻦ ﱠﺍﺗ ﱣﻘﯽ ﺝ َﻭﺃ ُﺗﻮﺍ ْﺍﻟ ُﺒ ُﻴ َ ﺲ ْﺍﻟ� ﱡ� ﺑ َﺎ ْﻥ َﺗﺄ ُﺗﻮﺍ ْﺍﻟ ُﺒ ُﻴ ْﻮﺕ ﻣﻦ َ ﺎ � ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ َﻭﻟ ِﻱ ِ ِ ِ ﺃ ْﺑ َﻮ ِﺍ� َ�ﺎ Translation: Translation: Andititisisnot notrighteousness righteousness that that you you come come into into houses houses by by the the backs backs thereof; And thereof; but but truly truly righteous righteous is he who fears God. And you should come into houses by the doors thereof. is he who fears God. And you should come into houses by the doors thereof. (Surah AlTranslation: (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ch.2:V.190) Baqarah, Ch.2:V.190) And it is not righteousness that you come into houses by the backs thereof; but truly righteous is he who fears God. And you should come into houses by the doors thereof. (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ch.2:V.190) (English Translation of the Holy Qur’an by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali Sahibra)
(English Translation of the Holy Qur’an by Hazrat Maulvi Sher Ali Sahibra)
A Saying of the Holy Prophet (May Peace and Blessings of Allah Ta’ala be Upon Him)
Allah Ta’ala likes that spiritual exercise which is carried out regularly
TRANSLATION: Hazrat Ayeshara relates that the Holy Prophetsaw came in when there was a woman with her.
He asked: who is she? Hazrat Ayeshara replied: She is so and so and told him about that
woman’s (excessive) prayer. The Holy Prophetsaw disapproved and said: You are required
to do only that much which you can carry out easily. Allah does not tire of you until you tire of Him. Allah likes that spiritual exercise best which a worshipper can carry out regularly. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Kitab ul Iman, Hadith no. 43, p.90)
EXPLANATORY NOTES: Allah Ta’ala likes that spiritual exercise best which a worshipper can carry out regularly: In
this Hadith, a woman is mentioned whose Salat was much talked about. The Holy Prophetsaw disliked this practice and said that you are required to do only that much which you can carry
out easily. It is not the practice (manner) of faith to start worshipping immoderately under
the influence of a temporary sentiment and not sustaining this condition once that passion is gone. A right faith is that in which actions are performed with perseverance and under
which one’s beliefs are devoid of logical complexity and actions are free of extremism. A state of such wisdom and love accompanies this pure faith, that makes worship the joy of a spirit, not labour. Otherwise with deficient faith, one is always in danger.
(Explanatary Notes, Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Kitab ul Iman, Hadith no. 43, pp.90-91)
ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥ ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥ
King of thePen ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﻢ
ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﻢ ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥ ﺍﻟﻘﻠﻢ
ا��ت از ��ات �ت ا��ت از ��ات �ت
TAKEN FROM THE WRITINGS ��اOF PROMISEDا زTHE EXTRACTSن اﻟْﻘَﻠ َ ِ ا�م ا�ۃ � �د �� � ا� �ت ت MESSIAH ,ا��ت ر او ر� ﻢ ﺎ ﻄ ﻠ ﺳ �م � � � اس �� ’’ ْ َ ا��ت از ��ات �ت � ��د � ا�ۃ ا�م HAZRAT MIRZA GHULAM AHMAD OF QADIAN ُ ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥر ﺍﻟﻘﻠ ُ ’’ا� �� � اس � � � �م ُﺳﻠ ْ َﻄﺎ ُ ن اﻟْﻘَﻠ َ ِﻢ ر� او ا��ت از ��ات �ت � ��د � رِ �دازى ذوا�� �� ا�ز �� � ا � �� ے �ا� ص �ر � � ���۔‘‘ ’’ا� �� � اس � � � �م ُﺳﻠ ْ َﻄﺎ ُ ن اﻟْﻘَﻠ َ ِﻢ ر� اور � �� ﺍﻟﻘﻠﻢ ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥ �� �ا ذوا�رِ �ر � �ص � �� � ا�ز �� � ا� �دازى � و� � ا� � د� �ں �� � � �� ���۔‘‘ � �م ُﺳﻠ ْ َﻄﺎ ُ ن اﻟْﻘَﻠ َ ِﻢ ر� اور �ے � � ِ ‘‘ ���۔ � ِ ر ذوا� � � ے � ر او ر� ﻢ ﻠ ﻘ اﻟ ن ﺎ ﻄ ﻠ ﺳ �م � � � اس � �� ’’ا� ى �داز � ا � � � ز ا� � � � � �ا � ر � ص � � َْ َ َْ ‘‘A � �� Iرت � �ں � � �س �� � و� � ا� � د� �ں � ُ� � ُ� �� � � اردو � ���۔‘‘ AS
ا��ت از ��ات �ت � ��د � ا�ۃ ا�م
particularly experience God’s miraculous power
llah the Almighty has named this humble one
)ا� � � 22 � 5ر� � 17ن 1901 � ��) ( 2ہ � (333 )ا� � � 22 � 5ر� � 17ن 1901 � ��) ( 2ہ � (333
)ا� � � 22 � 5ر� � 17ن 1901 � ��) ( 2ہ � (333 � ت �� � �ت )�� Penا ا��ا�ت از has called my pen when I put my pen ‘‘to ذوا�رِ paper. ے Whenever I write � � اس� of �’’ � �ص � ا�م اور ننۃ ر� ا� ِﻢ �د ﺎ ُ ن ��ﻄ � ﻠ َ (Kingنننننن اﻟْﻘَ �م ُﺳﻠ ْ َ � � � the �� �ں andد� � ا � � و � �� � � و �� �� �رت 1901 � ��) ( 2ہ � � � � (333ارد ���۔ں � � �س �� �ں � �� ا�ر � � � دے ر� � اور � ra ”the Dhulfaqar of ‘Ali . ��ہin Arabic or Urdu, I feel � �as �if ِ�someone isاو � و� � � � �� somethingاردو � �ر� دو �ں � � �ے � � ذوا�رِ � ���۔‘‘ � اور � ر� دے � � � � �� ا�ر � inں � � � ى � � � اردو � �� �رت � �ں � � �س �� instructing me from within. My whether 17writings,ذ ( 333 � ہ �� ) ( 2 � 1901 ن � � �ر 22 � 5 � ) ا� � � او ��ہ ىى ب ب �ز � ذوا�ر � ب � � اردو (333 � (The ��) Essenceہ ن 1901 � ( 2 � 22ر� 17 � �ِ 5 م of�Islam, Vol. � V, )155,اp. Tadhkirah, )p.� 333 � � ں � و د � �ر � و ارد � � � � � � � ى � ظ ا� � � � ى � � � � � ا �۔ � � Arabic, Urdu or Persian, are of two kinds: ’’ا� �� � اس � � � �م ُﺳﻠ ْ َﻄﺎ ُ ن اﻟْﻘَﻠَﻢ ر� اور � �ص �ر � �ا� �� � ا�ز �� � ا� ذ �ں � �� ا�ر � � � دے ر� � اور � ب ىى �ں � � �ر � بب م � � � ى � � � � � ا �۔ � � ���۔ �‘‘� � � � ارِ � �� اور �آ � ��ہ� � ا�ظ اور �� � �ے �� � � ا� � د� �ں �� � �ِ � � � او� و ذوا� ے � � ��ہ و ا � � � � ِ � اس � رو� �� � ا�م � � � رو � �ار �ى �� � � ں � و د � �ر � و ارد � � � � � � � ى � ذ � � � � ا � او ےس ��� آ � � � � � � � � م � � � رو � �ار � �ح � اور � � � � ا� � � � � � � � س ا � ر او �ں � ببب� ىى اردو � �� �رت � �ں � � � � ذ� �ر � د ذوا�ر � � � ا )ا� � � 22 � 5ر� � 17ن 1901 � ��) ( 2ہ � (333 م � ر ذوا� � ز � theirىى �ببب ا�( i ) Words and meanings keep unfolding �� �۔ � � �ں او ز�ر �� اس ز�دہ ذوا�م�ر � �� � درا� وہ � �ى د���� �� �� ذوا�ر � � � ��ز � ظ ا�ر � � � دے ر� � ا� �� � � � � � �ى �� � �ں � � � � ا �۔ � �� �I �ر زوا�ر � س � ذوا�ر � �� د� �ں � ا themselves before me and go on writing without اور �� � �ِ � � � او ��ہ � ر �ا � و ر � � � م ا� � � � � رو � س ا � � ہ ز�د � � � � � د� ى � � ہ و � درا � � � � ا � � ا � � � � � ا � � ر او ظ ا� � � � �ى �� � �� � � اردو � �ر� دو �ں too much difficulty. This is not something � � �ا �� � ذو َ beyondو بْج َھہ � �� � � � � َم ا ْ ر � � �ر � � � ذوا�ر َ َ ر اور �� � �ے � ذ � آ �� � اور � ا� � �� �ں اور � ىى ب ب ownر �ا � � ا�م ��evenا� �ر � � ifرو � � � �ا �� � ذو �notا�� س � ذوا� �ح � � � � � اس � � ا� � � � � and � ےظ د او ا� ذوا�ر � � � � اس ص ر� � � � � �ا� � رو� � ا mental capacity, � ب م � �� � �� �� �myز �� د� � � �ى �� � � �۔ر �ا �� �� � � ا ح � � � اس ے � I� wasد ا�ر اس ا�م � درا� ‘‘T hat is, ا�ر I see his hand, which flashes like �ں a sword accompanied by special Divine support, I could � � � � � � � � � � � س ا � ر او ر ذوا� � � � ر � � � زوا� � ز� � ا � ں � � س ا � � � � � � � � � � � ر ص � � � � � � � اس � �� �� � �� � � � اور �� � �ے �� آ �� � اور � ا� � د ذوا�ر � � � ا �س � ذوا�ر �� � ز�� � � � � � � �ے � ا وہح �م ے � اس �ح � � ا� � وا� �� � ر �ا � و ر � � � م ا� � � � � رو � س ا � in respect of incontrovertible arguments, and then still be able to write it with the help of His grace �� � ا� � و َب ج َ ْ و ذ � � �ا �� � � ہ � �� ھ ْ ا م ر � � َ �� وہ� اس � �� �� � � � � ا� �ر � � � � � �� � � �ز� �ت �اص ا� َ �ى َ س � �� � � �� Iا�� � himر � ا ز�دہ او �withں � � � � � و �� � درا � � �� �� � � ofا � � human � وہ see Dhulfaqar. necessary � � � �� د ذوا�ر د�� � ہ � اس � � � whichر � -ح � is�aذوا� ذوا�ر � � �مر ا � � �accompaniment ز�� زوا�ر � ا ں � � ز�� � ذوا�ر �� �۔� ا� �ص � � ا � � ح � س ا � ے د ے د � م ا� س ا ر ا� ا�رہ � ا � afterر � �expending ص � ا� �� � �ز � � � �facultiesان �� � � � �۔و � �-اور � � و � درا� وہ � �ى د�� �� � � ز though � a great deal � �� وہ ذوا�ر � �م ا� وof �ف ت � � �اس ت� ا �� � � � � � � � ر � ذوا� �� �� � ار � �� زوا�ر ر � � ز�� �ں ��� ا� � � � ا � � ا � � او ظ ا� ب ج َ � � � ْ و ذ � � �ا �� � � ہ � �� ھ و � ْ ا م ر � � This means that there was a time when ‘Ali (may َ َ � � ذوا�ر � ز�� � � � �ے �م وہ �� وا� � م � �� �ا � � َ� � � اس �ت � �ف ا�رہ � � وہ ا�� َم اور �۔و ا� ا�۔time. (God knows )best. �� � ا�ظ اور �� ا� �� � � ا� � ذوا�ر� � � س ا� ن� �� اور � و � �ن ا � � � heldا �� � ذو ہ � �� � � َو بْج َھ � � َم ا ْ َ َر Allah bless his countenance), the Dhulfaqar � � �ز� � ا ا� �ص ر� � �� � �� و ��� �� � ��� ا �۔� وہ �� اور اس � � ذوا�ر � �م دے �۔ا� ا�۔ ذوا�ر � � �م ا�� �� � �� � � � � � س ص ر �ہ � � � ا � � grantر � د � �ر � � ا�‘‘ر اس ا�م � دے دے � اس �ح � � ادو�ا � � ا � � س �ح ے � � ا ت ے theد قم �د� swordا� � اس �ى �� � ا�ر in his ;hand but God Almighty will � اور � ( ii ) The second part of my writings is completely ا�رہ � �� �ف �ت س � � � � �� �� س � �� �� � ا� � � �� � � و � اس � �� �� � � � Imam, � � � ا� ز��� � to this and his shining hand will accomplish nature.ر � � � �رق �مى� �� � دو��ا �ں � � �ےت �ر �م� ��� وہ � � �miraculousوا�� ا � � � �� �inاور وہ � � ذوا�ر � � � ( �375 � 4 � �� �ا وہ� وا�� I ،رو� )�ن ِ آ� ذوا�ر� � �دت ز�� � �ے � For� instance, when write ا� ا�۔ م � � ر ذوا� � � س ا ر او � � � ا ن � م ا� ہ و � � that which had been accomplished by Dhulfaqar � � �ز� �ت �اص ا�� � � �ر � � �andرت � �require � � � ا thatہ � � I doاور و تہ � �� و �� � ا��ظ ت � ا� � �inں اور � �ر ذوا�ر � �م �� وہ � �� � � �� ا � � � وہ �۔ something Arabic � a word � ( 375 � ا � � �ر � ا� ص ا�� �ا � �ز in the past. Thus his hand will seem as if it was the � ا م ذوا�ر � � ہ �� و � � � � ا � � ہ و � �۔ ‘‘ �۔ ے د � ا دو� � اور � � و� � � ان �� � � � guides � � �� revelationو � ا�ظ � �� � meرت � ا �and theاور Divineہ not know,و� � � � �� � � � � اس �ت � �ف ا�رہ
�ِ � � � او ��ہ ��ہ �ِ � � � او ذ �ز � ذوا�ر � بببىىمذ بى �ز � ذوا�ر � بب ى م � اس � رو� �� � ا�م � � � رو � �ار � � اس � رو� �� � ا�م � � � رو � �ار � �ح � � � � � اس � ذوا�ر � �� د� �ح � � � � � اس � ذوا�ر � �� د� �ں � ا� ز�� زوا�ر � � �ر � � � ذوا�ر � َں � ا� بج ز�� زوا�ر � � �ر � � � ذوا�ر � َو ْ َھہ � �� � � � �ا �� � ذو � � َم ا ْ َر و �۔ � � � � � ن ا � � � و � � ر او � � وہو ا�مبْج اور وہ � � ا� ا�۔ و� � � � �� � � � � اس �ت � �ف ا�رَہ ذوا�ر � �م ہ � ��� � �ن ا� �� اور اس � � َم ا� � و ذ � � �ا �� � � ھ ْ ر َ َ َ اور � � � ا�۔ دے دے � اس �ح دو�ا � �� س اے ا�� �۔م ‘‘� ا�م ر ا د � �دت � � � �رق � اى �� � � � وہ ا�م �ن ا� �� اور اس � � ذوا�ر � � � � �رت � � � ا� � � ا� � ا�ر اس ا�م � دے د ے � اس �حاو ر وہ � � � دے �۔‘‘ �ر � � � دو�ا � �ى �� � � �رق �دت � � � �� � �� � � ا�ظ � �رت � ا وا� �� وہ �م �ے � � � ز�� اور ذوا�ر � اور وہ � � � � � � ا� �� �رت � �ں )�ن ِ آ�� ،رو�� �ا� � ( 375 � 4 ذوا�ر �� وا� �� وہ �م �ے � � � ز�� � Maryam � �� � � وہ � ا�ظ � � � ا � �� �ت � �ر ذوا�ر � �م ا� �� وہ �۔� وہ او �ر � ا 5 �۔� وہ �� ا� �� � �� وہ ذوا�ر � �م ا� Holy Spirit puts that word in my heart in the form
of verbal revelation and causes it to flow over my tongue, and for an instant I am cut off from
the outer world. For instance, once when I was
writing in Arabic, I required a word that would
Dhulfaqar of ‘Alira that has reappeared. This also )�ن ِ آ�� ،رو�� �ا� � ( 375 � 4
and hisننننننن indicates that the said Imam will be ”pen will serve as Dhulfaqar.
[Haqiqat-ul-Wahi, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol. 118-119, ( 375 � 422, � �pp. رو�� �ا )�ن ِ آ�� ، ]The Essence of Islam, Vol I, p.197-198
God, being the Lord of everything, has the authority to reveal to my �� �م � � � ان � � �ا �� � و �ے دل � �زل �ے۔� � ز heart a � انfine from some �� �ا �� � و � � � مsentence � � �ے دل � �زل ر�� �� � اور وہ � و� � � �ح روح ا�س � � � �ن � � اس � ز�دہ ر�� �� � اور وہ � و� � � �ح روح ا�س � �ن � � اس � �� �رى � اور ز�نexquisite � ��ے دل � ڈا � � � ا��ت � ان ز��ں book, اور اسor an verse from �ے دل � ڈا� � اور ز�ن � �رى �� � اور اس ��ا��ت � ان ز و� � ا� � � �� �� �ں۔� �� �رت � � �� وا� � � ا��ى �ں۔� �� �رت �� �� � �book � و� � اor poetry. � � ��� وا � �ىsome ا� � � �ورت � � �� � � � � � �ا� ا�� � � اس
� � � �� � � ا� � � �ورت �ى ��� � �ا� ا � � � �رى �ل � �� � اور � �م � � �� � � � � � � اور � �مof �� � ى �لfamily’. � � �رSo much for Arabic, but even more surprising is � � � � � be the � �‘ر دل � وa� اlarge � � � � �جI سdid اور � �رت ا � � �دت ا� �ے �� � اورexact translation the لword I needed it اinتthat piece اور ذthe fact that I receive revelations in languages like �� و ا�ر دbut � � � س � �ج � �ر �� �دت ا� �ےnot know ح � ضفEnglish, writing. of a� sudden ننننن �رى � �the � ذword � �ف ڈا � � �Sanskrit or Hebrew, with which I have no � � � � � � � دof �ن � اThen all ض � �رmeans � �‘a � � family’, � فف ڈاwas � ح � into � � familiarity whatsoever. Some specimens of these � � � ( ا� �نdafaf), ىwhich large put � ا� � � �ورت � �� � � ��ل۔ �� �� � �ے �رmy �heart ا�رin the form of verbal revelation. Another were included in Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya. God, in � ا� � � �ور � �� � � ��ل۔ � ا�ر � �ےtime I ت convey the sense � رthat �� اوwould � � � � � � � � اورWhose � ��hand is my life, is my witness that this is � � � ا� � � �واہneeded �اa word due to grief or anger’, � �� اورspeechless � � � � �� � � � � � اورhow He has been dealing with me. This is one of � � � �ا � اof ‘becoming All� at �once �۔ اit. و�م � � وI�received � ا�ر دلthe � � مthe � signs � وہpertaining to matters of the unseen that � � �� � � � وہbut � اIر وdid � not know (wujum). �� و�م۔ ا �� � وہ � �م � � � ا�ر دل � وcontinue to be revealed to me in various forms. � �ر و� ا� � وہrevelation � �� �� �ات � �ل �۔�� ��وں � و � �� �ے � � � �۔ � �thing ں � و �۔�� ��و ت � �لto �اwhole �� � My God cares not if any phrase that is revealed � � �� �ےThe same happens with regard �ح دل � وارد � � ��� � �� �ات و � �آن �� � � � �رin Arabic. the process of writing �ح دل � واردDuring � � � و �� � �� �اتto me happens to figure in some Arabic, Sanskrit � � �� �آنsentences �of� complete � � �� sentences �� �� اdescend � � � � اورor�English �� book, because for me it is a matter � � � �� � داArabic, � � نhundreds ا heart, in � the of � verbal � �� either �� ا �� form � � � اور �� of the unseen. For instance, God Almighty has ان � � � � داupon �my� � � �آ آ�ت � on اورa paper د� د� �۔ �اتmany episodes from the Torah in the Holy �� � � � � �دrevelation � ﷺor in the form of �ات a writing related آ�تto �ات �۔ اور � د� د �اتQuran, and has included them in the category of � � � � ﷺwhich �is �آ shown me by� an angel. Some of these ر �۔او �ف �ڑے � �� ��� � � ا � �� راز � � � و � �۔ are verses of the Holy Quran, or similar �۔اور �� � � ا� �� � �ڑے �فthe unseen, because they were the unseen for the � � �۔� � رازsentences to them I تHoly Prophet , though not for the Jews. This is �� ںmodification. � �� � �Sometimes � � � �ت �� او � �� �� � � �� � � � with minor a certain Arabic �� out �ںlater �� that � � � � ت � �sentence � او�تwhy I challenge the whole world to compete with � �� � � � only find � ا� �ا � و � ف � in�face �� � �ا م � � � �ور اوthat � آدhad اور اbeen revealed to � me by� God was me�in �ہ writing a miraculous exegesis of the Holy �� و � �God, �فbeing � �� the �Lord � �اof �ہQuran in eloquent Arabic. Otherwise what is a � � اور ا� آدمpresent �اin�a� ا certain book. ��ا � � ا � � �� د �� � �بmere وہ �ںmortal, � and what power does a son of Adam �� � �وے۔everything, � د� � اhas the authority to reveal to my heart �� � �from ��� � اbook, � ��دan �ب � وہ �ںhave to arrogantly challenge the whole world?” � � �� � د� � اa fine اsentence exquisite � �ہsome � � � � رor ا�ر � � �� � اس � وہ verse from book poetry. � �ہsome � � � � رor ا�ر � � �� � اس � وہ (The � �ب � � �� �ہ � � د�ان � �ر و �Essence �ہof Islam, Vol. V, pp. 156-158, Nuzul-ul-Masih, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 18, pp. 434-436) -436 � 18 � ��ہ � �ب � � �� �ہ � � د�ان � �ر و� ) �ول � ۔ رو�� �ا saw
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The Life and Character of the Seal of Prophets Extracts taken from the book ‘The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets saw “Sirat Khātamun-Nabiyyīn” By Hadhrat Mirza Bashir Ahmadra M.A Translated by Ayyaz Mahmood Khan
Migration to Abyssinia When the suffering of the Muslims had reached its limit and the Quraish continued to aggravate the affliction of the Muslims, the Holy Prophetsaw
instructed Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia, and said, “The king of Abyssinia is just and equitable. None are subjected to oppression under his rule.” The country of ‘Ḥabashah,’ which is known as Ethiopia or Abyssinia in the English language, is situated to the north-east in the continent of Africa. It is exactly opposite to southern-Arabia and with the exception of the Red Sea, no country intercedes it. During that era a strong Christian sovereignty was established in Abyssinia and the king was referred to as the Negus. As a matter of fact, the ruler there is still called upon by the same name. Arabia had business relations with Abyssinia, and in the era that we are currently mentioning, the capital of Abyssinia was Axsun, which is located near the present-
day city of Adowa, and until now is considered a sacred city. In those days, Axsum was the centre of a very powerful sovereignty. During that time, the personal name of the Negus was Aṣḥamah, who was a just, intelligent and powerful king. In any case, when the pains of the Muslims reached their limits, the Holy Prophetsaw instructed that those who could afford should migrate to Abyssinia. Therefore, upon the instruction of the Holy Prophetsaw, in the month of Rajab 5 Nabawī, eleven men and four women migrated to Abyssinia. The well-known names among them were as follows: Ḥaḍrat ‘Uthmān bin ‘Affānra and his wife Ruqayyahra the daughter of the Holy Prophetsaw, ‘AbdurRaḥmān bin ‘Aufra, Zubair bin Al-‘Awwāmra, Abū Ḥudhaifah bin ‘Utbahra, ‘Uthmān bin Maẓ‘ūnra, Muṣ‘ab bin ‘Umairra, Abū Salamah bin ‘AbdulAsadra and his wife Ummi Salamahra. It is very strange that a majority of these
pioneer immigrants were those who belonged to powerful tribes of the Quraish, and the weaker were few and far between. This illustrates two things: firstly, even those who belonged to the powerful tribes of the Quriash were not safe from the cruelties of the Quraish. Secondly, weak people such as slaves, etc., at that time were in such a grave state of weakness and misery that they were not even able to migrate. Travelling south, when the immigrants reached Sha‘ībah, which was a sea-port in Arabia at that time, by the Grace of Allāh they found a trade ship which was just ready to leave for Abyssinia and thus, all of them boarded in security. When the Quraish were informed of this, they were deeply enraged that this ‘prey’ has slipped our hands. Hence, they pursued these immigrants, but when their man reached the coast, the ship had already departed, and for this reason
they returned dissapointed. Upon reaching Abyssinia the Muslims found a life of great peace and protection from the cruelties of the Quraish after much difficulty and prayers. (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophetssaw, p. 205206)
A Rumour of the Quraish’s Acceptance of Islam and the Return of Some Immigrants from Abyssinia However, as some historians have mentioned, it had not been long since the immigrants had migrated to Abyssinia, when a wandering rumour reached them that all of the Quraish had accepted Islām, and Makkah was now a place of complete peace and security. The result of this news was that most immigrants returned immediately and when they reached near Makkah, they found that this news was false. Now they were confronted with great difficulty. Ultimately, some returned, while others secretly or under the protection of an influential and powerful individual, entered Makkah. This incident occurred in Shawwāl of 5 Nabawī. In other words, the duration between the commencement of migration and the return of the immigrants was only two and a half to three months. As we have mentioned above, the migration to Abyssinia
occurred in the month of Rajab and the supposed return date of the immigrants is mentioned to be in Shawwāl. In actuality, although this was a completely false and unsubstantiated rumour, which was probably spread in order to lure the immigrants to Abyssinia back and to put them in difficulty. As a matter of fact, on closer investigation, this rumour and the tale of the immigrants’ return, in itself, seems to be baseless. Nonetheless, if it is taken as true, the incident motioned in various Aḥādīth could be hidden beneath the surface. As mentioned in Bukhārī, once the Holy Prophetsaw recited
verses of Sūrah An-Najm in the courtyard of the Ka‘bah. At that time, many a chieftain of the infidels were also present, along with the Muslims. When the Holy Prophetsaw completed the chapter, he fell into prostration and with him all the Muslims and infidels fell into prostration as well. The reason behind the prostration of the disbelievers has not been mentioned in Aḥādīth, but it seems that apparently the Holy Prophetsaw recited the verses of God in such a manner as touched the cords of heart. Those verses were such as particularly illustrated the unity of God, His Power, and Majesty in an extremely eloquent and perspicuous manner, and His favours were reminded of. Then, the
Quraish were warned in a very majestic and awe-inspiring manner, that in case they did not refrain from their evil doings they would meet the same end as past nations because they rejected the Messengers of God. Then, at the conclusion of these verses it was ordered that come and prostrate before Allāh. After the recitation of these verses, the Holy Prophetsaw and all the Muslims fell into prostration at once, and as a result, these words and this sight had such a miraculous effect on the Quraish, as they also fell into prostration involuntarily. This should not be surprising, for under such circumstances, as have been mentioned above, the human heart, at times, falls in awe and powerlessly commits such a deed as is against its actual principles and religion. Therefore, at times, we have witnessed that during a severe and sudden affliction, even an atheist cries out, ‘O God! O God!’ or ‘O Rām Rām!’ The Quraish were not even atheist, and they actually believed in the being of God. Hence, after the recitation of this majestic word, full of awe, the community of Muslims all at once fell into prostration; it had such a miraculous effect, that the Quraish powerlessly fell into prostration as well. However, such an influence is usually temporary, and man quickly returns to his original state. As such, same was
the case here, for when the Quraish rose from prostration, they remained the very same idolaters they were before.
