Waste hauler ordinance draft

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Chapter 38 Waste Hauler Certification Ordinance 38.01 Authority 38.02 Purpose, Findings and Intent 38.03 Interpretation 38.04 Abrogation and Greater Restrictions 38.05 Definitions 38.06 Permit Required 38:07 Commercial Manure Applicator Service


commercial Manure Applicator Service Representative 38.09 Exceptions to the Commercial Manure Applicator Service Representative Requirement 38.10 Private Manure Applicator 38.11 Exceptions to the Private Manure Applicator Requirement 38.12 Permit Application process 38.13 Permit Conditions 38.14 Manure Certification 38.15 Certification Card 38.16 Applicators Certified in Other States 38.17 Record Keeping and Retention Requirements 38.18 Manure Application Requirements 3 8.

38.19 Separation Distances 38.20 Reporting Spills 38.21 Enforcement 38.22 Disciplinary Action 38.23 Investigations 38.24 Habitual Violators 38.25 Clean-up Costs 38.26 Severability 38.27 Effective Date 38'01 Authoritlr. Pursuant to the authority granted to the Kewaunee County Board of supervisors under sections 59.02, 59.03, 59.04, 59.54(6) and 59.5i(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes and to promote and protect public health, safety, general welfare, and^to- preserve public peace and good order within Kewaunee County, the Board of Supervisors does hereby *d ordain the this Waste Hauler


Certifi cation Ordinance.

Chapter 38 Page

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