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Why Wagazine? So uhm, why the Wagazine? I will ke ep it shor t (to bala text in the previous nce out the issue). I can alread y see myself in a flipping through th few years, e past Wagazines and remember all mes we have had. the good tiSo to me it is a kind of log that helps us track of all the adve keeping ntures that our frie nds and we had. Th at’s it.


Cover / back cover: funny things happen on tour... The crowd gets wild on a supa dupa slide. Here: Moris down... You know that spot on your lower back, do you?.. It hurts as hell.



Warriors Skateboards c/o The Joker Distribution Via Trevano 72 6900 Lugano SWITZERLAND



Photographers: Kevin Blaser, Moris Freiburghaus, Alex , Alan Maag


Contributors: Alex Treter, Kevin Blaser, Moris Freiburghaus, Deadly Dive, Francesco Lorenzetti, Yari Copt, Fabrizio Lucchini, Juri Vukusic, Luca Crivelli.


All published content in the WAGAZINE is protected by copyright. Do not copy Images or text without permission of us or the photogs.


In case you have any question, brainfart, feedback, photo, request or something like that: please contact us at warriorsskateboards@gmail.com or visit www. warriorsskateboards.com




Photos: Alan Maag


ointment Last spring we sor t of had an app posed sup e wer y with the Antiz guys... The r pre thei ing dur p to come to Zurich for a Sto ght thou We o. vide miere tour for the OAF sion ses little a get it would make sense to . Would going at the anthill behind Sihlcity didn’t just s guy iz have been fun, but the Ant that w kno us let show up. Hugo called and not ld cou they that their car didn’t star t and for Sad ... Now . day make it before the next t. spo the d like e hav them, cause they might own our had and it We just made the best of little session going. the sesSince we already had the beer for it... And of rid get to sion we naturally had instane, ther e wer with all those idiots who in the was hter laug tly a lot of nonsense and lants, Icep his on ly air. Chrigel slammed nice Hasand 5.0 e atur Timmey flipped his sign Loired -ha Red . nes selhofer did his Hurrica le whi id stup d acte renz just sat beside and t Tha s. lide Lips sfer Mirco had fun doing tran Bs the give to ided was about when he dec








tioned that Noseblunt an other try... He men landing it. t he had tried it before but just kep r banger ove We’re not talking about a super e here. ledg r Bs Noseblunt here. No 20-stai . And rter qua Just plain little rough Sihlside was e ther So Mirco CAN do Bs Noseblunts. .... ure pict a no reason why we shouldn’t take try es etim som I guess you all know how you you should a trick and despite knowing that s not work. be able to do it quickly it just doe keep falyou You stomp it, land it, feel it, but there’s time ling of your board. Every fucking ng. wro go it some tiny little detail, which lets ed look ure pict Mirco tried and tried and the rs othe the really nice. He kept trying and r, bee A try. t star ted offering stuf f for the nex a r, bee a extr a ten pack, a ten pack and an , club the at t few drinks at the club, a full nigh



a ten pack with dinner AND the full night at the club. The offers were getting higher and more and more ridiculous. In the end the full deal mentioned above was on stakes plus some break dance mov es and the guys wanted to go sur fing in the stinky river right next to the spot. That was about the time, when the photoduder decided that he should bet on something too.. Just once. It couldn’ t hur t. Eh?... Now... Never, never ever bet that you will lick off the whole coping of the spot if your buddy sticks the next try - cau se he will do so....... More likely he will hav e kept falling off his board deliberately to get you to say something stupid!!! So the quarter was licked, everybody went sur fing in the shitty river and to rou nd off a per fect session at the spot the lads decided to take a cleaning bath in that oversized jacuzzi right in front of the sho pping mall. It surely would have been a session that the Antiz guys would have enjoyed. On the other hand, we don’t know if it had turned out that way if they had sho wn up. So… Thanks guys, for not showin g up! You helped us having one of the bes t sessions of the summer. Antiz has influ ence without even being present!So plea se be so kind and visit us some other day , ok?


Fra is a close friend and has been collaborating with the Warriors for some years now. The latest project was the Wind deck of the animal series decks... You might remember the flying frog with the pipe in its mouth? That’s his work. We love that one and that’s reason enough for us to show some more of his work and ask some questions...