in their infliction of suffering, and their tyrannies were increasing day by day, other Muslims, upon the instruction of the Holy Prophetsaw, began secret preparations to migrate as well. They began to leave gradually whenever they could find an opportunity to do so. This chain of migration began such as ultimately the number of immigrants to Abyssinia reached 101, 18 of which were women. Very few Muslims were left in Makkah with the Holy Prophetsaw. Some historians have called this migration ‘The Second Migration to Abyssinia’. (The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophetssaw, p. 206-
In any case, this occurrence is such as is substantiated by authentic Aḥādīth. Hence, if the news of the return of the immigrants to Abyssinia is in fact true, it seems that the Quraish (who were everlonging to have the immigrants of Abyssinia return) probably utilised this action to spread the rumour that the Quraish of Makkah had become Muslim, and that Makkah was now completely safe for Muslims. When this rumour reached the immigrants of Abyssinia, they were naturally 208) delighted to hear it, and in Endnotes the fervour of their delight, 1 *As-Sīratun-Nabawiyyah, By Abū they quickly returned. When Muḥammad ‘Abdul-Malik bin Hishām, they were near Makkah, they p. 237, Bābu Dhikril-Hijratil-Ūlā ilalwere enlightened of the Arḍil-Ḥabashah, Dārul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah, actual matter at hand, upon Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (2001) * Tārīkhuṭ-Ṭabarī, By Abū Ja‘far which some secretly, and Muḥammad bin Al-Jarīr Ṭabarī, Volume others under the protection 2 Tārīkhuṭ-Ṭabarī, By Abū Ja‘far of a powerful and influential Muḥammad bin Al-Jarīr Ṭabarī, Volume Chieftain of the Quraish, 2, p. 233, Bābu Dhikril-Khabri ‘ammā entered Makkah, while others kāna min Amri Nabiyyillāhisa ‘inda Ibtidā’illāhi Ta‘ālā, Dārul-Fikr, Beirut, set back again. Therefore, Lebanon, Second Edition (2002) if there was any truth in the 3 Chambers’ Encyclopedia, Volume 1, rumour that the Quraish Under the word: “Axum”, Edition 1871 became Muslim, it was merely 4 Sharḥul-‘Allāmatiz-Zarqānī ‘alalunder the protection of a confined powerful and Chieftain the Quraish, entered toinfluential the incident of of the Mawāhibil-Ladunniyyah, By Muḥammad Makkah, while others set back again. Therefore, if there was any truth in the rumour prostration recitation that the Quraish became Muslim, it was upon merely the confined to the incident bin of the ‘Abdul-Bāqī Az-Zarqānī, Volume 1, p. 506, Bābul-Hijratil-Ūlā ilal-Arḍilof chapter An-Najam. prostration upon the recitation of chapter An-Najam.
‘Arabī, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (1996) 6
As-Sīratun-Nabawiyyah, By Abū
Muḥammad ‘Abdul-Malik bin Hishām, p. 238, Bābu Dhikril-HijratilŪlā ilal-ArḍilḤabashah, Dārul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (2001) 7
*Aṭ-Ṭabaqātul-Kubrā, By Muḥammad
bin Sa‘d, Volume 1, p. 98, Bābu Dhikri Hijrati man Hājara min Aṣḥābi Rasūlillāhisa ilā Arḍil-Ḥabashati filMarratil-Ūlā, Dārul-Iḥyā’it-Turāthil‘Arabī, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (1996) * Sharḥul-‘Allāmatiz-Zarqānī ‘alalMawāhibil-Ladunniyyah, By Muḥammad bin ‘Abdul-Bāqī Az-Zarqānī, Volume 1, p. 505, Bābul-Hijratil-Ūlā ilal-ArḍilḤabashah, Dārul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (1996) 8
Sharḥul-‘Allāmatiz-Zarqānī ‘alal-
Mawāhibil-Ladunniyyah, By Muḥammad bin ‘Abdul-Bāqī Az-Zarqānī, Volume 2, p. 16, Bābu Dukhūlish-Sha‘bi wa Khabriṣ-Ṣaḥīfah, Dārul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebehon, First Edition (1996) 9
* Aṭ-Ṭabaqātul-Kubrā, By Muḥammad
bin Sa‘d, Volume 1, p. 99, Bābu Dhikri Sababi Rujū‘i Aṣḥābin-Nabiyyisa min Arḍi Ḥabashah, Dārul-Iḥyā’it-Turāthil‘Arabī, Beirut, Lebanon, First Edition (1996) 10
Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī, Kitābut-Tafsīr, Sūratul-
Qamar, Bābu Fasjudū lillāhi Wa‘budūhu, Ḥadīth No. 4862 11
An-Najm (53:63)
Sharḥul-‘Allāmatiz-Zarqānī ‘alal-
Mawāhibil-Ladunniyyah, By Muḥammad bin ‘Abdul-Bāqī Az-Zarqānī, Volume 2, p. 32, Bābul-Hijratith-Thāniyati ilalḤabashata wa Naqḍiṣ-Ṣaḥīfah, DārulKutubil-‘Ilmiyyah, Beirut, Lebehon, First Edition (1996)
Ḥabashah, Dārul-Kutubil-‘Ilmiyyah,
Beirut, First Edition (1996) In any case, if the immigrants of Abyssinia did in fact return, a majority of themLebanon, set In any case, if the immigrants back again. Moreover, since the Quraish continued to progress in their infliction of 5 Aṭ-Ṭabaqātul-Kubrā, By Muḥammad suffering, and their tyrannies were increasing by day, other Muslims, upon the of Abyssinia didday in fact return, bin Sa‘d, Volume 1, p. 98, Bābu sa instruction of the Holy Prophet , began secret preparations to migrate as well. They majority them back to doDhikri began to leave gradually a whenever they of could find anset opportunity so. This chain Hijrati man Hājara min Aṣḥābi of migration began such as ultimately the number of immigrants to Abyssinia reached Rasūlillāhisa ilā Arḍil-Ḥabashati filagain. Moreover, since the 101, 18 of which were women. 12 Very few Muslims were left in Makkah with the Holy Marratil-Ūlā, Dārul-Iḥyā’it-TurāthilQuraish continued to progress have called this migration ‘The Second Migration to Prophetsa. Some historians Abyssinia’.
(The Life & Character of the Seal of Prophets(saw), p. 206-208)
Prescribed Prayers by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba Friday Sermon 30 May 2014
1 Prescribed Prayers by Hazrat Masih Vaba – 30 Friday escribed Prayers by Hazrat Khalifatul MasihKhalifatul Vaba – Friday Sermon May Sermon 2014 30 May 2014
ِ ِ ِ ِ ﲪ ِﻦ ﺑِاﻟﱠﺮﺴِﺣِﻢﻴ ِﻢ ﲪ ِﻦ اﻟﱠﺮِﺣﻴ ِﻢ ٰ ْ اﷲ اﻟﱠﺮ ْ ٰ ْ ﺑ ْﺴﻢ اﷲ اﻟﱠﺮ ِ اﳊَ ِﻤ ُﺪﲔ ﻟِٰﻠّ ِ� ر ﱢ ﲪ ِﻦ اﻟﱠﺮِﺣﻴ ِﻢ ﲔ ْٰ ْ اﳊَ ْﻤ ُﺪ ﻟِٰﻠّ ِ� َر ﱢ َ ب اﻟْ َﻌﺎﻟَﻤ َ َ ْ َب اﻟْ َﻌﺎْﻟ ِ ﱢ ِﲪ ِﻦ اﻟﱠﺮِﺣﻴ ِﻢ ﻣﺎﻟِاﻟﱠﺮ ِ ِﲪﻳـِﻦﻮِماﻟﱠﺮاﻟِﺣﺪﻴﱢﻳِﻢِﻦ ﻣﺎﻟ ﲔ ﻚ ﻳَـ ْﻮِم اﻟﺪﱢﻳ ِﻦ ٰ ْ اﻟﱠﺮ َ ب اﻟْ َﻌﺎﻟَﻤ َ َ ْ َ ٰ ْﻚ ِ ِﺑِﺴ ِﻢ ِِﲪ ِﻦ ِاﻟﱠﺮِﺣﻴ ﻢ ﺮ اﻟ اﷲ ٰ ِﺎك ﻧَﺴﺘَﻌ ِ ِِﻢ ﻣﺎﻟ ْ ﱠ ِ ِ ﲔ ﻌ ﺘ ﺴ ﻧ ﺎك ﻳ إ و ﺪ ﲔ ﻳ إ و ﺪ ﺒ ﻌ ـ ﻧ ﺎك ﻳ إ َْ ﻚ ﻳَـ ْﻮِم اﻟﺪﱢﻳ ِﻦ إﻳﱠ ُ ْ َ ﺎك ﻧَـ ْﻌﺒُ ُ َ ﱠ َ َﱠ ََْ َ ُُْ ُ َ ﱠ َ ٰ ِ ِ ِ ﲔ ْ�ا ِ اﳊَِﺪْﻧﻤَﺎُﺪ اﻟﻟﻠّ�ﱢ ر ﱢ ِ َ وإِﻳﱠ َ ِب اﻟْﻌﺎﻟَِﻤ ﲔ ﻴﻢ ﻴﻢاﻟ ﱢ ْ ُ ﺎك ﻧَ ْﺴﺘَﻌ َِ ﺼَِﺮاَ َط اﻟْ ُﻤَِْا�ِْﺴﺪﺘَﻧَﻘﺎ َ ﺼَﺮا َط اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَﻘ ِﻳﻦ �ﺎكﻢ �ﺪ ﻠَاﻟِﺬﻴَوإ�ﺪﻳِﱠﱢﻳ �ﺮا إﻳﱠﻳَـ ﻚ ﲪ َطِﻦ ااﻟﻟﱠﺮِﺬﺣﻴﻳﻦِﻢ أﻣَﻧـﺎﻟ ٰ ْاﻟِﺻﱠﺮﺮا ِ ِ ﲔ ﻏﻌ ﻦمﻧَ أَْﺴﺘ ﻮﻧَـمْﻌاﺒ ﺎك ِ ِ ِ ﱠ َ� َﺖ � ر ) � وا د � ، � وا � � ا � �۔ �رب ں �� � ْ � � وام � � ا � �۔ �� �� وا � � اور)(اور(� �رر � �رر ر �� وا � د � � � ،� وا � � �� � ر �ِ� ا �ﻀ �� � �ﻐ �ا �ﻟْم � ر �ﲑ ﻏا ُ ﻴﻢ َط اﻟْ ُﻤ ْﺴﺘَ ِﻘ ﻮب ﻀ ﻐ ﻤ ﻟ ا ﲑ ﻋ ﻤ ﻌ َ ﻮب ﻤ ﻢ � ﻴ ﻠ ﻋ ﺖ ﻤ ﻌ ـ ﻧ ﻟ ط ﺻ ُ ْ ُ َ َ َ ْ ّ ْ ْ ْ ُ ُ َ ت ْ َ َ ْ ت َ ْ َ ْ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ ِ ﺼﺮا َط اﻟْﻤ � ُ� �� د� وا� )اور( �ر �ر ر� � ُ� وا،� �رب �۔ � ا� ر� �� وا � � � � �م ��ں ﻴﻢ إِﻳﺎك ﻧـﻌﺒﺪ وإِﻳﺎك ﻧﺴﺘْا�ﻌِِﺪﻧَﺎ � �۔�م �� �اہ �ر ��۔ � � او �� م ر � � � � � � � ا � � � �� و �� � � � ن �۔ ا � � �را � � � � � ۔ �م را ں،� �� � ن �۔ �ا ��� را �� او ّر� ں را ْ ُﲔاﻟ �ﱢا َ� د َ� �ﺴ ﺘَﻘ � � � �۔ د � � � � � ت �د � ى � �۔ � ن ا �� وا ا� �ر � �ر ( ��)� و � �اور �۔ وا � د � � � وا ر ا � � � م � � � ا َﻮبَﻟﱢ ﻋ ْﲔﻠَْﻴ َﻦ أَﻧْـ َﻌ ْﻤ ﻀَاﻟ ﱠﻀِﱠﺎ ﺖ َﻋﻠَْﻴ ِ� ْﻢ َﻏﻋﱠْﻠَِْﻴﲑَِ� اْﻢﻟَْ ْﻤَُوَْﻐُﻻ �َِ�۔ِﺻَْﺮاﻢ �َطَُواَﻟﱠﻻِﺬ َﻳﻦاﻟ أَﻧْـﻀَﻌﱠﺎْﻤﻟﱢ َﲔ �� ﻮب �۔ �ا �ا � دن � �� �۔ �ى � � �دت �� � اور � � � �د ِ ﻀ ُ َ َ ُﺖَ َﻋﻠَْﻴ ِ� ْﻢ َﻏ ِْﲑ اﻟْ َﻤ ْﻐ ت ت ِ �۔ِﻢا ِ ِ�ِ �را ِ �ٰا � ��۔ �ہ �� �ا � اور � �� ر � � ا � � ں� ُ و � � ��م را � ا۔ ن �۔ � � � � را ﲪ ِﻦں اﻟﱠﺮِﺣﻴ اﷲ ٰ�� ْ ﻀﱠﺎﻟﱢاﻟﱠﺮ � �اہ رdidst �ربم� �۔ او � � � �� � ں ا� �م � ِﻢ را ِ� � ٍ� � ٍُ و ن رand � �رhis (Muhammad اورpeople ) � د� واas� � ��۔ �his ،� وا �Abraham � � �� ا �۔ �� ��� � � O� ر Allah, and people as Thou Abraham and his ad Thou didst bless and his ﻟ ا ط ا ﺮ ﺼ اﻟ ﺎ ﻧ ﺪ ْ ﲔ ﻴﻢ ﺑَوَْﺴﻻٍ اﻟ ﻤ ٰﺴﺘََﻋﻠَﻘْﻴ� ْﻢ َ ﱢ ٍ ّ bless َ َ ِ ﻟﻀﱠﺎﻟﱢ ٰ ٰ ٰ ٰ ُ ْ َ َ ﲔ ﺪ ﻤ ﳏ آل ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ و ﺪ ﻤ ﳏ ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ ﻞ ﺻ ﻢ ﺪ ﻤ ﳏ آل ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ و ﺪ ﻤ ﳏ ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ ﻞ ﺻ ﻢ � ﻠ ﻟ ا َُ ﱠ ُ اَﻟْﻠّ ُ� ﱠ َ ﱢ َ َ ّ ُ اَﻟٰﻠﱠّ�ُﱠﻢَ ﱠ ْاﳊَ ْﺻَﻤ ُﺪﻞﱢﻟِٰﻠِّ�ﻋَٰﻠَرَﻰﱢبَ اﻟَُْﻌﳏﺎﻟَﱠﻤِﻤٍﺪ َﲔ وُﻋَٰﻠﱠﻰ Thou art indeed the Exalted. raiseworthy, thePraiseworthy, Exalted. َ َ ٍ آل ﱠَ ُﳏَﱠﻤ ِ ﺪ َِ َ َ ِ َِِِ ِ َِ ِ ُ َ ﱢ �� اور � � � �د �� �۔ �� OتAllah, � � �دMuhammad � �۔ �ىand � � نhis � دpeople ۔ �ا �اas�Thou ِ ِﲪَِﻢﻴِﻦ�اﻟ didst his ﺖﱠﺮﻋْﻢاﻟﻠَوﺣﱠﻴﺮ ْﻰﻋﻢٰﲪٰﻋﻠَِإﻣﻦِﻠَﻏ ﺻِِاﻟا�ﺻﱠﺮﻠَﱠْﻋﻠﱠﺴْﻴﻴٰﻠ ﺖ ﻳﻦﻤ ٍﺪأﻋَﻧْﻠـ َﻌﻛﻰْﻤ آلﺻاﻠﱠﻟﱠﻴِﺬ ﺻﻤَﺮاﺎ َط اﻟﻤﺪﱢﻳِْﻐ ِﻦbless ْﺑـﺎﻟْﻰاﻟﺮﱠﻰﺮِﲑا�ﻚِﺣﻴﻳَـﻴﻢِْﻢإﻮِامِﺑﻟAbraham اﷲ ﺑand ِ ِ �� ر �� آل � ؑ اور �� � ��� ر �� � �� ر � ل آ� �� ل ےن ا ﷺ� آ ااو � � � � ُ ِﻮب � ا ن ح � � ا �� �زل ا�ا رBless, � � آ آل ��او ا�ار ﷺ ِ َ ِ ِﻀ ح �ز� ل � ل ن ن ر ا ل او ؑ � �ز ا � � تح � �ز ل ر� ا ر ا� ان ﷺﺮ اوِر �ِ �ے ا ا ﻰے ﻴﻢا ا ْ ٰ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ُﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َو َﻋ ِْ ا�إ ٰ ٰآل َﻋَﺮ َ �ا ﺮ ـ ﺑ آل ﻰ ﻠ و ﺖ ﺎ ﻤ ﻛ ﳏ ﻰ ﻠ ﻴﻢ ﺮ ـ ﺑ إ ﻴﻢ ﺮ ـ ﺑ إ ﺖ ﻛ ﻴﻢ ـ ﺑ إ آل ﻠ ﻋ و ﻴﻢ �ا ـ ﺎ ﻤ َ َِ َِٰ ََ ْْ ََِ َ َْ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ َُ ﱠ َ َْﺎكْ َﻧﺴِﺘﻌَِﲔ people. Thou artُ indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted. َ َ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ َ ِ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ � � � � � � اور � �اہ �� ا� ر�م � ��۔ وا � �� وا� و �� � � � �ر را �� �۔ ا � �� م � ا � �۔ ��ر �ر ( � )اور �۔� د ،��� وا وا � � �� ا اور �ن � � � �� �م � � ا۔ ْ ِ إِﻳﱠ َروإﻳﱠﱢ.ﺎكﻤ ُﻧﺪَـِﳎْﻌﻴﻟﺒُﻠّﺪُ�ﺪ ُﲔ � ں � رى � �� � � �� ���را2 َ ب َاﻟْ َﻌَﺎﻟَْ َﻤ ْاﳊٌََﺪ ﱠﻚ َﲪﻴ ﻋﻠَﻴ ِ�ﻢ وَﻻ اﻟِﻀﱠﺎﻟﱢﲔ إ ٌِ َ� َ ےﻧ ا �۔ �� � وا آ � �ر � ا او�ر � � � � � � ��� �ر�� وا� وا� �۔ �ر � �رى � اور � � ا�ا۔ ��� ِ ِ ِآل ِ ِ ِ ِْ ﻚ ِ � �ن � � � او� �رى ا ؑ � ر ّ � � � � ��ح �� ل�۔ � �ز ر � ل آ � ن ا ر او ﷺ � � ِ َﲪَﻴ إٌِﺪﺑْـﺮَﳎا�ﻴ ٌﺪ ا � ل � �ز ر � (� وا ر� )اور � ل � د � ، � وا � �۔ �رب ں � �م � � � ْ ﺖ َﻋﻠَﻰ إِﺑْـﺮ ِا�ﻴﻢ و َﻋ ٰﻠإِﻧﱠَﻰ ﻴﻢ ﻘ ﺘ ﺴ ﻤ ﻟ ا ط ا ﺮ ﺼ اﻟ ﺎ ﻧ ﺪ �ا ِ ْ ِ ِ َ ﱢ ﻦ ﱢﻳ ﺪ اﻟ م ﻮ ـ ﻳ ﻚ ﺎﻟ ﻣ ﻢ ﻴ ﺣ ﺮ اﻟ ﻦ ﲪ ﺮ اﻟ ٰ َ َ ْ . ﺪ ﻴ ﳎ ﺪ ﻴ ﲪ ﻚ ٍ إِﻧﱠ َاَﻟ ٰﻠّ� ﱠﻢَ ﺑﱠﺎٌِْرْك َ ﱠﻋَٰﻠٌﻰ َ ُُﳏ ْﱠﻤ ٍﺪَ َْ وﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ِآل ُﳏ ﱠﻤ.ﻴﻢ َ َ َ ﺪ َ َ َ َ َ َُِ إِﻳ �� � � � � � �د �Thou �� � اور � �دتand bless � �ىhis �۔ � � � �ا � دنas �ا �۔his O Allah, Muhammad and his �۔ as didst Abraham and ِ ﻀ ِﺎكﻧْـ َﻌَﻧَْﻤﺴﺘََﻌ Bless, Opeople Allah, Muhammad people َِﺎك َطﻧَـ ْﻌاﺒﻟﱠُﺪَِﺬ وإ ََﻳﻦﻳﱠٰ أ ﻮب ﲔََﻋِﻠََْﻴ ِ� ْﻢ َﻏ ِْﲑ اﻟْ ٍَﻤَ ْﻐ ﺖ ﺻَﺮا ٍ ٰ َ ُ ﱠ ر� �� تprosper � � ا � م � �۔ � وا � � � ر ر � ر � ( اور ) � وا � د � � � ، � وا � ا � � � � � م � � � ا ٰ ُ ُ َ ْ ﺪ ﻤ ﳏ آل ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ و ﺪ ﻤ ﳏ ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ ﻞ ﺻ ﻢ � ﻠ ﻟ ا �۔ � وا � �ر ى � ر او � � � � � � � ۔ ��� ِ ِ O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst Abraham mmad andindeed his people as �زل �Thou � � � � �ا آہ لthe اوExalted. ؑ � ا�اprosper � � �� ح � و � �ز � � � ل آلَ إِﱠﺑـﺮٍا� ٰﻴﻢ ا ُ � � ُِ ٍ اََﻟ ٰﻠّّ�ُ ﱠﻢﱠ ﺑﺎَِرْﱢك َﻋ ٰﻠاَﻟ ٰﻠّﻰ� َﻛﱠﻢَﻤﺎُُﳏَ ﺑَﱠﱠﺎﺑﻋﻤَﻠَا�رﺎْﻴﻛﺪٍِﺪ�ﻧِرﺎَﻢﺖْكاﻟوََﻋﻻﺼَٰﻠوﺮااﻟﻰَﻋطٰﻀﻋﻠإﱠﺎِاٰﻠﺑﻟﱢْْـَﺮﻤﻰﲔﻰا�ﺴﺘ َِﻘﻴﻢﻴﻢَوَُِﻋﳏٰﻠﻰ Thou art Praiseworthy, ��۔ � نdidst �ر او ار � � � �� �۔Abraham �ل ا� ��م ��� را آ � �۔ ا �ِ � � �ﻰے ارا .ِﳎﻴ ٌﺪ َﻋﻠ ﷺنُ �ﳏَاوم ��ر اﱠﻤں ن ٍﺪ آل Thou Abraham his people. �� واPraiseworthy, � � رdidst )اور( �ر �رbless �� د� وا � � ،� وا �� �� رand �۔ � ا �رب � �Thou � � َ َ َ ْ َُ َََ َََ ُ َ ََِْ ْ َ ْ َ ﱢ people. Thou art indeed the Exalted َآل ﱠﻤﺪُﳏَِﱠﻤََْوﺪ ndeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted ّ ��ں ُ َ ٰ ﻛﻤﺎ ﺻﻠﱠﻴﺖ ﻋﻠﻰ إِﺑـﺮ اَﻟ � ا�ا� ؑ اور ان � آل � رart � � �۔ � �ز� ل � �� رMuhammad ل ن ﷺ� او � � � �� ح � �� �دPraiseworthy, � � �O � � اور ت �� آ �د � �۔ر ا�ى � � � دن ��ا �اpeople ے ا�۔ indeed the Exalted. ﻀاﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍِﺪ اﻟِْآلThou آلَﻋٍﺪ ﺖُﳏَِِﱠﻤ �ﺮاﱠﻢAbraham �ا ﻴﻢَطﺖاﻟﱠَﺻَوِﺬوﱢﻞﻋََﻋ ﻮب ﻴﻢﻤ ْﻐ ﻠَْﻴ ِ�ِإَِِْﻢوﺑْـَﻋ ٰﻠﺮَﻏﻰِْﲑdidst ﻰَﻌ ﻳﻦٰٰﻠﻋأَٰﻧﻠْـ and his prosper ُ ٰas ُا�ﻠِّﺻ ِ ِ ن ا ت َ ﻰﻰْﻤ َ ِ َ ِ ِ � ��� ا �� آل � ؑ اور �� � ��۔ �حProsper, � ��� � �ر �ز � � � ل آ � ا ر او ﷺ � � � ا ے ا ن ح � � ا �� �زل ا�ا �� آ �اہ ل لن� او � � ا رAllah, � او ﷺ � � ے ا ٰ َ َ َ آلََرْﻛْ َُﳏ ﻴﻢ �ا ﺮ ـ ﺑ إ آل ﻰ ﻠ ﻴﻢ �ﺖَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪَﻋَٰﻠَ َﻛﻰ َﻤﺎإِﺑْـََْﺮﺑَﺎِا ك َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ُﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َو َﻋ ٰﻠ َﻛَﻰَﻤَﺎ ﺑَِﺎ ﻴﻢ �ا ﺮ ـ ﺑ إ آل ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ و ﻴﻢ �ا ﺮ ـ ﺑ إ ﻠ ﻋ ﻛ ر ُ �� ر ْ � � � � وindeed � ن �۔ْا ِthe َ َِ ﲔ إِﺑـﺮِْا�َﻴﻢ وَْﻋ ٰﻠَﻰ � �زلand آل � رhis � ر انpeople. ح � � ا�ا� ؑ اوThou � �۔ �� ا�لم � �ز � � � آ� ل ��ن را َ اPraiseworthy, ��ں اور ﷺ � ��� ا ا�ﻴﻢ اراے َ art Exalted َ ِْ آلََإ َ ﱠ ِ َ ﱢ ﺮ ـ ﺑ ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ ﺖ ﻴ ﻠ ﺻ ﺎ ﻤ ﻛ َ َ َ َ ﻟ ﱠﺎ ﻀ اﻟ ﻻ و ﻢ � ﻴ ﻠ ﻋ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ ََْ ْ ََْ َ ���۔ � � �� � �� اور �ى �ر� وا� �۔ َ َ َِ ِ ﻚ ٍ ���۔ � � �� � �� اور �ى �ر� وا� �۔ .ﲪﻴإٌِﺑﺪـﺮَِِﳎا�ﻴ ٌﺪ ِ ﱠﻚﻢ ِ ﺻ َﱢﻞِﳎﻴ َ ﺖ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ إِﺑـﺮ ِا�ﻴﻢ و َﻋ ٰﻠإِﻧﱠﻰ ٰ � آ َو َﻋ نَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ اورﻰ ا ُﳏ َﻋ ٰﻠ.ﷺٌﺪ ل ﻠﻰ� �آل�ُﳏَ ﱠﻤ �زﺪل �� � �ح � � ا�ا� ؑ اور ان � آل � �� �زل ﻴﻢ ا ے ا� إِاَ�ﻧﻟ ٰﻠّ َُ� ﱠ آل َ� َﲪﻴ ٌﺪ � �زل ل � رhis � آO انAllah, رpeople � ا�ا� ؑ اوMuhammad � ح �� � �زل رand � � آلprosper ن اور اpeople � ﷺAbraham � �ے ا , O Allah, Muhammad and as� � Thou didst آل ِ ﳏِﻤ ٍﺪ ﺖ ٰ ﻋَٰﻠَﻰ إِﺑْـُﳏَﺮ ﱠﻤِا�ٍِﺪ ﺻﺎﻠﱠْﻴِرْك ٍآلَﻴﻢ َوﻋَﻠُٰﻰﳏ ﱠﻤ ِِآل ٍْ َ َ َ اَﻟ ٰﻠّ� ﱠﻢ ﺑﺎِْرَْك َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ُﳏ اَﻟﱠﻤَٰﻠّﻛ َُ�ﻤ Prosper, his asﻴﻢ ا َﺪﺎﱠﻢ ﺑ َ ﺪ إﺑْـَُﺮَا�ﱠ َ و َﻋﻠﻰ َ people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, ِ ِ ِ َٰ ِ ِ ٰ َِ َﲪﻴرْﻛﺪ �۔ � �ر � � � � � � َ ُ � �زل � �didst ر ان � آلprosper � ا�ا� ؑ اوthe � حAbraham � Exalted � �� � وا� �زل � and �� او آر �ل ىhis � ا �ن اورpeople. ﷺ � � ���۔ ا�ﻴﻢ اے ا َ إَِﻧﻛ َﻤَﺎ Thou ََ ٌ َ ﱠﻚ ﺑَِﺎ َ ﻴﻢ َو َﻋﻠﻰ آل إﺑْـَﺮ َ �ﻠﻰ إﺑْـَﺮا.ﺖﳎﻴ ٌﺪَﻋ ِ ِ ٰ ِ ِ ٰ ِ ٍ ﻰﻰ ُﳏَِﱠﻤ � � � ا�ا� ؑ اور ان � آلThou � �حart�indeed �� �زلPraiseworthy, �� � ن � آلthe اور اExalted. ے ا� � � ﷺ آل ُاﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ وْكﻋ ٰﻠ َﻋ ٰﻠ ا�ﻟ ٰﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ ﻴﻢ َ ﻴﻢ ﺑَﺎَِر َ َﻛ َﻤﺎ ﺑَﺎ َرْﻛ َ �آلﺪ إَﺑوْـَﻋَﻠﺮﻰا َ َﺖ َﻋﻠﻰ إﺑْـَﺮ ا
