AS YMCA Children’s Waiting Room @ Tripler AMC Do you have an appointment at Tripler AMC and no one to care for your child? Check out the
Armed Services YMCA Children’s Waiting Room! We will care for your child while you go to your doctor’s appointment.
The Children’s Waiting Room Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 8—12 Noon and 1—4 PM. (Closed for lunch 12—1 PM) ALL CHILDREN MUST BE PICKED UP BY 3:30 PM ! •
This program is run by monetary donations. We appreciate any help you can give us with donations.
Reservations are required. Space is limited. Call 833-1185.
Short-term care (not to exceed 2hrs) for children 6 wks - 12 years.
Children must be in good health.
Covered-toe shoes required.
Shot records are required and kept on file.
Located next to the Keiki Co-op, Oceanside Entrance, 1st floor, E wing.
Call 833-1185 to join our team of trained volunteers!