from the County Commissioner Andy Shorter
Future Plans 2011-12 Support the opening of new Groups and new sections to increase our youth membership and reduce waiting lists.
MOTIVAT10N motiv8-2010
Improve the links between sections so that fewer young people leave instead of moving on.
It is with great pride that I can once again report a highly successful year for Warwickshire Scouting. Working alongside a fantastic team of managers and commissioners I have been privileged to see Warwickshire continue to develop, and continue to promote the fun, challenge and adventure that is Scouting.
Continue to support the recruiting of more adults, especially making the most of offers from occasional helpers. Involve young people more in the management and direction of Scouting in the County. Focus on offering training and support to adults who manage others in Scouting. Continue our efforts to reach out to the wider public to show what Scouting offers. Run more events supporting section leaders.
I hope you enjoy the next few pages; they summarise the hard work that our amazing volunteers continue to complete to ensure we offer an exciting adventure for all of our members. It is difficult for me to sum it all up in this introduction; however there are a few things that I can’t help but praise.
Do more to streamline our support for adventurous activities. Census
Membership Beaver Scouts Cub Scouts Scouts Explorer Scouts Scout Network Fellowship/Active Support Leaders & Commissioners Administrators Totals
2011 1,219 1,499 1,395 516 41 51 976 42 5,739
2010 1,164 1,524 1,327 463 66 43 923 54 5,564
St. George’s Day Awards
Acstede Design Chris Whitmore Associates Coventry Building Society Dale Street Methodist Church Gavin Slark On Centre Surveys Ove Arup & Partners PTS, Stoneleigh Park Trust Pet Products Volvo Warwickshire Police W.C.V.Y.S.
Secondly, when it comes to events, nobody can do them better than Warwickshire; just look at the following page to see what we’ve been up to. The highlight of course being Get-In our county camp; an inspiration for all those wondering what we can achieve when we work together. And finally, something you may not see, but behind the scenes we have continued to work hard on development. We’re actively tackling barriers to growth, looking at waiting lists and female membership issues, remaining focussed on training, all to make sure we are offering the absolute best to our members. With a structured development plan for the future, I am committed to making sure that we don’t lose pace, and that the coming year is as exciting as the last one!
The Chief Scout has awarded the following in the 2011 St. George’s Day Honours list:
The Rt Hon. The Earl of Aylesford
Silver Acorn: Sheila Foxon District SAS member - Rugby John Nelson GSL 29th Rugby & District SAS Member
Martin Dunne Lord Lieutenant, JP
Congratulations to all members recognised for their efforts and leadership over many years, including recipients of Medals of Merit who are not mentioned here.
Firstly, we have continued to grow. That means more and more people in Warwickshire, both young and old, are now enjoying Scouting on a regular basis; that’s more people doing adventurous activities, more people learning skills, and more lives being changed. Well done!
County President:
Warwickshire Scout Council is affiliated to Warwickshire Council for Voluntary Youth Service (WCYVS). The County Executive is grateful to all those who have contributed to this report and to all leaders for their hard work and commitment to the young people of Warwickshire.
I would like to thank everybody for welcoming me in my first year as County Commissioner, for the hard work and dedication that you show, and for continuing to improve the lives of young people from across Warwickshire.
Warwickshire Scouts
County Report
Enjoy the report! Registered Charity No. 506367
During the past year, County and District teams have been working together to achieve the aims we set out at the County AGM in September 2010. The County Executive is pleased to report progress made in the following areas.
The challenge: Increase youth membership by at least 3% and aiming for 5% What did we do? County support is being given to starting a new Group in South Warwickshire. Through working with District teams we continue to encourage the appointment of a specific person in each District to manage waiting lists and Want to Join enquiries.
The challenge: Enhance the participation of young people
The challenge: Reflect our community in Warwickshire
The challenge: Improve the management of finances and resources
What we did:
What we did:
What we did:
We used Facebook for both Get In and Motiva10 to increase the engagement of Explorers, Networkers and young leaders.
With the DCs we continue to work to support the 7 Groups in Warwickshire where no girls are registered within the Sections.
We sought opportunities to promote the Alfrey Activity Centre to section leaders.
First Network Forum held - WANG 2010 (and will be held again in 2011).
We are proactively promoting the inclusion of children with special needs.
