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? e n i z a g a Why W it our selves? ldn’t we do it? Why lim ou sh y Wh t?! no y Wh d and immediately Why Wagazine? h this idea we all agree wit t ou me ca t firs ri Ya ial. It’s not easy to When Alan and r online magazine spec ou ke ma to as ide 0 10 as makes the Wagastarted to think of s that this frappé of ide es gu I t bu s, on ini op t mix all our dif feren the Warriors are. representation of what y what we think! Now zine original and a good tform where we can sa pla a be to ed os pp su – even if they are In my opinion it is having ‘real’ magazines ep ke to nt rta po im lly skateboarding being like never it is rea g fast and we can see nin run is gy olo hn tec It is up to us to choose only online. The ght AND its dark side. bri its h wit ere wh to not use the privipromoted every that it would be stupid nk thi I d an e, tak to nt lues that we want to which side we wa n’t forget about the va do we as g lon as gy leges of technolo extreme sport but transport. ateboarding was just an sk t tha ht ug tho I ate sk zines, I understood When I started to and read the first maga s eo vid S VH t firs the rs, they definitely then, when I saw d when I met the Warrio An it. d hin be re mo lot ndship, fun, bro that there was a I try to live every day: frie ich wh s lue va the d an made me underst ! time trying to undertherhood, Jean Jaques riod must have a hard pe s thi in up g win gro is real and what is fake. A young skater t. To understand what ou ab all is ing ard bo out the ‘hard’ life of a stand what skate ay we see TV shows ab tod gy olo hn tec of e“ d skate contests on With “the dark sid with skateboarders an ies an mp co ort sp of s ials. And how many Skateboarder, ad right after the commerc up ps po ll tba foo ere s? No wonder the TV channels wh to transport ‘their’ value ing ard bo ate sk e us s t. Where should they other damn thing ateboarding is all abou sk at wh d an rst de un kids today don’t the right direction or at get the knowledge from? ve the young guys in mo d an try us to up the meaning of what Therefore it is told me) the roots and rs rrio Wa old the e (lik least show them t! s along with skatebo skateboarding is abou e all the trash that come let de or rld wo the ve means to us. We sure won’t sa of what skateboarding a ide an u yo e giv to try arding, we just -Kevin



Cover - Alexander Treter backside wallrides in BCN. Foto: Daniel Lober. Here - Pero Jurkic hurricanes the Marseille mist. Foto: Maag



Warriors Skateboards c/o The Joker Distribution Via Trevano 72 6900 Lugano SWITZERLAND


The Warriors, Gilles Gallicchio, Kevin Blaser, Fabrizio Lucchini, Jullo, Broken Dollls



All published content in the WAGAZINE is protected by copyright. Do not copy Images or text without permission of us or the photogs.





Daniel Lober, NIcolas B端chi, Alan Maag, Moris Freiburghaus, Igor Wenzel, Davide Biondani

In case you have any question, brainfart, feedback, photo, request or something like that: please contact us at warriorsskateboards@gmail.com or visit www. warriorsskateboards.com










On the very first test session we still thought that a part of the wa we could leave ll as a spine. Th at was not the ca Rock’N’Roll he se, but Schumi lped us knockin ’s g down the wall.


e Ph on e m or ning. Th Th re e in th e l peercing si g na rings. Its pi fu ck?... ea r. Wh o th e netrates my this p arris. I’m at “Hey! It’s Mo th at g uys told m e ty an d th ese ar k in il d a sk atep we sh ould bu Duro om..” “What? .” “No, th eir li ving w. work to m or ro in de, I got to ty m at this p ar a t seriously. I’ ou we coul d te ar It a sq u at an d s. in e tw o ro om wall an d co mb to set up ou gh sp ac e woul d be en a sq u at. A nd it’s in so m e ra mp s. ey acve a fu ck. Th Th ey do n’t gi e idea!” tu ally ha d th ga niter we ha d or Tw o we eks la re ws sc ol d wo od an d ptem ze d en ou gh Se in g. Ag ain, to to st ar t work n w do s Büchi was eSt ber’s Ni cola of th th e likes so help, an d wi d an re nz M eier a t ge fa n Willi, Lo to Moris’ pl an ld co m e Wa rr iors e es sk ate in th wa r m sp ot to ok sh as actu ally to winter m onth stor ey e at was a th re el ve pe. Th e sq u tw out nine to house with ab fl ats.


s m a de 60s a n d w a e h t g et n i t l hi ch will s b ui w a w s g t n a i h d t l g i u f thin th er efoof th ose b Th e s or t o h o m es a n d lies. O n e y i l m i a m f a f s r y e s e r v e s as fa n c fo r w o r k xiste nc e, so m e n e w e y d s b t n i o f o o s chists a n nths r e pl a c e d wi n g a n a r ast fe w m o t l f e e e l h r t o , m s g t n a s r e, du r i l d n’t b e DIY ide ali th er e c ou fo r s o m e s s g e n u i g s u I o h . a e nts f a r t stu d a b u nch o

Sebi El Idrissi fin

ds space where

there shouldn’t

be: FS Pivot Grind

to Fakie.


Wallride was d to get into this Finding the spee er y Fs Wallride Kevin blasted ev a trick by iteslf. ped this Crailra sc d an g ceilin right under the wall. grab along the


matching pl ac e for a DIY Project… An d did I forg et to me ntio n th at th e he atin g an d water system was fu lly fu nction al? We ll , th at was so an d it tu rn ed out th at th e pe ople wh o sq uatted th e buil ding pa rt we re we were in didn’t mi nd at all th at we we re ma king an aw ful lo t of noise – ev en th ou gh th ey ha d th eir li vi ng ro om ri ght un de rn eath. Moris did not ma ke thin gs up… It re ally was th eir idea to have us buil d a sk atepa rk! So… Th e pl an was to co nstr uct a nu mb er of DIY ra mp s in a coup le of we eks an d th en have on e bi g sessio n with ba nds pl ayin g


