Polish-Czech Forum 2022 What unites and what separates us?
Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
The project “What unites us, what separates us?” Polish-Czech relations. ” ”, assumed the initiation a public debate on Polish-Czech relations and their impact on the Polish and Czech state and society, as well as the importance of Poland and the Czech Republic in the world and their place in shaping the situation on the international arena. The main goal of the task is to conduct a series of four online informational and educational events aimed at initiating a public debate on geopolitics, including the foreign policy of the Republic of Poland and its allies, as well as international security, energy, defense, disinformation, civic affairs, culture and other important issues of public interest. In addition, each event was summarized by an expert article draw conclusions from the issues raised during the debates. The last point of the project will be the preparation of a special report, which will include the topics discussed, but also present the perspective of the development of bilateral relations.
2 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Foreign Policy of the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic Towards Russia Before discussing the Polish and Czech ring commitment to the Ukrainian military by foreign policy toward the Russian invasion providing military supplies while urging other of Ukraine, it is vital to stress the importance countries to follow suit. Polish news outlets of bilateral ties between the governments in praised notably the action taken by Jana ČerWarsaw and Prague. There are plenty of pa- nochová, the Czech defense minister. The third radoxes in Polish-Czech relations––some polls issue is deepened political ties in the face of find that both nations tend to like one another Russian aggression. On March 15, the prime and are strategic economic partners. On the ministers of Poland, the Czech Republic, and other hand, though, the authorities in Poland Slovenia traveled to war-torn Kyiv in a show and the Czech Republic are unable to elevate of courageous solidarity with the Ukrainians. their relations to the strategic level. No political Through joint efforts and an alike deficircle in Poland and the Czech Republic is intenition of threats, Poland and the Czech Rerested in forging long-lasting cooperation and public can both mend their ties and upgrade strengthening relations, which was particularly them to the strategic level. The right occasion noticeable in an unneeded dispute over the will be the forthcoming Czech presidency of Turów open-pit coal mine. The war in Ukraine the Council of the European Union later this compelled the two countries to react to the year. Poland should make an effort to find an new real. Poland and the Czech Republic took ally in the Czech Republic to help Warsaw taca similar stance on the humanitarian crisis kle the dispute with the European Commission. in Ukraine and a wave of Ukrainian refugees. If no solution is produced, it will be not possible Poles spoke highly of massive support Czechto occupy a vital role in supporting Ukraine’s -based NGOs threw for Ukrainian people that ambitions to join the European Union. Both consisted in arranging housing for refugees Poland and the Czech Republic are likely to and fulfilling their needs. In addition, Poland serve a key role, which may reinforce bilateral and the Czech Republic made an unwavecooperation between these two countries.
~ Professor Piotr Bajda
3 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Link to the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_khx_pmJ8Hk
4 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Closing of Turów power plant. The Polish and Czech view immediate suspension of the mine’s operation, and consequently also of the power plant. Only the change of government in Prague made it possible to sign an agreement under which the Czech side withdrew the complaint from The dispute over Turów undermined Pothe Court. The dispute has gone down in hilish-Czech relations. But Warsaw and Prastory, remaining on the page of Poland-Czech gue have more links than separations - such Republic relations rather as an accident at conclusions are drawn, among others from work than as a symbol of these relations. The the debate „Closing of Turów power plant. The two countries have more links than they divide Polish and Czech view ”, in which I had the ple- especially in terms of energy. asure to participate.
Turów is an accident at work. Poland and the Czech Republic have more links than divisions.
The dispute with the Czechs over Turów was unnecessary - it could be easily avoided. If the Polish authorities in 2016 seriously approached the accusations raised by the Czech side, if they entered into a constructive dialogue and looked for an amicable solution to the dispute, if they did not ignore the arguments put forward by Prague, this issue would be resolved at the regional level, even as part of local government negotiations local. We would never have heard more broadly about Czech claims against the mines, let alone any restrictions imposed on Poland in connection with this dispute. However, it happened otherwise. Poland was pushed to the corner by the CJEU, which - by issuing very far-reaching decisions interfering with Polish energy security - ordered the
During the debate organized by the Warsaw Institute, in which I participated as a representative of the Polish side, many similarities were heard between the energy situation in Poland and the Czech Republic. The second guest, Tomáš Petříček working at the Prague Institute for International Relations and works, emphasized, inter alia, that both countries still have a significant share of coal in the energy mix, which appears to be a problem in the face of the growing climate requirements of the European Union. This situation has many further implications for Poland, where the share of energy from coal-fired power plants in the generation mix reaches 70%. This is especially important in the era of adopting the Fit for 55 package regulations, including: on tightening the tax regime for fossil fuels and extending the European emissions trading system.