of Allah, Gracious, the Merciful. Allto praise to Allah, eame Gracious, thethe Merciful. praise belongs Allah,belongs In theAll name of Allah, the Gracious, thePrayers Merciful. Prescribed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba – Friday Sermon 30 May 2014 all the worlds, The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of The Gracious, the All Merciful, Master to of Allah, the Day praise belongs Lordof of all the worlds, aloneand do Thee we worship and do we implore the for Merciful. help. ont.weThee worship alone weThee implore for help. In thedo name of alone Allah, the Gracious, All praise belongs to Allah, Gracious, the of Merciful, of theThou Day ofhast uspath in — the The rightpath pathThe Theofon path onhast whom of—Lord those ThouMaster allwhom the those worlds, The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of aba Judgment. alone do we worship andand Thee dhose Thywho blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, those havePrescribed not incurred Thy Thee displeasure, and those Judgment. alone do we worship and Thee alone do we 30 implore for help. Prayers byThee Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V – Friday Sermon May 2014 ve . not gone astray. alone Guide in theforright The do weus implore help. path Guide— us in thepath of those on whom Thou hast Prescribed Prayers by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vnot– Friday Sermon 30 May 2014 name of Allah, the Gracious, the All praise to Allah, Thypath blessings, those who have incurred Thy displeasure, and those rightbestowed path —Merciful. The of those onbelongs whom Thou In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, f all the worlds, The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of who have not gone astray. ِ ِ ﺑِﺴ ِﻢ ِ ﲪ ِﻦ اﻟﱠﺮﺣﻴﻢ ٰ ْ اﷲ اﻟﱠﺮ �۔�م � �� د �ر � �ر ر � (Lord )� �bestowed واall� � � � � � � مthedo � � ا �� اMaster who �� � �مDay � � �رnt.�رThee (�� وا)�اور � وا ،اور � وا � ر دworlds, �� � ا � ،� وا � � � � � ر of the The Gracious, Merciful, of the of ا Thy blessings, those have not ْ alone do wehast worship Thee alone for Judgment. Thee and alone do we worship and Theewe aloneimplore do we implore forhelp. help. ِٰاﳊﻤ ُﺪ ﻟ ِ ِ ﲔ ﻤ ﻟ ﺎ ﻌ ﻟ ا ب ر � ﻠ ْ Guide us in the right path — The path of those on whom Thou hast َ ّ ﱢ Thypath displeasure, andonthose whoThou have not us� — ، �۔ The those hast َ َ َ ْ َْ � ر �رin�� �رthe ( اور � � وا �� دpath � � ا �� وا � �۔�م � � � �۔ �رب �ںwhom �� �� وا �� )م � دand� �those � � د ،� ) واright � � ر �incurred �رب رںthose �� اof � وام �� � � � bestowed Thy� blessings, who have not incurred Thy displeasure, � ا � � � � ر ر � ر ( اور � � ، � وا � � � ر � ا � � � � � م � � ّ ّ ِ ِ ِﲪ ِﻦ اﻟﱠﺮِﺣﻴ ِﻢ ﻣﺎﻟ ed Thy blessings, thosegone who have who haveastray. not gone not astray.incurred Thy displeasure, and those ﻚ ﻳَـ ْﻮم اﻟﺪﱢﻳ ِﻦ ٰ ْ ا� اﻟﱠﺮ َ ve� not �ر ِ � �۔ � � د � astray. � �� � ر � او � �۔ � �ت �� �د �۔ �ا �ى � اوgone � � � �دت �ى � � د� ن �۔ �ا �� � �۔ �ا �ا � دن ِ ِ aba
Prescribed Prayers by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vaba – Friday Sermon 30 May 2014
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds, The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Prescribed by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Vabahast –and Friday Guide in theMuhammad right pathand —Prayers The path those on bless whom Thou Bless, OusAllah, his people asofThou didst Abraham his Sermon 30 May 2014 bestowed Thy blessings, who havethe notExalted. incurred Thy displeasure, and those people. Thou art indeedthose Praiseworthy, In thehave name Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. All praise belongs to Allah, who notofgone astray. Lord of all the worlds, The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help. Guide us in the right path — The path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy blessings, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.
Prosper, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst prosper Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted
Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst bless Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted.
Bless, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst bless Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted. Prosper, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst prosper Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted
Prosper, O Allah, Muhammad and his people as Thou didst prosper Abraham and his people. Thou art indeed Praiseworthy, the Exalted
اے ا� � � ﷺ اور ان � آل � �� �زل �� � �ح � � ا�ا� ؑ اور ان � آل � �� �زل
� �۔�� اور �ى �ر� وا� �۔ ��� وا � �ى �ر � ��� اور � � ��� �۔ � � ���۔
ِ ِ ِ ٰ ِ ِ ٰ ﻴﻢ َ َﻛ َﻤﺎ ﺑَﺎ َرْﻛ َ �ﻴﻢ َو َﻋﻠﻰ آل إﺑْـَﺮا َ �ﺖ َﻋﻠﻰ إﺑْـَﺮا َِ ﱠﻚ .ﲪﻴ ٌﺪ َِﳎﻴ ٌﺪ َ إِﻧ
Holy is Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great. O Allah, bestow
ِ اﷲ وِﲝﻤ ِﺪ ِﻩ ﺳﺒﺤﺎ َن ِ Your blessings on Muhammad the people ofO Muhammad. worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, theandGreat. Allah, bestow اﷲ اﻟْ َﻌ ِﻈْﻴ ِﻢ اَﻟ ٰﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ ُﺳْﺒ َﺤﺎ َن ا� �� �ك � ا� � � ��۔ ا� �ك � اور � � وا� �۔ اے ا� ر� � � ﷺ اور Muhammad and the people of Muhammad. .ﺻ ﱢﻞ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ُﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َو ِآل ُﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ Maryam َ
ِ اﷲ وِﲝﻤ ِﺪ ِﻩ ﺳﺒﺤﺎ َن ِ اﷲ اﻟْ َﻌ ِﻈْﻴ ِﻢ اَﻟ ٰﻠّ ُ�ﻢ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ ُﺳْﺒ َﺤﺎ َن ﺼ ْﺮﻧَﺎ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ِ َرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ أَﻓْ ِﺮ ٍْغ ٍ ﺻﻞ ﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ُﳏ ﱠﻤ ْ ﺻْﺒـًﺮا َوﺛَـﺒﱢ ُ ْﺖ أَﻗْ َﺪ َاﻣﻨَﺎ َواﻧ َ َﻋﻠَْﻴـﻨَﺎ.ﺪ ﻤ ﳏ آل و ﺪ ﱠ ُ َ ِ ِ َ َ َ َﱢ ﻳﻦ َ اﻟْ َﻘ ْﻮم اﻟْ َﻜﺎﻓ ِﺮ
ﱠ آپ � آل �۔ 10 ‘O our Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, and help
�� � وا� �۔ اے ا ا� �� �ك � ا� � � ��۔ ا� �ك � اور us against the disbelieving people.’
رب! � � � �زل � اور �رے ��ں � �ت � اور �� �م � �ف �رى �د �۔ ّ اے �رے
آپ � آل �۔
َِ ﻚ .ﲪﻴ ٌﺪ َِﳎﻴ ٌﺪ َ إِﻧﱠ
َِ ﻚ .ﲪﻴ ٌﺪ َِﳎﻴ ٌﺪ َ إِﻧﱠ
���۔ � � �� � �� اور �ى �ر� وا� �۔3
s Allah and worthy ofHoly all praise, Holy Allah, of theallGreat. O Holy Allah, is Allah andisworthy praise, is bestow blessings on Muhammad and the people of Muhammad.
ِ اﷲ وِﲝﻤ ِﺪ ِﻩِ ﺳﺒِﺤﺎَِن ِ ﺳﺒﺤﺎ َن اﷲ اﻟْ َﻌ ِﻈْﻴ ِﻢ اَﻟ ٰﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ .ﱠﻚُ َْﲪﻴ ٌﺪَ َﳎﻴ ٌﺪ َ ُْ َ َ َ ْ إﻧ �۔ اے ا� ر� � � ﷺon� واMuhammad � � � اور كthe � �people � ��۔ اof �Muhammad. �ا� �� �ك � ا and ٍ ﺻﻞ ﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ُﳏ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ و ِآلﺳﺒُﺤﳏﺎﱠن ِ وِﲝﻤ ِﺪ ِﻩ ﺳﺒﺤﺎ َن.اﷲ ِ ﻤﺪ اﷲ اﻟْ َﻌ ِﻈْﻴ ِﻢ اَﻟ ٰﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ َ ََ ْ ُ َ .ﳎﻴﺪ َإِﻧﱠ ََِ ﲪﻴ ٌﺪ ََِ ﻚﱢ ْ َ َ ْ ُ َ �۔ � وا�� وا �ر اور �� ى �ر � او �۔ �����۔ � آك ل � ر� � � ﷺ اور ��۔ اے ا � �ك � � � ��۔ ا � �� � � �� ا � پ �آ ا ٌ َ .ﺻ ﱢﻞ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ُﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َو ِآل ُﳏَ ﱠﻤ ٍﺪ َ Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, �۔ and � آلhelp آپ Allah worthy ofpeople.’ all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great. O Allah, bestow inst theand disbelieving ﺼَاﻣْﻨَِﺮﻢﺎﻧَﺎَوااﻧْﻟ َٰﻋﻠُﺼْٰﻠﺮﻧَ�ﺎﻰ اﷲﻨََوﺎﺛَـﺒﱢاﻟَْو ﺖَﻋﻠَﺎْﻴـأﻨََﺎنﻗْ َﺪَﺻْﺒـًَﺮااﻣ ﺻْﺒـ اﷲﻠَِْﻴـﻨَﺎ َرﺑﺳـﱠﺒﻨَﺎﺤأَﺎﻓْ ِِﺮن ْغ َﻋ ِ َﺪًﺮاﻩَرﺑـﱠﻨََﺎوﺛَـأ ِ ِ ِ ﻢَﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ﻈَﺪ ﺳﻓْﺒﱢﺒِﺮ ْغ ِ essings on Muhammad and the people of Muhammad. ْ ْﺖاﻌﻧْأَﻗ ُ َ ﻴ ﺤ ﻤ ﲝ و ْ ّ ِ َ َ ِ َِ ْ ُِ ْ .َ ﻚَ ََﲪﻴ ٌﺪ َﳎﻴٌَﺪ �۔ � �ر �ر � �� � �زے اول ر � � اور ���۔ ت �د �۔ ں ��ف � �رى � ے ��� �م � او وار رت � ى �ر � � � ل � �ز �! رب �� � !� رب �رے �ر ے � � اور �� �م � �ف �رى �د �� �ں � او � ے ُ ﱠ ا اے ْ َ ْ ُإِﻧﱠ ّ � َ ّ ﻳﻦ ﺮ ﺎﻓ ﻜ ﻟ ا م ﻮ ﻘ ﻟ ا ِ ْ ْ َ ِ َ � � �ا� �� �ك � ا� � � ��۔ ا� �ك � اور � � وا� �۔ اے ا� ر َ ٍ ِ ْ ِ ٍ ﻜﺎﻓ ِﺮﻳﻦ ���۔ � � �� � �� اور �ى �ر� وا� �۔ ِاﻟْﺻَﻘ ْﻮﱢﻞم اَﻋﻟْٰﻠ َﻰ ُﳏَ ﱠﻤَﺪ و إﻧ .ٌﺪ.ﺪِﳎﻴ ٌﲪﻴﱠ َ ﻤﺪ ََُ ﱠﻚ َآل ﳏ Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great. O Allah, bestow َ َ ِ ِ آپ � آل �۔4 ِ ٰ ِ ِ ِ ِ lessings on Muhammad and the people of Muhammad. ِ ﻢ � ﻠ ﻟ ا ﻢ ﻴ ﻈ ﻌ ﻟ ا اﷲ ن ﺎ ﺤ ﺒ ﺳ ﻩ ﺪ ﻤ ﲝ و اﷲ ن ﺎ ﺤ ﺒ Lord, let not our hearts become after Thou us; and ُّْﺳْ َ َ َ َ ْ ُﺳ ِْﺒَرﺑـﱠَﺤﻨَﺎﺎ َنَُﻻْ ﺗُِاﷲﺰَْغ َوﻗُِـﻠَُﲝَﻮْﻤﺑَـﻨَِﺪﺎ ِﻩ ﺑَـ ْﻌُﺳَﺪْﺒ إَﺤْْذﺎََنَ� َﺪﻳْـْﺘَـِاﷲﻨَﺎ اﻟَْوَﻌَ�َِﻈْﻴ �� ا ے � �۔ اورperverse � � � � �ا� د ے � اس � � �� دhast � � د�ںguided رب! �رے ے ے �ر ﻦ ا ﺐِﻢُﻟَﻨَاَﻟﺎﱠٰﻠّ ُ�ﻣ ﱠﻢ ّ and Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, help w � on � us � mercy surely, Thou alone art the ‘O our Lord, forth steadfastness upon ﷺ � رfrom ر ۔ اے اThyself; � ��� وا � رpour �۔ ا او ��ك وا � � � � � us, �ا ﷺ او � � ے ا� ر � � �ر �� او � ك � � � � اBestower. � ۔ �� � ك � �� � �۔ �۔ ا وا � � � � � �� �� ا ك ا�� �۔ � � ر � ا� ف � ﺎب ﱠﻚ ِأ nst the disbelieving people.’ َﺖﺔًﱠﻤإٍِﻧأﺪَﻗ َُآلاﻣ ٍُآلﻟﱠﱢﻌﻞُﺪُوﺪَﻋﺛﳏَـٰﻠَﻧﻚﺒﱢﱠإِﻰﻤَرْْذ ٍ غُﻠَﳏﻴـﻗـﻨَﱠﻤﻠُﺎ ُ �واﻧ.َﻧﺖﻨﳏَﺎﱠاﻤﻟْ ٍَﺪﻮﱠ ﺪو ﲪَﳏ ٰ ِ ﻰ ﻠ ﻋ ﺎ ﻧ ﺮ ﺼ ﺪ ﺻﺎوْﺒـًِﺑََـﺻﺮا ﺻﻨَﺎﱢﻞ أََﻓَْﻋﻻِٰﺮﻠ ْغﺗُﻰِﺰ َْﻋ َ . ﺪ ﺪ َ ْ and make our steps firm, and help us against the ﻦ ﻣ ﺎ ﻨ ﻟ ﺐ � و ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﺘ ـ ﻳ � ﻨ ـ ﺑ ﻮ ْ َ َ َ �۔ ل آ � پ آ ْ َ َرﺑـﱠ ْ ُ � رب! �رے د�ں � �� � �� دے � اس � � � � �ا� دے � �۔ اور ے �ر ے ا َ َ ُ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ْ َ ْ َ ّ �۔ ل آ � پ آ اور �� �م � �ف �رى �دdisbelieving � �۔ں � �ت �� � ��! رب اے َِ ِﻚ people.’ ّ� ے �ے ل ��ى اور �ر �ر� وا � ��� �ز اور � ����۔ �ر إِاﱠﻧﻟْﱠ .ﻳﻦٌﺪ ﲪﻴَﻜٌﺪﺎﻓِ َِﺮِﳎِﱠﻴ ِرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ ا ْﻏ ِﻔﺮ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ذُﻧُﻮﺑـﻨَﺎ وإ ﺖْﺳأَﺮاﻗْﻓَـﻨَﺪﺎاﻣﻨِﺎﰲواأﻧ َْﻣ ِﺮ َ ﺼﻧَْﺎﺮﻧَﺎ َوﺛَـَﻋﺒﱢٰﻠ ْﻰ ﺒ ـ ﺛ و ا ﺮ ـ ﺒ ﺻ ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﻴ ﻠ ﻋ غ ﺮ ِ ﻓ أ ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﺑ ر َ َ ْ َ ﻟ ا م ﻮ ﻘ َ ْ َ ﱠ ﱢ ْ ْ ْ Lord, pour forth steadfastness us,�and help �۔upon � �� وا �make � � �our � �steps � �۔firm, � رand � ف �ﺖ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ ِْ َ ً ْﺎب َ ْ�َﻧﺖ اﻟْﻮَﱠ َﻚ أ َ َﻧﻚ َر ْﲪَﺔً إﻧ َ ْ َُﺪ ت �۔ �ر�ى � �د � �ر � �۔� اور �م �� اور � �� ��ں ل د� او �ہ �ز � � رب!�ر � فں �� � ے ت ز�د �رى �� ے � �ر ےر اور ا � � ے !ّ رب �رے ے �ر ااے ﻳﻦ ﺼ ْﺮﻧَﺎُ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰ اﻟْ َﻘ ْﻮم اﻟْ َﻜﺎﻓِ ِﺮ اﻟْﻘأَﻮَﻗِْمَﺪ اﻟَْاﻣﻨَﺎَﻜََﺎﻓِواِﻧ ّ ے nst the disbelieving people.’ ْ ُ ٰ َ ﻳﻦ ﺮ ﺻْﺒـًﺮَاإِْﻧ َو َرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ أَﻓْ ِﺮ ْغ ﻋﻠَﻴـﻨَﺎ Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great. O Allah, bestow ﻋﻠﻰ ْﱠﻚﺛَـﺒﱢَِﲪﻴ ٌﺪ َٰ ﺼ ْﺮﻧَﺎ ُ ِ َْﺪ َاﻣِﻨَﺎ َواﻧ.ْﺖ ََِﳎﻴأٌَﺪﻗ � ى �� ت � � � �مus; � � اور �ر� وا� �۔ � اور �ف � � �� � ���۔ ord, not our مhearts perverse after Thou hast and َ ِ َ ِ ْ َِ essings on and ت the of �ر Muhammad. ِ ى �دlet ف �ر � Muhammad � � �� اورbecome � � �people ے ��ں � اور � �زل � �guided ! رب ے �ر ے ا اﷲِ َوﲝَ ْﻤﺪ ِﻩ ُﺳْﺒ ُﺳْﺒ َِﺤﺎ َن ّ make firm ﺤﺎ َن اﷲ اﻟْ َﻌﻈْﻴﻢ اَﻟﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ ِ on usforgive mercy from surely, Thou alone art the Bestower. َ Lord, us ourThyself; errors and our excesses in our conduct, and ِ ﻳﻦ ﺮ ﺎﻓ ﻜ ْاﻟْرﺑـﱠَﻘﻨَْﺎﻮم ااﻟ َ ِ ِ ِ َِﻣنﺪﻳـﺮﺘـﻧَﻨﺎﺎ ِﻏﻔﺮ ﻟَﻨَﺎَ ذُﻧُﻮرﺑﺑــﻨﻨَﺎﺳﺎﺒﻻﺤﺎﺗوَنإِِﺰغﺳﻗـ � � �� ر � �۔ اthe � اور وا � � اور ك � � ��۔ے ا �� � �� ا ےك � �ا� ے� �ر ْ ﻦُِﻣ� ﱠﻢ ﺐﺒﱢِﻢِﻟَﻣﻨَاﺎَْﻟ اﷲ اﻟوﻟَْ�ﻨََﻌوﺎﺛَِـﻈْﻴ ّﺖٰﻠ ps usے ا against people.’ َْ��وﺤأَﺎ ﰲُإِﺳﺒْذ ﺪْﺎﻤﻳـﺑَـِﺪﺘـْﻌ ِﻩﻨَﺪ �ﻓﺑوََــِﻨَﻨﲝََﺎ اﷲَﻠُﺮاﻮ ْ َ ْ ْ ﱠ َ َ َ ُ ۔disbelieving � س � ے ے � د � �ا � � �� � س �� ا � د � � د � �ے ��ر ے د�ں رب! �ر ﻦ اا ُ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ ٍ ٍ ﺐ ﺎ ذ إ ﺪ ﻌ ـ ﺑ ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﺑ ﻮ ﻠ ـ ﻗ غ ﺰ ِ ﺗ ْ ْ ِ َ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ّ ََرﺑـﱠ ٰ ُ اور ۔and � �help � دے �ا � � �� ا �ر � ا � د � � � ں ! رب ے �ر ے َ ْ َ.ﳏَﻤ ٍﺪَ وَِْآلَ ﳏﻤٍَﺪ.ِآلْﺻ َُﻞﳏَﻋٰﱠﻠﻤﻰﺪ ََ َﺻﻨَﺎﱢﻞ َ َﻻﻋﻠ ُﻰ ُﳏَ ﱠﻤﺪ � � ��۔ ا� �ك � اور � � وا� �۔ اے ا� ر� � � ﷺ او و َ ّ � ا� �� �ك � ا5 َ َﻧﺖِ اُﻟَْﻮﱠ � د� وا � � �hast � � رب �!۔ � آ ر فand � اآ ﺎب ﱠﻚ ﻧﻚﻟﱢْ َﻘرَْﲪ أَﻗﺪاﻣﻨﺎ واﻧﺼﺮﻧﺎ ﻋ ٰﻠ ﻟﱠ ُﺪ � ord, � ��ں �رے اورhearts ز�د� �۔ � �رىperverse �� � �۔ ا رafter ے� او � �ہ �ر� � ے ے ے � �۔ ل � let not our become Thou guided َﻮَِﺔًم إُﻧاَﻟْﱠ َﻰ َا ُ �ﻳﻦﱠ �۔us; �رل پ � آ پ آ َ ﻜأَﺎﻓَِﺮ ّ� َ َ َﻧﻚَ رَْﲪَْﺔً ُإِْﻧﱠ َ َﻟﱠ ُْﺪ �۔ � وا � � � � � � � � � ۔ � � � ر � ف � ْ َ ﺎب �َﻧﺖ اﻟْ َﻮﱠ ﻚ َأ on uspour mercy from Thyself; surely, alone art our the Bestower. َ َ َ Lord, forth steadfastness upon us, make steps firm, and help ‘Our Lord, letThou notand our hearts become perverse ُ َ ﺼِﺮﻧَﺎ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰاور � �� �م � �ف �ت � �۔ ﺖ رﺑـﻨﺎ ﻻ ﺗ ِﺰغ ﻗـﻠﻮﺑـﻨﺎ ﺑـ َرﺑـﱠﻌﻨَﺎﺪأَﻓِِْﺮإِْغذ َﻋﻠَْﻴـﻨَﺎ ْﺻـﺑـْﺒـﻨﺘـًﺎﺮاﻨﺎَوﺛوَـإِﺒﱢﺳ َﺪﻮﻳ nst people.’ ِ واَ�ﻓَـأﻧَﻨَﻗْﺎَﺪ ﺼَاﻣﻨَﰲﺎﺮﻧَﻟََﺎأﻨَواْﻧَﻣْﺎِﺮﻧَُﺎﻋْٰﻠﻣ َوﺛَـﻦ ﺐ وَﺮا َﺻﺒـَرﺑـﱠَﺮاﻨَﺎْ اَ ْﻏﻔﺮ ْ ﻟ ۔ اورthe � �disbelieving � �ا� دے �after � �۔ � �دThou س � ا ے � � �� ت and ے �ر د�ےں ! رب ے �ر �ر ُ�َذﻗَُْﻧ us; bestow �رى �فhast � � �دم �guided � � � اور � �ں �� �ر� اور � �زل �ّ on � !ے رب ﺖ ا اے َ َ َ رﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ أَﻓ ِﺮغُ ْﻋﻠﻴـُﻨُﺎ ْ ﻰﺒﱢ َ ﺎ ﻨ اﻣ ﺪ ﺖﻨَِﺮﺎَأ ْ َ َ ْ ّ usے ْ َ ْ ِوِمﺛَـ اﺒﱢﻟْْ َﻜْﺎﻓ َ َ َ ُ َ ْ َ ﻳﻦ ََﱠَ ْ ْ َ َْ َ َ َ ْ ً اﻟْ َﻘَْﻮ ِ ِ َ � ت � � ں �� ے �ر ر او ۔ � � ز�د ى �ر � � � � ا ر او ے د � ہ � ے �ر ! رب ے �ر ے ا ٰﻠﻰ اﻟْ َﻘ ْﻮم اﻟْ َﻜﺎﻓ ِﺮﻳﻦ.ﺼ َْﺮﻧَِﳎﺎﻴ ٌﺪَﻋ ﱠﻚﺎ َوِا Thyself; surely, ى �دforgive � �ف �ر � �errors � اورmercy �and تfrom � � ںexcesses �� �رے �۔� اور لThou �ز � �� اوand ! رب ے ے ّ the ��� وا ى �رalone � � � �ر � ۔firm ��� ا أَﻗْ إَِﺪﻧ ََﻧﺖَاﻣﻨ ord, us مour ُ�ﲪِﻧْﻴﻮٌﺪﱠ ّart�make ِﻧﻚاﻟْﻏر �۔our �� � �� واin �our � �conduct, � � �ر � �ت ۔ �� �ف � � ر ف � َﻣ ِﺮﻧﺎ َ وﺛَـﺒﱢﺖ ِاﻟﱠﻟْرﺑـﱠُﺪﻘﻨَﺎﻮ ﲪَﺎﻓِﺔًِﺮﻟَإِﻨَﻧﺎﱠ ﺎب ﻟ ا ِ ْ أ ﰲ ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﻓ ا ﺮ ﺳ إ و ﺎ ﺮ ﻔ ا ْ َ ﻳﻦ َ � � � � م � � � ر او ﻜ م َ َ َ s and help us against the disbelieving people.’ ْٰ ِ َ ِ َ ْ ِ ََُِ َِ ْ َ َ َﻚذُﻧُأﻮﺑَـﻨ Bestower. َ ْ ََْ ِ ِ ِ ﻢ � ﻠ ﻟ ا ﻢ ﻴ ﻈ ﻌ ﻟ ا اﷲ ن ﺎ ﺤ ﺒ ﺳ ﻩ ﺪ ﻤ ﲝ و اﷲ ن ﺎ ﺤ ﺒ ﺳ ْ ﻦ ﻣ ﺎ ﻨ ﻟ ﺐ � و ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﺘ ـ ﻳ ﺪ � ذ إ ﺪ ﻌ ـ ﺑ ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﺑ ﻮ ﻠ ـ ﻗ غ ﺰ ِ ﺗ ﻻ ﺎ ﻨ ـ ﺑ ر ّ ِ َ ْ ُ َ � رب! �رے د�ں � �� � �� دے � اس � � � � �ا� دے � �۔ اور � ا َُﱠَْ َ َ ُِ َُ ََْ َِ ْ َ ُ ْ َْ َََ َْ َ َ َ ْ ََ ُ ﱠ اے �ر ّ �رے � ز�د � �۔ اور �رے ��ں �رى � �� ر � او د� ےThou � � � hast ے �رguided ے ﷺ � �� � �ے ا وار� ا �۔ اafter ك ہ � اور � ��۔ ا �! رب �ّ �� ا ك � ��ے �ا ا ﱠﻚﻜوأﺎﻓِآلِﺮﻳﻦ ََﻧﻚﻘَﻋٰﻠْرﻮْﻰمﲪَﺔًُﳏَاإِﻟﻧْﱠﻤ ٍﺪ ord, let not our hearts اورbecome perverse us; and ََ َ ْﺼ ْﺮﻧَﺎ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰﻟﱠ َُﺪﺻا ﱢﻟﻞ ُ ْأَﻗْ َﺪ َاﻣﻨَﺎ َِواﻧ �۔ � وا � � � � � � � � � ۔ � � � ر � ف � .�َﻧﺖُﳏاَﻟَْﱠﻤَﻮﱠٍﺪ ﺎب ord, forgive us our errors and our excesses in our conduct, and make firm َ َ ُ �۔ ل آ � پ آ on us mercy from Thyself; surely, Thou alone art تthe Bestower. � ف � � ﺖ اور � �� �م � �۔ ps and help us against the disbelieving people.’ ْ َِرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ ا ْﻏﻔ ْﺮ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ذُﻧُﻮﺑَـﻨَﺎ َوِإِ ْﺳَﺮاﻓَـﻨَﺎ ِﰲ أ َْﻣ ِﺮﻧَﺎ َوﺛَـﺒﱢ َرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ َﻻ ﺗُِﺰ ْغ ﻗُـﻠُﻮﺑَـﻨَﺎ ﺑَـ ََررﺑﺑْــﱠﻌﱠﻨﻨََﺎﺎَﺪأَاﻓْ ِْﻏﺮإِْﻔغِْْذﺮ َﻋﻠَﻟَْﻴـﻨََﻨَﺎ�ﺎ َﺪذُﻧَﻳُﺻْـْﺒـﻮﺘَﺑَِــًﺮاﻨَﻨَﺎَﺎوﺛَـَﺒﱢوو ﺐاﻣﻨﺎ ﻟَوﻨاﻧﺎﺼﺮﻧﻣﺎﻦﻋ ٰﻠﻰ ﺖ�أَﻗﺪ � ے � �ار � اس � � � دے � ے� او�ر � � د�ں �رے ! رب �ر ّ ّ � ے � �� �ں ۔� او �ر دے �۔ او � � � � � ز�د �ردى �ہ ے ے �ر ﻳﻦإَِْْﺳََﺮاﻓَـْﻨََﺎْ ََِﰲ َأَ َْْﻣ ِﺮﻧَُﺎْ َ َوﺛَـَﺒﱢ ْﺖااے ِ َ ﺼ ْﺮﻧَﺎ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰاﻟْﻘاﻮﻟِْمَﻘاﻟْْﻮَﻜمﺎﻓِ ِﺮاﻟْﻳﻦ �۔ � �رى �� �ف � �م �� � ا اور �ں د� �ت �� ے ےر �ر �رل � او رب!� �ز � ! رب ّ اے �رے ْﱠأَﻗْ َﺪ َاﻣﻨَﺎ َواﻧ ِﻜﻋ ٰﻠﺎﻓﻰﺮاﻟْ َﻘَﻮِم اﻟْ َﻜﺎﻓ ُ � رب! �رے �ہ � دے اور ا� �� � �رى ز�د� �۔ اور �رے ��ں � �ت اے �رے ِ َ َ ﻳﻦ ﺮ ﺎ ﻧ ﺮ ﺼ ﻧ ا و ﺎ ﻨ اﻣ ﺪ ﻗ أ ّ ْ ْ ْ َ ِ َ َ َ ُ ْ َ � �� ۔� � �� وا� �۔ � �۔ ف � �ف ﺎب َ ﻧﻚ َر ْﲪَﺔً إﻧﱠ َ ﻟ ُﺪ َ ﻚأ � � �� ت �� ف �م ر�� � �م ُ ْ �َﻧﺖ َاﻟْ ََﻮﱠ 6 � �� �ت � � �� � � اواور ر6 Allah, the Great. O Allah, �۔ bestow blessings � �ى �ر� واYour � �� اور �� � � ���۔ Holy is Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the Great. O Allah, bestow Your blessings on Muhammad and the people of Muhammad.
‘O our Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.’
‘Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us; and on and us mercy from surely, alonethe artGreat. the Bestower. Holybestow is Allah worthy of Thyself; all praise, HolyThou is Allah, O Allah, bestow Your blessings on Muhammad and the people of Muhammad.