Dino has the fastes

t feet in town. Witho

ut them i

dif ficult to find the it would have been

an d be ers flying . It was kind of this litt le utopian dr ea m you have wh en te mp eratur es dr op below zero. You im ag in e wh at kind of little ob st acles you coul d pl ac e arou nd your couch. Ma yb e exch an ge your TV with a qu ar ter? Buil d a tranny into a wallri de ri ght un dern eath th at ol d Anti Hero poster.? Ye ah… Th row out th e fl ow ers an d pl ace a miniatur e ba nk to cu rb in th at co rn er? Oh! An d th er e’s en ou gh sp ac e

right flick for this Fli

p K.Grind Fakie Fu



t them, but go work withou gave that s! BS Ollies he nd n ha he w no , rs Look mom d his thinge t. Moris still ha ps in the squa od thing that ea for the ram id e th ith w ll first phone ca


fo r a r o u g h b a n k in t h at c orn er. W h o n e e ds th at t abl e a n yw ay... Im a g in e: if so m eb od y tol d you yo u c o u l d h a m m er dow n a w all a n d do e x a ctly wh at you’v e b e e n d ay d r e a ming ab out th e o th er d ay. Yo u’d su r e ta k e you r sh ot, w oul d n’t you? This littl e m i n d fa r t t ook pl a c e i n th e first w eeks of this y e a r. A n d it w as e v e n b ette r th a n e x p ecte d. Th e r a m p s c ost us b a si c ally n othin g. O l d w o o d is r e ally e asy to org a niz e; sk a t e p a rks ofte n h av e l eftov e rs a n d th er e a r e pl e nty of s k aters wh o w or k i n c o nstr u c tio n.


Lo o k m o m, just on e foot! Ste der - he c fan Willi s an just tu aid that it rn off his wa s a q u hering de iet and pe vice and aceful se use the a ssion. No dvantage wo n of being partially deaf.


wh o ca n pe ople with ca rs Th er e ar e al ways ed to do ar e l you re ally ne br in g stuff. Al moti vate d. If get th e pe ople ph on e calls an d r more th an a It wo n’t last fo th ey say “Oh... er e’s on e “So wh at?! If th mo nth?” tell th em rth it. Nol th e work is wo go od sessio n al ver. thin g lasts fore e me mories for a fe w days th ly on An d if it’s


will b e eve n be t th at’s e x a ctly ter!�... A n d h ow it b uilt t w as. We h e stu f f i n tw eks, a o w ec ou pl e of h o u r h er e a n s ev er y d e n d Ni c th er e, a n d in ol as e v th e e n br o u el e m e n g ht tw o ts of s elf m a d ol c opi e p ong test se ! A fter a c ou p ssio ns a w e e k e l e of a n nou n n d w as c e d, th e b a n ds r e sh i p w ep e d in a n d th e w er e b o b e e rs u g ht. T h e sq u a join e d tters a n d b ui lt kitch e n a n d p ai a b a r in th e o n th e nte d so w alls. m e art T h e ni g ht c a-


No bank is too ste ep for Pe was it his ro’s 360° hair that Flips. Or served a s a parac hute?


er a couple ch ever yhting aft seblunt prett y mu he seriously No if n s ca wa y t all ua rm sq e no If Igor w rough th em. u can imagine ho space to pop th of attempts, yo ere’s almost no Th e. on is th r had to work fo


le the who on fire d a s h a e w h t r fe gh he thou smelled Ja n H o ery time r, v e E e b t. h nig ned a ction. he drow k into a enough got bac Grind from d n a t the hea Feeble nsfer Fs bank to curb pro This Tra e th to t. in h er nig the quart the trick of the as bably w


Timmey. .. TIMME Y! N him. Acti on on co o real DIY Sessio n withou urse and Blunt Ba t ckside off on the D ancefloo the quart r. er into th e bank .


d to ty sk aters tr ie me an d so me thir ok lo w, ro om... No sk ate th e li ving aIm . ur he ad 180° arou nd, tu rn yo … in a li ving ro om s gine 30 sk ater t lo a e, s; no sp ac Ri ght, th at me an se s ow th th e wind of sw eat an d, wi r fo d’ t ‘r ecycle al ed, air th at go ect; th e ra mp s rf pe hours. It was in g h to sk ate, push were su per roug in g nn gi be an d in th e was diffic ult, s wa it ou ght th at nobo dy re ally th up ed ck sessio n pi sk ateabl e. Th e oz e. After a coubo an d so did th e e e inte nsity of th pl e of hours th so ng vi edible. Ha sessio n was incr ch a sm all ro om su in ma ny sk aters th at get so inte nse lets th e en ergy oe Wh . y fe el it you ca n literall g in am re g was sc ver wasn’t sk atin


or h a m m er ing t he boar w alls. ds a g ai Nob o d y nst th e c a r es a a s q u at b o ut n o . Nob o d ise in y c ar ed Nob o d y ab ca e v e nin g r e d ab out a n y out s m ok e. thin g. t Fo r outside h e c ol d winte r a n d th e w as b a n o n e atin g. w ne d a l ls st a r Pu te d sw e r a m p s w r e m a yh e m t o o k ov er. hi ch w e r e c o ns A nd abl e w e id r e sh r e d de d to er e d u nsk ate tr i c ks p o n th es e pi ctu iec es. Th e as h a r d r es a r e as th ey tw i c e sio n w a l o ok a n s d th e s es d y i m a g tw i c e a s g o o d in e d. I as a n yb t w as a this ni ll b uil ogh t fo r it w oul t... It did n o d all b t m atte e r th at of w e e k tor n do s w n a co u pl e ter th a l ater. A n d it t th e s did n ot essio n m atw e all en just m o v e d dow de d - c a us e m e nt wh n to th e r e tw o e b as e T w oul d g et a h o i cin esi M et al r B a n ds d e of s b o u n ci n g into w e aty s k aters th e m or Th at w a ni n g h o s a ni g u rs‌ ht to r e m e mbe r.