FRANCESCO LORENZETTI 1. Hi Puglius, how are you? Hi Alex, I’m fine, thanks

2. How and when did your interest in art begin, in particular in drawing? Even when I was little I used to draw a lot, not so much because i was interested but because of an inner necressity. The interest and research came considerably later, when I was about twenty.

3. You studied at the Scuola del Fumetto in Milan, right? What moved you to seriously explore the world of digital art as a freelance? Yes, I studied illustration at the Scuola del Fumetto in Milan where I acquired a strong basis of traditional techniques, and on graduation, confronted with the rest of the world (the boom of blogs on the web) I realized that there was this whole digital universe of which I had no knowledge, and therefore I decided to learn these new instruments (programs), self-taught in the beginning and then taking advanced level courses in Los Angeles. Free-lance is the only possible way to work in the Ticino as an illustrator.

s ? k



l n n


4.You just recen Yes, I now live i to stay here for my road‌.  5. You say that globally revolu Yes, certainly. I and gave a sen


ntly found a job in Newcastle - what kind of a job is it? what are the prospects? in Newcastle in Englalnd, working for a studio that creates the design for videogames. I would like r a couple of years in order to develop myself as an artist and have the references to continue on

t visual arts can today, thanks to their strong messages, seem a good instrument to contribute to utionize society. It has always been the case that artists, philoosophers and dreamers created and evolved society nse and a shape to the future.




6. You use various techniques to express yourself, is there one that you particularly prefer? Recently I am very much engaged in incision (acquaforte)

 7. What are the differences you feel at a level of physical and mental perception between expressi or on a digital pad? Drawing, whether traditionally or digitally, is a strictly mental act, and on a physical level I don’t fee a slight pressure on the last element of my right median digit! On a mental level I see a difference in the mode of organizing the picture and the speed of executi


ing yourself on canvas

el anything more than



8. What do you see i A metaphor to intuit a  9. Considering that y nature and animals a Yes, I feel at home in good and inspire me Â


in fantascience? and express the present, and also a pretext to discover new forms.

you grew up on the family farm in the Maggia valley, is the close contact with a source of inspiration for you? n nature, the tranquillity of a forest or the sound of a river running make me feel e to let my fantasy and my thoughts run free.



To see more of Franceso’s work klick right here







I still alm ost can’t be I pick up my board lieve it’s true. W hen today I’m park in two min at the sk u a te te Perhaps s. At the not man skatepark y skating a of those . fte wh wonder fu r 2000 realize how o took up l it can b unlikely a e nd I’M GOIN G TO TH to say these wo rds: E SK ATE In 2001 th PARK. e skatep ark in Lu with the gano wa bowl. A s s built, ho was sch eduled fo r t time later a lo t that r anothe was give r sp o no sive afflu pen for skating du r ts project xo e to the m asThen little f people to the sk atepark. by little in rough an th e se c o nd da half, on wasn’t be lmost useless fl at (S K A a ing playe TE dy to set up small ob et) the locals star stacles li ted bump to ke ledge bu , rail, and of th mp etc. The lev el in the e young bowl sk continua lly and c aters was increa onsidera sing always b bly. een allro und skate As we had an extre rs m e ne e d for an ad , there was structure e quate str of the sa eet me level In 2005 they suc a s the bo c e e de d w sponsors l. in finding , which, c some ombined minimal with slow help by th an e ver y bas ic pyram city, allowed to b d id with a uy a straight ra il de-




PlY M O C O N S 360 B N I D R A F IGOR


PERO J URKIC : BS HU scent a n d a sm RRICA all wall. was like In the b NE manna e g inning it from he course of o ave

n, but ne yea increas ed again r the level of s in the kil and the a m o r se pyramid ls had l for a fa t man. was like After m uc nally op h insisting, in 2010 th ened up e city fi a subsidie s decide bit and thanks to some d its merit , the dila to extend, i da re pidating gano. W street a say on ithin a y r e e a a able to inaugur r, in June 2011, of Lua w te areas in e we one of th S e best s re one of th witzerland, an treet d I c an e say I am I am 32 happiest skate rs y prefer to ears old and I on the planet. definite have ha ly would better la d it whe te n I was 15, but Howeve than never. r, I’ll finis h writing I have b ett this use less tex i’M GOIN er stuff to atten t, d to - ex G TO T cuse me HE SK A , TEPAR K :-)