‘O our forthussteadfastness us, and make steps firm, and help ‘OurLord, Lord,pour forgive our errors andupon our excesses in ourour conduct, and make firm us against theand disbelieving people.’ our steps help us against the disbelieving people.’
‘Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us; and Holyonisus Allah andfrom worthy of all praise, Allah,artthethe Great. O Allah, bestow bestow mercy Thyself; surely,Holy Thouisalone Bestower. Your blessings on Muhammad and the people of Muhammad.
‘O our Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.’ ‘Our Lord, forgive us our errors and our excesses in our conduct, and make firm our steps and help us against the disbelieving people.’
‘Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse ۔after Thou hast guided us; and Holy is on Allah and worthy of all praise, Holy is Allah, the the Great. O Allah, bestow bestow us mercy from Thyself; surely, Thou alone art Bestower. Your blessings on Muhammad and the people of Muhammad.
‘O our Lord, pour forth steadfastness upon us, and make our steps firm, and help us against disbelieving people.’ ‘Our Lord,the forgive us our errors and our excesses in our conduct, and make firm our steps and help us against the disbelieving people.’
۔ ‘Our Lord, let not our hearts become perverse after Thou hast guided us; and bestow on us mercy from Thyself; surely, Thou alone art the Bestower.
ِ ﺐ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ِﻣﻦ ْ �ََرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ َﻻ ﺗُِﺰ ْغ ﻗُـﻠُﻮﺑَـﻨَﺎ ﺑَـ ْﻌ َﺪ إ ْذ َ� َﺪﻳْـﺘَـﻨَﺎ َو ord, forgive us our errors ourforgive excesses in and make ‘Ourand Lord, us �۔ our errors �our � وا � conduct, � �and � � � �our � �۔excesses � �� رfirm �ف ﺎب َ ﻧﻚ َر ْﲪَﺔً إِﻧ َ ﻟﱠ ُﺪ َ ﱠﻚ أ ُ �َﻧﺖ اﻟْ َﻮﱠ � رب! �رے د�ں � �� � �� دے � اس � � � � �ا� دے � �۔ اور � ا ّ اے �رے
ِ ﺖ ْ َرﺑـﱠﻨَﺎ ا ْﻏﻔ ْﺮ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ذُﻧُﻮﺑَـﻨَﺎ َوإِ ْﺳَﺮاﻓَـﻨَﺎ ِﰲ أ َْﻣ ِﺮﻧَﺎ َوﺛَـﺒﱢ � � �۔ اور �رے ��ںus ز�دagainst � � �رى �� دے اور اpeople.’ رب! �رے �ہ the� disbelieving ﺎﻓﺑَِـﻨَِﺎﺮ َوإ ﻜذُﻧُﻮ ّ ﻳﻦِ ْﺳَﺮاﻓَـﻨَﺎ ِﰲ أ َْﻣ ِﺮﻧَﺎ َوﺛَـﺒﱢ ْﺖاے �رے َ ﺼ ْﺮﻧَﺎ َﻋ ٰﻠﻰَرﺑـﱠﻨَاﺎﻟْ َاﻘ ْﻏْﻮِﻔِْمﺮ ﻟَاﻨَﻟْﺎ ْأَﻗْ َﺪ َاﻣﻨَﺎ َواﻧ ُ َ ِ ِ � اے �رے رب! �رے �ہ � دے اور ا� �� � �رى ز�د� �۔ اور �رے ��ں � �ت أَﻗﺪاﻣﻨﺎ واﻧﺼﺮﻧﺎ ﻋ ٰﻠﻰ اﻟﻘﻮم اﻟﻜﺎﻓ ِﺮﻳﻦ
s and help us against the disbelieving people.’ in our conduct, and make firm our steps and help
‘Our Lord, forgive us our errors and our excesses in our conduct, and make firm our steps and help us against the disbelieving people.’
اور � � ّ� �م � �ف �ت � �۔ اور � �� �م � �ف �ت � �۔
َ ْ ْ َْ
َ َْ ُ ْ َ ََ َ ْ
ِ ٰ ﻚ ِﻣ ْﻦ َ ِﻚ ِ ْﰲ ُﳓُ ْﻮِر� ْﻢ َوﻧَـ ُﻌ ْﻮذُ ﺑ َ ُاﻟﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ إِﻧﱠﺎ َْﳒ َﻌﻠ ��� � ا� وار � � � ا� ز �� ا ن � �� �(د�ں � �) � � � �ے ا ا ا اے ��� �� ز � � ا � �� �� وار �� ا ں � ان � � � � د�ں)( � �ں � � .ُﺷُﺮْوِرِ� ْﻢ .ُﺷُﺮْوِرِ� ْﻢ � ��� اور � ان � �ار�ں � � ��۔اور ان � � � �ى �ہ �� �۔ ن � � � �ى �ہ �� �۔ � ��� اور � ان � �ار�ں � � ��۔اور ا h! We make You a shield against enemies and we take refuge in You ٍ َْﺳﺘَـ ْﻐ ِﻔﺮ اﷲَِِرﱢﰊ ِﻣ ْﻦ ُﮐ ﱢﻞ َذﻧ �ِ ب إِﻟَْﻴ ٰ اﻟ ِ ْ ﻢِ إِﻧﱠﺎ َﳒﻌﻠُﻚ ِأ ُ ﺐ َوأَﺑِﺗُـ ْﻮ ardon from Allah my Lord, for all my sins and turn to Him. ﻦ ﻣ ﻚ ﺐْْﻢ وأَﺗَـوﻧَـﻮُﻌ ْﻮ �َﰲﮐﻞ ُُﳓُذْﻧﻮر � ﻠ �ف۔ � س ا ں � � � ر او � ہ � � � ب ر ا � � � � ا ں � � � � � ّ ﱠ ِ eir evils. ْ َ �ِ بذُ إِﻟَﻴ َ ٍ َ ُ ْ ْ ََﺳﺘَـ ْﻐ ِﻔُﺮ اﷲَ َرﱢْﰊ ﻣ ْﻦ َرُْﱢب ﱢُﮐ ﱡﻞَ َْﺷْﻴ ٍﺊ َﺧَ ِﺎد ُﻣُ َْﻚ َرُ ﱢب ﻓ ْأ ِﺼﺮ ﱐ ﺎﺣ َﻔﻈِْ ْﲏ َواﻧ ْ �ف۔ � س ا ں � � � ر او � ہ � � � ب ر ا � � � � ا ں � � � � � ْ ُ ْ ْ ��� ا� زO � � وارWe � اmake � � ان � � � �against � � enemies � �ںand(د�ں ) �refuge � �in �You ِ اے ا Allah! You we� ىtake �د �� اور ر �ىa� اوshield ے رب! � � �ظ ر � � �ار �۔ اے � � � اے �ے رب � ا ِﻚ ِﰲ ُﳓُﻮِرِ�ﻢ وﻧَـ ُﻌﻮذُ ﺑ ِ اﻟ ٰﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ إ.ﺷ ُﺮْوِر� ْﻢ ُ ُِﳒْارَﻌﲪَْﻠ . ﲏ و ﻣ ﻚ ﱠﺎ ﻧ َ Lord everything from theirserves evils. You. So O my Lord, protect me and help me and8ﻦ ْ َ َ َ ْ ب ﻓ ْﺎﺣﻔْﻈْ َِﲏ ْواﻧﺼﺮِﱐ ْ ﺎدﻣﻚ ْ ر ِ ٍ ﺧ ﺊ ﻴ ﺷ ﻞ ﮐ ب �۔ � ر � � ُ َ َ ﱢ.َر ﱢ ُ ﱡ َ ْﺷﺮوِرِ�َﻢ �� � ��� اور � ان � �ار�ں � � ��۔اور ان � � � �ى �ہ ercy on �۔ me. � � ��َ ْ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ْ ْ اے ا� � � � )د�ں( � �ں � �� � � � � ان � ا� وار � � � ا� ز ِ ِ ﺎﲰَ ْﻊ ُد َﻋﺎﺋ ْﻲ َوَﻣﱢﺰق أَﻋﺪاءك وأَﻋﺪاﺋﻲ ُ ُ ْ ِْ ﻳَﺎ َر ﱢ ْ َب ﻓ ardon Lord, my sins and turn to� Him. I رب begfor pardon from Allah my Lord, for اrefuge all my sins �ىWe رfrom � اوmake ظ رAllah � You �my �a �۔ !shield � � all ے �and � ىwe � � ��ے ب ْ إِﻟَﻴَِِْ� َ َ َِ ْ َ ْ اے h! against enemies take in� � You ٍ �� ے ى �ہ � � ۔� ا � �ا ارن ��۔اور � � �ار�ں � ب � ا�ن � راور ِ َ ﻮ ـ ﺗ أ و ﺐ ﻧ ذ ﰲﮐَِْﳒﺰﱢﻞ ﻚ ْﻦ ﻧﱠﺎاﷲََْﳒَرﻌﱢﻠُْﰊ ﻣ.َِﺳارﺘَ�ـَﲪْﻐﱠﻢِِﻔْﲏُﺮإ ِ َ ِ ُ ْ ُ ِ ﻦ ﻣ ﻚ ﺑ ذ ﻮ ﻌ ـ ﻧ و ﻢ � ر ﻮ ﳓ ُ ْ ّْأَاﻟوٰﻠ ُ َ َ ﺮ � ﺷ و ﻚ ﺎﻣ ﻳ أ ﺎ ﻧ ر أ و ك ﺪ ﺒ ﻋ ﺮ ﺼ ﻧ ا و ك ﺪ ﻋ و أ و ْ َ ُ َ َ ﱢ ﱠ ْ َ and turn to Him. َ eir evils.I beg َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ْ ُ ُ �ف۔ � سfrom � �را ں اAllah � � � �ہall�� ںmy � ا رand � � �ب �� �ى � د� ں ا �َ ِ َ َ ْ َِ ْ َْ َْ ٍ ُ ْ َ ِ َِ َْ ْ ا و�ہ �� ر ا اوmy ر ے دLord, �ے او � for ے �ب د �ے �ر �ں او � د �to� ا اورHim. � ے �ے ر pardon sins turn �۔ ��� � او�ر ا ر َﺳﺘَـ ْﻐﻔُﺮ اﷲَﻟَﻨَﺎَرﱢُْﺣﰊ َﺴﻣَﺎﻣْﻦ َﻚُﮐَوَﱢ ْأ ُْﺐ َﻦَاوأﻟَْﺗُـَﮑْﻮﺎﻓِ ِﺮﻳ .بَﻦ إﻟََْﻴﺷ ِﺮ�ﻳْـًﺮا ﻞﻻ ﺗََذَﺬﻧْْر ِﻣ وا� اں � So ا� ار � او � � � � � ر رLord, �ا �� ا ب او �نا د ر � د � �� ا او)ر � د � � � � � � �ہ �ا Lord�everything O my protect and me and �ف۔ � � س � رں � � او � ں ہ � ے � �ر ��ر �� ا � �ںhelp �� ز ر � � � اserves � � ا� وا نYou. �� � � � (� me د�ں � �� ا ے ِ .بْوِرُِ�ﮐ ْﻢﱡﻞ رُﺷُﱢﺮ ِ ِ ٍ ear my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies and fulfil Your ﱐ ﺮ ﺼ ﻧ ا و ﲏ ﻈ ﻔ ﺎﺣ ﻓ ب ر ﻚ ﻣ ﺎد ﺧ ﺊ ﻴ ﺷ ْ ﱢ ْ َ َ ِ ِ ercy on me. َ َ O my Lord everything serves You. So O my Lord, protect me and � ر�۔help �� � �me � �and � َ ْ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ َ ْ ِ ْ ﻲ اﺋ ﺪ َﻋ أ و ك اء ﺪ َﻋ أ ق ﺰ ﻣ و ﻲ ﺎﺋ ﻋ د ﻊ ﺎﲰ ﻓ ب ر ِ h! We make You a shield against enemies and we take refuge in You َﰲٍﺊ ََُﺧﳓَﻮﺎدﱢُِرﻣِْ� َﻚﻢ َرْوﱢبﻧَـﻌﻓََﻮ ﱐ ﺼْْﺮ ﻚﻞَ َِﺷْﻴ ﻳََاﻟﺎٰﻠ�َﻢ ﱢ إِﻧﱠﺎَ َْر e and help Your servant and show us Your days and sharpen for us Your ْ ﺎﺣ َﻔﻈﺑَِِْ ْﲏ ﳒ ْﱢ َ ِ ْﻚَوَاﻧ بﻠُ ُﮐُ ﱡ have mercy on� me. ْ �۔ � � ہ � ى � � � ن ا ر او ��۔ � � ں � �ار � ن ا � ر او � �� � ُ ْ ْ ﻦ ﻣ ذ ﻌ ُ ِ ٰ ِ وّارُ ﱠ َ eir �ىevils. ر اور � اورnot �ظ � � ! رب ر � ے � maker ے ے ا �۔ �اےرof � � ��ى �ى َْ َ َ اﻟﻠ�ﻢ إِﻧُﱠﺎ َﳒﻌﻠﻚ ِﰲ ُُﳓﻮِر�ﻢ وﻧـﻌَﻮذ ﺑِﻚْ ﻣﻦاے �ے رب � ا nd spare a single mischief out the� disbelievers. �� Allah �ى �دmy � اورLord, � �ظfor ! ربmy � ۔ اand � �ار �� � � ّْ ُ ﱠ ْ ْ َ ُْ َ ِ َْ ُْْ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ُ َ ْ اے �ے رب � ا. وارﲪ ِﲏ.ﲪْ ِِﲏ ِ َْوأ ardon from all sins turn to Him. ﻚِ� َو َﺷ ﺐَوأَروﻧأَﺗﺎُـﻮأَﻳﱠبَﺎﻣ َذﻧَْك.ﺼﻦْﺮ ُﺷُﮐﺮوَﻋِرﱢﻞِْﺒ�ﻢَﺪ اﷲََك ْرﱢََْو َﳒـَْْﻐﺰِِﻔَْﺮو ْﻋ َﺪ ِْْﰊاﻧ ِ ﱢ ٍ ��� �� ز � � ا � �� �� ں � ان � � � � � � د�ں)( � �ں ) � � � � � اے ا ا9 � ْﺮ َ ﻴ ﻟ إ ﻣ ُ �� ز � ےر � �� ا �� وا ن � � ( �د�ں ��� َ َأ �� اور ا � اے � � د �ے د�� ا ں ے � د� ا ��ں وار اور � � اور ا � �۔� ب � � �ى د �۔ ر ے � ے ا َ ْ ْ ﺷ ُ ْ ْ َ َ .َﺳﺮﺘور�ُﻢ ْ ْ ُ ر � � ْ َ ر � � ُ ْ �۔� � �ں اس � �ف۔ � اور �� � �ہ ہ � � ب ر ا � � � � ا ں � � � � � ْ ُ � ��� اور � ان � �ار�ں � � ��۔اور ان � � � �ى Lord, my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies fulfil Your ear prayer and Your enemies my enemies and fulfil ﺎﲰﺎﻊَورَﻻﱢبدﺗَﻋﻓََﺬِﺎﺋِْأْرﺎﲰََْﺳﻲﺘَـﻊِﻣْﻐ ِﻔَﺮُدﻦو َﻋﻣااﷲﻟْﺎﺋﺰِ رَﻲقﱢﮑﰊﺎﻓِِﻣوأِﻣﺮﻦﻳْﱢَﻋﺰُﮐَْﻦقﺪﱢﻞ أَذاءﻧَْﺷَْﻋٍكَِﺮ ﻚ ﻟﻳَﻨَﺎﺎ رُﺣبَﺴ ِكﻮبوأإِﻟَﻴَﻋِ�َِﺪاﺋ.َﺐﺪﻳْـًواءأﺮَاﺗُـ �۔ � � ہand � � ىhelp � � � � ن ا ر او ��۔ � ں � �ار ��� نSo � ہ اوmy � �� � �� my ا�ر رpromise � اوhear رcrush �ا � ا � ے �ر ر او �Lord, دand نus� د � � ا اورme �اد � رand � اYour رYour اوand �� ﻲﻲ ﺎﻣَ َْﻳ Lord everything serves You. So O my protect and help me َ OYour my servant Lord everything serves O Lord, and show Your daysYou. and sharpen for� us ْ اﺋ ﺪ َﻋ أ و ﻓ ْ ُ َ ْ ْ ْ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ َ َ َ ﱢ َ ِ ْ ْ ِ َ َ eercy andon help Your servant and show us Your days us Your �ف۔ � س � � �ں ا � اورand � � �ہsharpen � � � �ا ربfor � �ں ا � � � ْ ﱐ ٍ ْ ْ ُ َ َ ﲏ ﻈ ﺮ ﺼ ﻧ ا و ﻔ ﺎﺣ ﻓ ب ر ﻚ ﻣ ﺎد ﺧ ﺊ ﻴ ﺷ ﻞ ََر ﱢ ْ ْ ُ ََِ ِْ َِْ َ ْ ِ َ ٍبَ ُِﮐﱢ ﱡ َ ْ ِْ َِ ُ ْ َ َ ََ ﱢ me. sword and spare not a single mischief maker outturn of theto disbelievers. ardon from Allah my Lord, forme all my sins and Him. ْ protect and help have mercy on me. nd spare not a single mischief maker out ofme the and disbelievers. بﺎﱢب إأﻓَﻟَﻳﱠْﻴ ﮐﱢب َﱢو ﰊ َوﻣ ْﻋ َﺳﺘَِـ ْﻐﻔ ُﺮ اﷲَ َوأَرَْﳒﱢْْﺰ َِْﺎﻣ�َﻔﻈ ر�۔ �� �� �� ے ر� ب � � �ﻚ ْﲏ ََوواﻧَْﺷ ُﺼﱢ�ْﺮِْﺮ ْﱐ ا� ے ﺼﻧَْْﺷﺮْﻴ ٍﺊ ُﺼْﻦَﺪﺮََرك َﺐَﻋْﺒوأََﺧَﺪَِروﻧأﺎدََﺗُﺎكﻣُـ َْﻮﻚَأوَأَﻳَررُﻧ ُﻞاﺒُﮐﻧْ ﱡﻞﺪَذ َﻚْﺎﺣ ْأووأ �ر ے او �! رب ے � ے ے � ے�ر �ں � د �رے � � اور ں � د � � اور ا � � �ںى ا د ﺮ � ﺷ و ﺎﻣ ك ﻋ ﻧ ا و ك ﺪ ﻋ و ﺰ َﳒ ْ �ف۔ ر �را � اور �ى و�ہظ � �� ا �ں ا د � ا ۔ � �ا � ى � � ا � ب ر ے � ے ا َ َ ﱢ ﱠ س � � � او ہ � � ب ر ا � � � � � � � � ْ َ ِ َ َ َ َ ْ َ ﲏ . ﲪ ار ْ ْ ُ ََ ْ َ ْ َْ ﻟَﻨﺎ َﺣﺴ ے �ى �د �� اور �ظ ر !�ے رب � ے �� �ار �� ا � د� ��ں اور � �ے �ے � دے اور ا د�� ں� اور � � او۔ ار ا ب �� � �ى �ى د ے � �ے رےب ر ْ ا اے.ﺗَ َﺬر ِﻣَﻦ اﻟْ َﮑﺎﻓِ ِﺮﻳَﻦ ﺷ ِﺮﻳـ َﺮا.ﻚ ْاروﲪََِْﻻْﲏ ﺎﻣ ْ َو َ َْ َ � � وا�ںserves � � اور ا�ر �� So �ارO � اmy � ےLord, � اور �رprotect � ا� دن د �� �دhelp � � �ہ � او رر اand � �� ْ ْ َ َ َ Lord everything You. me اورand me ً َُ َ �۔ � ِ ِ ِ ِ �۔ � ر � � ِ ِ ِ ﱐ ﺮ ﺼ ﻧ ا و ﲏ ﻈ ﻔ ﺎﺣ ﻓ ب ر ﻚ ﻣ ﺎد ﺧ ب ُﺣُﮐَﺴﱡﻞ َﺎﻣ َﺷَْﻴ . ا ﺮ ـ ﻳ ﺮ ﺷ ﻦ ﻳ ﺮ ﺎﻓ ﮑ ﻟ ا ﻦ ﻣ ر ﺬ ﺗ ْ ْ َ ﱢ ﻟََرﻨَﺎﱢ َ ercy �� on ا�رme. ر�۔ �� اور � ا� دن د� اور �رے � ا� �ار �� � اور �ہ � �� �د ﻚ ٍﺊَوَﻻ ََ ْﻳُﺎٰ رَ ﱢبَِ َﻓَ ْﺎﲰﻊ دَﻋ ْﺎﺋِِْﻲََ وﻣﱢَﺰِِْقْ أًَﻋَﺪ ْاء َك ُِْوأَﻋ ْ ِ ��� اور � � �� � � ا ﻚ ﻠ ﻌ ﳒ ﱠﺎ ﻧ إ ﻢ � ﻠ اﻟ ََِْﰲ َُﳓَُْﻮر� ْﻢ َْوﻧَـ ُﻌَْﻮذُ ﺑ َ ُ َ َ ّ ُ ْ َ ear my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies and fulfil Yourﻚ َﺪ ِاﺋﻣ ْﻲﻦ َ ﱠ َﻣَﺪﱢﺰَكَْْقَواﻧَْأُﺼْﺮَْﻋ َْﺪَﻋْﺒ َﺪاءََكَكَوأَِرﻧَﺎَوأأَﻳﱠَْﻋَﺎﻣَﺪَﻚاﺋ َوْﻲ.ﺎﲰَ ْﻊ ُد َﻋﺎﺋَِوأﺷْْﻲﺮَُِﳒوْﺰِرِ� ََوﻢوْﻋ ب ﻳَوﺎار َر ظ ر� اوYour � �servant � ! � ربand ے � ے �ر ۔ ىand � ب ے ﲪِْﱢ ْ َ ﻓ.ﲏ e �ى andرhelp show us Your sharpen for us �� � � �� ز � ا �� ا � وا �ا�ر ا �� ان �days � � � � � � �� ں � ���( ا د�ں )� ر �ے � �Your ے ا ﺷ ﱢ� ْﺮا ا ر�۔ � � � � � � َ ُ اے �ے رب � �ى د� � اور ا� د�ں اور �ے د�ں � �ے �ے � دے اور ا� و�ہ �را ْ ْ ُ ْ َْ nd spare not a single mischief maker the ِ �ہ �� �۔out � �ىof � � ر انdisbelievers. � ��� اور � ان � �ار�ں � � ��۔او10 .ﮑﺎﻓِ ِﺮﻳﻦ ﺷ ِﺮﻳـﺮا ﻟ ا ﻦ ﻣ ر ﺬ ﺗ ﻻ و ﻚ ﺎﻣ ﺴ ﺣ ﺎ ﻨ ﻟ ْ َ ِْ وأ َ َ َ � �۔ �د �� اور � ا� دن د� اور �رے � ا� �ار �� � اور ا�ر �� وا�ں � � �ہ ��ر ا ر � � او � ْ كَ َوأََِرﻧَْﺎ أََﻳﱠﺎﻣ َك واﻧْﺼﺮ َ ﻋُِﺒ َﺪ ً ْ ﻚَ َو ﺮ � ﺷ ﺪ ﻋ و ﺰ َﳒ َ َ ﱢ َ َ َ ِ ِ َ ْ َ ِ ْ ٍ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ َ َ َ � ﻴ ﻟ إ ب ﻮ ـ ﺗ أ و ﺐ ﻧ ذ ﻞ ﮐ ﻦ ﻣ ﰊ ر اﷲ ﺮ ﻔ ﻐ ـ ﺘ َﺳ أ َ ﱢ � اear اورmy دےprayer � �ےand �ےcrush �Lord, د�ں �ے ں اور � د � ر اcrush ہ اوenemies � � دYour ى � � � ر�۔ ب ے �� ر � ْ ُ ُْ َ َْ ْ َ ْ ُ َ َ ْ ْ ُ ﱢ � � � �� � � � ے � ا Your fulfil Your �ف۔ �ں اسand �and �my � اور � � � ب � �ا رand �ں� ا � hearenemies my �prayer enemies and ِ ِ أﻔ ْﻈَْﻋِﲏَﺪاﺋواﻧ ْﻲ.ﺎﲰَ ْﻊوَﻻُد ﺗَﻋَﺬﺎﺋررْﻲبِﻣﮐَﻦوﻞَﻣاﱢﻟْﺷﺰﻴٍَْﺊقﮑﺎﻓِﺧأِﺮِﺎدﻳَْﻋﻣ َﻦﺪﻚاءَرﺷَبكِﺮﻳـﻓﺮاَﺎﺣو ﻟﻳَﻨَﺎﺎ َرﺣ ﱢ َْ َبﺴ َﻓﺎﻣ e and help Your servant and show and us Your days and sharpen for usYour Yourﺼﺮِﱐ my enemies fulfil Your promise and help ْ َ ْ َ ْ ًَْ ﻚ َ َ َْ ﱢ َُﱡ َ ْ َ ُْ ََ ََ ﱢ �� ر � ا ر او � � � ر �ا � ا � ے �ر ر او � د ن د � ا � ر او � � د � � ہ � � ا ر او � � ُ ُ ْ ْ َ nd spare not a single mischief maker out of the disbelievers. ِْ وأ رservant ر �ى �د �� اوand �ظ ر� او � � !us ے رب � اےdays � �ار �۔ � ىsharpen � � �ے رب � ا ِ show Your and for� ے usرﻧﺎ أَﻳﺎﻣﻚ وﺷ�ﺮ ا ِ . ﲏ ﲪ ار و ﺼ ْﺮَ ْ َﻋَْْﺒَْﺪ َك َوأَ َ ﱠ َ َ َ َ ﱢ َْﳒ ْﺰ َو ْﻋ َﺪ َك َواﻧ ُ ر�۔ � � � � � � � � ْ َ �� �ے �ے � دے اور اYour د�ں ے � ر او ں � د � ا ر او � � د ى � � ب ر ے � ے ا �۔ � ر � � sword and spare not a single mischief maker ِ ِ ِ ﺎﻓ َﻋِﺮﻳﺎﺋ ْﻲ ﮑ ُد ﺎﲰَ َْﻊ ب ﻦ َوَﻣَﱢ ﺬ ﻳَرﺎ َِرﻣ ﱢ ْْﻦ ﻓَاﻟ َ َﻚ َوَﻻ ﺗ َ ﻟَﻨَﺎ ُﺣ َﺴ َﺎﻣ �� �ار �� � اور ا�رout �of � اthe ےdisbelievers. ﺪاءَ َك َوأ َْﻋ َﺪاﺋ ْﻲ�� اور ا� �ہ � �د �� اور � ا� دن د� اور �ر.َ ﺷﺰ ْقِﺮﻳْـ أًﺮاَْﻋ ْ َ َ ِ ْ ِ
h! We make You a shield against enemies we take refuge in You O Allah! We make You and a shield against enemies eir evils. O Allah! makerefuge You a shield enemiestheir and weevils. take refuge in You and weWetake in against You from ِ ٰ ﻚ ِﻣ ْﻦ from their evils. َ ِﻚ ِ ْﰲ ُﳓُ ْﻮِر� ْﻢ َوﻧَـ ُﻌ ْﻮذُ ﺑ َ ُاﻟﻠّ ُ� ﱠﻢ إِﻧﱠﺎ َْﳒ َﻌﻠ I beg pardon from Allah my Lord, for all my sins and turn to Him.
O my Lord everything serves You. So O my Lord, protect me and help me and have mercy on me.
Lord, hear my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies and fulfil Your promise and help Your servant and show us Your days and sharpen for us Your sword and spare not a single mischief maker out of the disbelievers.
O Allah! We make You a shield against enemies and we take refuge in You from their evils.
I beg pardon from Allah my Lord, for all my sins and turn to Him.
O my Lord everything serves You. So O my Lord, protect me and help me and have mercy on me.
Lord, hear We my make prayerYou and acrush Your enemies and my fulfil O Allah! shield against enemies andenemies we take and refuge in Your You promise help Your servant and show us Your days and sharpen for us Your from theirand evils. sword and spare not a single mischief maker out of the disbelievers.
I beg pardon from Allah my Lord, for all my sins and turn to Him.
O my Lord everything serves You. So O my Lord, protect me and help me and have mercy on me.
Lord, hear my prayer and crush Your enemies and my enemies and fulfil Your promise and help Your servant and show us Your days and sharpen for us Your sword and spare not a single mischief maker out of the disbelievers.
ﻚ َو َﺷ ﱢ� ْﺮ َ ﺼ ْﺮ َﻋْﺒ َﺪ َك َوأَرﻧَﺎ أَﻳﱠ َﺎﻣ ُ َْوأ َْﳒ ْﺰ َو ْﻋ َﺪ َك َواﻧ � � �� � �� � ر�۔.ﻟَﻨَﺎ ﺣﺴﺎﻣ َﻚ وَﻻ ﺗَ َﺬر ِﻣﻦ اﻟْ َﮑﺎﻓِ ِﺮﻳﻦ َﺷ ِﺮﻳـﺮا � �� اور ا� �ہ � �د �� اور � ا� دن د� اور �رے � ا� �ار �� � اور ا�ر �� وا�ں َ ْ َ ََُ ًْ َ ْ اے �ے رب � �ى د� � اور ا� د�ں اور �ے د�ں � �ے �ے � دے اور ا� و�ہ �را
� � �� � �� � ر�۔
FOCUS BOOKS OF THE PROMISED MESSIAHas This section of the magazine aims to provide a brief insight into one of the books of The Promised Messiahas. In this Issue, we introduce “Chasma-e-Masihi.”
Title Author Language English Version No. of pages Year Written Year Printed Printed by
Chashma-e-Masihi Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas Urdu Fountain of Christianity 60 1906 1906 Magazine Press, Qadian
FOUNTAIN OF CHRISTIANITY ‘The Fountain of Christianity’ is an English version of Chashma-e-Masihi, a book written by the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, The Promised Messiah and Mahdi, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (on whom be peace) in March 1906. The first translation of this book was done by the late Qazi Abdul Hamid Sahib and was published in 1970. This new translation is prepared by Chaudhary Muhammad Ali Sahib (Wakilut Tasnif Rabwah). The present edition (New Translation) was printed in 2007 by Islam International Publications LTD in UK by Raqeem Press, Tilford UK.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Born in 1835 in Qadian (India), Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, The Promised Messiah and Mahdi, remained dedicated to the study of the Holy Qur’an and to a life of prayer and devotion. Finding Islam the target of foul attacks from all directions, the fortunes of Muslims at a low ebb, faith yielding to doubt and religion only skin-