HE had

the w

r the heels fo

o Weib spot! Iv

el mad e

ck Tail this Ba

look fa

irly eas



Gilles Gallicchio



I always loved drawing, since my early childhood, it was something I felt comfortable with. After secondary school I would have liked to pursue my education to transform this pleasure in a profession in art. But since my grades permitted it, I let my weak and confused mind be molded by the career consultant who strongly suggested and finally persuaded me to go to the lyceum by disqualifying the artist lifestyle, and this without ever having seen any of my drawings. I’ve often regretted this decision, and even today I can’t stand it when somebody tries to condition the life and decisions of others out of personal motives. Everybody has to find their own path, and I don’t believe there is any objectively right one. Climbing the social ladder has never interested me in the least, and the difficulty of finding a job even less. The most important is to be happy with little and do with passion whatever you’re doing. Therefore, on the one hand I’m even glad not to have mixed passion with professionalism: I prefer to draw for myself, when I feel like it, how and what I like. I think that often when you start working on something on request by others, you lose the essence of what is the expression of yourself, of your own experiences, and for me drawing is nothing else but the exploration of oneself. I started drawing again three years ago when I couldn’t concentrate at school: I


was sleeping or disturbing – or I went for a walk. Drawing made the time pass faster, and this allowed my old passion resurface. I had a pile of old fax paper at home, and I was beginning to think of a design for the Warriors. My drawings don’t have a professional look, they are smudged, often inexact. I don’t use a particular technique (also because I don’t know them). It happens that I have to cut the sheet and stick it together again because of errors that cannot be corrected, I mix the tools for what I can do spontaneously. The hand certainly gets better with practice, but that’s not the reason I like drawing. The end effect is not what I’m looking for, it happens that I stay bent on the same sheet for months, hoping to be finished soon, but when it is finished at last I feel sad, like when after a stupendous trip you find yourself back home. I don’t put much weight on the end effect, it is the process that’s more important, Usually I start out with a general idea which then keeps getting cut up a hundred times during the creative process. Everything I draw has a meaning, and I seek to cut and paste the sheet in a reflected but, at the same time, sensitive manner, this is what I like best. Today I like drawing because it transports me to a separate world (my own) where the time passes on a different rhythm, perfectly adapted to my requirements; reflections and emotions blend and flow onto the sheet. The interesting part, what


made me mature and still today helps me remain in balance like a session with a psychologist, is that my preferred subjects are not always pleasant, the emotions rather negative and very intensive, but they are transferred to paper with calmness and serenity, even if at times the tension and energy inside me cause the stroke of the pen to punch the paper. It is as if there was this huge flood inside me to which I have to give space and order to release it drop by drop. In the last years of my studies in social work my mind had a thousand questions to which it found answers that were different than those given by most; answers not always socially accepted, and which caused me to live many aspects of life in a painful way. The neurotic mode I have to connect with what is around me caused me to systematically be confronted with lasting frustrations and disappointments that risk to turn into obsessions. In the course of these years I realized that the number one social misfit that’s me, and perhaps it is no coincidence that I ended up with a career in education: often one chooses, even if unconsciously, to heal oneself. It is not by accident that my preferred subjects are about people. Drawing, in part, helps me not to turn my pains and those that others pass on to me and I am expected to endure into pathology or real action. “Who knows what one tries to liberate the trust in ones owns temptations, removing the intruders from ones own emotions” (De André, La bomba nella testa)


But really doing it, in a sense is not working. Actually opening the doors to hatred doesn’t lead anywhere except to more hatred, transforming it into stupendous and destructive acts. We are not free to let ourselves go, we are emotionally impotent because there are too many regulations and enforced structures. But hatred, when it enters it has to find an outlet, otherwise it corrodes, and pouring it on a blank paper, on this void to be filled without any rules or obligations, and not on persons or institutions, helps me keep my mental set-up in balance, it calms and organizes my temptations and emotions to leave room to accept and concentrate on the positive part present inside and around me. Fortunately I have not learned the rules of the paper, or else drawing would have a completely different function. The spontaneity, intensity and sincerity I find in those moments when I’m drawing – it would be nice to experience these in other contexts, to feel free to let go, to break the routine might be one of those aspects we all ought to endeavor to achieve. Routine certainly gives security and makes us feel more adequate, especially when we reflect ourselves in them. But we are not perfect, and locking ourselves in a cage causes us to move away from ourselves until we get lost in what certainly has been imprinted on us as correct. I am convinced more and more firmly that we in our singularity and uniqueness who need to emerge in everything we decide to do, Asking ourselves with respect to everything we do, what did I put into it of myself, with feeling and honesty? Because this is the added value we can give to our work, professional or not, drawing or other.


When man decided to become a blockhead, the essence of his existence passed into the hands of what twinkles in his spent eyes. Recover your true nature, take back your life. If you can put it in a drawing it’s even better. When we are born we learn to remain in the world by observation and imitation of the behavior of others and by making sense of what we get from descriptions by our parents or other persons we are in contact with. The process of socialization teaches us to behave according to what we see or what we are told, thus we internalize a whole set of rules and social behavior apt to guarantee good living together insofar as our acts, ideas and behavior are recognized by the collective. When this is not the case, the individual is stamped as misfit, criminal, mentally sick or some other kind of label. Information and advertising make nothing else but extend this discourse. We are convinced that by reading the newspaper and watching television we find a description of all the facts, when in reality these moments are being construed, we are being manipulated. Much comportment would never be performed if it were not systematically proposed. “The utopia of equality today is actuated by means of television”, but not just tv “it is their means of representation. From the way we eat to how we dress, live and communicate … in thirty seconds it is possible to buy an escape from a travel agency, sex from a perfume shop, a slim body from a shop selling cream cheese, health from bottled mineral water … Today the world happens because we communicate or the communicating world is the only one we live in” (Umberto Galimberti, Parole nomadi) We need to ask ourselves what power those have in whose hands the management of communication lies … do we want to go on having our existence chiseled away?


