The 45th Sustainment Brigade Invites you to a
“Deployment Town Hall”
Wednesday 4 January Nehelani Club, Schofield Barracks Doors open at 1800 brief begins at 1830 Childcare is available and LIMITED… RSVP REQUIRED by 29 DEC YOUTH Deployment Training will be conducted for kids age 5-15 at this event by OPERATION MILITARY KIDS and Project YES…RSVP Names and AGES of children required by 2 January to VIRGINIA @ 808-655-6594 or
“Deployment Town Hall� Agenda: 1800-Children to respective areas 1830- Welcome remarks by Command Mission Brief by S-3 USO presentation RED Cross Family Life Consultants RDC/FRG Introductions Prayer Resources Round Robin/Social Many local providers from around the installation and area will be on hand to answer any questions and provide you with a wealth of goodies and more!