or ds a f e w w he in s u ht ell rock! T u up wit o d y r a s h k n e hat li of t h rothers t you do and w . a 1. Hi, b g h in of skat u ar e , w Lugawho yo and the world and from (guib s r k c io o r r r ri rd Wa cals), Ju ive, a ha eadly D p are Brigu (vo in 2009 and, D e r a ll! We gr o u rtar ted Hi you a embers of the s). We s e rest of Switze m u r (d m o e th e h s D in T h d , . n an wit ix no the regio our first demo i (bass) a in h r ic ts r V e , c ed tar) on c o r d ou ries of c aly, we publish dio to re e s tu s a r e e th aft rn It e in d nor the present we ar t land an of many A . s 0 201 ndship c o rd . e ie in y R fr s a w e c lo is pie etg rs ides a b m with J ith the Warriio f the crew, bes er and u lb a t s r fi rs o pw e togeth ks us u m e mb e we mad s What lin ties us to some e ti r a p at mber of years th able nu r e id s n on now co mainly r ights. n s e e t v a ti r s t u other fe c on c e n is in yo nd that a lot, so what a at b h t a e c e u ar dien und o u o r y a a e w h ls o t e r t? g f or rav 2 . I kn ts and t of a live conce that are waitin r e c n o live c eers t p ar t o r t he b t he b e s . opinion in front of you me anecdotes e o s s o s c ar e ll u lets lo e don’t age? te t W s . k e c v a li g st the you b is playin place, ju er t, n e io g s r s la a atest p r it is a for ever y conc our gre whethe d us n e au a e In fact r loading w he when th ets , is e to s e r s g u a o ta h muc g. Of c e on s tacle g fact to b at we love doin how, the spec acy in simple s h r w e accur the is is to ou th th ly g e e s n iv ti u it c a o bec s p os negle more th respond sting. Without owever h par tik o m diense e e lo r inte let th ic we e , r s e o u c m n m r ie h u ud n, they muc of o lve the a ce is having fu oria m anc e o r v fo in r e to p the e tr y euph udien le and w . This way th a ve through the li spectac w e o the sh r t, and w cipate in e c o nc e th in e v li c ome a . udience a e th of



3 . W ha t with? T are the majo r dif fic ell us a ult as bein b g throw out the hass ies a young le a b an c onc e n ou t o f r ts a prac band has to d is confron how yo , internal pr t te d go t hr ice lo o u ma n age to blems amon cality, not ge ough (such keep th g mus t ting pa ic e g r ou The init p toge ians etc.) an id for ial stag t d a b ou he r ? e is dif perienc t ficu e the be plays a funda lt to overcom ginning e for e mental ver y yo to find r such p ung places ole in this. It laces a m re inde to experie ight pro band. Exp la y (hon e d sc a nce to b ve dif es rce). In e ly com additio tly, in our sm ficult in munica able to prod n, yo all T uc te with music th the aud e a credible s u also need a icino at plea h ie ce ow and se nce, be sicians to succ r tain sides that ha s. For tunate e ly, ve of ssfulcer tain experie already com the Deadly D course- to p resent ive are e a lon nce, of ai Giov a goup g way ani i 20 which o a 10 is pr o oof, I b ur debut in th nd have gath f mue e e li r s e e 4. You electio ve. n of the de a rf Palco you ar ans have alr e in the eady li st p us a lit tle how reparation s ened to you t r p r om a lized. this ca ge to r o e me t o be and cord your fi , but I know rst alb how th um. Te e proje Well, it ll ct will was lik be rea e this. A roouse f te d a c er tain inte r a somewh the lab a re s t bizarr el e o nc e Booste Jetglow Reco t, and so we a r t in r Studio c rds, re cording tually re unde Vicenza we we hav in Pado rc ed ou va in Augu ecided to als . But we don r first album ontract with ’t inten a o produ st. Eve t the R d to r yth ce oc clip and the new ing should b a musical vid stop there. In ket te in the eo whic e ready de e d covers h will b (not su d e sh re this is by November it seem ictionar y, ma : glia me s to ma c a o lbum, v ot r r e ct, cou ans an ke sens ideo ld ything e) from sti n’t find maglie 5 . Ro c tch to s tke weater, for the rs, thank yo so u f or th album an is inte your fi rv nal hell d ever ythin g the fu iew, I wish y o s an d ou all t t u r e ha bring p he b e s s in sto e ac e t o We wo t r e f or y uld like the wo o u rld;-) R to ther fuc ock on . Say kers alw say hello to ! all our course a friends to the e ys present at , all the ntire W our con rock’n’r arriors cer ts a Crew! oll mo nd the par ties , an d o f