Globalization is nothing but the (rather successful) attempt to infect the entire mankind with the tendency to shift the multitude of values, justice, truth and freedom to the United Nations. This UN is the West, which draws all the profits of a world that unites the differences but at the same time denies these not just between peoples and civilizations but also between individuals. People are no longer equal albeit different. Preferably, in a globalized world pretending to function not in order to maintain the system and its own functioning but for the involved individuals, it might be assumed at least that in spite of the differences – which are wealth – each person should be valued in the same way. Obviously the differences and the singularity become problem, threat, disease, or crime only if they are inserted in a system that is unable to absorb them, where more than one justice system means anarchy, and anarchy is considered negative, even if none of us ever had the opportunity to actually live it. It is dangerous to believe that there is only one correct way to spend one’s life, the personality disappears to transform into a parasite, as functional as possible for the system from which he will get the impression to be the more recognized the more he sucks up to it. Marx wrote “The work of others is exploited imposing the surrender of all the values of life.” Many of us suck from the shoulders of others like bloodthirsty ticks, others get dehydrated because they are unable or unwilling to suck the life out of others, like ticks out of place and bound to die, but the system doesn’t care who is better at sucking, all are part of the same sadistic game and all, sooner or later, may be thrown up by the sick part of the UN.


ISS ON Pictures: Maag


r e s a l b n i v Ke

A proppe r salute to John Card one blas ts them b ettet then iel, this trick is. N came pre o the maste tt y close r b u t Kev in


PAUL BUNER uys like s more g ing need ll in his ears, rd a o b Skate n. k’n’Ro ner. Roc ex tensio Paul Bu rt and on the a e in his h üchi Photo: B

i ramp g a m i n cc e s n i v a am… H vate, a r’s dre is house. Pri even pl ies e t a k s h es ry It’s eve right next to to move thos ms to be ee ge ed in a sh never the ur i f the world s mp is such e a n h si ble w and dry eve cream Cat R fect m ini S p er e u p h s a e T t . m ouco ain s t ha r s n e i u g oden h gs, g n o d i l w n u d w o l o o dr an an dy w . Nobo next to l lage cal led W ins a place idden right a i t v n y sh s le e p h mou ramp i m idd le of a side and h ig w i ss S e f th e e o h n t g o n n e i i h , n t se in n d la i ns o t he b e g the she g reen p her, form ing expect that of s t er ot nd lo on the e wou ld rath old tractor a e be a c n t he s t o n O y a l . l s h a t p i l u t w A c ed d h was a be fi l le e decid wou ld arbage - wh ic s of the hous tual ly no g nt as ac useless ew inhabita t her e w , K n e O h . t fore h a n ge l ittle c make a


ficult the mini, the dif en pilars around e roll out right th t With all the wood ge to s wa side Ollie ramp. part of this Back the side o the up as a mess on and not ending Photo: B端chi

tractor, but ther ew ser lads got rid o as a LOT of jun f – inclu cat wh ic ding a fu k the Sarganhg lly the likes ave the ramp it ’s name. mumm ified of Chris F toph A g Buner, F geler, Ig our years ago abian S o r t ad ler, D Wenzel, Moser, M om Pa a Patrick nuel Rupp, Chr inik Gilomen, S u l Pyttel (… ven istoph H ag just to N a pile of ame a fe enauer and rubbish w in .) transfo fi nd in t h is coun to one of the be st m inis rmed try. Fro to layin m ge you’ g th but it wa e copings took tting out the ga ll r t he m a b s worth out six m bage every ho invested ur and e onths, . Not on very fra ly becau also bec nk th se t h au shed is m se of the wooden e m ini is smoot ey h, but ade of. W constru ct in some g rey old hereas most m in ion the old factory building i’s are located , a stink y skate


p is at Ram i led C m a e r Sc ly p e rough lar, the l r e a c h id ic h w ith a hum ees w ge, just ide d lo park or ed by whole tr a e uts l ik nd sical ly ted from the o m a b surrou , r e h ch ot rotec e d f ro upon ea between and p ruction. Strip rm in const the wa spaces ar barn ver the years cozyness that l u g e r w ith a dried o ings along a es. rk and e pictur h br a h s b t g r t i a lo e e k h t th ug loo color of ewhere. Just you walk thro s brow n l e ou e n Y i d g . n i ma ’t fi hood you won a beauty? Now ring on your ain r e h e ou ve t A in’t sh y g rass, rain p tiny door, lea s and old d he ne the mud sel f through t re of spicy pi o adapt t r u t u x o d i y n am e c o s t he duck inhale ple of s d u ss n o e a c u d a g n need b eh i g uely s a e v y e n a r c ou u wood. Y kness, then yo r a d e to t h


shape of a tran sition. W hoos h, the lights ar yellow everyw e on, patterns here. A fter se of black, brow conds the mus ramp. The sess n and ic is on and th ion is on and yo e fi rst dropped th u can skate as long until the e long as you wan cry from kitch t – about just as en comes; Pas blem to take a ta is ready!!! C brake, cause yo ome and eat! N u know you ca only problem o pron go back whe one cou ld have never you wan is that it m ight know the loca t. The be difficu lt to ls. But I guess fi nd it if you do that’s exactly to what they ar n’t what makes th e; perfect secr ese kind of litt et spots. A nd w in and offerin le gems ith Pyttel and g the best hosp Stadi taking yo ital ity one cou u ld w ish for, th en you’re al l se t for


Just imag ine the ra in on the duct thro roof, Evil ug Co n the Air. N h the speakers a nd smok ow you n e in ow w h a t ster look Igor Bs D e d , so u n d ed AND isasmelled li ke!




rop r. The D a Warrio mount of is e h t ved tha narly as the am r ters! a arly pro g e ed qu irco cle d was equally M ! w o ying sp la W n p ri e G il .0 h is 5 nk w after th d to dri y he ha Whiske

a perfect w eekend. T he lads liv there w ith e their cute ladies and two crazy dog us feel at h s.. They really mad e ome. The living room equipped , w ith prett ym electronic a you cou ld uch any w ish for w equipped as w ith enou gh sofas an matrasses d so we all h ad a place sleep. Nee to d less to sa y that nob really wan o dy ted to go o ut so we ju spent the n st igh of the funn t there and had one iest times ever. The Warriors and friend s discover speed qua ed rters... No idea if you have an id ea what th at’s all abo but it invo ut, lves a lot o f laughter, excitemen t and fast drin top of all Y ari gave us king. On the best freak show ever. He w as going in and out of the livin gr chang ing outfits in se oom, conds. Th e



ir and a ntide A of an of a Fro nt ix e m m e a It ’s like minimum mov kend! trick... e a e is D w th N e ll A a . th hould c in it too s the trick of at we s nkbug a sure wh a tiny bit of Sti all it , it sure w e it u q c e ot We’re n There might b er you wanna v k. Laybac owever, whate .H Eggroll


