WISPA February 2011

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Warwickshire Scouts


Issue 89 - February 2011

Join the 2,400 already booked! That's right, over 2,400 members of Warwickshire Scouting are already booked to attend Get In, from 20th to 22nd May this year at Stoneleigh. Numbers are coming in thick and fast and you have only a few weeks more to register your Group or section to attend. Booking forms and all the current information can be found on the County website within the Activities menu. Here you'll also find the latest question and answer sheet. What you really want to know is what activities - we'll have a look at the Get In facebook page for the latest activities on offer. It's looking fantastic, so make sure you and your young people are there to JOIN THE FUN!

Get In County Camp 2011 | Sectional events 2011 | People's Millions

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Doesn't time fly? It's hard to believe we are already in February, but believe we must as there is a whole new year of Scouting ahead of us! You will have noticed we announced a new District Commissioner for West Warwickshire earlier in January; Wendy Williams is already settling in brilliantly and I wish her all the very best for the coming months as she completes her handover. I also hope to be announcing our new Programme and Activities Manager shortly; exciting times! As for the future I'm looking forward to joining with the DCs and GSLs at the national GSL and DC day in February, and I know a number of the county team are attending a similar development day around the same time. From what I've heard of the East Midlands event in November it should be a positively thought provoking experience, and hopefully we'll have a good laugh at the same time! Of course census is the current hot topic; at the time of writing this we are still in the process but hopefully by the time we go to print most of the work will have been done. A big thank you to you all for sticking with this process, I know it's not easy, but it is vital and your hard work does not go to waste. But for me it's a case of getting out and about and meeting with the team as I'm currently holding my one to ones, as well as sneaking in the odd Group visit! To keep up with my exploits be sure to check my blog! Welcome to the New Year everybody, make it a good one! Andy

Chairman's Corner Firstly a belated Happy New Year to you all. As we move into the New Year I hope you agree we can look forward to working together in an exciting and productive 2011. Andy Shorter has outlined his plans and aspirations for the County and there are a number of changes to the way we work together that will unify the Exec' to the Districts and give more direct contact at all levels. This in turn will make any decisions we make at the Exec' more applicable to what you feel the County needs from us; be it funding, support and communication or development strategies. As always ideas can only be considered if they are made known so please continue to update the Exec' through your representatives as to what tools you feel we should be providing you with to enable you to deliver the type of Scouting our young people deserve. Already there are a number of new initiatives being considered that indicate this year is going to be, as always in Warwickshire, forward thinking, exciting and, more importantly, fun. I look forward to working with you in order to achieve these aims.

Sid Russell | County Chairman Have you ever thought about becoming a Training Advisor? Interested in supporting your fellow leaders? Then please speak to your Local Training Manager (list on the County website) or contact: Sam Marshall, County Training Manager on 02476 743885 samantha.marshall@sky.com

26th March WAGS 40th Anniversary Ball

Gilwell Winter Camp AKA - FUN WITH MUD

People's Millions Success Thank you to everyone in Warwickshire and beyond who voted for the refurbishment of the Parish Rooms at the Alfrey Activity Centre. Your vote made all the difference. Last autumn the Big Lottery Fund - People’s Millions announced the Alfrey Centre bid was through to the final round of voting. In early November a number of Beaver, Cubs and Scouts assembled at the site to be filmed for their appearance on Central TV News later in the month. After an email and press campaign plus the Central News feature the Alfrey Centre's bid was a resounding success, securing 83% of the five thousand votes cast. What a result and a resounding endorsement for Scouting! Paul Skipper, site manager, was presented with a cheque for £25k a couple of days later and work has already started in putting it to good use. The project involves major work to bring the Parish Rooms up to modern standards; including removal of an old asbestos roof, providing insulation in the building, central heating, disabled toilet with shower, and a small kitchen. Completion of the work means the site will accommodate up to an additional 700 people during the year.