??? Fabio f o k n i ou th ow t do y a h ou k n r s y W ! e y r e u I’m s e ten yea tT i mm r t y? o nc i h a li s S re d Then as m... h . s m s l l u i m Hmm uation: yo or your sk ets easily ’s f g it at this s rked hard s up who ears. Th d y o n w o and w head sh af ter t wo he deck a th t i s t s s w b i u a t le p you j like to gr for hours be s a t o d jus ead go o out t his h you’d ar t urns when n beating n the kid t r with a he ly o e e al keep uuut... Th nt guy ev ty is; a re u r o e u o c u h e s d et y rs it . B st the what ou ad who g greso m t he at’s n ag k he ld. Th t wee e dic of go y, a polit emma be il gu nice credible d ove! l n i in an an g e r an d , sions


Yari! W

hy is F a

bio on the Te I liked am?? him at ? first sig an d e asy g ht. He o ’s a ve ing pe his sty ry le rs little to in skatebo on and tha humble arding uc h o t refle ,n f ra ct to com e for t dness he ot to forget s has! F t he he h o Lugan lid ab o have . We alway ays with the io used a lot o s saw family f fu b e c am h in e a frie n at the Lu im skate a should nd g an o n d an d b n his Va ’t he ride a a good ska owl. He ns? tr, so w Warrio hy r s de c k und er




??? e Warriors th r fo e d ri y Fabio! Wh e Do tcity (in th in a S in g rk and wo een visitin Well, I live hop...), but we’ve b . My dad te s ears oDah ska ily since y m fa Caslay m h it often go to I w o Lugano w n d n a h ou e there a family has d to ’s d n used to liv e ri lf I wante se my gir no, becau en Yari asked me if always h a W ht aw y. I g ri s se there. e y g id em I s a pants, lon skate for th ne in Lugano; tight te o ng sc e d and a str o o liked the m d o o ys in a g hair, alwa That’s it. am spirit.





Alan, how was it to

take the pictures ???

All pictures whe re shot within an hour, or maybe one and a ha lf at Fabio’s loca l playground in St.Gallen. He didn ’t use many tries for any of them and I was surpris ed by the routine he brought in at his age. He’s on e of those guys who you need to see live.



Deny Hoop


Pic: Philipp Merki



Photos: Moris Freiburghaus Text: Moris and Dino

Samy Aeby - Handsome-Guy from Basel, Jan Solanta – the homeless boy from Barcelona/ Obermuhen, Moris F. – the Punk and me (Pagadino), who ended up being a (outstanding) minnesinger in the streets. It was, or should have been, summer in Copenhagen when we arrived, after quite a fun train ride all the way up north. Clouds all over and drizzle when we finally met Jan, who payed his flight with his last money before finally coming back after 8 Months of „la vida loca“ in Barcelona.It followed: five days of rain. The new skatepark that has recently opened closed for summerbreak on our 2nd day. It really felt like nobody wanted us to skate there. So what then?


What i if it: RAINS ON TOUR – 5 guys going to Copenhagen. Writing something about that Skatetrip that turned out to be slightly diffrent than expected makes me ,however, sad or even laugh... Copenhagen, a lovely city, a friendly skate scene, amazing street spots, good and huge skateparks and gorgeous women. That was what we knew about it as we’ve been there on our last summertrip for a couple of days.This time on bord(of the sinking ship): Christoph Rediger - Mr. Niceguy from Basel,


Christiania: Benefits: Good vibration. Probably the most famous bowl of Europe. A whide selection of everyth kind of People sitting around, playing cards – no aggressions – good Vibration! Problem: You’ll be stoned, druged down and drunk after leaving. No money cuz you invested it in however hard you go for it. Worst-Case: you end up as the boy from Norway (17-Jäger-Shotboy/M Joint-In-5-Tries-To-Throw-It-Away-And-Hit-A-Pipe & I get arrestet for puking around and you’ll n hunt humans or similar)


hing you shouldn’t do. All

n hash or anything else Mister I-Try-To-Build-Anever see me again – cuz I

Bikeride: Benefits: Your fast, faster than by Skateboard when I think of all the cobblestones in this city. You can make races, battles about who slames faster while fighting. You can drift in curves plus they’re for free and you can deposit them all around the city. Problems: Rain, wet asses, fights for the freshest streetbike of the group. Burger KingHostel-Burger King might becomes your only sense of life & When Citicens see you messing around they shout out loud that the bikes are payed by their taxes. So you gotta learn how to cycle civilised again after 4 days.