One can’t hope for a better h to you P y os ttel! Than ks for the t. This one’s ty! It was gret hosp as uniqu italie as your kick flips are!!!

th he made us roar wi entertainer he is, in moment he came laughter and the els he gh hi to ezed in with his feet sque d r bellies just coul and lipstick on ou e... not hold it anymor ve taken a bunch Not many would ha nuts for granted of Warriors going body would have – and certainly no e of pancakes on th served us a tower the ; er th ge to e m l ca next morning! It al e fun, our friend ly perfect Ramp, th et rget the good stre hosts and not to fo e in that area! Caus spots one can find go s th ink the Warrior you didn’t real ly s, et t hitting the stre some where withou til just have to wait un did you?... You’ll re, ures – either in he you see those pict til her magazine. Un or then in some ot i in ing your ow n m then… Start build ramp!!!




JUNE 2011






c. , In

s Van




W b in ha add be w ha their days roll to furiou t he c h e audien an d b e a How m u We ar e t hr e e b t u hol, ha t ha. Let’s s ay ting ha t d pr beside s the mu som sic ha things g o an ever y m ome siness .I band a ndee nd I’m methin g you ha you lik ve to li ve

Welco m riors.. e to the Wa g a zi n e . W ha t is ! You k We ha n ve kno your relati onshi ow the War w n t he ber of p years to th W arriors an d n their for qu em? phanta always we ite a n nt st ave a nice P ic parks, an skating with umA d t hen t hem RT Y H d that stay AR ev delirio er y single tim D, and I wo ed on to us u at they . They are g e it was gua ld like to rantee reat fo ar e d o d lk ing an r sc e n d fight s who believ to e, e in fo r t h e s, it w but finding pe as gr o unite easier whe ople is not e owth of n t her a ever yt sy the e was hin us flam also ro se es of te g, the broke ck ndolls togeth er r y o n and th ’n er t o se nce in op of the cak on stage, that w t he e, t as autiful se concer ts he major pa rt o gir w uch sk ls, what mor ere skaters, f the ed f re at t wo sk eboarding i o you want? aks s in yo aters in u r b an t o ne o t d? f them he band, w e d . u edicat ed him sed to be self to that un alco til thre eo riority, but no r four year s ag o w with me bro skatim ke as pas n bones and e passed a nd sed to a grow f n d t ha ur new album. t you n ront stage, s ing belly, t bassist Tell me about yo eed to eeing ent, if e alcohol level ou th at how take a th ng you st yi sa ivers lidvan I star t by op y e d I sp hen he lost his dr end all ou’re lost in tage of out a year ago w ab d ducted ha de we r my th p r oud that was af te of it. W spare time is bue was 2.59, and t that nc bu ce s, ur ho fo h ke the d go on for time m en you’re do r this ints, haha. I coul po n te . op u in e ever ng at a bar, so I st y minu st not be a p g so we’ll do when sitti , in Karlskoga roblem te of it. corded in Sweden , This album we re sic countryside to Örebro, a clas e, with a to be exact, next is calm and silenc e er th re he w en , in fact in Swed ountain at 200 m m a d an ay aw m y, but in lake 100 rd, it seems craz co re to e ac pl ct the perfe laxed and so e mind is more re , the ala place like that th st s without ress ea id e or m ith w cation, ou work because of the lo so al ll we t ou ed bum turn test it to believe it. mastered uced, mixed and od pr d, de or re ist of the It was singer and bass , LE EL AB IS A by LUC our SweTES, a band of U IT ST O PR Y e many COWBO we shared the stag m ho w ith w ds en t kind of dish fri us and knew wha ith w r ilia m fa is e H ggestion times. so he made this su d, te an w we m an albu did a good ly accepted. He te ia ed m im we which k with five it is not easy to wor g in er id ns co d job, an patient. idiots he was very

things chanalbum a few st fir e th to music and Compared ever y sense, in n ow gr ve aborate in ged, we ha a little more el e or ef er th is e have our mindwise, it her aspects w ot in t bu s, ct say very certain aspe rever. I cannot fo so be ill w to listen to it. line and this , you will have m bu al e th t ENDOLLS, much abou of THE BROK p am st e th s l, an always It still bear hard rock, wel ith w ed ix m s a kind of punk rock that I adore, it’ ng hi et m so , ix that catches winning m s. Something ill fr e th t ou esn’t leadisco with u hear it and do yo t en om m e icular there is your ass th e, and in part th ea br to e r, with each ve you tim is like the othe e ec pi no at ng different... this thing th pect somethi ex to ve ha also the grap song you we have, and et cr se ly on this is the hahaha. pa, of course,

Li s t e kes ning t o aw me n ill to your ’ s v i r g p a r t y a l b u ms f r on ! i n it t m y! E To drin instin a t he sp e thre n, you k f or m c i a l ! An d live em l u y o a - em nces st ex p to th you, t As y barras that yo reme / at 100% ug e mb o u w s i ng ! a cus ver y ell kno for the ve dur arras ww on s i ng pu b mu e a li t p lan ag e I c c h o n l ar e a l i c . ban ive han et, I p er f d th my w ge c get a o a do a orking way fro omplete rmance t has w , wh l m l m y e ,I al to tu ost a ek. O n e h l t h e sh am o n e n nyth rn a it ar ve p an our, roun in g o I e une r forma d open want a and I kn und me x o ELP pecte, nce the mouthe nd the w that Ic I kn peo re w ! ar e d , a 1… p o n Two you rea w wha ill alwa d at th le ha ys stm t I’ll e dy? yea a do t be so next l plac s holid rs ago m h a t a in e nigh ething sho includ ys I sto a con t. H wIt c er t in g le a EEh t deli riou rew ev he glas ll the d during er y t ec o s, b s sp I pu ut r a t he C h h t the it in my one sp ing ove eres, d tions o hrip r u f a pi eople w boxers here I s the pub ring th the e t y th a a l e i live v n c re ed d w me a th ose gla going o crushe for the ho wer ous e d it hah ut o fina an s s sp w a f 2... . The p d cuts heres their m ith my fi le ... A c e o i eme nother ople w n my s ut so m nds, an st ... c e d it’s d by m like a live sh re flabb rotum a uch, it o g n c e w i red stake I at, jum full o rgaste d peni ave s h d f his h e had landed ping al fire as and I hah l n a a ad o u e n ve su ba xt d stre ami and ba seball to the r the pl al, I se ng f bas ace bat ce a sh e ro s , d i n to th d the p m my m it in m nstead ist who and y e fi o e st age ople in outh, th face, th f a bas gut he e e s to p se c blo in au ut o n m dience urity of od was ym t outh brough he plat me ,Ic onti nue ice d to

