South Devon newsletter March 17

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SOUTH DEVON HERD BOOK SOCIETY Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1DJ. Tel: 01392 447494 Fax: 01392 447495


BRIEF NEWS MARCH 2017 Dear Member The Spring Show & Sale is just over a week away, with 29 bulls and 11 heifers entered. The catalogue is on the website, and if you would like a printed copy please would you let us know. There are a few rooms still available at the Devon Hotel, which is the venue for the AGM and Auction of Promises the evening before the Sale and please would you let us know soonest if you would like to reserve one. Likewise there are still a few days left to book your place for Dinner. The Auction of Promises catalogue is enclosed, and there are plenty of offers to choose from. Thank you to all those who have generously given ‘promises’, and we look forward to an enjoyable evening. Entries for the National Show at the Royal Cornwall close on Tuesday 18th April. We are very pleased to have Mole Valley Farmers as our principal sponsor this year, and we are still gathering together other sponsors so please do let us know if you or one of your suppliers would like to help. The Schedule for the Performance Championships has been published, and we look forward to this excellent opportunity for publicity. Please contact me if you would like further information. Members of the Wessex Region are visiting the Daylesford herd on 14th June, and there may be a few spaces available for members of other Regions. Please let Angela Coward know if you would like to come by e-mailing The Society will have a presence at a new event which is being held at Sedgemoor Auction Centre on Wednesday 12th April – the South West Pedigree Spring Yearling Show. For further information and a schedule please contact Greenslade Taylor Hunt, 01278 410278. 1

MIDLAND CLUB SALE SCHEDULE Rugby Farmers Mart, Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth, CV8 2RG Saturday 6th May 2017 A. B.




All animals to arrive at the Livestock Centre no later than 2.00 pm on Friday 5th May. A veterinary inspector will be carrying out inspections on all animals at the Centre on Friday 5th May from 12 noon and vendors will be required to make their animals available for inspection. Any member who has an animal rejected will have their entry fee refunded. All measurements (frame scores) of bulls will be shown at the sale (see “9” below). EBVs will be published in the catalogue for cattle from Breedplan recorded herds, and will be on display on each pen as applicable. Bulls registered after 1st January 2010 must be DNA tested for myostatin and the result published in the sale catalogue. If animals are declared polled they must also be DNA tested and the result published in the catalogue. All vendors are required to be members of a CHeCS health scheme and are also required to complete a Society Herd Health Declaration and submit it with their completed Entry Forms. All Sale animals must either be from CHeCS accredited free herds or the individual animals must be blood tested negative for BVD antigen, and all animals must complete a vaccination course for BVD at least one month prior to the Sale (at least one month prior to service for females). Vendors must also supply their scheme provider’s health status certificate as appropriate. Animals must be from herds that are CHeCS certified risk level one, two or three for Johnes. Judging will take place at 09.00 on Saturday 6th May and the Sale will start at 12 noon.

ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY 7TH APRIL 2017 (Late entries accepted only at the discretion of the Secretary) Entry Forms are now available from SDHBS, Westpoint, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, Devon, EX5 1DJ 01392 447494 JUDGE: Mr Phil Eustice, Crantock, Newquay, Cornwall CLASSES BULLS 1. Bulls from 12 months to 2¾ years of age. This class may be divided 2. Bulls over the age of 2¾ years (for sale only) FEMALES 1. Heifers 2. Heifers 3. Heifers 4. Heifers

(halter broken) born in 2015 (halter broken) born in 2016 (non-halter broken) born in 2015 (non-halter broken) born in 2016



NOTES 1. ENTRY FEES: Bulls and Females £22 per animal Animals not forward due to illness but with a veterinary certificate will receive reimbursement of their entry fee. The entry fee, pedigree certificate, and organic certificate (where applicable) must be enclosed when returning the completed entry form for each animal. 2.


Once at the Sales Centre all bulls will be weighed and all halter broken entries inspected and checked for locomotion, temperament, active infection (eg ringworm, etc), and defects (eg jaws, testicles, hernia, etc) by the veterinary inspector. Those found to be not up to standard will be rejected. No entry thus rejected may be sold through the ring and must be removed from the pens. Non-halter broken females will also be subject to an inspection. Bulls - Scrotal Circumference: Bulls Bulls Bulls Bulls

aged 12-14 months aged 15-20 months aged 21-30 months over 31 months

31 cms 33 cms 35 cms 36 cms

Failure to meet the above measurements will mean automatic rejection from the sale. 3.


All animals entered in the halter broken section must be under control at all times. Any animals deemed by the Inspector or committee members to be out of control will be sold through the non halter broken section or if considered a danger excluded from the sale. 4.


If a member wishes to disperse his/her herd immediately after the Society Sale they may do so provided that it is the whole herd. The cattle are subject to a reduced entry fee of £8 per animal, which must be enclosed with the entry forms and pedigree certificates and received by the closing date. 5.


Animals bred by the judge will have to be placed by another person. The person so nominated by the Society will not enter the ring until all other animals in the class concerned have been placed by the judge. The person nominated will then enter the ring and place the animal concerned. If a judge enters an animal for any Society Sale it may be SOLD only, but the entry in the catalogue will remain in the appropriate show class. The animal will be paraded in its class but will be removed at the instruction of the steward before judging. 6.


Up to 50 words of information may be provided by the Vendors for the catalogue. An additional 30 words may be added at a charge of £0.10/word. EBVs - all Breedplan 3

recording members will have their animals’ EBVs published in the catalogue as appropriate. Caesarean births - members are reminded that they must declare caesarean births for all entries at Society Sales. Herd health declarations – must be completed by all entrants and submitted at the same time as the completed entry forms. Information from the completed declaration will be published in the sale catalogue. No other information relating to herd health, or individual animal health status will be published in the catalogue. Vendors may display additional information on the animal pen. The Herd Health Declaration will be displayed on the animal pen together with the CHeCS accreditation certificate or the laboratory test result certificate for BVD. 7.


All animals are required to have been tested clear of TB within 60 days prior to the Sale date. 8.


Messrs Kivells will conduct the Sale. 9.


Minimum standards will be applied on inspection to all bulls entered for the Sale. The minimum frame score will be F12 which equates to the following weights for age. Any bull falling below these standards will be rejected. AGE 17 mths (510-539 days) 20 mths (600-629 days) 23 mths (690-719 days) 26 mths (780-809 days) 29 mths (870-899 days)

kg 760 812 865 917

AGE 18 mths (540-569 days) 21 mths (630-659 days) 24 mths (720-749 days) 27 mths (810-839 days)

kg 778 830 882 934

AGE 19 mths (570-599 days) 22 mths (660-689 days) 25 mths (750-779 days) 28 mths (840-869 days)

kg 795 847 900 952


**************************** I hope that we may see you at the AGM and Spring Sale, and please be aware that you can now follow us on Facebook (please ‘like’ our page) My best wishes Caroline PS: A lorry full of tortoises collided with a van full of terrapins. It was a turtle disaster. 4

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