Garage-Seshs: Benefits: YOU CAN SKATE, you can build a little park with everything you find in the streets, you can practise wallrides, you sweat out the rest alcohol of the past nights’ happy hour. And IF you get that half an hour off a dry spot your all warmed up to get those Backside Noseblunt slides like Mr. Rediger does! Problem: Hotel Manager.


Haircuts: Benefits: A lot of fun shaving. Battles about who looks even more stupid. Trying not to jump over the fine line between brave to bold. In case that your friends have messed it up with your haircut – there’s no better payback than „THE SHAVEBACK“ Problem: Even weeks later you still don’t really look alright again cuz bold actually never was your thing. Plus: When you’re white you look like a Skinhead & when your black people fear you as if you’d be one.


Happy-Hour: Benefits: You can do a breakdancebattle, if you’re lucky the waitress gives you a microphone so you can scream, shout and rap to it. May you catch up some girls, if your lucky Problems: Hotel Manager. The happy hours doesn’t last for ever. Headache on the next morning. The girls you caught up speak swiss german.


70’s: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a 1977 science fiction film written and directed by Steven Spielberg. This is still the best UFO film of all time! Richard Dreyfuss is starring as one of many people who begin to have strange dreams and sighting of UFOs and the five musical notes which keep on running through his head lead him to Devil’s Tower Mountain where the first contact with space beings occur. The last twenty mintues of the movie works like a silent film, with very little dialogue. The amazing visuals, sound and music by John Williams don’t need any words. I WANT TO BELIEVE!

80’s: This Is Spinal Tap

This Is Spinal Tap is an American 1984 rock musical mockumentary directed by Rob Reiner. The film satirizes the wild personal behavior and musical pretensions of hard rock and heavy metal musical bands, as well as the hagiographic tendencies of rock documentaries of the time. This film is just as crazy as it is funny. A 4½ hour bootleg version of the film exists and has been traded among fans and collectors for years. ROCK ON!

SCI FI: Moon

Moon is a 2009 British science fiction drama . It is the feature debut of director Duncan Jones.It’s about a man who experiences a personal crisis as he is nearing the end of a three-year solitary stint mining helium-3 on the far side of the Earth’s moon. With a classical slow beginning of the movie to an incredible twist in the middle this is surely one of the best space movies of the last ten years! CHECK IT! CHECK IT!

HORROR: An American Werewolf in London

An American Werewolf in London is a 1981 British-American horror film, written and directed by John Landis.Two American students are on a walking tour through Britain and are attacked by a Werewolf. One is killed, the other is mauled. Back in London he starts to transform and kills people without knowing.. This film is before computer animated shit and the Werewolf transformation is, even today, a masterpiece of special effects. AWUUUUUUUUUU!!!


MONSTER: Monsters

Monsters is a 2010 British science fiction film, written, shot and directed by Gareth Edwards. Six years after Earth has suffered an alien invasion a cynical journalist agrees to escort a shaken American tourist through an infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the US border. For being low budget and modern, this movie is really great! A real adventure film, the way they don’t make them anymore. DON’T MOVE!!!

DOCUMENTARY: The Devil and Daniel Johnston

The Devil and Daniel Johnston is a 2006 documentary film directed by Jeff Feuerzeig. A haunting profile of a man obsessed with the devil and plagued by mental illness, and the transcendent music he made throughout his life. Daniel Johnston captured the hearts of critics and fans while being shuffled in and out of mental hospitals, burdened by his demons and liberated by his piano keys. This story is so powerfull of humor, pain and ispiration, you have to see it to understand. 666!!!

CULT: Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks is an American television serial drama created by David Lynch and Mark Frost in 1990. I know this is a series, but it really deserves to be seen. It follows the investigationheaded by FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper, of the brutal murder of a popular teenager and homecoming queen, Laura Palmer. I remember i couldn’t see this series cause I was 11 and still the ads in TV were shocking me and are still impressedin my mind (who murdered Laura Palmer?). The serie is incredibly psychadelic and has the best freaky caracthers ever. The series was canceled by ABC after a significant decrease of views, that was because ABC put pressure on Lynch to reveal the secret of the murder of Laura. Lynch was against this decision because it wasn’t the right time for the revelation yet, but yielded to the demands of the network; Lynch was right, and after the solution of the murder, the ratings felt inexorably and the show was canceled after the second season. FIRE WALK WITH ME!