how the Holy Qur’an is a unique and peerless book, how so many of its prophecies have been fulfilled, and how its blessings live on to this day. This charge against the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Prophetsaw was enough to prompt the Promised Messiahas to write a convincing rebuttal with reasons and arguments. The Promised Messiahas says:
deep, he undertook vindication and exposition of Islam. In his vast corpus of writings (including his epoch-making ‘Brahin-e-Ahmadiyya’, his lectures, discourses, religious debates etc., he argued that Islam was a living faith and the only faith by following which man could establish contact with his Creator and enter into communion with Him. He announced that God had appointed him the Messiah and Mahdi as mentioned in the prophecies of the Bible, the Holy Qur’an and Ahadith. In 1889 he began to accept initiation into his Community which is now established in more than two hundred countries. His more than eighty books are written
‘I am amazed, why you (Muslims) have been influenced by the writings of such people, who are past masters in hoodwinking the people. They are like the magicians of the days of Moses, who made their ropes crawl like snakes. But since Moses was the Prophet of God, his “rod” swallowed up all the snakes. In the same way, the Holy Quran is the rod of God and it was, day by day, gradually swallowing up all such rope-snakes. And that day is at hand, rather very near, when no vestige of such ropes or snakes will be left.’ (Chashma-e-Masihi, Ruhani Khazain, Vol.20, p.338)
mostly in Urdu, but some are in Arabic and Persian. In this small book, the Promised Messiahas also
BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION TO CHASMA-E-MASIHI Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiahas and Mahdi, wrote Fountain of Christianity in March 1906, in response to a book written by a Christian, in which the gentleman tried to prove that the Holy Qur’an does not contain any new teachings and that the Holy Prophetsaw merely copied the narratives from past scriptures–God forbid. This book was prompted by a letter that the Promised Messiahas received from a Muslim of Bance Bareli. In the mind of this Muslim, a number of doubts arose about Islam after he had read a highly misleading and provocative Christian tract on Islam under the title of Yanabi‘ul-Islam.The Promised Messiahas responds to this objection by, first, raising serious doubts about the authenticity of the Christian Gospels, and then goes on to show
argues against the doctrines of Trinity and Atonement held by Christians, and shows that these beliefs have nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus himself. In this context, the Promised Messiahas also draws out a comparison between the Muslim and Christian teachings of forgiveness and punishment. The second part of the book, or Epilogue, consists of a profound thesis on the nature of true salvation. The Promised Messiahas describes salvation as: “The abiding peace and happiness which man, by his very nature, hungers and thirsts for, and which is achieved through personal love and recognition of God, and through a perfect relationship with Him.” The Promised Messiahas shows that the Christian and Hindu doctrines of salvation have not only failed in this purpose, but are also contrary to the eternal laws and attributes of the Almighty God.
SPECIMENS OF WRITING “Remember, we hold Jesusas in great esteem,
not be sinful to bind the holy and the unholy in
and regard him as a Prophet of God. We are
a single volume? The fact is that these people
also averse to the kinds of objections raised
are unable to say with any degree of conviction
against him that have recently been published
whether any of these books are authentic
by the Jews. My aim is only to show that just
or forged, and everyone goes by their own
as the Jews attack Jesus and his Gospel out
opinion. Out of mere prejudice, they declare
of sheer prejudice, in much the same way the
those Gospels to be fabricated which are in
Christians attack the Holy Quran and the Holy
accord with the Holy Quran. Hence they have
Prophetsaw. Christians should not have followed
declared the Gospel of Barnabas to have been
the misguided ways of the Jews, but it is a rule
forged because it contains a clear Fountain
that when people are unable to attack a religion
of Christianity prophecy about the Prophet of
on the basis of truth and justice, many of them
the Latter Days [the Holy Prophet]. Sale, in his
resort to slanderous attacks.”
commentary, has related the story of a Christian monk who was converted to Islam after reading
(Fountain of Christianity, p.5)
this Gospel.”
“Another incredible fact is that the ancient
(Fountain of Christianity, pp.10-11)
book of Yuz Asaf (which most English scholars believe to have been published
“Recognition of God is not something easy, and
before the birth of Jesus ), and which has
it is not for the sages and philosophers of this
been translated in all European countries, is
world to try to find Him. The study of heavens
so similar to the Gospels that many of their
and earth can only prove that there ‘should be’
passages are identical. The parables used by
a Creator of this highly ordered universe, but
the Gospels are also found word for word in this book. Even if the person reading it were so ignorant as to be practically blind, he would still be convinced that the Gospels have been borrowed from the same book. Some people, including some English scholars, believe that this book belongs to Gautama Buddha, and
it cannot prove that He actually exists. And the difference between ‘should be’ and ‘is’ is quite obvious. The Holy Quran is the only book that proves God’s existence as a fact. It does not only enjoin the recognition of God, but actually reveals Him to us. There is no other book under
that it was originally in Sanskrit and was later
the firmament which provides proof of that
translated into other languages.”
Hidden Being.”
(Fountain of Christianity, p.9)
(Fountain of Christianity, pp.23-24)
“……on the occasion of King Edward’s
“The real source and essence of salvation is
coronation, the Church fathers of London
man’s personal love for God, which leads to
presented him with the books which they
his union with Him, because a lover cannot
presume to be forged along with the four
remain separated from his beloved. Since God
Gospels, all bound in one volume. I possess
Himself is Light, His love produces ‘the light of
a copy of this Bible. Now, if these books had
salvation’. The love which is ingrained in human
really been forged and were unholy, would it
nature draws the love of God, and then God’s
personal love gives extraordinary strength and enthusiasm to man’s personal love, and
Recognition of God
the union of the two results in the state of ‘annihilation’ (Fana) and culminates in the light of ‘immortality with God’ (Baqa Billah)...”
The Radiant Lamp
(Fountain of Christianity, pp.39-40)
‘‘Concluding the subject, let me advise you in the
People (companion) of the cave
name of God, that if you are really in search of the living blessings, then stop looking towards the Messiah who has long been dead and none of whose blessings live on to this today. His
Salvation, as referred by the Arya Samaj
people, instead of being inebriated with the love of God, have exceeded every other people in being intoxicated with wine, and, instead of seeking the heavenly treasure, they crave for the riches of the world even if they have to get them through gambling. Instead, I invite you into the fold of the Muhammadi Messiah, who is
and who offers fresh blessings.
The choice is yours’’. (Fountain of Christianity, p.70)
The Living One (an Attribute of Allah Ta’ala)
The Self-Subsisting One (an Attribute of Allah Ta’ala)
“Fountain of Christianity” is available to read on
New Year’s Day is considered a public holiday in most countries throughout the globe; we watch the world celebrate the start of a New Year with grand parties and great firework displays that start in New Zealand and end in the United States.1 However, for certain religious and social sects, New Year’s Day is a date that holds great significance and is surprisingly often celebrated after January 1st, be it to mark the birth of their founding fathers or to celebrate the start of spring and new beginnings. Despite the fact that this day is marked in different ways and on different days of the year, these “New Year” holidays are yet another reminder of the common threads shared by many of the world’s religions. All these traditions universally express an appreciation for the past joined with a hope for blessings and prosperity in the future. So here is a brief look at how different sects of the world commemorate the New Year and how their practices and traditions mirror each other in many ways.
performed during Rosh Hashanah is the blowing of the Shofar, a ram’s horn trumpet. This ritual marks the start of a ten day period known as the ‘Days of
Many Eastern Orthodox and Armenian churches
Awe,’ which ends the festival of Yom Kippur.
in countries such as Russia, Serbia and countries Eastern Europe observe the New Year according
Following the service a special meal is prepared,
to the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian
which includes:
calendar. This means that the New Year is celebrated twice in many of these countries; first on January 1st in accordance to the Gregorian calendar and then the ‘Old New Year’ traditionally celebrated on January 13th-14th in accordance to the Julian calendar. The Julian calendar pre-dates the Gregorian calendar that is used today. Orthodox Christians mark the event by attending liturgies at
• Hallah bread in a round loaf, this symbolises the circle of life and of the year. • Apples dipped in honey, this symbolises the hope of a sweet New Year that lies ahead. • A sweet carrot stew known as Tzimmes is also served. • Pomegranates are also placed on the table.
the church whilst others hold communal meals or
A pomegranate typically holds 613 seeds and
dinners for family and friends and set off fireworks.
each seed represents each commandment that is
obligatory on a Jew according to the Torah. The basic philosophies and traditions practiced by the orthodox Christians during this time mirror many
Rosh Hashanah also represents a time when people
of the traditions practiced by the major religions of
can unite with friends and family and end any
the world. Much like Judaism and Islam, this time
disputes with one another.3
of year is seen as a time of spiritual reflection and an opportunity to evaluate their deeds both good and bad.
Sikhs mark the New Year at various times of the
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year; it is celebrated over the space of two days. It marks the beginning of the 7th Hebrew month, Tishrei. It commemorates the creation of the world and according to the Mishnah, it is also considered as a judgement day, as Jews believe that God balances out the deeds of a believer over the last year, and decides what the next year will be like for them. It is also considered as a time of reflection and a time to ask for forgiveness from God. On this day, a ceremony is traditionally held in a synagogue (Jewish temple).
One of the rituals
year: On January 5th Sikhs mark the New Year by commemorating the birth of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and final Sikh prophet. His date has been documented according to the Sikh Nanakshai calendar. According to the Hindu Bikrami Calender, Guru Gobind Singh’s birthday falls in December or January, or even twice within one year. This is celebrated very simply. The better known or perhaps universal date for New Year in the Sikh calendar is marked by the festival of Vaisakhi. This festival is usually celebrated on April 13th or 14th. Vaisakhi was originally a harvest festival in the Punjab region. However in 1699 as Sikhs gathered in the Punjab to celebrate the harvest festival of Vaisakhi, Guru
Gobind Singh emerged from his tent with a sword.
Tibetans use this time to visit monasteries and
He addressed the crowd and asked all those who
make offerings, Buddhist monks place decorations
were willing to give up their lives for their religion
throughout the monasteries and conduct religious
to step forward.
ceremonies. Rituals are also performed to drive away evil spirits.
A young man stepped forward, he followed the Guru in to the tent, a few moments later Guru
The tradition of Losar can be traced back to pre-
Gobind Singh emerged from the tent alone with
Buddhist period in Tibet when Tibetans practiced
his sword covered in blood. He then addressed the
the Bon religion. During the winter, a festival would
crowd again asking anyone who ever was willing to
be held where people would offer incense to local
sacrifice their life for their religion to step forward.
spirits and deities to please them and bring good
The Guru repeated this until a total of five Sikhs had
fortune. This tradition eventually transferred into
gone in to the tent.
the Buddhist Religion.5
The crowd became very concerned until all five Sikhs emerged from the tent alive along with Guru Gobind Singh. All of them were wearing turbans and from then on became known as the ‘Panj Pyare’ or ‘Beloved Five.’4 The five men were later baptised into the Khalsa (which was started by the ‘Beloved Five’ and today represents the collective body of all initiated Sikhs). During the Baptism, prayers are recited as Amrit (a special mixture which contains water and sugar and is stirred with a double-edged sword) is sprinkled over the baptised follower.
CHINESE NEW YEAR The Chinese New Year is often celebrated at the end of January and is known as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year. During this time, many Chinese families across the world follow traditions that date back hundreds of centuries that they believe will manifest good fortune and prosperity in the next year.6 Whilst China has adopted the Gregorian calendar, it still celebrates the first two weeks of the Lunar Calendar with great feasts, colourful decorations, firework displays and family time. The two week
Even though this is celebrated around the same
celebration leads up to an ornate Lantern Festival.
time as the Chinese New Year, both celebrations
This festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st Lunar
are culturally very different; Losar is the Tibetan
New Year. Much like the Chinese New Year it is celebrated in accordance to the Lunar Calendar.
This festival originates from the Han Dynasty
It is celebrated over three days and celebrations
(206BC-220AD). During this time, Buddhism was
are often kept very small. The first day is restricted
spreading across China, an Emperor of the time
to immediate family only, however, on the second
heard that Buddhist Monks would observe Sarira
and third day one is able to exchange gifts and
(remains from the cremation of Buddha’s body)
celebrate with extended family and friends. Losar is
and light lanterns on the 15th day of the first Lunar
often marked by various events and traditions that
calendar in worship of Buddha. In respect of this
symbolise purification and mark the beginning of
tradition the Emperor instructed that lanterns
a new year, this includes whitewashing buildings,
should be lit throughout the imperial palace and
wearing new clothes and preparing special meals.
temples. This tradition eventually spread across China and is still practiced today.7
The colour red holds great significance during this
be yours and your red glow be mine.’ Some shout
celebration as red is considered a lucky colour in
this as they jump over the bonfire.
