AER Changes 1 Jan 2012

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Updates to Army Emergency Relief (AER) Categories of Assistance

Four new categories of authorized AER assistance were approved for implementation on 1 January 2011. Dental Care for Family Members: Limited AER assistance may be provided for dental care of Family members. Furniture: AER funds may be provided to obtain essential and economical furniture, such as bedding, sofa, kitchen table, and crib for Soldiers establishing an initial household. Replacement of essential furniture is also authorized when request is based upon loss of furniture resulting from a natural disaster. Rental Vehicles: AER funds may be provided to obtain rental vehicles for Soldiers on emergency leave or awaiting major repairs of a primary vehicle. Rental period will generally be between 7-10 days. Replacement Vehicles: When the cost of repairing a privately owned vehicle is greater than the value of the vehicle, limited AER funds may be provided for a down payment to obtain a more reliable vehicle. Army Emergency Relief (AER) Scholarship applications for Spouse Education Assistance Program and Major General James Ursano Scholarship Fund for dependent children are available on The application is available 1 December 2011 – 2 April 2012 for Academic Year 2012-2013. For further information, please contact Jackie Torres, 655-7132.

Information provided via Schofield Barracks Mobilization Deployment Program Manager 20 December 2011

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