5 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Poland and the Czech Republic also shaPoles and Czechs also share a similar re a desire to develop nuclear energy. For the perspective on the Russian threat, so imporCzechs, this technology is already a powerful tant after 24 February. Both the Polish and source of clean, emission-free energy. The Czech sides clearly communicate that they Temelin nuclear power plant alone provides intend to abandon their import dependenabout 20% of the Czech energy needs. Poland, ce on Russia on the energy front. This can be which also intends to develop nuclear power seen well in the natural gas market - after the (Warsaw plans to build 6 to 9 GW of nucle- full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine, ar capacity over the next twenty years), can Prague began negotiations with Warsaw on a confidently follow its Czech neighbour in this potential connection between the Czech Reinvestment. public and the planned Polish FSRU liquefied natural gas terminal to be built in the Gulf of A community of interests between Po- Gdansk. land and the Czech Republic on the nuclear issue could result in common positions being Looking at the palette of common energy taken during legal negotiations within the Eu- denominators, it is clear that the Turow issue ropean Union that concern the atom. This is has been the exception rather than the rule primarily a dispute over the so-called taxono- in Polish-Czech relations. They may becomy (i.e. the EU investment agenda), which co- me even closer in the new geopolitical circuuld result in the deletion of nuclear power from mstances - as outlined in the Warsaw Institute the catalogue of environmentally sustainable debate. sources. This would be a powerful blow to the EU’s ability to implement its climate policy, but also to the interests of Warsaw and Prague.
~ Jakub Wiech
Link to the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ59G63kv7o Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
The „17+1” format - threats and opportunities for the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic On May 31, 2022 the “The” 17 + 1 “format David Plášek, focusing on Czech-Chinese re– threats and opportunities for the Republic lations, emphasized that the instability of relaof Poland and the Czech Republic” debate tions between the two countries is constituted took place, which was organized by the War- by “three important events that speak of these saw Institute as part of a project financed in relations, such as: last year’s elections in the cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Af- Czech Republic, the pandemic, and disapfairs of the Republic of Poland entitled ” Po- pointment resulting from unrealized Czech lish-Czech Forum ”. The debate was attended investments.” by the moderator Marcin Jerzewski, and two speakers, Warsaw Institute expert Wojciech The next questions by Marcin Jerzewski Adamczyk, who represented the Polish side concerned the more enthusiastic approach and David Plášek, the analyst of the Red Watch of the Polish government to cooperation in Program, representing the Czech side. The the 16 + 1 format compared to countries such meeting began with a question from Marcin as Lithuania or the Czech Republic. Here, WojJerzewski to Wojciech Adamczyk on the cu- ciech Adamczyk tried to draw attention to rrent state of relations between Poland and the status of Poland’s position as a regional China, including the Czech Republic. Wojciech leader, which has great ambitions related to Adamczyk stated in a few sentences that: “The the Belt and Road Initiative, and the largest countries of the Central and Eastern Europe beneficiary of this format. In turn, the question region openly support Ukraine in the war with addressed to David Plášek concerned the Russia, while China, although so far rather in- establishment of the New Silk Road Institute directly, supports Russia. Taking into account in the Czech Republic in 2015 and the role of the macro situation in the region, I do not see the institute in Czech-Chinese relations, which any opportunities to intensify these relations David Plášek treats “as a result of intensified at the moment.” Later in his speech, Adam- relations between the two countries and as czyk turned to issues related to the investment part of the lobby of certain elite circles in the agreement between China and the European Czech Republic, which was basically the result Union, where, as he emphasized, “it should be of decisions made by only a few people in the considered whether the agreement signed in country, including the president. This institute 2020 is simply dead, in particular after the Chi- is simply part of the lobby promoting Chinenese refusal to condemn the Russian invasion se investment in the Czech Republic.” Later, of Ukraine.” In response to the same question, Marcin Jerzewski asked a question about the
Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
reaction of the Polish government after Lithuania’s decision to abandon the 16 + 1 format. In his speech, Adamczyk stated that “despite the debate, in which it was considered whether other countries would decide to follow Lithuania’s footsteps, in my opinion, the rest of the countries will probably remain members of the cooperation format. It is worth noting that just a few days after the Lithuanian decision, the Polish minister of foreign affairs, on a trip to China, reassured Chinese partners of the importance of the format as the basis for relations between the European Union and China. I think the same is true of China.” In his reply, David Plášek, sharing the opinion of Wojciech Adamczyk, added that “at this moment, in any of the official statements or documents, there are no signals of such plans”. Moving on to the next questions, the debate touched upon such issues as the shaping of the relationship of some 16 + 1 Member States towards Taiwan
and the intensified relations created due to the pandemic. In this regard, Adamczyk noted that “the activity of some 16 + 1 countries openly supporting Taiwan weakens the essence of the formula of cooperation with China,” while David Plášek stated that “regardless of whether it was decided to ignore the issue of human rights in China, the end of after all, being pragmatic, you can see that Taiwan is the winner in terms of its business activity. ”Before the end of the debate, there were questions from the audience in which Wojciech Adamczyk answered the question of how to effectively protect yourself against digital espionage in relations with China. Wojciech Adamczyk, noted that the most important issues for all governments is to have and secure critical infrastructure. On the other hand, David Plášek drew attention to new legal regulations introduced by states, including the Czech Republic, that help to monitor foreign investments.
