President's Christmas Card 2017

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From heaven above to earth I come to bear good news to every home!

Glad tidings of great joy I bring to all the world, and gladly sing:

To you this night is born a child of Mary, chosen virgin mild; this newborn child of lowly birth shall be the joy of all the earth. Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546

Text Š 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship, admin. Augsburg Fortress, reproduced by permission.


ay the good news of this season give you joy and renewed life in the coming year.

Darrel and Christy Colson Wartburg College

For Christy and me, as for everyone in the Wartburg College community, the Wartburg Castle — Die Wartburg — is a special place. To knock on the door that opened for Martin Luther in 1521 or to stand in the room filled with frescoes marking moments in St. Elizabeth’s life is to feel the inspiration that called those two into lives of leadership and service. The very same inspiration moved our founders to build this College, this mighty fortress, to challenge and nurture generations of students to answer their own calls to lead and to serve. – Darrel Colson Cover photo: Jörg Schneide/ Colson’s photo: MacKenzie Sellnau ’18

Wartburg College is dedicated to challenging and nurturing students for lives of leadership and service as a spirited expression of their faith and learning.

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