Chinese culture. This is why gifts are often given in red envelopes called hong bao during the Chinese
A ceremonial table is also displayed called the
New Year. Some elders fill these envelopes with
sofreh-ye haft-sinn or the cloth of seven dishes. The
candy and money and place them under children’s
seven traditional foods prepared are:
pillows before New Year’s Day. • Serkeh: (vinegar); to represent patience Homes and cities throughout China are decorated
• Sib: (apples) to represent beauty and health
with red banners and decorations and people wear
• Senjed: (Dried fruit) represents love
red to bring about good luck. The Chinese New
• Sir: (garlic) represents medicine
Year is also considered as a celebration of spring
• Somaq: (sumac berries) represents sunrise
so many also decorate their homes with daffodil
• Samanu: (sweet pudding) represents affluence
bulbs. Uncooked rice is filled in bowls and placed in prominent places around the house to invite health and good fortune as rice is seen as a symbol
and wealth • Sabzeh (lentil, barley or wheat sprouts) represents renewal.9
of wealth and prosperity. Gold items and oranges are also placed on tables to invite wealth into the
Once the thirteen days have ended, Sizdeh Bedar
is celebrated; on this day families throw green sprouts in the river or lake to represent the plants
NOWRUZ- PERSIAN NEW YEAR The word Nowruz is Persian and translates to ‘New Light’ or ‘New Day’. People across central Asia celebrate Nowruz as it coincides with the spring equinox and usually falls in March. Nowruz is celebrated in Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan and other Central Asian Nations. People have been celebrating Nowruz for 3,000 years.8 It is celebrated
return to nature. In 2010 the United Nations General Assembly recognised Nowruz as a national holiday. This is a tradition that heavily focuses on the values of Persian Culture, unlike the Chinese New Year which has many traditions that are rooted in Buddhism.
according to the Persian solar calendar. According to the Islamic calendar, Al Hijra marks This event celebrates renewal and rebirth and
the first day of the New Year and the first day of the
symbolizes the arrival of spring. Its traditions are
month of Muharram. Al Hijra commemorates the
partly rooted in the Zoroastrian religion but it is
migration of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw from
considered as an ancient holiday which origins date
Mecca to Medina in 622 CE which established the
back thousands of years.
first Islamic state.10
On the last Wednesday of the old year, the night
Al Hijra also marks the first time a community of
of Chahar Shanbe Suri is celebrated. This evening
both spiritual and earthly life were completely
is very symbolic and is celebrated to get rid of all
integrated in the History of Islam. By breaking ties
the bad luck and misfortune of the previous year.
from his own tribe and moving to Medina the Holy
People light bonfires and shout ‘Zardie man as to,
Prophet Muhammadsaw demonstrated that family
sorkhie to az man’ which means ‘May sickly pallor
loyalties were not as strong as the bond of Islam.
Until then the Arab world relied heavily on the
Day, but should be a part of every day of the year.
hierarchy of different tribes for governance.
We should always pray for a better tomorrow, not just for ourselves but for the world we live in. May
There is no specific religious ritual or practice that is
Allah grant us all a prosperous and Happy New
held during this time; however it does give Muslims
Year, Ameen.
a chance to reflect on the meaning of Hijra and think of different resolutions to better themselves.
During a Friday sermon in 2010, Huzur
about the concept of New Year. People greet each other on the occasion of a new year but for a believer a year and its days are blessed when repentance is accepted and spirituality is enhanced. A truly blessed day is a day that leads to spiritual development, one that draws attention towards
the rights of God and the rights of people, a day
that helps us attain nearness to Allah. Our years are
blessed in the instance where we turn to Allah to
attain all these objectives with complete sincerity.11
These are just some of the different ways the New
Year is celebrated across the world. Many use this
as time for self betterment and resolutions, but for
Ahmadi Muslims the chance to better oneself in every sphere of life should not stop at New Year’s
The Colour GREEN ITS PERCEPTION & INFLUENCE IN THE WORLD By Sabeeha Mughal According to the Oxford dictionary, colour can be defined as: “The property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light.” Hence, before analysing the influence of the colour green, it is important to first, briefly, look at the scientific concept behind colour perception i.e. how and why do we perceive colour?
THE PHYSICAL PHENOMENA BEHIND COLOUR PERCEPTION Colour comes from the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is used to define the range of all possible wavelengths or frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, which is a form of energy emitted and absorbed by charged particles, exhibiting wavelike behaviour as it travels through space. The electromagnetic spectrum ranges from very short wavelengths (gamma and x-rays) to very long wavelengths (microwaves and broadcast radio waves). Table 1 outlines these important regions of the spectrum, in order of increasing wavelength. The visible region in the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from 400 to 700nm can be seen by the human eye and can be subdivided according to colour to give a “visible spectrum” (Fig. 1). Note that the spectrum is continuous with no clear boundaries and hence, we perceive this range of wavelengths as a smoothly varying rainbow of colours.
Table 1: The electromagnetic spectrum Gamma rays
X-Rays UV
Visible IR
Fig. 1: The visible spectrum
When white light passes through a substance,
are light absorbing parts of a molecule that can
a characteristic portion is absorbed while the
cause it to be coloured.
remaining assumes a complementary colour, which is reflected and hence responsible for the
For example, chlorophyll, a green pigment found
colour of the substance that we perceive. So, for
in chloroplasts in plants, is an extremely important
example if an object is perceived as blue, it is
because it absorbs the wavelength corresponding
absorbs light in the blue and red portions of
to the complementary colour yellow (Table 2). This
the electromagnetic spectrum, reflecting light
is a basic explanation of why we perceive colours.
in the green region of the spectrum, making
plants appear green. The reason why chlorophyll THE CHEMICAL PHENOMENA BEHIND
is so effective at absorbing sunlight is because
it contains a network of alternating single and
A common feature of all coloured compounds is a
double bonds with delocalized electrons over
system of extensively conjugated (pi) π electrons.
orbitals, stabilising its structure. The basic
In chemistry, a conjugated system consists of
structure of chlorophyll molecule (Fig. 2) consists
connected p-orbitals with delocalized electrons
of a Porphyrin ring co-ordinated to a magnesium
over alternating single and double bonds, which
metal ion.
lowers the overall energy of a molecule, making it more stable. Conjugated systems are the basis of
“chromophores,” meaning colour bringers. These
In the visible spectrum, green is located between
Table 2: The relationship between absorbed and reflected colour Perceived colour
Absorbed colour
Wavelength of absorbed light (nm)
Fig. 2: The basic chemical structure of chlorophyll; R1 = CH3 or CHO Conjugated system of alternating single and double bonds
yellow and blue. This colour is most commonly
In Surah Al-Rahman, there are several verses in
associated with the environment and nature and
which the word green is mentioned. For example,
is seen as tranquil and refreshing. Green is also
in verse 63, while referring to the rewards of
considered the colour of peace and ecology and
goodness, Allah Ta’ala says:
Fig. 2: The basic chemical structure of chlorophyll; R1 = CH3 or CHO
can have a soothing and relaxing effect and can offer a sense of renewal.
And besides these two, there are two other Gardens
GREEN IN THE HOLY QUR’AN In the Holy Qur’an, there are several places where
Then in verse 65, Allah Ta’ala says:
the colour green is mentioned in the sense of renewal and revival. For example, in verse 64 of
Dark green with foliage.
Surah Al-Hajj, Allah Ta’ala says: The gardens mentioned in these verses are Hast thou not seen that Allah sends down water
described as “dark green with foliage,” which
from the sky and the earth becomes green?
actually refers to the intensity of the goodness of
Allah is indeed the Knower of subtleties, the
the works of believers to whom these gardens are
promised in the afterlife.
Although a literal meaning of this verse would
In Surah Al-Kahf, Allah Ta’ala says:
be that God has sent water or rain from the sky in order to sustain the greenery and vegetation
It is these who will have Gardens of Eternity
on earth, this verse also draws the attention of
beneath which streams shall flow. They will be
disbelievers to the fact that Divine rain has fallen
adorned therein with bracelets of gold and will
on the bleak, barren and dead land of Arabia.
wear green garments of fine silk and heavy
This rain has given them a new life and there is
brocade, reclining therein upon raised couches.
verdure and greenness all over it—there is a
How good the reward and how excellent the
spiritual awakening all over the country and Islam
place of rest!
has taken deep roots. It will now grow, expand
(Surah Al-Kahf, V.32)
and prevail over all false faiths. Hence, the colour green and greenery here is actually referring to
Here, the wearing of bracelets of gold and green
“spiritual revival.”
silk garments connote a spiritual sense, meaning that good works of Muslims in this life will assume
an embodied form in the next. “Bracelets of gold” and “green garments of fine silk” could also signify special marks of honour and dignity for the Faithful. Finally, in Surah Al-An’am, Allah Ta’ala says: And it is He Who sends down water from the cloud; and We bring forth therewith every kind of growth; then We bring forth with that green foliage wherefrom We produce clustered grain. And from the date-palm, out of its sheaths, come forth bunches hanging low. And We produce therewith gardens of grapes, and the olive and the pomegranate — similar and dissimilar. Look at the fruit thereof when it bears fruit, and the ripening thereof. Surely, in this are Signs for people who believe. (Surah Al-An’am, V.100) In this verse, again, revelation is linked to rain water. Allah Ta’ala explains that just as by the rain water, all kinds of vegetation grow up, good and bad, depending on the seeds lying concealed in the earth, similarly at the advent of Divine revelation, men become divided into good and bad. The good ones accept the messenger of God, help him and become pious and holy just like green trees that bear good fruits or shrubs that bring beautiful flowers or herbs that give out a sweet odour. However, the bad ones, who oppose the messenger, persecute his followers and act corruptly on earth, are like trees that give bitter fruits or like thorny, flowerless bushes or plants with a bad odour. Thus, all of the above-mentioned verses suggest that the colour green is a sign of spiritual renewal and revival and may also be seen as a pious colour. The Holy Qur’an also refers to greenery and vegetation in the environment, which although sometimes used in metaphorical terms, also point to the fact that greenery, plants, trees and their fruits are blessings of God bestowed upon mankind.
REFERENCES • (for Arabic text, its translation and short commentary) • Kate Smith, All about the colour green: http:// • What light reaches the eye? The visible spectrum: • Understanding colour: http://www.rgbworld. com/color.html • Paul May, Chlorophyll: http://www.chm.bris. • The electromagnetic spectrum: http://csep10. (Websites accessed on 28/11/14)
Basic Arabic Language
Lesso ns fo r
Lesson 11
Use the provided vocabulary to answer the questions below
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Where Where Where O i؟s? َ ﻰ i i s? َﻳﯾi ﺃأ n ﺃأ ؟ u ؟ ْﻥن ؟ َ ﻲ ﻳﯾ ْﻥن ﻳﯾ ﺃأi ِﻓﺃأ n ﻳﯾi ﺃأn ﻲ iO in ﻲ Chair ﻠn ِﻓB ﻋ n O O n nder َ ﻰ ﻰ ﻋ َ u u ْﺣnder u َﺗ nder ﺕت َ ْ ﺣ ْﺣD ﻲﱞﺣَْﺗ َﺗesk َﺗChair Chair ِ ﻛﺳ ْ ْﺭر ed ْ ﺭر ِ ﺭرْﺳ B ُﻛﻳﯾed ﻛD ِﺭرْ ُﺭر َ upboard ﺳ ُﻛTable esk ﺎﻭو ِ ْ َﻟ ﺎﻭو ِ ﻁطﻓ D َ ٌﺔesk ٌﺔ َﻟ ﺎﻭو َﻟ ٌﺔ ِ ﺎﻭو ﻁط ٌ ﺏب es ٌ ﺭر؟ed ِﺳChair ؟ s? ﻓ n n O ﺭرﻠn nder ْ ﺭر ُﻛ ﻲﱞ ٌﺏب َﻛ ُْ ﻲﱞ َﺭر ُﻲﱞﻛ ﺳِﻲﱞ ِ ﺳ ﺭر B َﺭر B َِﻳﯾﺭر ed ﺎﻭو ِ ﻟ َ On ﻁط D َ ِﻲﻳﯾ َ ﺭرْﻠbnder َ ﻛ ُ ﺕت َ B ِﺳﺃﺏبٌَﻳTable َ ﺳTable e ﺃأﻳﯾ n is? ﻰin ْﻥ Where ﺃأ ﺕت Bnder ﻲﱞ ٌ َﺔ ﺳَِﻟ Table ﺎﻭو َِ ﻧin ﻁط َﺍا َ َِﺯز ٌﺏ C ٌﺔﺧ ﻟupboard ﻧﺔ ٌ ﻋ n i s? Use ﻲWhere ِﻓ ؟ tْﻥن َ he O ﻋﻠ ْﻥن َﺗ ﻲِﻓ ﺕت ٌﺔ َﻟChair َﺗB ﻁطﻣ C ﺳ ٌﺭرَﺔTable ِ ﺳ َiِﻓn َ ؟Where ِ َ ﻁط ْﻥ ٌ ِ َ َO ْ َﺣ ِﺭر َﺗﻳﯾ ﺳﻲﱞTable p rovided v ocabulary to َ nder aَ nswer the qَ ed uestions elow inn ﻋﻠﺣْ ﻓ On ﺕت ِﻲﱞ َﻋﻠﻰ under ﺕ Chair ﻲﱞed ِ ُﻛ ﺳTable Bed ﺭﻳ ٌﺭWhere ﺳ ﺔ ﻟ ﺎﻭ ﻁ Desk ﺗ ﻛ ﻣ Cupb ِ ﻁطﺭْ ِﺳ َ ﻲ ﻳ ِﻓﺃu nder َ ِ ِ answer uestions below estions elow estions questions questions btbhe elow bbqelow elow Bed Table Desk Cupboard Room َ Desk ٌ َﻣ ْﻛ َﺗﺏب Cup er tWhere he questions ُ Bed ﺳ ِﺭرﻳﯾ ٌﺭرTable َ ْ َﺗﺣChair is? َْﻥن؟bA ﻳﯾelow ﺃأ s hirt in ِﻓﻲ On ﻋﻠﻰ ﻲﱞ ْﺭر ﻛ ﺎﻭو َﻟ ٌﺔ ِﺳ َ under ﺕت َ ِ ﻁط َ ٌﻳﯾﺹص ٌﻳﯾﺹص ﻣ ﻗ ِ A َ َ َ َ َ ٌﻳﯾﺹص ٌﻳﯾﺹص ٌﻳﯾﺹص ﻣ ﻗ ﻣ ﻣ ﻗ ﻗ ﻣ ﻗ ٌﻳﯾﺹص َ ِ ِ ِ ِ A s hirt A A A s s hirt hirt s hirt A A A ٌ ﺣ َِﺟﺎﺏب ﻣ ﻗ ٌ ٌ ِ A s hirt A َ ٌﻳﯾﺹص َ ُ َ ْ ﻣ ﻗ ِ t A ٌﻳﯾﺹص ٌﺎﺏب َ َ َ َ ﻣ ﻗ ِﺟ ﺣ ِ A َ َ r َ ﻋﺗﻠﺣْﺣْﻰ Chair ْ ﺣْﺣ ﺗu ﺳﺭر َﻲﱞTable ﺭر ﺳTable ﺎﻭو َﺗﻟﺔ ٌ ﻣﻛﺗﺏب َ ٌﺔ ٌﺔ َﻧ ﺍا َﻧ َِﺯزﺍا َِﺯز ٌﺔﺧC َﻧ ٌﺧﺔ َﻧupboard ﺧُﻏﺭِْﺯزﺍا َﻓﻧ ٌﺔﺔ A ٌﺎﻭوﻳﯾ َﻟ َﻟ ٌَﺔﺭر َ ﻁطﺔ َ َ DD ٌ ﻳﯾﻳﯾ ﺭرِﺭر ِ ﺳTable َ ﺕت َ َﺗnder َ َ ﺧﺧRoom ﺕت ﺕتَﺗ Chair ﺎﻭو َﻟ َﻟ ٌﺔ ﻛ ْ ِﻛ َﺗ ْ ﺏبٌ َﻣ ﻁطﻣ ِ ﺳ ْ ُﻛﺣْ ُﻛﻲﱞﻲﱞﺭرْﺭر ﺳِﺗ ِ ﺳ ْ ﺭرْﺭر Chair َ Room ٌَ ﺏب ﺗ َ َﺗ ﻛ ْ ْﻛ ﻣ َ َﻣ C C D ٌ ﺭرed ٌﺳﺭرْ ِ ِﺭرﺭرﻳﯾﺳِﻳﯾ ٌ َﺭرTable er ﺕت Chair Chair BُﻛB ُﻛ ed ed BBﺭرed ﺳTable ﺎﻭو ﻁط esk esk D Desk esk ٌﺏبٌﺏب upboard upboard esk CCupboard upboard ﺍا ِﺯزِﺯزﺍا ﺔ ٌ َﻓ ْ ُﻏﻲﱞﻲﱞﺭ ِ ﺳ ﺕت َ َﻛ B ٌﺔed ِ ﻁط ِ ﺎﻭو ِ ِ ِ ﻁط headscarf headscarf headscarf headscarf َ elow ocabulary e rovided answer b bﺕت elow َ to headscarf estions upnder ْﺣvَﺗocabulary Chair t he ﻲﱞtِﺳo qْﺭرa ُﻛuestions nswer Bed ﺭرtٌ he ﻳﯾb ِﺭرelow ﺳTable ﺎﻭو َﻟ ٌﺔ Desk ٌ َﻣ ْﻛ َﺗﺏب headscarf Cupboard ﺧ َِﺯزﺍا َﻧ ٌﺔheadscarf headscarf َ questions ِ ﻁط ٌ َﻗ ِﻣﻳﯾﺹص ٌﻳﺹ ٌﺎﺏبٌﺎﺏ ﺣ َِﺟﺣ َِﺟ A Asshirt hirt AA A shirt ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ َ َ َ ُ ُ َ َ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ َ ٌ ٌ ٌﺏب ٌﺏب ٌ ٌﺏب e iﺕت n iَ s? ؟ ٌﻳﯾﺹص َْﻥن ﻳﯾ ﺃأ O ﺳِﻰ ﻠ ﻋ ed O n ﻰ ﺕت ﻠ ﻋ ْﺣ ﺗ u Chair nder ﺕت ﻲﱞ ْﺣ ْﺭر ﺗ ﻛ Chair B ed ﺭر ﻳﯾ ﻲﱞ ﺭر ﺳTable ْﺭر ﻛ B ed ﺔ ﻟ ﺎﻭو ﺭر ﻳﯾ ﻁط ﺭر ﺳTable D esk ﺔ ﻟ ﺎﻭو ﺗ ﻁط ﻛ ﻣ D C esk upboard ﺗ ﻛ ﻣ ﺔ ﻧ ﺍا C ِﺯز upboard ﺧ ْ ﺣ ﻲﺗ ِﻓChair i ﻲﱞ n ْ ﻛﻲ َﺭر ِﻓ u B nder ﺭر ﻳﯾ ﺭر ﺳTable ﺔ ﻟ ﺎﻭو ﻁط D esk ﺗ ﻛ ﻣ C upboard ﺔ ﻧ ﺍا ِﺯز ﺧ ِﺳ ِﺳ َ َ َ َ َ َ ٌﺎﺏب ﻣ ِ َﻗ n ِﺟ ﺣ A َ ِ ِ ٌﺎﺏب ٌﺣ َِﺟ َِﺟﺎﺏب ﺣ ِﺟِﺟ A A ٌﺎﺏب ٌﺎﺏب َﻧﺔ ﺍا A A ِ headscarf َ َ ﺣﺣ ِ ِ headscarf ِ ٌ َﻗ ِﻣﻳﯾﺹص A headscarf Trousers ٌ ﺣ َِﺟﺎﺏب headscarf headscarf headscarf headscarf A shirt A headscarf headscarf ٌِﺟﺏب Trousers ٌﻳﯾﺹص ٌﺎﺏب َﻗ ﺣ Socks ٌ ﺣﻝل ٌ ِ ﺳ ٌﻝلA ﺳِ ﺭرْ َﻭوﺍا ﺎﺏبٌﺍا ٌﻝل ٌﻝل ﺍا ٌﻝلﺍا َﺭرْﻭوﺭرْﺍاَ َﻭوﻭوA ْ ﺳِﺭر ِ ﺳ A َْ َﺟSocks ِ ﺳ ﺳِﻝلﺭرْ َِﺟ َﺭرْﻭو َﺍاﻭو َﻗﺭرْ ِﻣ َﻭوﺍا ٌﻝل ِ ﺳ ﺟ ْﺣﻭو َﺭر َ Trousers Socks Socks Socks ٌﺎﺏبٌﺏب Trousers ﻳﯾﺹصٌ ٌﻝل ﺍاTrousers ﻭوTrousers ْ ﺳِِﻣ ﺭر ِﺟﻭو َﺭرSocks َ Trousers ers Socks Socks headscarf headscarf headscarf ٌﺏبٌﺭﺏ Trousers Socks َ َﺟ ْﻭو َﺟ َ ْﺭرﻭ ﺳِﺳِ ﺭرْﺭْ َﻭوﻭﺍاﺍﻝلٌﻝ Trousers Socks Trousers ٌ َﺟ ْﻭو َﺭرﺏب ﺳِ ﺭرْ َﻭوﺍا ٌﻝل Socks ْ ﺟﺟ ْ ْﻭوﻭو َ َﺭرﺭر َﺟ َﺟ ٌﺏبٌﺏبٌ ْﻭوﻭو َﺭر َﺭرﺏبٌﺏب ﺳ ﺳ ََ Socks Socks Socks Socks ٌَﺟ ْﻭو َﺭرﺏب ﺳِ ﺭرْ َﻭوﺍا ٌﻝل Socks Socks Shoes cap A َ ْﻗُﻭوﺑ َﺭرَّﻌ ٌﺔ َﺟ Shoes ap ٌءSocks ﺍاcﺣ َِﺫذ ء ٌ ﺏبٌ ٌﺍاء A cap ٌﺏب ﺣ َﺭرِﺫذﺣﺍا َِﺫذ ٌءﻭو ْ َِﺫذﺣﺍاﺣ َِﺫذ َ ٌِﺫذءﺍا َﺍاﺟ ٌء ﺣ ﻭوﺣﺍاShoes ﺭرْﺣ َِﺫذﻭوﺍاﺍا ٌء ٌﻝل ِ ﺳ ﻭوA ْ َﺟccap ِ ﺳ َ ْﺭرSocks Shoes A ٌﺔcﺏبٌَّﻌap A A A ccap ap cap ﺍا ٌﻝل ٌءShoes َِﺫذShoes َﺭرﻗُﺑ A ers Socks Shoes A ap َ ِﺣ َﺯزﺍا ٌﻡم َّﻌﻗُ ّﺑ ٌﺔ َﻌ ٌﺔ ﻗُﺑ َ ﻡم ﺍا ﺯز ﺣ ِ ٌ ٌ ء ﺍ ﺫ ﺣ Shoes A cap ِ ٌ ِﺫذﺍا Shoes A c ap ٌ ً ٌ ٌ ٌ ٌ ﺔ ﻋ ﺎ ﺳ ٌ َ ٌ ً A ﺳﺎ ًﻋﺔ َ ﻋﺔ ً ﺳﺎ َ ﺳ َ ﺳﺎ َ ٌ A A bbelt َ ﺳ ًﺎﻋﺎ ًﺔﻋ ًﻋﺔﺔ ﺳﺎ ًﻋ ٌﺔ َ A cap A ﺳﺎ َw atch A A w atch atch A A A bbelt belt elt A A wﺔwﻋ atch ch ﺣ َِﺫذﺍا ٌء A watch belt ﻗُﻗُﺑﺑ َّﻌ َّﻌ ٌﺔ ٌﺔ ٌﺔ ﻗُﻗُﺑﺑ َ َّﻌّﻌ ٌﺔ A belt ﻗُﺑ َّﻌﺔ ShoesA belt A w cap ap elt A catch A A ccap ap A watch ﺣ َِﺫذﺍا ٌء ﻗُﺑ َّﻌ ٌﺔ A belt ِﺣ َﺯزﺍا ٌﻡم A cap َ A watch ﺎﻋﺔ ﻡم ﺍا ﺯز ﺣ ٌ ﺳﺳﺎ ًﻋﺔ ِ ٌ A belt ﺣ َِﺯﺍ ٌﻡ َ ٌﻡم ٌﻡم ِﺣ ِﺣ َﺯز َﺯزﺍاﺍا ٌﻡم ٌﻡم ِﺣ ِﺣ َ َﺯزﺯزﺍاﺍا A w ٌﺔatch A belt ٌ ٌ ٌ َ َ ُ ُ ُ ٌ ٌ ء ﺍا ِﺫذ ﺣ ء ﺍا ِﺫذ ﺣ ﺔ ّﻌ ﺑ ﻗ ﺔ ّﻌ ﺑ ﻗ ﺔ ّﻌ ﺑ ﻗ َ َ َ َ ًﻋ ﺳﺎ َ A ٌﻡمcﺯزﺍاap ِﺣ A cap A A b elt A cap A bbelt elt A A bbelt elt A watch ٌ ﺳﺎ ًﻋﺔ َ A belt ِﺣ َﺯزﺍا ٌﻡم ِﺣ َﺯزﺍا ٌﻡم ِﺣ َﺯزﺍا ٌﻡم ٌﺔ ﻋ ً ﺳﺎ َ A belt ﺳﺎ ًﻋ ٌﺔ َ ch A belt A belt ﻲ؟ ِﻳﯾﺻَِﻗ َﻗﻣ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن ِِﻳﯾﺻ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن َ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥنﻣَﻗ َﻗﻣﻣ Where iss m miy y shirt? hirt? َ َ Maryam ﻲ؟ ﻣ ﻗ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن ﻲ؟ ﻲ؟ ﻲ؟ ﻗ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن َ ِِﻳﯾﺻ ِِﻳﯾﺻ ِِﻳﯾﺻ ﻲ؟ ﻣ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن َ َ َ ِِﻳﯾﺻ َ Where a re h er shoes hoe َ ﻲ؟ ﻣ ﻗ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن Where i s Where Where m Where y hirt? i s s i s m m m y y y s s hirt? hirt? s hirt? ِِﻳﯾﺻ Where i s s َ ﻲ؟ ﻣ ﻗ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن ِِﻳﯾﺻ re is m y s hirt? َ Where Where Where a Where re h er a a s a re re hoes? re hhsher er er sshsh ? Where a re h er are her shoes? Where her shoes? 26 are Where the sYour Your s in ts َ .ِ.ِa َ ﺻ under .ِِﺯزﺍا َِﺯزَﻧِﻲﺍا َﺔﻧ ُﻙكﺔﺧ shoes hoes re aauare ure nde َsﺻﺍاﻟ Your sshirt? hirt Your Your s in sshirt tsِﻲs ihe hirt iﺻ its s ihe iِﻳﯾhe in i َﻗﺔn ihirt in ﺃﻳﻥﺧ َﻗ َﺻﺍاﺔ َ is in .ِ ﺔ sِﺯزﺍاﻣ َﻧ ﺍاﻟ ﻓ ﺔ .ِﻧﺍاﻟ َﻧre ِﻲﺍا ِﻲ َِﺯزﻧَِﺯز ﺧِﺯزﻓﺧﺍا ﺧﺍاﻟﻓﻣ َِﻳﯾ ُﻙك َﻗ َﺍاﻟ ِﻲ ﺻِﻲ ﻓِﻲﻓ ِﻳﯾWhere ُﻙك َِﻳﯾﻓ ﺻ ِﻳﯾ ﻣﻣِﻳﯾ a ﻣَﻗ َﻗِﻳﯾre َﻗ Her Where is myYour َ t ﺧhe َ ِِﻳﺻ sHer hoes Her Her a ssre hoes shoes hoes nder re uuunn shirt .ِ ﺔ ﺧ ﺍاﻟ ُﻙك ُﻙكﻣ َ َ ُﻙك َﻗﻣ َ ﺻﻗ Her sHer auare nder َ ishirt َ hirt .ِn ﻧtَ tﺍاhe ِﺯزhe ُﻙك ﻓِﻲ ﺍاﻟ ِﻳﯾﺻHer ﻲ؟ﻣ ﻲ؟ﻗ Her hoes َ .ِ ﺔ ﻧ ﺍا ِﺯز ﺧ ﺍاﻟ ﻓ ُﻙك ﻣ hoes u nder َ َ ﻣ ﻗ ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن ِِﻳﯾﺻ َ Where is my shirt? Where are are her her shoes? shoes?
