3 minute read

We Are Prepared For Different Scenarios

Monika Kowalska, general manager of the Vienna House Amber Baltic Międzyzdroje, talks to Bartosz Grzybiński

Vienna House Amber Baltic Międzyzdroje is oneof several dozen hotels on the island of Wolin. Every year new apartment blocks and hotels are built. How does Vienna House cope on this increasingly competitive market?

If you look at the number of guests in recent weeks, we are doing very well. We are achieving the maximum possible occupancy, and guests still call us to ask if anything is vacant. It shows that during these 30 years we have managed to create a strong and recognizable brand while following the latest trends. At Vienna House Amber Baltic Międzyzdroje, the most important thing has always been quality and acting in accordance with the values and the DNA of Vienna House. We stick to that and, as you can see, this strategy brings good results in such a competitive market. We are especially proud of the fact that many guests return to us every year, and some even several times in one season.

Vienna House Amber Baltic celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. In the case of the hotel industry, which has changed a lot in the last dozen or so years - is such “seniority of the hotel” an advantage or disadvantage?

From my perspective, it is a great advantage. New buildings may be more modern, but they don’t have that “something”. Many people are emotionally attached to our hotel, precisely because we have been on the market for several decades and we care about our relations with guests. This summer Lara Gessler and her family visited us. She talked about how she used to come to the hotel as a girl. Today she showed Vienna House to her daughter. That is the kind of stories we are looking for. The touching, sentimental ones. They will always distinguish us and are our strength. They make the Vienna House Amber Baltic Międzyzdroje something more than just an accommodation facility. Besides, perfect location, high standard, great hospitality and excellent cuisine are timeless. And these issues are the most important for many people. The Vienna House Amber Baltic Międzyzdroje responds to this demand.

What, then, makes the Vienna House Amber Baltic different? What do you do, that you are still one of the most popular hotels in the region?

I think this question should be addressed first of all to our guests. Certainly one of the major advantages is the location and the architecture, which means that every room has a terrace overlooking the sea. And after all, this is a holiday dream for most of us. Photos taken from the restaurant terrace or room balconies flood social media. They are the best holiday postcard. Stories about terraces that “go into the sea” are almost legendary. Interviews with movie stars during the Festivals of the Stars have certainly contributed to this. The media have taken a liking to our terrace. The festival has been gone since last year, but we decided to replace it with our own project - a series of literary meetings “Stars of Bestsellers”.

What do you think about the upcoming prospects for the hotel industry in Poland?

There is talk of successive waves of the coronavirus, and it is well known that the tourism industry is the one that suffers first. Talking about what the autumn will look like is a bit like reading the leaves. We hope that appeals for vaccinations will have an effect and soon we will all feel safer and avoid another lockdown. However, this is a very optimistic version. But last year tested our flexibility and we are prepared for different scenarios. We will not be surprised. What will it be like? Time will tell. We will react on an ongoing basis.

And one more question about the hotel’s plans for the next - maybe not 30, but 5 years? What changes are you planning, in what direction do you plan to go?

Generally with the wind, and when necessary against the wind. We are very consistent with our brand. We have prepared many changes and surprises. As soon as the pandemic situation becomes a distant memory, we will be able to present them. One thing is certain - we will surprise you more than once.

When did you travel last - privately or for business? Do you have any travel plans?

I have the impression that lately all my private travel is partly business. I gather inspiration and look at different solutions with a professional eye. In general, however, I love slow travel. However, I leave further travel destinations for a quieter time.

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