5 Tips For Successfully Executing Your Personal Development Plan

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5 Tips For

Personal Development Plan

KINGSTON, JAMAICA — Hi, my name is Warren Roy Gordon – Social Entrepreneur and Marketer. As a Social Entrepreneur I often find myself helping people to become the best that they can be.

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Executing Your





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To help you get started-and keep yourself focused-on your personal development goals, take the following five helpful tips:

Tip No. 1: Don't put it off. Start as soon as you decide that you want to change. Personal development is a long and arduous process. As such, the more time you spend time putting it off, the longer you will need to reach your goal. So start today, at this very

Tip No. 2: Take baby steps. Set small goals every day that are easier to meet. This way, you won't be discouraged by major setbacks. Bite off only as much as you can chew and you'll end up getting the results that you want just as well.

Tip No. 3: Take your cue from other people. You don't need to reinvent the wheel or learn the hard way, so to speak. By learning from the experience of other people, you save yourself the pain and the hassles of making mistakes that would have been avoidable. Many of those who set out on a personal development process do so under the watchful eyes of a coach or a teacher. Some learn from reading up on personal development books.

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Tip No. 4: Be willing to change. Personal development entails change, provided that change is for the better. There is much truth to the old adage that says that there is nothing constant in the world except change. It is thus folly to resist change, especially if your reason is nothing more than nostalgia, and the change that you are resisting will give

Be responsible for mistakes and setbacks. Personal development, as the name suggests, is a personal commitment on your part. As such, you should stop blaming other people and be personally accountable for whatever progress-or the lack of itthat you will make throughout this process.

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Tip No. 5:


way to improvement.

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AFFIRMATION We cant all be Captains, we've got to crew, there's something

there's lesser to do. The task we must do is near.

Love + Success, Warren

If you cant be a highway, hen just be a trail. If you can't be the sun, be a star; it isn't by size that you win or you fail. BE THE BEST AT WHATEVER YOU ARE!

The above poem was given to me by my high school English Language teacher – Mrs. Kerr-Allayne. The words of the poem are posted on the wall of my home office. Each morning, before I start my day, I ensure that I reflect on the message of the poem: BE THE BEST AT WHATEVER YOU ARE!

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There's big work to do and

You are an extraordinary person. The world is waiting for you to conquer it.


for all of us here.

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http://www.warrenroygordon.com for your FREE marketing/motivational/educational tools & tips. If you need additional information/help connect with me:

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