~ Wojciech Adamczyk
Link to the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0xh0W_nM0E
Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Polish-Czech cultural cooperation. What unites and what separates us? The speakers who took part in this event the Czechs want to live peacefully. Based on were: Liliana Śmiech, the vice president of the history, connected with Habsburg dynasty, Warsaw Institute; Sylvie Vůjtková, theatre dra- Czechia lost their gentle in 17th century so the maturg and PR manager and producer and Czechia literature and art, is strongly influenJan Hernik, editor in chief at the Warsaw Insti- ced by peasant culture. Modern Czech female tute. The program was about polish – Czech writers talk in their books about the region of cultural cooperation. Poland and Czechia are Polish-Czech border, about the ethnic diversity neighbors that share common values, have in there. Poles, Jews, German Czechia’s in tisame Slavic roots so the cuisine, language is mes of industrialization traveled to this region similar. The hall event was trying to show this to apply for a job. The books are translated to similarities as well as differences’ stereotypes Polish, so the main idea of the books can inof polish and czech people were mentioned. crease the sense of community in Polish Czech The speakers illustrated how this cooperation region. The reception of culture in Czechia is poor, and Czechs can learn from Poland in this looks like and how it can look in the future. field. The poles could learn from Czechs how to Sylvie Vůjtková pointed out that there are make fun of oneself and not to be so serious.
similarities between Polish and Czech culture and the people who live across the Polish-Czech border have many in common and there is sometimes a problem to differ a Pole or a Czech person. She mentioned that Poland is much bigger than Czech Republic and that Poles fight no matter what the price is, and
Jan Hernik pointed out that the best Polish-Czech cooperation is student exchange, especially Erasmus program. Warsaw Institute has partnership cooperation with many international organizations. So the relations between Poland and Czech Republic is being tightened.
9 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
The differences on political field between Liliana Śmiech addressed that Poles and Poland and Czechia can separate for some Czechs live nearby, but don’t coexist with each time both nations, but the Russian-Ukrainian other as much as they could. Beside the Czech conflict strengthen Polish-Czech cooperation – Polish border inhabitants, as a nation Poland on the field of common safety in the region. and Czechia don’t know much about each The Two biggest Polish and Czechia cities War- other. saw and Prague have capabilities to be the bridge between Polish and Czech partnership in diplomacy and culture, thanks to student exchange and international character of both places.
~ Jan Hernik
Link to the debate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzLUWLkwZ1M
10 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Experts of the project
Adam Sybera
David Plášek
David Stulík
Jakub Wiech
Jan Hernik
Liliana Śmiech
Marcin Jerzewski
Prof. Piotr Bajda
Sylvie Vůjtková
Tomáš Petříček
Wojciech Adamczyk
Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
12 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Foreign Policy of the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic Towards Russia:
293,000 hits | 107,000 views
Closing of Turów power plant. The Polish and Czech view:
344,000 hits | 80,000 views
The „17+1” format - threats and opportunities for the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic:
313,000 hits | 80,000 views
Polish-Czech cultural cooperation. What unites and what separates us?:
478,000 hits | 135,000 views
13 Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”
Public task financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the grant competition “Polish-Czech Forum 2022”