nc t i ve to s ly awa te Ros al wo s ! S o , as a t e ll me s si n g ive pers ho w s th ef n I g oe othe t e an r d c an ave lig


ice n m o re e h w d e sing an who were p e c t audien e a porno s k li mouth s. v stitche other li l in an il n t e S c . s .. 3 de rowd I c r d a t e s it c nd able a ho g long c w e c dien one, the au h p o r mic of the ad about t h stage I y got cra he t , cable othe le and b a t he c d me. dy hate eautiful b What is hateve w o d c an n lay alo p to has e ows th w ho k n f ter this in jail a are e s sample neve ’d If you Brok t( c e j o pr i c al p r a mus u w o t hi n k y d i g n me t h i t h e d M e an r he with ot u fo o bos s eth is som i y la an d p a e h little e m o To c it w play



! CKER!!

t he it over a w e r h t I ad e came ter wards I h ur f A . e d m fo etrifie y gave e h t d ar an exwith an a e c n a fo r m ge with ve per the sta among m o r f n de d around cable move to t he d r te d with le g c k on n a t ped ba the got en m ju I hen e by , and w ple tied to m under o e e p thir ty p tried to esca er ybo v e e m azy, so it – whatever, r ers ove hat you er t is t body c n o c a live ever y t l about u want and les, bu o y taller ta ut me n e er shit v e uld tell might p ree ng, I co order forces se t h d ink the h t law an I o view, s hi s s inter o do t t t e . h m g i en ou t he t o st a r have t e ha d er hav ) and you’d ay, do you l ls od so ken Do m scratch t i la r o r m o i r f s t g c r oj e e t hi n o r in t d o so m ac d l u o projec w w a e s you linic to be n a ? t y e n d h t if f e re drink know is detoxified e alrea ith ‚il gallo’ It a ist hav w a . o s o s S a ls D b a R , e clear nd nothin desolate f alcohol. ind ECO m R in g E it p t M s D h e I R d to friend eithe at if I had lse. In al lace whe y village NADO ver y attache d a R r O l r e s t T f o l i nc e r you c ha well, ast and f ur labe n, but we are little punk an . uriou nge I wou ety I want can w ho e a fu n r g fi o in f e h d g s t k l to m dd no o hin me y fo u c an to r bod ws what r punk ro o someth be . It is so ally only we e n v a te f h T o ck ygu it I wou ha in g re ould ld be for danc g methin uestion, I w ld be in jail sa nks for t ards. i n d q h g avy, so g, u o o e i e i s ng w o to th lse I w it h o u live s f world p inter view e back r band, or e t e h t he Mean ow to lis ace and bro! Lea t h an o v s t w e eam e ter vie hile than n to new e you at es ks br y s w. I ju o o u r ne n g s of other gin to st wa xt 2: in n p belie lay or to ted to rem ignorance 59! ve in skate in d a of thi w l give a shi hat you’r that nothi l those wh s inn t e o be g i s im yours ab o u d o in g t e life m lf, keep yo what othe at 110% possible, a r u a with w kes no gi r head hig s think. B nd don’t e f ts, y h it h ha p r ou a nd o u ha Well, r ve to a stif f upp d of broth d work. e e ar n umpt er, w ever y r lip, e e thing opini enth time ’ll be shar on in w make about th ithin a m g the sta onth, g e fo e 2,5 t he b 9 r s T han a ks Ya rkeepers stuf f, an o I’ll hear the d obv ri work y our iousl a lot. y we ’ll


“WIND” 7.8”

“SPACE” 8”


“FIRE” 8.1”







“ABYSS” 8.5”




P M A R I N MI N I L L O R e h t AT

M A J P ! ! ! k c o r NG






Look at Igor’s face.. He’s screaming himself into his first try Backside Boneless.


Last March the Rolling Rock Shop in Aarau held the inauguration of its new miniramp. By having the benefit of running its own skate park, the shop has the opportunity of being really close to the scene. On top, two of Switzerland‘s finest skateboarders Sqipron Bobaj and Henrique Gonçalves - work there and take care that the young skaters have a proper spot to hang out. Curiously though, it is not only a skaters place, but also one of the last refuges for bladers in Switzerland... Yes, they actually still exist, and people peacefully coexist there. The only negative aspect is that the skatepark is actually more of a blader park and therefore not laid out for modern skateboarding. So far the locals would


find a warm place in the winter, but as soon as the temperatures ro se,  they’d immediately hit the streets. One could argue that becaus of this the Aarauians have such a strong street scene and are barel able to skate a tranny. Until now... Last winter the Rolling Rock made an effort to tear down the old vert which wasted much of the space and to rebuild it into a proper miniramp. Wide enough and equipped with a few specials like two nar row extensions and a channel to bank, it was the perfect setting for the first good Miniramp Contest of the year.


ose ly

r rr

This young lad skates like a Warrior! Fast and fearless Tucknees. Yes! Moritz Greber knows how to fly!