ﺳﺎ ًﻋ ٌﺔ َ
A belt
ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن َﻗﻣِﻳﯾﺻِ ﻲ؟ َ s my shirt? Where is my shirt? ﺃأﻳﯾﻥن َﻗﻣِﻳﯾﺻِ ﻲ؟ َ s my shirt? rt is in the Your shirt is in .ُِﻙك ﻓِﻲ ﺍاﻟﺧ َِﺯزﺍا َﻧﺔ َ َﻗﻣِﻳﯾﺻ rt is in the the cupboard. .ُِﻙك ﻓِﻲ ﺍاﻟﺧ َِﺯزﺍا َﻧﺔ َ َﻗﻣِﻳﯾﺻ d d are my trousers? Where are my are my trousers? trousers? users are on the users are on tYour he trousers
are on the bed.
s my cap? s my cap? Where is my p is on the chair cap? p is on the chair Your cap is on s her head scarf? the chair. s her head scarf? dscarf is under the dscarf is under the is her Where
are WhereWhere are her shoes? her shoes? Where are her shoes? Her shoes Her shoes are under Her are under herdshoes her esk are under desk. her desk Where Where are his are his socks? Where are his socks? socks? His socks are on his His socks aresocks are on his His bed. on the bed. bed.
Where is my cap?
Where is my headscarf? Where is Where my is my headscarf? Your head scarf is under headscarf? Your chhair. ead scarf is under your your chair. Your headWhere is his watch? scarf is under Where is his watch? your chair. His watch is on his desk His watch is on his desk Where is his watch? His watch Where is is his belt? Where is his belt? on his desk. His belt is in the cupboard His belt is in the cupboard Where is his belt?
Your cap is in your room.
His belt is in the cupboard.
head scarf?
s my cap? Her headscarf s my cap? is under the p is in your room p is in your room table.
Class Waaqifaat-e-Nau
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked Huzur-e-Anwaraba that how can we derive pleasure from Salat (Prayers)? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that you should know the meanings of Salat, then offer your prayer while deliberating upon them. Also recite the words in Arabic while reflecting over them. Then you should pray in your own language (vernacular) while you are in Ruku (bowing) and Sajdah (prostrating). Huzuraba said there is something special for everyone for which his heart aches. Think about that particular thing. For example, students are worried about passing their exams so they prostrate before Allah and pray that they pass. They weep and cry out before Allah and then gradually they get used to it and find pleasure in Salat. Huzuraba said that as the thought of acquiring the love for God Almighty develops in a person, the person then endevours to gain
His Love and for that he weeps and cries out. Huzuraba said that the Promised Messiahas has said that if you can’t develop this condition in Salat then you should at least force an expression of crying because sometimes it can result into crying for real. Then, gradually a person advances in this condition. Huzuraba advised Waaqifaat-e-Nau to pray and said that when a prayer is offered with an ache in the heart and with deliberation, then pleasure is also found in Salat. A prayer should resonate from inside the heart and when that happens then you will begin to derive pleasure from it. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked that there are some girls who want to be Waqfe Nau even though they are not part of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme. What should these girls do? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that their parents should have devoted them before they were born. The parents of Waaqifeen-e-Nau devoted their children because they wanted them to serve the faith when they have completed their studies and are older. One can serve
for instance by becoming a doctor, teacher or by being a linguist. Huzuraba said that you can devote now and start serving the faith. This will also count as Waqf (life devotion). God Almighty has not said that He will accept the Waqf of only those who are Waaqifeen-e-Nau and not of others. There are people all over the world who are serving their faith and are not Waaqifeen-e-Nau. Huzur-e-Anwaraba said that there was no Waqf-e-Nau scheme in his time but they were still Waqf. Huzur-e-Anwaraba further said that if you acquire the title of Waqfe-Nau and do not offer your prayers regularly and do not recite the Holy Qur’an or if you don’t have the passion to serve your faith then it is of no benefit by merely calling yourself a Waqf-e-Nau. This waqf of yours is not a waqf and will not be accepted by Allah the Almighty. If another girl who is not a Waaqifa-e-Nau but offers her prayers regularly, recites the Holy Qur’an and also seeks the knowledge of her faith and renders her services towards it, then she is better than a Waaqifa-e-Nau. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked Huzur-e-Anwaraba that why a child’s life is dedicated in the service of The God Almighty before he is born? Why can’t it be done afterwards. Huzur-e-Anwaraba answered that no one has stopped parents from devoting (waqf) their children after their birth. The Waqf-e-Nau scheme was launched by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IVrah so that the parents dedicate their children emulating the noble example of the mother of Hazrat Maryamas and whilst praying in the same manner that may Allah accept the service of whatever is in the womb and then keep on praying even after the child is born. The Waqf-e-Nau should also be trained and directed accordingly so that they are able to serve their faith. There are also those parents
who train their children well once they are born and then offer them to serve as life devotees. There are many Waaqifeen-e-Zindagi who are not Waqf-e-Nau but they are studying in Jamia after officially offering their service as a devotee or by serving the Jama’at in other capacities. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked that a friend of hers told her that a ring or ا� ا� �ف �ہ �ہwith ا� ا� �ف engraved on it cannot be worn in these two ع�ى ع�ى fingers because ىthe ّ ِ � ٰىصenemies ِ ّىof� ٰىصThe Holy Prophetsaw used to wear the rings in these two fingers. My question is in which finger should we wear the ring? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that you can wear the ring on whichever finger it fits on. Huzuraba said that sometimes he gives rings (as a present) and he asks those with the bigger fingers to wear the ring in the finger wherever it fits them. Huzuraba said that these are all made up stories. He said that you raise your index finger and proclaim that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. The importance of the index finger is so much that you raise it while you make God Almighty a Witness then why can’t you wear a ring with His name written in the same finger? A Waaqifa-e-Nau said that Huzur-e-Anwar had inaugurated Masjid Darul Amaan the day before. She said my question is if the Imam is leading prayers in the men’s side of the mosque and the sound stops coming in the ladies side, in that case what should we do? Huzuraba replied that in that case offer your prayers individually. He further said that in your mosque the ladies’ side has been separated by a screen from the men’s side, so even if the sound system stops, you will be able to hear (the Imam).
A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked if they can join the Police? In reply to this question Huzur-e-Anwaraba said that we don’t need Waaqifaat-e-Nau in the police force. Huzuraba said that Ahmadis don’t commit such crimes so there is no need for a Waaqifa-e-Nau to join the police. There is no separate training college for women in the police force. If you join the police you will have to be trained along with men. You will have to stay there with them, train with them and wear the same uniform. You will not be able to maintain your Purdah, Hijab and Haya (modesty). It is not a question of whether a Waqf-e-Nau can join the police, no Ahmadi girl should join the police. A Waaqifa-e-Nau said that sometimes she is asked that we (Ahmadis) celebrate Masih Maudas Day, Khilafat Day and Musleh Maudra Day but why don’t we celebrate Jalsa Seerat-ul Nabisaw Huzur-e-Anwaraba asked who says that we don’t celebrate Jalsa Seerat-ul-Nabisaw? We don’t celebrate Jalsa Seerat-ul-Nabisaw on one particular day as the Non-Ahmadis have started to do. The celebration of Jalsa Seerat-ul Nabisaw was first initiated by the Ahmadis, they were not celebrated before that. When Christians and Hindus started to raise objections against The Holy Prophetsaw, it was the Promised Messiahas who initially stepped forward and responded to them. Then it was during the time of Hazrat Musleh Maudra that the Jalsa Seerat-ul- Nabisaw was initiated. Huzuraba said that sometimes during the Jalsa Seerat-ul-Nabisaw in Qadian, people used to walk in the streets while reciting (invoking Darud) loudly. So we do celebrate Jalsa Seerat-ul Nabisaw and in fact, we are the ones who initiated this Jalsa. Huzuraba Maryam
said that Non-Ahmadis only celebrate Jalsa Seerat-ul-Nabi once a year and deliver a few speeches on Seerat-ul Nabisaw but they don’t even follow the Holy Prophet’s example. We Ahmadis celebrate this Jalsa all over the year, even in Germany, Jalsa Seerat-ul-Nabisaw is celebrated everywhere. Huzuraba further said that we, who are Ahmadis are the ones who reply utmost to the objections raised against The Holy Prophetsaw. Huzuraba said that there was no response from any one of the Muslim Presidents, kings or scholars at the incident of caricatures in Denmark. Huzuraba said that he was the first one who had stepped forward and responded and had continued to do so in several Friday Sermons. Huzuraba said that even after that whenever such objections are raised he responds to them. Huzuraba said that Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat before him had also responded similarly. He said Friday Sermons (on the topic of Seerat-ul-Nabisaw) delivered by him were translated and printed in various Nigerian newspapers and they wrote that its such an immaculate response in light of the Holy Prophet’ssaw life that everyone should learn to learn them. Huzuraba said that we don’t just celebrate Jalsa Seerat-ul-Nabisaw only once but many times in the year, our stance is that we should commemorate Jalsa Seerat-ulNabisaw all the time rather than on a few limited occasions. A Waaqifa-e-Nau said that she had visited India earlier in the year and wanted to know why it is prohibited to take photos in Bait-ulDua? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that sometimes certain people take photographs and then start practicing harmful innovations and we Ahmadis need to shun such innovations.
However, images of Bait-ul-Dua while people are standing and praying have been published in our Jama’at’s literature and calendars. It is not haram to do so. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked what does it mean by ‘Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya?’ Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that governments do a census every ten years and count the population of their country. They check how many men, women and children populate their country and also check how many are educated or count people belonging to different religions etc. This collected data is known as a census. In 1901 when India was having a census, the Promised Messiahas had advised all Ahmadis to fill the census form as an Ahmadi Muslims so that they can be distinguished from other Muslims because Ahmad is the name of The Holy Prophetsaw. Muhammed and Ahmad are both names of the Holy Prophetsaw. The splendour of Ahmadsaw is to be manifested more in the (present) era of the Promised Messiahas than any other time. It means that the message of Islam is to be conveyed gently and with love. That was the task of the Promised Messiahas. That is why we call ourselves Ahmadies so that we carry on the propagation of Islam with love and compassion and because the difference between other Muslims and ourselves is visible. It is narrated in Bukhari and also in other books of Ahadith that the Promised Messiahas would end all the wars of violence for faith. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked why Turkish people celebrate Eid one day earlier than us? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that you should ask them why they do that. Huzuraba said that we celebrate Eid after sighting the moon. Turkish people celebrate Eid without sighting
the moon that is why they celebrate it before us. The moon cannot always be sighted with a naked eye in this part of the world and according to the calculation, the moon cannot be sighted before that day when we celebrate Eid. Huzuraba said that we decide after a lot of consideration that if the moon is visible with a naked eye then we celebrate Eid or if not then we celebrate Eid when the moon can be sighted according to the calculation. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked that when will the day come when the majority of German people will accept Ahmadiyyat? Will we witness the day or it will be witnessed by those who shall come after us? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that I cannot foretell you about that as only Allah Knows best but the day will surely come Inshallah. But it also depends on how much you try and supplicate and also on how much change you bring about within yourselves and on the good example you show. Huzuraba said that if you all start to pray then these days shall come soon Inshallah. The signs have started to be seen in the world. Hundreds of thousands of Bai’ats take place every year because God Almighty is gradually showing those signs on a smaller scale. Huzuraba said that it depends on your prayers and by your prayers I mean the prayers of the whole Jama’at. A Waaqifaa-e-Nau asked if a Waaqifa-e-Nau can be a primary school teacher? Huzuraba replied yes she can but here in the West you should try to seek admission in those institutions where they allow you to wear a scarf while studying there. However, if they don’t permit you and compel you to take the scarf off then immediately after studies your
scarf should be back on your heads as soon as you leave the school’s gate. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked that in Frankfurt, Maulawis distribute the Holy Qur’an with German translation. Are we allowed to take it? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that I have found out that there is a non-Ahmadi Mosque in Hamburg, and they purchase the Holy Qur’an with German translation done by the Ahmadis and rip out the first few pages which has our Jama’at’s name mentioned and then sell it as if they have translated it themselves. Huzuraba said that why don’t you buy the translation done by the Jama’at? These people don’t even know the translation and the translation done by the Jama’at is much better than their’s. NonAhmadis have no knowledge of how well the Promised Messiahas has explained the Holy Qur’an. Huzuraba said that I have mentioned this several times in the Friday Sermons and have quoted references of the Non-Ahmadis who say that we have never read such Tafaseer (commentaries) of the Holy Qur’an as Jama’at’s Tafaseer and non-Ahmadies here in Germany are selling the Jamaat’s translation under their own name. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked that the NonAhmadis believe that in the second coming of Hazrat Isaas (Jesusas) will appear once again. Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied to this that even the Vatican has now announced that second coming of Jesusas may not happen. This is also available on the internet in both English and German languages. The Vatican said that Jesusas was probably drinking wine at the time when he made the claim. Huzuraba said now they have come to know that the second coming of Jesusas Maryam
is not going to happen because according to the Bible and other scriptures the period in which Jesusas was to come back has passed away. Huzuraba said now the Christians are admitting themselves that Jesusas is not coming back, he was probably intoxicated when he made the claim. They are also claiming that God Almighty has appointed him for another task which he is engaged in. Huzuraba said that Jesusas was to come for the reformation of the world but it certainly has not happened since vices such as stealth, immorality etc. have not been eradicated and instead, Jesusas has been assigned with another task. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked if they can become a lawyer? Huzur-e-Anwaraba replied that a Waaqifa-eNau can study Law but she cannot practice it. Huzuraba said that for practicing Law she first to needs to seek permission from him. A Waaqifa-e-Nau asked why Azan is recited in an infant’s ear immediately after birth? Huzur-e-Anwaraba answered that Azan (call to prayer) is recited in an infant’s right ear and Takbir in the left ear so that the first words they listen to after their birth is the name of Allah and the Kalima Tayyaba. This is done so that they may stay firm on Tauhid (believing in the Oneness of Allah) and hear the name of the Holy Prophetsaw because he was the greatest of all the prophets in establishing Tauhid and also because the Greatness of Allah is remembered. (Published in Al Fazl International, 11th - 17th July 2014)
Points to Ponder S TO R I E S A N D A N E C D O T E S Related by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, K h a l i f a t u l M a s i h I I ra T h e P r o m i s e d R e f o r m e r
Courage I always enjoy this story.
When the general fell down, his people wanted to carry him to a secluded area to bandage him and treat him. He loved them
Once the Turks and the Greeks were at war.
and they also had love for him. He said to
The Greeks had a well-fortified castle on
them, “By God, do not touch my body. If you
a mountain. The Europeans thought that
love me, and you want to show me your love
the Turks would not be able to overtake it
during my last moments, then there is only
quickly and that in the meanwhile they would
one way to do so. Make my grave in this fort.
intervene and bring peace. Though Turkish
If you cannot do this then leave my body
generals mostly have been adventurers, some
here for crows and dogs to devour.� These
of them did excel. One such commander had
thoughts of the General excited the army.
great regard for his homeland and nation. He
They raised the slogan of God is the Greatest
gathered the small contingent of army under
and attacked with such might that they
him. He addressed them, firing them up, and
overtook the fort and occupied it. Europe was
convincing them of the significance of dying
stunned to learn that the Turks had taken that
with good name. Then they attacked with
Greek fort.
their whole might. The Turks, being at the foot of the hill, had to ascend to attack as the enemy was on the top. The enemy could inflict damage on them easily, while the Turks could not inflict much damage on the enemy. The Turks charged many times but could not advance. Suddenly, a bullet struck the general and he fell down. The enemy raised a cry of joy. The enemy thought this would bring about the defeat of the Turks. But, in reality, the wound to the
They raised the slogan of God is the Greatest and attacked with such might that they overtook the fort and occupied it. Europe was stunned to learn that the Turks had taken that Greek fort.
General was a sign of their defeat and Turkish victory.
Students might have read a similar story of
you and will also send you benediction,” he
an English woman in an English Reader. An
was advised. “You will certainly be cured by
eagle took the child of a woman to the top of
his prayer.” The Caesar sent his ambassador
a mountain. The woman went after the eagle,
to ‘Umarra. Hadrat ‘Umarra thought, “These
climbed the mountain, reached the nest, and
are haughty people. He would not have
brought the child out of the nest. After she
come to me, but now that he has a problem,
had hugged her child and was overjoyed,
he has sent his ambassador to me. If I send
she realised that it was impossible for her to
something of significance, he may not use it
go down the mountain. People brought her
thinking it to be inferior.
down with much difficulty and asked how she was able to go up. She said, “I do not know how I was able to climb. All I know is that I saw that the eagle was taking my child to that direction and I was following them.” A woman could do in the search of her child what strong men were not able to. So, you tell me: Should you not have more love for the Faith of God than the love of the woman for her child and the love of the Turk army for their general…
Thousands of people are seen in every age who attained the nearness of God Almighty by following the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, and benefited others from their blessings.
Can you bear to look on and keep sitting idle while the enemies have thrown insults at God, His messenger, and the body of Islām?i
So I should send him something which may be used as a benediction but which would also remove his haughtiness.” He sent him
The Worn Hat
one of his old hats as benediction. The hat had marks on it and was discoloured due to
Thousands of people are seen in every age
weathering. When the Caesar saw the cap, he
who attained the nearness of God Almighty
felt bad and he did not wear the hat. But Allah,
by following the Holy Prophet, may peace
the High, wanted to show him that at that
and blessings of Allah be upon him, and
time he could attain blessings only through
benefited others from their blessings.
Muhammad, the prophet of God, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. He had
Once, during the time of ‘Umar , the Caesar
such a severe headache that he asked his
developed a severe headache. Despite
servants to bring the hat sent by ‘Umarra so
all kinds of treatments, he was not cured.
that he could put it on his head. He put the hat
Someone advised him to write his situation
on his head and his headache went away. He
to Hadrat ‘Umar and ask him for benediction
used to have the headache every few days.
and have some relic brought. “He will pray for
So it became usual for him to sit in the court
donning that soiled hat of Hadrat ‘Umar, may
that he released that companion of the Holy
Allah be pleased with him. This sign, which
Allah the Almighty, showed him, had another matter hidden in it. A companion of the Holy
Now observe that a Caesar hurts a companion,
was imprisoned by the Caesar,
and Allah, the High, initiates pain in his head
he had ordered to feed him pig-meat. The
as a punishment. Someone else advises him to
companion accepted starvation and did not
send for benediction from ‘Umar and request
go near the bacon. After many days of fasting,
him to pray. Hadrat ‘Umar sends the relic and
when he was about to die, Caesar gave him
the headache goes away. In the same way,
bread. When he had gained some strength,
Allah, the Almighty, creates circumstances for
he again ordered him to be fed pig-meat. He
the release of the Companion and manifests
neither let him die nor live. Someone said to
the truth of Muhammad, prophet of God, may
him, “You have this headache because you
peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.2
have imprisoned that Muslim. Its remedy is that you request ‘Umarra to pray for you and send for benediction from him.” When Hadrat ‘Umarra sent him the hat and
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra, Points to Ponder (2011), pp.13-15
Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra, Points to Ponder (2011), pp.37-39
his headache subsided, he was so impressed
Allah, the Almighty, creates circumstances for the release of the Companion and manifests the truth of Muhammad, prophet of God, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
a A
USTRALIA tour A Perso n a l Acco u nt By Abid Khan
- PA RT T h r ee -
Inauguration of the Khilafat Centenary Hall On the premises of Baitul Huda Mosque, the Australian Jamaat had recently constructed a very large building comprising a vast hall and also some administrative offices.
“One should love mankind to such a degree that he should consider the trials and tribulations of others as his own and should pray for them.”
The building had been named the ‘Khilafat Centenary Hall’ and on the evening of 18 October 2013 Huzooraba officially inaugurated the Hall by delivering the keynote address at a Special Reception held in front of more than 200 nonAhmadi guests, including a range of local and national dignitaries.
“It is on the basis of these compassionate teachings that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community makes every effort to spread love, kindness, brotherhood and peace to every corner of the world.”
A number of dignitaries gave short speeches in which they welcomed Huzooraba and congratulated the Jamaat on the inauguration of the new Hall. A Federal MP, Phillip Ruddock, said he was surprised that so many MPs were attending and that this proved how valued Ahmadis were in Australia. He said that the Australian nation would “very happily welcome His Holiness back to Australia many, many times.” Huzoor's aba Address Huzoor’saba address was extremely inclusive and sought to dispel the fears of non-Muslims about Islam by giving examples of Islam’s true teachings.
Quoting the Promised Messiahas, Huzooraba said:
Huzooraba continued by saying:
Huzoor’saba address was very persuasive and perfectly tailored for the audience which was filled with many national and state dignitaries and politicians. Just as in Melbourne, the impact upon the guests was huge and clearly visible. One guest, Peter Barford, spoke of how he had observed that much of the Muslim world was fragmented. He said that Huzooraba was a “uniting factor” at a time “when Sunni and Shia Muslims are only fighting amongst themselves”. With the Grace of Allah the evening had proved to be a great success and a very wonderful and historic way to inaugurate the Khilafat Centenary Hall.
Brisbane - Reception marking inauguration of the Masroor Mosque On the evening of 23 October 2013, the Australian Jamaat hosted a reception to celebrate the inauguration of the Masroor Mosque in which they had invited dozens of guests. The reception began at 6.30pm and the first guest speaker was a representative of the Aborigine community known as ‘Auntie’ Robin Williams. I had come to learn during our stay in Australia that generally the Aborigine community is now very well respected amongst the majority of Australians as the natives and elders of the nation. Thus, rather than formal titles their leaders are known as ‘Uncle’ or ‘Auntie’ and in this way it reminded me a lot of our Asian culture, whereby when we are children we are taught to never call our elders by their name, but rather they are our ‘uncles’ or ‘aunties’.
Applause for Auntie Robin When Auntie Robin had concluded her short address none of the guests clapped. I think they were perhaps unsure if it was appropriate to clap at an Islamic event. But this sense of formality was soon gone and by the time of the next guest speaker, the audience felt comfortable clapping. Most people probably did not even notice this oversight, however Huzooraba did notice it. And so Huzooraba began his address by saying: “Before I go further, I would like to say that all of the honourable guests who spoke here were applauded after their speeches but only Auntie Robin Williams did not have that gesture and so now you should all clap for her.”
It also had a great impact as afterwards a number of guests, particularly amongst the women, commented about how touched they were by this gesture and how it had shown Huzoor'saba great respect for women.
An Aboriginal custom Auntie Robin gave a short address in which she welcomed Huzooraba and said she had brought a gift of a didgeridoo to present to Huzooraba. One Aboriginal custom is that their ladies do not give gifts to men directly and so she asked a local male politician to present the didgeridoo to Huzooraba on her behalf.
As I saw this, I thought to myself that if a Muslim lady was not allowed to present something to a man, it would more than likely be used as a means to attack Islam as so-called ‘evidence’ that Islam treated women unequally (God forbid), yet where it was the custom of other people it was very happily accepted.
As Huzooraba said these words the entire audience smiled and clapped heartily. You could see how much they appreciated this gesture of kindness, whereby Huzooraba had noticed that one of the guests had not been applauded and had asked for it to be rectified.
Auntie Robin herself looked quite overwhelmed that Huzooraba had particularly asked for her to be applauded. It was such a kind gesture on Huzoor’saba part which encapsulated perfectly his loving and considerate personality. It also had a great impact as afterwards a number of guests, particularly amongst the women, commented about how touched they were by this gesture and how it had shown Huzoor’saba great respect for women.
Inauguration of the Masroor Mosque The official opening of the Mosque took place on Friday 25 October when Huzooraba delivered the Friday Sermon from the newly built Masroor Mosque. There was a great deal of excitement in the local Ahmadis who had waited a long time for the Mosque to be built.
father and his 2 sons. The welcome lasted around 15 minutes and was truly fascinating.
In his sermon, Huzooraba said it was a great favour from Allah that the local Jamaat had been enabled to build a new Mosque but that now the responsibilities of the Ahmadis had increased. Huzooraba said that they had to spread Islam’s truth not just through their words but through their every act and deed.
Between each dance the father would explain what the next song was about and their customs and traditions. He particularly explained that their songs and dances were a means to convey a message of peace and a rejection of crime.
Visit to Tropical Fruit World On 26 October 2013, the Brisbane Jamaat took Huzooraba to the ‘Tropical Fruit World’ farm located
Whilst watching the welcome I glanced in Huzoor’saba direction a couple of times. Huzooraba had sought permission to video the welcome which the Aborigines had granted and so Huzooraba held up his video camera and recorded their native dance. Huzooraba seemed to enjoy the welcome.
on Australia’s famous Gold Coast.