A new Executive Committee member (aged under 25) is being inducted to the County Executive.
How we did:
A new member of the Development team will be recruited to lead on Diversity.
We have included budget review on every County Executive agenda and we have agreed how financial updates are provided to budget holders.
How we did:
How we did:
The Alfrey Centre is being used for more County activities.
12 Networkers attended WANG 2010 and WANG 2011 is planned.
Female youth membership has increased from 17% to 18% in the year to 31st January 2011.
A new Executive Committee minute secretary was recruited & induction completed.
We successfully used young people as Warwickshire’s face for media activity at both Get In & the Jamboree.
The new ‘Scouting for All’ web page delivers front line information on integrating all young people.
The Executive agreed the 2011/12 budget and we recruited a new County Auditor.
The challenge: Strengthen the positive public perception towards Warwickshire Scouting
The challenge: Enhance the quality of activities in the programme
What we did:
What we did:
County Media Manager attended media camp to share in HQ Jamboree media opportunities.
A new Programme & Activities Manager was recruited and focused on progressing key objectives.
We continue to support District and Groups with their media enquiries.
We reviewed our local activity based training programme provision and identified improvements.
What we did:
We reviewed the County website and initial research stage is complete.
Work was completed to create an up-to-date activity assessors’ directory.
We started to recruit a development team of individuals with the skills to support recruitment, induction and new Groups.
How we did:
We are working with Atherstone Explorers to improve working together with other sections.
How we did: Total youth member numbers as at January 2011 had increased by 2.8% in the year. Best practice in ‘Linking between sections’ is being shared via ACCs meetings and is included on meeting agendas.
The challenge: Increase adult volunteering by at least 3% and aiming for 5%
The views of Explorer Scouts on a variety of issues were collected as part of Motiva10.
What we did:
We created a programme to promote Scout Active Support across the County.
Successful and extensive use of Facebook & County website for pre and post Get In publicity.
Duke of Edinburgh scheme courses delivered locally.
Sectional ACCs have been actively promoting the ‘Big Adventure’, including the involvement of parents and supporters at Get In.
We achieved extensive coverage of the Alfrey’s Centre Peoples Millions Bid, Get In and Warwickshire’s Jamboree Contingent in Sweden in the local press, on radio and TV. Positive media coverage locally increased.
We are now working with Coventry to collaborate on activity training opportunities.
We continued to work with District teams to manage adult Want to Join enquiries.
Warwick Scout District led the town’s St. George’s Day celebrations in front of thousands of the public.
Assessor training continues to be regularly provided across the County.
How we did:
We have started to plan how we will increase usage of social media networks and web blogs.
The number of adult volunteers has increased; as at January 2011 adult numbers had grown by 4.9% in the year.
The challenge: Strengthen the strategic management of Warwickshire Scouting
Challenges in delivering Young Leader training have been explored with District Explorer leaders.
The County Commissioner meets with DCs and other County team members for regular for 1:1s.
Scout Active Support was successfully launched with 51 members now recruited.
How we did:
How we did:
Innovative Cub Leader training weekend delivered to more than 70 leaders.
More Training Advisers now trained and supporting leaders locally. Standard training materials are now available to all LTMS and trainers. 74% of Warwickshire leaders have participated in Safeguard training and the numbers continue to increase.
County assessors have been identified and information shared with Districts.
The census was analysed to identify Groups without GSLs; 13 out of 72 Groups identified.
The Development team is working alongside DCs to help Groups recruit GSLs.
A new LTM has been appointed in Atherstone.
An increased number of modules are being delivered, including Safeguarding and first aid.
How we did:
New County Media Development Manager recruited and inducted with the aim of widening support to Districts.
What we did:
Standardised County training materials have been produced.
The County calendar now includes District based and regional training events.
We continue to promote flexible volunteering via DC one to one meetings.
A significant number of adults who help us on an ‘occasional’ basis have been recruited – there are now 760 registered occasional helpers.
The challenge: Increase the number of trained leaders
p u p p i n e t g ........s
n e l ge l a h c e h
All DCs and 50% of existing GSLs attended a national support event which enthused many to work with neighbouring Groups.
youth led, adult volunteers, support & leadership, positive perception, effective management, reflect our community = Premium Scouting