he g ri ska nds his N alw ted s afe ollie 1 ays 80 . a n el Sim nd F mos - he f on Str with c akie 5. 0s r la t ic o lian compl ntside ker ha ss. Se is am goo Zehn icate flipp d the bi El azing. Id d de ed d R b the in a mi r pro blunts it. Th est tr rissi? uben B e ved ni a s ühle i ad v alw ck o mo l ar s ev e a t ry d ntage on th hat th ays be gest w ver th oth as r es lo e h to ay e his be ab treet new ge ng to eels an chanle t s. Iv Fee ner Ivo W d th b le o o s go skate Schn ation i eibel e s ju . Kieite t fa his s r ste h r, h ome b clear t as is F s Cr owl in ly got La ails h ig h ax er

We l l , fo a No oling a r o Co m p ly F und ing e r

Needles s ted quit to say that a M e a few ini like t sh ha in the f inals we redders. Amon t attracg re... Fro place: D m twelf them and om th to fir knee, bu inik Mßller sk st ated wit t his ba h a fuck final. A sics go t him ea g o od o e d ld kn sily take Mo nir Salih ock on the he into the ad c o u l i out. Th dn e speed with wh ’t ich

d is o ne H a rd of t h e g r ea Fl i p R ev e r t p a r t s a tc t?... O r sh o o n t e s t s , ul d w n e cal o? Ever s l it a D ino e en lino?


Whoops! Second Tucknee in the same article is a no-go? Look at Kevin’s T-shirt - that’s what we think of that!

and he obviously didn’t even touch over can’t stop his Fs Flips. Moritz Gr Basel, but he sur and by far the high on 3rd place. Igo wax on the ramp k didn’t keep him fr ding the rest of t the contest, but y


y has the best Airwalk in the biz. Sven Kilchenmann the coping before his qualification run, but a hang is Switch Backside Tailslides, Fs K-Grinds and Switch reber is a young and rather unknown skater from re had the longest Backside Lipslides to Sugarcane hest Tucknees of the day - solid reasons to get him or Fardin may have complained that all the blader’s kept him from really hanging into his tricks, but that rom doing a boneless of the extension and shredthe ramp to pieces. He could have just as well won young Ivan Federico came all the way from Italy to


Grab p Bs th i l F wo r es to anag l - it was m d r ol ’Rol irst. 3 yea 0 Rock’N laced f 1 a 6 h ip h ow he p Bs 3 n the sn’t show ter or ip, ‘cause o t s s tr h wa Disa onte the ck C es - whic i r T Best nçalv f the rique Go o r e Winn was Hen il a to r

Go r

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out .

er y rly ev ea e n there er. Tr skate that kick ificent u o y ag n e. If to hit rpris ctly how ed and a m s decision u s a k a e y reall u know ex kflip Croo the judg Boardslie o ic day y eslide, K slide mad ollie Heel o Backlip os Lip in T ’s N flip N ack Heel icker e Bs Bigsp firework. r t S B n i e Nolli easy. Simo er’s Noll o Henry’s n t fairly Michi Brun no match ev en t d u t and d to n b s , e s t r de a n r kille od c o wkwa were lly go rather a ed the a e r as a were ill offer ll it w lements a n i ey st l e Al der ee th a s l n b a e if th e, as you c skat


option for one or the other trick taking place aw Rock Miniramp will be a perfect spot for the wint tive to all the other indoor parks in the area. It w locals would soon become Switzerland’s new tran hours on this ramp nex And we? Well, we do think that the Rolling Rock is o Skateboards should be sold and are looking f


way from the mini. So... The Rolling ter months and a welcome alternawouldn’t be a surprise if the Aarau nny wizards. After all, they’ll spend xt winter.. one of those places where Warriors forward to next year’s contest!

While the others were shredding, Sven Kilchenmann found enough speed to pull a couple of Backside Flips on this roll-in on the back of the mini.


70’s: DUEL

Duel is a 1971 television film about a terrified motorist on a remote and lonely road being chased and stalked by a huge tanker truck and its unseen, psychotic driver. This was the first film directed by Spielberg and it’s pretty much 60 and plus minutes of chasing, action and paranoia. No one ever did anything like that before. FEAR THE RAOD EVIL!!


The Breakfast Club is a 1985 American teen drama directed by John Hughes. Five high school students, all different stereotypes, meet in detention, where they pour their hearts out to each other, and discover how they have a lot more in common than they thought.This movie is one of the best, if not THE best, 80’s film there is. You start to watch it thinking is an easy comedy and you end up feeling both happy and sad and in love with each one of the characters.



Silent Running is a 1972 environmentally themed science fiction film directed by Douglas Trumbull. Back on earth, all the trees have long vanished so some astronauts works in giant space greenhouses where they take care of plants. When orders from earth are received to destroy the greenhouses, one of the spacemans kills every one and continue his trip alone till the end of space. This film is about isolation, alienation, lost causes, and the inevitable future and makes you think long after is over. SAVE THE NATURE!!


Uzumaki is a Japanese horror film directed by Higuchinsky. In a small town in Japan a man obsession with spirals becomes more and more bizarre, ending in his suicide in a washing machine which turn his body into a spiral. Soon other inhabitants become possesed with different forms of spirals and the entire town becomes possesed by spirals and they all die. This film is bizarre, wonderfully photographed and the use of colors is so original. Some areas of the screen are digitally twisted into a spiral pattern in some moments of the film. DRAG ME DOWN!



The Call of Cthulhu is a 2005 silent film adaptation of the H. P. Lovecraft most famous short story, distributed by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society. It’s the first film adaptation and uses Mythoscope, a blend of vintage and modern filming techniques intended to produce the look of a 1920s-era film. Only 47 minutes to bring you back to the ‘20s and if you never did it, make you want to start to read every book of Lovecraft, the best horror writer of all times. I HEAR THE CALL!!


Anvil! The Story of Anvil is a 2008 documentary film directed by screenwriter Sacha Gervasi, about the Canadian heavy metal band, Anvil. At 14, best friends Robb Reiner and Lips made a pact to rock together forever. Their band influenced bands as Metallica, Slayer, and Anthrax, despite never hitting the big time. Following a calamitous European tour, Lips and Robb, now in their fifties, set off to record their 13th album in one last attempt to fulfill their boyhood dreams. This movie it’s so funny and emotional and by the end it has drawn you in and made you a part of the band’s struggles. FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!


