The 45th Sustainment Brigade Invites you to a
“Town Hall” Tuesday, 19 July @ 1830 Main Post Chapel, Schofield Barracks Doors open at 1800 Join us to welcome all those who have arrived on Island over this past year, all those who have redeployed, to Discuss “HOT” Topics, meet fellow Soldiers and Families, learn how you can participate and more. For a full agenda contact Childcare is available to the first 50 children…RSVP is required Children must be CYS registered, arrive with Closed Toe and Closed Heel shoes. Drop off is at 1800 With Pick up by 2030. To schedule your children for care call Kim @ 808-295-9949 and provide: Name of sponsor, Name of Child, Age, and phone number . RSVP’s must be received by 8 July 2011.