EROTIC: Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals

Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals is a 1977 Italian sexploitation film by Joe D’Amato. It is notable for its scenes of gore, which include rape, castration, cannibalism and disembowelment, and for being a mix of erotic and horror, something on which the director would later focus with his films Porno Holocaust and Erotic Nights Of The Living Dead. It’s so extreme.. you have to see it. It’s actually a very bad movie. But thinking that is done in 1977 we must admit it is fascinating for its bravery and insanity! FUCK AND EAT!

CLASSIC: Metroipolis

Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist film in the science-fiction genre directed by Fritz Lang. Metropolis is not just a great sci-fi film, it’s easily one of the best films of the silent era. The movie presents a future society divided by class warfare, with the rich elite living in the towering skyscrapers of Metropolis, and the lowly workers below. As a relic of the German Expressionism movement, Metropolis shows impressive visual design and effects work that still hold up today. THE FUTURE IS THE PAST!

MASTERPIECE: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is a 2004 American romantic fantasy film about an heartbroken man, that his girlfriend Clementine underwent a procedure to erase him from her memory, decides to do the same. However, as he watches his memories of her fade away, he realizes that he still loves her, and may be too late to correct his mistake. Is for sure one of the best movies I have ever seen. One of the most genius writers (Charlie Kaufman) and one of the most visionary director Michel Gondry with two incredible actors as Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet could only create this masterpiece. Is a trip inside dreams and memories with ingenious special visual and effects that drag you inside the vision. I almost missed at the cinema cause italian distributors translated the title in : If you dump me, i erase you!... fuck them! BONG AND POP CORN!

WARIUS Fabrizio the Chef presents: Ruote gorgonzola e noci

Why are Gorgonzola mould yummi but bread mould not? Gorgonzola cheese is inoculated with spores of a specific type of mould, namely Penicillium glaucum, which is a harmless fungi. Moulds that randomly grow on bread might execrete dangerous mycotoxins that cause serious illness. Cooking Instructions 600 grams of ruote, 250 grams gorgonzola, 2.5 dl cream, 1 sprig of parsley, salt, pepper, nutmeg to taste. You probably know how to cook pasta. So first cook pasta “al dente. Cut the Gorgonzola in cubes, put them into a pan add 2 dl of cream and let everything simmer on low fire. After about 5 min. the gorgonzola should have melted. Sincewe don’t want to have a too dense sauce add another 0.5 dl of cream and also the walnuts. Season to taste the sauce with pepper and nutmeg. Drain the pasta, add the sauce, decorate with fresh parsley. Serve in a heated plate. Bon Appetit!