Brazil is a 1985 British science fiction fantasy/black comedy film directed by Terry Gilliam. The film centres on Sam Lowry, a man trying to find a woman who appears in his dreams while he is working in a mindnumbing job and living a life in a small apartment, set in a dystopian world in which there is an over-reliance on poorly maintained (and rather whimsical) machines. This was one of the most unforgettable movie experiences of my life. Please don’t look any trailer, just buy the dvd and start watch this bizarre, funny, scary and disturbing piece of art. FLY WITH ME!



Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! is a 1965 exploitation film directed by Russ Meyer. Three strippers seeking thrills encounter a young couple in the desert. After dispatching the boyfriend, they take the girl hostage and begin scheming on a crippled old man living with his two sons in the desert, reputedly hiding a tidy sum of cash. They become houseguests of the old man and try and seduce the sons in an attempt to locate the money, not realizing that the old man has a few sinister intentions of his own. Absolutely essential viewing for anyone who loves exploitation movies, The Sixties, rock’n’roll and/or buxom babes! KILL KILL TURA SATANA!


The Elephant Man is a 1980 American drama film directed by David Lynch. A Victorian surgeon rescues a heavily disfigured man who is mistreated while scraping a living as a side-show freak. Behind his monstrous facade, there is revealed a person of intelligence and sensitivity. Based on the true story of Joseph Merrick this film is a masterpiece that moves you and hopefully teaches you some respect for people. One of the best films of Lynch (and the others are almost all masterpieces..) BEAUTIFUL.


Black Swan is a 2010 American psychological thriller film directed by Darren Aronofsky and starring Natalie Portman. A ballet dancer wins the lead in “Swan Lake” and is perfect for the role of the delicate White Swan - Princess Odette - but slowly loses her mind as she becomes more and more like Odile, the Black Swan. I saw this film in a small cinema in Berlin at midnight with only some friends. I always loved Aronofsky but this is the ultimate masterpiece. It build up the same agony feeling of his previous “requiem for a dream” but it ends in a perfect romantic dark way. I was speachless for almost 20 minutes after the film and then i declared: BEST FILM OF THE LAST 10 YEARS.

WARIUS Fabrizio the Chef presents: Risotto with asparagus tips

Risotto with asparagus tips That’s why : Asparagus contains various sulfur containing compounds which give the urine the charachteristic smell. Try to avoid: peeing against the wind. Recommended for : winning the battle of the worst smelling guy on tour. Ingredients for 4 people: 25 gr butter, 1 onion, 300 gr. asparagus, 350 gr. risotto rice, 1 dl white wine, 1 l vegetable stock, 50 gr. parmigiano reggiano and some salt and pepper. Cooking Instructions Bring 1 l of vegetable stock to boil, meanwhile brown the chopped onion with butter in another pan. Add the rice and pour the white wine into this pan. Add the vegetable stock after 5-6 minute to the rice and and stir it once in a while. Wash and peel the asparagus steals, then cut them in little pieces. Add them tothe rice and simmer for 20 minutes, keeping the rice always covered with the vegetable stock. At the end add the parmigiano reggiano and season to taste with salt and pepper. Bon Appetit!

Photo - Freiburghaus



can manual a


Chuck Norris landed Bob’s 5050 down the Grand Canyon - needless to say that he did n’t use a parachute. Chuck Norris never push on ska

ay bo Danny W


the ha -dropped


teboard, the groud moves for him

r d ro c k c


rr hu c k N o guitar - C

Why shouldn’t Chuck Norris do power slides? Cause he’d move

centrate er has to con ev n is rr o N y Chuck brake. You know wh board might is h , ld u o w tricks? If he

it! is played

the world if he does!

on landing h


Have you ever seen holes in Chuck Norris’ shoes?... No? Then you can guess why the grip tape industry is developing a spec ial Anti-Chuck-Hole grip just for him! Chuck Norris scares his board.

Chuck Norris transfo

It fears the kick of his flips!

rmers ABEC 3 into ma

ch 7 by pushing his bo

ard just once!

t Chuck Norris. Naaaaahhhh... Jus Once Mike Vallely tried to fight ! was THAT stupid kidding. You didn’t think Vallely


kste or r is S m e N k c u ew Ch vent so have n k you can in cknorrisu o y in If hu r you th es m to c Facts o es send the nd your jok a n g o a a om good gmail.c n the next W @ ts c skatefa ubblished o p will be zine. u t! t hem o Chuck





ail. boards@gm te a k s rs io rr ors wa em to warri th d n e s d an


in! .com and w



L s ’ n i a t p o C

L og

Some things happen for

a reason

Almost 15 years ago I was in my room, pre tending to study math but actually drawin g some sketches for the new name our crew had shortly tak en on. So I started to draw a big W. Af ter I finished it I sta rted reading a rock magazine of my father and one of the ads was about some kind of heavy me tal band and it had the se hard pointed edges at the beginning and the end of its logo. I thought it would be rad to put some of those at the sides of the W to make it more metal! So I did. Then I lef t my room to get something to eat. When I came back I no ticed that the W together with those ed ges reminded me of so mething… The BAT logo was there! It was perfect just as it wa s and it never has been modified sin ce then. Today it is the most important piece of our crew and brand, and it’s on the sk in of more than 30 people - forever! We started to call each other Warriors without a precise reason. But it’s kinda strange ho w that defined who we are as people. The whole Warriors fam ily and the team, two ge nerations of friends, are real warrio rs. They’re loyal, true, straightforward, fighter people. They are my friends. If they ha ve to tell me I suck, they’ll do it. But that makes me do my wo rk as good as I can, cause even tho ugh I hate it when the y tel l me that I’m doing something wron g at the moment, in the end it’s the only way I’ll understand an d will try to make it be tter. That’s the reason why Warriors Skateboards is still ali ve and growing. There is a histor y behin d us. There is passion. There are friends telling me that I suck . We are not producing Warriors Skate boards products... WE ARE WARRIORS


Some things happen for

a reason

? t o n Why

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