It was the third time Huzooraba was able to view some of the local sites during his stay in Australia. The Tropical Fruit World was actually a vast farm set on hundreds of acres of land where the owners had cultivated more than 500 types of fruits over the past 40 years. It also included rain forest trails, landscaped waterways and native animals. As Huzooraba arrived he was welcomed by the owner of the farm, a gentleman by the name of ‘Bob’ who briefed Huzooraba about the park. Traditional Aboriginal Welcome After a few minutes Huzooraba was then given a traditional Aboriginal welcome by 3 Aborigines - a
The Aborigines, who were dressed in traditional ‘skirts’, used didgeridoos and different instruments to make music to which one of the sons danced whilst the father chanted and sang.
Upon the completion of the Aboriginal dance, Huzooraba and Khala Saboohi were escorted to one room in the complex, whilst the rest of us went to a large hall where there were a number of different and interesting fruits on display. Feeding kangaroos As we got back on the truck, I saw Faisal Ahmedi Sahib, a local Khadim, coming towards us in a Jeep. As his car stopped he pulled down the window and said “Is Abid Sahib here?” I waved in his direction and he said to come with him as Huzooraba had called me.
As I started feeding one kangaroo, Huzooraba also crouched down and started feeding another. It was a really wonderful and unique moment being able to feed a kangaroo beside Huzooraba as he did the same. Those few moments showed how Huzooraba encouraged those travelling with him to try new experiences.
I switched immediately to the jeep and drove alongside Faisal Sahib until we reached an animal enclosure where Huzooraba was feeding some small kangaroos.
Certainly, I had never imagined I would one day be feeding kangaroos in an Australian park but due to Huzoor’saba kindness I and others were able to share that new experience.
Huzooraba told me to get some grain and start feeding the kangaroos and so I grabbed the grain and crouched down.
The day had proved very enjoyable and we were even more delighted as we left the farm to learn that we would take a slight de-tour on our way home so we could take a drive through the city of Brisbane.
As I started feeding one kangaroo, Huzooraba also crouched down and started feeding another. It was a really wonderful and unique moment being able to feed a kangaroo beside Huzooraba as he did the same. Those few moments showed how Huzooraba encouraged those travelling with him to try new experiences.
Departure from Brisbane On the morning of 27 October Huzooraba and his Qafila departed from Brisbane. Not only was Huzoor’saba tour of Brisbane coming to an end but also his tour of Australia - as the next day he would be flying onwards to New Zealand.
“O my Lord, open up for me my heart, and ease for me my task, and untie the knot of my tongue that they may understand my speech.” (The Holy Qur’an, Surah TaHa, V.26-29)
Conversation is of three sorts. People are said
Here are a few things to consider:
to converse with God, with themselves, and with
Conversation topics
one another. When it comes to conversing with
The tone of your voice
one another, one question I think about, whether
consciously or subconsciously, is: “What should
Who you are conversing with
I talk about?” Often, conversations flow easily
Your surroundings
when you are with friends and family. However,
The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw said:
in life there are times where you will have to talk to strangers, older and younger people
and with the opposite gender, where awkward
silences will loom while you try to scramble to find something new to say.
Conversation plays such a significant role in life. One must think about what is being
However, the content of conversation is not the
said in conversations. As Ahmadis, we are
only thing to consider. As Ahmadi Muslims, we
obliged to promote peace - this must always
must convey our points of view and opinions
be considered before speaking. Is what you
in the utmost dignified manner in order to be
are saying peaceful or is it promoting hatred?
shining examples within society.
Kindness goes a long way and we must not say anything that may bring harm to someone else.
As many people say: “If you do not have
withdraw his own; nor was he the first to
anything useful to say then it is much better
break off in converse with a stranger, nor
if you remain silent.” A simple act it is, but
to turn away his ear.”
chaste and righteous talk is ‘sadqa’ (charity)
(Sir William Muir, Life of Muhammad, pp. 510-513)
and can help protect oneself from the hell fire.
One must also consider who you are talking to. When talking to the opposite gender,
Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
one should not indulge in idle talk and must
“…Lower thy voice…”
clearly show modesty by veiling oneself
(Surah Luqman, Ch.31: V.20)
and not directly making eye contact. Our Prophet Muhammadsaw said:
“And speak graciously to the people.” (The Holy Qur’an, Surah Al-Baqarah, Ch.2: V.84)
“Modesty and brevity of speech are two characteristics of faith.”
It is evident that when one speaks in an honest, kind and low voice, people are
Women should not speak in a soft manner
more willing to listen attentively and in
but should be slightly assertive as to not
turn, reply back in the same manner. By display weakness or encourage corruptive doing so, it allows good nature to glow and
behaviour. To people older than yourselves,
excel and become infectious. On the other
you should be respectful and speak in a
hand, if one loses their temper or uses foul
polite and courteous manner. Similarly
language, it will drive away good sense and
with children, you ought to be polite and
good morals.
speak according to their mind set and understanding. As children are constantly
Conversation represents who you are,
learning, they should be taught to speak in
there is a power of voice, but in spite of
a respectful manner.
this, sometimes actions speak louder than words. The way one must behave should be One should always be aware of their decent, modest and attentive.
surroundings, think about whether the topic of conversation is appropriate and be
Sir William Muir wrote about The Holy aware of the feelings of other’s in certain Prophet’ssaw manner in social intercourse:
situations. If someone is upset, you should be sympathetic and compassionate towards
“If he turned in a conversation towards
them, or if someone is quiet and shy, you
a friend, he turned not partially, but
ought to be encouraged to make them feel
with his full face and his whole body. In
welcomed and involved. In certain cases,
shaking hands, he was not the first to
something may be said that the other
person may not agree with. However, if it is
and by talking to people they are presenting
said in the right and in a courteous way, it will
a part of themselves and their personality. So
not be taken personally.
if you have pure thoughts, then undoubtedly it is better to show yourself at your finest and
During conversations, be straightforward and
reveal your best side. Meeting new people is
truthful instead of beating round the bush
a means of developing friendships and also
and misleading the other person. The Holy the prospect of doing tabligh; the benefits Prophet Muhammadsaw addressed this point:
of learning from others may lead to gaining more knowledge and experience.
“Avoid indulgence in adverse conjectures as such conjectures are the most false
It is said that angels descend on conversations
things imaginable.”
about Allah. Therefore, we should adopt Islamic phrases in conversations, such as:
People speak what is in their mind and heart
‘Alhamdolillah,’ ‘Masha’Allah’ and ‘Bismillah.’
DO NOT exaggerate
DO use clean and righteous speech
Adopt Islamic phrases
Backbite or promote hearsay
Think before you speak
Use foul language or indecent talk
Be honest and kind
Lose your temper
Speak in a low voice
Be attentive and listen to others
We should take learn from the teachings from the Holy Qur’an, as it teaches us the ideal way to converse. We must always remember and be mindful of the purpose of our creation, to win the love of Allah. Simply refraining from indecent talk and behaving in a courteous manner will surely bring you closer to God and pave your way towards Paradise, InshAllah.
Extracts from the Concluding Address delivered by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (May Allah strengthen his hand) at the Annual Convention (Jalsa Salana) UK 2014
God of Islam is a Living God ‘‘The Qur’an tells us that the God of Islam is a Living God. He speaks to people today as He did in the past and He responds today as He always has. He has not left Islam in despair today, rather He sent the Promised Messiahas (Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian) in this era who openly proved and manifested to the world the existence of God, and expounded clearly on religion and the Final Law.’’
Religion is in complete concordance and conformity with science ‘‘Indeed the Promised Messiahas illustrated to us that religion and science are not at conflict, quite the contrary, religion is in complete concordance and conformity with science. Regardless of how far science advances, it is an absolute certainty that it can never falsify Qur’anic teachings and philosophy. In short, our religion and Law-Bearing Book give vast and encompassing teachings, which include science.’’
Religion does not kill Religion does not kill, it only warns and admonishes people that they must establish peace and security – at least this is the teaching of our religion. Its every injunction is laced with sentiments of love and compassion for all mankind. The Qur’an has informed us that every Prophet brought the same message, which is that cruelty, injustice, oppression and persecution should be eliminated. The Prophets admonished people to instead adopt love and sympathy for one another, or otherwise face God’s punishment.
The Promised Messiah’sas Oath of Allegiance Whatever the world may allege, including Muslims who reject the Imam of the Age (the Promised Messiahas); whether they understand this or not, (the truth is) that God loves mankind and out of His mercy and compassion for all, He sent various Prophets at different times. God established the final religion, Islam, which encompassed all teachings and philosophies and He revealed the Holy Qur’an as a Law upon us. God sent the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw along with the Final and Perfect Law (the Qur’an) and in this era He sent the Holy Prophet’ssaw true servant (the Promised Messiahas), who explained the reality and truth of religion to us. We are fortunate to have entered the Promised Messiah’sas Oath of Allegiance.
The Religion is based on two rights: The Promised Messiahas said: “It is worth remembering that religion is based on two rights. The first is the rights owed to God. This includes how one should believe and have faith in God and manner He should be worshiped. The second is the rights that must be discharged to God’s creation. This comprises of how one should display compassion, love, kind-treatment and benevolence to God’s Creation and must alleviate their afflictions, pain and sorrow.”i
The Beauty of Islam The Promised Messiahas explains that one should always remember that one should be condemned only if they do not apply their faculties to the correct use and chooses a wrong path to follow. This demonstrates the beauty of Islam as it gives profound commandments that fulfil the requirements of human nature, whereas no other religion or law in the world matches this or fulfils the needs of human nature.
Religion does not teach to vilify and slander holy men: The Promised Messiahas says: “Religion does not teach to vilify and slander holy men, Prophets and Messengers, for such things are against the very purpose of religion. The true purpose of religion is that one should cleanse one’s self of all evil, enable one’s spirit to lie forever prostrate at the threshold of God Almighty, and become so imbued with conviction, love, true knowledge, truth, and faithfulness that a genuine and pure transformation is effected and a heavenly life is attained in this very world.”ii
Patience, Good Morals and Tolerance In the world today it is members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community who display patience, good morals and tolerance and non-Ahmadis openly acknowledge observing these qualities in the Community. We must strive to always uphold these attributes for certainty these very qualities will attract others to the right path.
Religion should be followed through prayers and focusing on improving one’s morals The manner religion should be followed is through prayers and focusing on improving one’s morals, rather than by brandishing a sword or shedding blood. It is now the responsibility of the followers of the true servant of the Holy Prophetsaw [i.e. the Promised Messiahas] to spread the message of this religion to the world, which the Holy Prophetsaw came to establish.
Establishing a Connection with God Today only Islam can provide one true sustenance and life to the world and the banner of the Holy Prophetsaw alone can guarantee world peace. One’s life in this world and the hereafter is truly established only by having faith in and establishing a connection with God. Today no one except for Ahmadis can illuminate the world with these realities and truths. And so Arise! Discharge your covenants and sacrifice all of your energy, life, wealth, time and honour to fulfil this crucial objective! Expend all your faculties and capabilities, enhance your prayers to its pinnacle and supplicate with such anguish and agony that God infuses infinite blessings in our efforts to achieve this goal and so that the one true religion and the one true Messenger are recognised and the one true God alone is duly worshiped in the world! May God enable for us to fulfil our responsibilities.
We are proud of it They try and silence us They try and distinguish our voices They kill and harm us We only unite and get stronger Our message is a message of peace A message that illuminates darkness Peace that they disguise as vermin Peace that we need To the corners of the world our message 1 spreads It reaches ears and lights hearts We live by one phrase Love for all hatred for none We’re not going to cower away We’re not going to silence ourselves
Fatima Eman
It is an honour for this Magazine to share the
same name as the first Mosque to be built in Ireland. On this special note, a report of the
inauguration is presented for our readers.
Huzooraba proceeded to the Mosque at 1pm and
delivered a very beautiful sermon about the true Friday, 26 September 2014, proved to be a very
purpose of Mosques.
blessed and historic day in the history of the
Huzooraba spoke of how the Quran had made it the
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Ireland.
duty of true Muslims to protect all religions. He said that this was the example of the Holy Prophetsaw
On that day not only did Hazrat Mirza Masroor
and it was this teaching that the Promised Messiahas
Ahmadaba inaugurate the Maryam Mosque with
came to re-establish.
his Friday Sermon but later in the day Huzoor also addressed a special reception attended by more
Huzooraba said that it was not enough to tell the
than 100 Irish guests and dignitaries.
local people that the Jamaat has named its first Mosque in Ireland after Hazrat Maryamas. Rather,
The pride and joy on the faces of the local Jamaat
he said that all Ahmadis should seek to follow her
members was quite apparent. They all seemed
noble and virtuous example and seek to adopt
so excited and delighted that their Mosque was
Islam’s true teachings.
finally being inaugurated and that the eyes of Ahmadis across the world watching on MTA were
fixed on their Mosque that day. On the evening of 26 September 2014, Huzooraba addressed a special reception to celebrate the inauguration of the Maryam Mosque. It proved to be a very blessed event where Huzooraba delivered Islam’s true teachings to an audience of nonAhmadi guests. After Tilawat and an introduction by the Sadr Jamaat, various guest speakers took to the stage to
welcome Huzooraba to Ireland and to congratulate
with which Ahmadis build Mosques and also
the Jamaat on the opening of the Mosque.
explained the status of Hazrat Maryamas in Islam.
Throughout the tour I personally noticed a kindness
I found the way Huzooraba described Islam’s
in the Irish people and that was also reflected in
teachings and the blessed character of the Holy
the guest speeches. Politicians are not necessarily
Prophetsaw to be extremely emotional.
known for their sincerity but it certainly felt as though their positive sentiments were sincere.
At one point, describing Islam’s teachings, Huzooraba said:
The first speaker was Garry O’Halloran, an Irish Barrister who had been in contact with the Jamaat
“The Islam that I follow and believe in, is neither
for a number of years.
cruel nor vengeful and nor does it advocate any form of violence, oppression or injustice. And
Speaking in a very strong Irish accent he said:
nor was the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sent to spread cruelty or hatred. Rather,
“I met His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
he was sent only as a fountain of mercy, flowing
at the European Parliament a couple of years ago.
with everlasting and universal compassion for
I was awestruck by his historic address that day. I
have borne witness to the fact that His Holiness is waging a Jihad of love.”
Huzooraba also explained the advent of the Promised Messiahas and the mission with which
Various other dignitaries also spoke very well
was sent by Allah. Huzooraba said:
before Huzooraba took to the stage to deliver his keynote address.
“The Promised Messiah came to enlighten the world about the true beauty of Islam. He came
to do a Jihad against every single form of cruelty, oppression and all forms of compulsion. He came
Huzoor’saba language was very simple yet extremely
to teach mankind the need to fulfil each other’s due
eloquent. His speech addressed the key concerns
rights. He came to spread love and compassion
that many non-Muslims hold about Islam.
and to transform the world into a haven of peace, unity and mutual brotherhood. This was his mission
Huzooraba also spoke in depth about the objectives
and this was his message.”
Speaking about Hazrat Maryamas, Huzooraba said: “Mary’s elevated status is reflected by the fact that the Quran says that true Muslims should develop the qualities of Mary and if they do so then they will be those who never cause harm or suffering to anyone. Every Ahmadi Muslim therefore seeks to instil within themselves the purity, nobility and piety of Mary herself.” FEEDBACK FROM GUESTS
Another lady who was from the education sector was Colette Kavanagh who had personally met
I spoke to a number of guests after the event
Huzooraba after the conclusion of his address.
and it was clear how much they had appreciated Huzoor’saba speech.
After meeting Huzooraba, she said:
I met a lady called Bernadette who was a senior
“I expected that His Holiness would be very formal
official at an educational foundation in Dublin. She
but when I approached him he was extremely kind
had travelled especially from the capital to attend
and displayed a very good sense of humour. He
the reception. She said that she the only way to
was warm and engaging. And earlier I listened to
describe Huzoor’s speech was to call it a ‘message
every single word of his speech and I found it to
of peace’ and that she was leaving with a very
be exactly what today’s world stands in need of.”
positive impression of Islam. Another person whom I met was Father Martin The guest continued by saying:
Whelan who had been one of the guest speakers earlier in the evening. He was very open in his
“I love the fact that this Mosque has been named
positive analysis about the effect of Huzoor’saba
the ‘Mary Mosque’ and I learned from the speech
given by His Holiness how much Islam values Mary and that even the Quran has praised her. This was
Father Whelan said:
extremely fascinating and I feel that all Christians who speak against Islam should be informed of
“The message given by the Khalifa was extremely
important because it was a message of bringing people together. His Holiness has given the world
I met a lady called Josephine Vahy who said that
a ‘vision’ and it is a ‘vision of peace’. He has shown
she “could listen to Huzoor speak all night” and
that Islam truly is a great religion and he has
that his message was “extremely important”. She
promoted inter-faith dialogue wonderfully well.
said that she prayed that Huzoor was granted a
I was also very struck by his personality because
long life and that he was able to live “forever in
despite being a leader to millions he remains so
peace and harmony”.
humble and so gracious.”
TH E I R I S H T I M E S C A M E TO I N T E RV I EW HUZ O OR AB A A N D I N T H I S WAY M I L L IONS OF I R I S H P E OP L E C A M E TO DI R E CT LY H E A R OR RE A D T H E M E S S A G E OF KHA L I FAT U L M AS I H A N D T H E BE AU T IFUL AN D E N T I R E LY P E A C E F U L M E S S A G E OF ISL A M T H AT H E C ON T I N U E S TO S P R EAD TO T H E C OR N E RS OF T H E W OR L D . I spoke to various other people as well, including
There was also vast media coverage of the
2 ladies who were seated at the same table as
inauguration of the Mosque. Two of Ireland’s
me. They both made the same comment that
biggest media outlets, RTE and The Irish Times
previously they had been very ignorant of Islam
came to interview Huzooraba and in this way millions
and only knew what they saw on the news. They
of Irish people came to directly hear or read the
both said that listening to Huzoor had completely
message of Khalifatul Masih and the beautiful
changed their opinion and they now realised that
and entirely peaceful message of Islam that he
Islam’s teachings had been distorted by extremists.
continues to spread to the corners of the world.
Test your
Kids Spread New Year Quiz
What is the name of the Jewish New Year?
Al-Hijri commemorates the migration of The Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw from
Rosh Hashanah
Mecca to Medina, in which year did this take place? 622 CE
In Sikhism what is the New Year known as? Vaisakhi
What is the New Year known as in Buddhism? Losar
Name the 12 months in the Al-Hijri calendar. 1= Muharram, 2 =Safar, 3 =Rabi Al-Awwal, 4= Rabi Al-Thani, 5= Jamadi-ul-Awwal,
6= Jamadi-us-Thani, 7= Rajab, 8= Sha’ban, 9= Ramadhan, 10= Shawwal, 11= Qu’adah, 12= Zul Hijjah.
What does the suffix A.H. expand to?
The Gregorian calendar started on the birth of which Prophet?
Is the Gregorian calendar based on solar movements or lunar movements?
Is the Islamic calendar based on solar movements or lunar movements?
After Hijri
Hazrat Isa /Jesusas
Solar movements
Lunar movements
Down: 1. Which calendar was introduced by Julia Caesar 3. Which calendar was introduced by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IIra in 1940? 8. Persian new year
Across: 2. Final month of the Islamic calendar 4. The international and widely used calendar 5. Islamic calendar is known as 6. The Islamic calendar started when the Holy Prophetsaw migrated to which city? 7. First month of the Islamic calendar 8. In the Bahai calendar, how many months are there in the year?
• • •
Crossword Answers: Across: 2. Dhul Hijjah, 4. Gregorian, 5. Hijri, 6. Medina, 7. Muharram, 8. Nineteen Down: 1. Julian, 3. Hijri-shamsi, 8. Nawruz
Our job
Our job is to be Waqf-e-Nau,
It will then be us in the future,
Which we should fulfill for all.
Teaching kids Islam as a teacher.
Because when it’s our turn in the future,
We will soon see with our very own eyes,
to give Islam it’s lasting nature.
Islam rise, And in our hearts Islam rise.
It will then be us taking a lead,
This is why our job is to be Waqf-e-Nau,
With happiness and collecting good deeds.
As it’s soon to help us all.
It will be us raising humanity first,
By Aniqa Ahmed
Feeding them and filling up their thirst.
Barking jamaat Aged 13
We will be showing people the right passage, Telling people Islam’s hidden message.
FAITH INSPIRING INCIDENTS OF DEVOTEES Extracts taken from the book “The Devotion of Life, Its importance and Blessings” By Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz, OBE
Saved From Certain Death Narrated by Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Sumatrira: The late Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Sumatri Sahibra relates a faith-inspiring incident of the extraordinary support of God Almighty and of miraculous protection. This incident is related to the period during World War II when Japan had expanded her control up to Indonesia. The Japanese did whatever they liked because their control was so complete. If there was even a minor complaint about anyone, that person was put to death at once. No inquiry or investigation was ever done — only the decision was announced and there were times when even announcements were not deemed necessary. The death penalty was carried out expediently. Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Sumatrira states, “Due to two complaints about me,
the Japanese Authorities decided to execute me. Under the circumstances stated above, there was no chance to appeal or escape certain death. The sole source of aid for a believer and a warrior in the cause of his faith is his God. So, I submitted humble entreaties to God Almighty, and God Almighty
informed me in a dream that the Japanese Government was about to meet a fateful demise, I saw this dream in April 1945. Within a few months, on August 14, the Japanese Government surrendered.In Indonesia, this decision was announced on August 22. After the defeat of the Japanese Government, the Government papers revealed that they had already made a decision to kill 65 men during the nights of August 23 and 24 and my name was at the top of the list. It was a Sign of the miraculous support of God Almighty that He did not give the Government a chance to implement their decision. The Powerful Hand of God Almighty saved His humble servant from certain death. There were only a few hours left before the implementation of the death penalty.”
Hadrat Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Sumatrira
(Faith-Inspiring Incidents of Heavenly Support in the Field of Preaching, pp 42-43) (“ The Devotion of Life. Its importance and Blessings,”pp.513-514)
“The extraordinary help of God Almighty transformed those who had come to kill us into our host and our servant.” The Heart of Blood Thirsty Enemy Melted Narrated by Maulana Abdul Malik Khan Sahib: Maulana Abdul Malik Khan Sahib had the opportunity to serve Islam in India, Pakistan and also in Ghana. Once, he was returning from Kumasi in Ghana after completing a preaching tour when one of the tyres of his car burst. So he and his companion changed the tyre and moved on. They had travelled just 20 or 25 miles when another tyre burst, which meant that there was no way to go any further. Hestates, “Suddenly two men appeared from the jungle and they were approaching us. They had daggers in their hands and appeared to belong to the murderous tribes. Their faces were barbaric and their daggers were shining brightly in the moonlit night. God Almighty helped us to remain alert and not lose control of our senses in
such a frightening situation. Through my companion, Mr. Abdul Wahid, Retired Police Officer, I told them our situation and asked for help. It was the miraculous help of God Almighty in the field of preaching that the enemies who had come with daggers in their hands to rob and to kill us felt their hearts soften and
Maulana Abdul Malik Khan Sahib
experience love and sympathy for us. They were a father and son. After listening to our story, the father said to his son, ‘Put both tyres on your shoulder, right now, and bring them back after they are repaired in the town nearby.’ Until the son’s return, the father who had come with the intention to kill us, kept us entertained while in the jungle. He took out a pineapple from his sack and using the same dagger that he carried with him originally to kill us, cut the pineapple. He ate a portion himself and also served us. The love with which he imbued his hospitality towards us is unforgettable. At last at, around 3:30 a.m, his son returned after getting both tyres fixed and we began the journey to our destination. The extraordinary help of God Almighty transformed those who had come to kill us into our host and our servant.” (Faith-Inspiring Incidents of Heavenly Support in the Field of Preaching, pp.40-41) (“ The Devotion of Life. Its importance and Blessings,”pp.516-517)
IMPORTANT GUIDELINES FOR WAQF-E-NAU From the waaqifeen-e-nau syllabus up to the age of 21
Pray for yourself and your fellow devotees that Allah accepts your waqf and enables you
to fulfill this pledge with the utmost sincerity until the end of your life.
Remember that the purpose of your life is to spread the message of Islam to the entire
world. You have to gather the whole of mankind under the banner of Allah and His
Prophet Muhammadsaw.
Recite the Holy Qur’an daily and offer the five daily prayers in congregation, keeping
the meaning of prayers in mind.
Before starting any work, consider whether it will earn Allah’s pleasure. If it will, then
proceed by all means. However, if it will earn His displeasure, then reject it in disdain. In
this regard, feel free to consult your parents, elders or the missionaries of the Jama`at.
Study the syllabus thoroughly and remove any deficiency that you may find in yourself.
Always pray to Allah to fulfill even the smallest need.
Participate in various financial schemes launched by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih, such as the
Tehrik-i-Jadid and Waqf-e-Jadid schemes.
Make a habit of saying: Assalamo ‘Alaikum, Jazakumullah, Masha’Allah, Bismillah,
Alhamdulillah, Insha’Allah, sallallhu ‘alaihi wa sallam, etc.
Watch MTA International regularly, especially the Friday sermon.
Learn different languages. Every Waqf-e-Nau should know Arabic and Urdu. Also learn an
additional language, for example, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Spanish, French, Turkish,
Norwegian, etc. Try to excel in the language of your choice. Video tapes of MTA language
classes can be purchased from the office of Waqf-e-Nau.
Remember that whatever good you have learnt should become part of your daily life. For
example, the prayers that you have memorized should be used at their appropriate times.
You have learnt about the etiquettes of home, of school and of the mosque, now you should
constantly evaluate yourselves in the light of what you have learnt.
Become a useful and active member of the Jam’at and its auxiliaries. If any duty is assigned
by the Jam’at or its auxiliaries, fulfill it cheerfully.
Develop the habit of obedience. If an elder asks you to do a job, do it cheerfully, and when
asked to desist in some matter, stop immediately.
Read such stories as help in developing a positive character. Avoid indecent literature and
humor. Discuss your selections with your parents.
Take an active part in social work such as visiting the sick or helping neighbors.
Keep Jam’at periodicals such as the Tashz-ul-Azhan, Al-Fazal and other literature published
by the Jam’at at your regular perusal. Also keep abreast of current developments in the
world through newspapers and other journals.
Watch for any directive or publication related to Waqf-e-Nau, study it and act accordingly.
Develop a love of your country along with love of religion.
Take part in sporting and academic extra-curricular activities. Seek guidance from parents
and teachers in this matter.
Pay special attention to cleanliness. Clean your teeth every day; shower regularly;
Develop a habit of keeping a daily journal. Make note of your progress and any important
instructions given by Hazrat Khalifatul Masih.
The Star Maiden and the Flax Flowers An Austrian Fairy tale