ppened t ver, something ha we ho , 07 20 of early ev summer s happen; in the cal activities of an pi ay ty w e al th gs g in rin th y du is follo d Pero In summer funn rmarket. One beer l began with me an pe al su It e y. th da at to ht ill st ug oses to ers bo out in laughter gano with our be in point Jullo prop Lu rta n ce ow a nt at w d do an , in and Ju nfused fooling around went to that club more and more co we ll ng tti he e ge m e ar so s g in ea t remem t on rais getting late, id ened inside I don’ r dandies). All se pp fo ha ub cl en n th io t sh ha fa W d free. , admir “ZaZa” (an ol ole face) got us in e Lugano lakeside sh th as at s s hi ve el er rs th ra ou , d o kids h I foun (or, in our view ro, Elia, Gigi and of a pedalo with tw Pe te r et te ou la s lh si ur e ho th of d were the spotte that a couple d at them that we a certain point we lle At ye g. we in , ok ay pl sm y d the unm eir happ of the lake an them recognized and jealous of th of e, e ar on we til at un th , s us er to make snubbed Decent booz d so we managed first the two kids an At , . lo ed nt da ai pe qu e th ac de to hand over the morning and e of the kids were d the father of on the lake, at four in , lo fr s da er pe et e m th lo ki ith n w Turns out Gigi an r home is te Right then, e. ou , nc is le ct si r Fa . ou lo r fo da an in exchange ld go home by pe arded the pedalo clear that we wou l farewells we bo ua rit pe e e th th r to te t af ec so it was absolutely sp us, ith re ed no problem to o comfortable. W to t s no ne , ed nd tir hi t be ea gr ia moment this seem hile I felt a Gigi and El w g a in in av le ce d on an at g th h home, pedallin ember forever is lling alone, and ot t one thing I’ll rem means I was peda ch hi r tw w , ep le as is not that neat, bu st fa hurt like hell. Af te Pero, and he was shinbones which y o m tle ng lit r tti hi ou g pt I turned, looked at in ke r terminat fo the pedals d e te us op ca be we , so ep , le e lak the way had fallen as a restaurant on th e about a third of of ad e ol m m ly l al on d sm ha e th ac on the lake we had landed was here in order to re e shore where we e, but in a zone w ac pl en ev sy ’t ea dn an di to hitch a ride. Th at he bark pedalo first, and we did not disem hi ro got up from the Pe afraid to be seen lf. ha a e were both laug d an er out a met over my head. W er at w Ar . e st th la in at d se climb a wall of ab nd ou mer .” before I was im we were on firm gr climbed that wall watch out, it’s sli… phone, but be we y d m an e us er at to w d e out of th e light we ha m so t ge to d Pero helped me an ad Pero’s phone was tch- dark gravel ro tly, and obviously en o itt rm te in ly ourselves on a pi on king iest road in the w before it was wor night and the scar e th of ac re ss ne we rk on the water a while da so ty the gh, in addition to morrow, and pret if there was no to this was not enou as n eal them, but we ru st to to d ed te tri ar int we st eration we sp de te d an s es bark, at which po in wear lucky at the first at two bikes. Out of car, and we were a g op ro st Pe to . ed Za road we spotted tri Za ro en at the k a padlock, so Pe whom we had se s in at ak se so r he as ordinated to brea w at I le wouldn’t notice ith a supercar with e iet, praying that he qu ride was a dude w pt ke d en I glanced at th an ck ba t in the anked him, and th th f, ru of t ab d go pe we to the guy, but I sa op e, m en st d he drove us ho y drove of f and th his seats. In the en wet seat. The gu e th ed in his car or s on ss lo pi d ha g ha I in a shin thought he re su I’m . ay sitting: there was w s the guy went on hi to our homes and e! gs’ of Pero and m epic ‘homecomin e os th of e on st This was ju

rst that makes us bu ns ea m ch vening, whi it’s r, he owed by anot to the o all together go l class ua us ullo, with his know st ju I mber much, see d ul co ring what we it. in n fu t having grea had e police and they Gigi. of e ic mistakable vo dalo pe e th e them give us , re we we ead drunk as at th at t bu , rom Lugano ion of nd turned in direct emor y m y m edalo as well then e, m er ss coming ov at I th d ize her times I real ling ve tra of s wo, three hour re ho as go odyssey and we were ke, but because had to we ch solid ground evin, “K y sa n have time to ter af d an ly, ing hysterical d un fo rrived so far we ded up in ecause it had en As if all al not working at l. gan to be gs orld, some do On the . ad ro ched the main unco d an k e were too drun ho gave us a empt. The guy w was talking got in in front and ly ruining ng wet and probab been d ha place where I we ran of f t in po uptly, at which sort. something of the





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raly a family. Litte ctually a F a re RIORS a tion are a The WAR of the first genera cting the first e x pe mily. Som ied and we are e rs now rr a n 15 yea m e e g b ’s It gettin strong r. rn Warrio nds. Our bond is r the baby bo ie a fr at this ye ’ve been since we ferent reasons, th onding toge b dif on will be with I feel, for generati working w w e o n n d re n a e de old a W to r. stronge Warriors ND A ther even ore than twenty S BOARD fm a team o RRIORS SK ATE twenty dif fe A ke velope W It’s dif ficult to ma s and tastes . ea L E id R n A w an d APP eir o th h it w es work, o s d d y a ll e a h ss. actu rent ily busine er. But it m th e fa g a to s t’ work acle.I and hu d of a mir out love us that’s kin we have is all ab iv is g ing e r e rs w e o iv p n e u Here T he e, and th ut in what we do. LL s n e s n ma we p e POWE passion out in th e m r (for back the a c t on C ome J cle tha ti y r b a n te a is wro and is of 1999, Jon was ; E is IN th Z g N FA adin n ar tifig ones re skater that has a n u o y e th rt we are lented ve ere excactly like ta y r e v a about e then w ly cares W n o !) t g a le th l cia rew eautiful c now. A b od time. go having a . ho we are That’s w rs Family e Warrio th re a e W

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