Arrived Friday evening to a site that was getting a bit boggy due to the rain in the day. Atherstone Scouts are sent on a 'recce' to find what is out there; pumping sounds from the disco in the Lid, the bright lights of the funfair, 2 huge flight and ski simulators, 3,000 other Scouts, the smell of burger & chips and a night-time view across London. Then bed gone midnight! Saturday morning, monster breakfast, wash up, then it's 10 am and the fun starts. Quad bikes, getting lost, Zorbing, Argocat (over 14s get to drive) laser-clay, go to the shop, missed lunches, 100m zip wire, segway safari, chickened out of high ropes , saw a Ninja Scout with Samurai sword, enormous stew we struggled to eat for dinner. Scouts off to cinema. Scouts collected from cinema then supper and bed. A bit cold as there were no clouds but millions of stars! Sunday, another big breakfast, except for Connor (he dropped his then blamed his Mum). How can you blame someone 110 miles away? Pack away personal kit and ready to rock. 10am and the curtain is up, more segway safari, ropemania, then the coconut climb. Back to camp for lunch where some old people had taken the tents down, load the trailer then head off towards home. Kip in the car, smell like a polecat, visit a motorway services, arrive back at the HQ. Can we have Gilwell mud on county camp please?

Mick Judd | DC Atherstone Alfrey Centre It's a Knock Out Scout Camp 15-17 April

Pineapple Cup 24-26 February - Rugby

k e r T r a e B 0 2010

Up-dates to POR A new version of Policy, Organisation and Rules - the guidance document by which Scouting in the UK is managed and operated - is available now. Dated January 2011, the updated document contains 27 substantive amendments. One of the main changes relate to the residential experiences of Beaver Scouts. Other changes include the updating of rules for caving and mine exploration, snow-sports, the appointment of adults, length of service awards and the appointment process. Changes to rules for Beaver Scouts - The rules for Beaver Scout sleep over have change. The time restriction has been relaxed. Beaver Scouts will also be allowed to camp, and the minimum standards for the Colony are updated to reflect the expectation that each Beaver Scout should now be offered the opportunity to go on a residential experience each year (Rule 3.7). International trips - The other change for Beaver Scouts is that they are now included in the rules for visits abroad. Beaver Scouts are now allowed to go overseas, but only with a nominated adult (9.64). Further information can be found at www.scouts.org.uk or contact your ADC Beaver Scouts.

A cold & moist day in November didn't stop 129 of Warwickshire's finest Scouts taking part in the annual Bear Trek challenge hike in the West Warwickshire countryside. 1st Bulkington won outright, achieving an amazing score of 465. To get this they hiked 11km, rock climbed, bungee ran, kicked footballs into a water bound target, demonstrated their first aid knowledge, carried a bomb around an assault course, orienteered, pioneered & catapulted their way to success. Afterwards all 27 the teams celebrated with a BBQ and Disco. Congratulations to all the leaders from the county who took the time to make this event the success it was. You all did yourselves proud and produced an event that was pure quality. Have a look at the Scout page on the County website for more pictures. Phil Houghton | ACC Scouts

Wally Williams Cup 20th March | Bear Trek 19th November

County News: Good Luck Wendy! Congratulations to Wendy Williams on her appointment as DC for West Warwickshire. Wendy (from a strong Scouting background) has recently held the positions of DESC and Deputy DC. We welcome her to the team and look forward to working with her in the future. Wendy succeeds Steve Bennett, as he completes his 10 year tenure as DC. Thank you to Steve for your hard work and good luck in your next Scouting appointment! Stratford Congratulations to 6 Cubs from Newbold Sea Scouts on gaining their Chief Scouts Silver Award which were recently presented by their DC. In the same week, Adam from 6th Stratford Scouts was presented with his Chief Scouts Gold award at the Troop Christmas party. Congratulations too to Dave Smith on his 30 year service award and to Robert Hearnden & Helen Coombes on 10 years excellent work! Gill

WAGS WAGS Gang Show is less than 4 weeks away; tickets are going fast with very few left for the matinee and the best seat sold for most evenings. Over 120 Scouts and Guides from 6 Districts are taking part in this our 40th Anniversary Show, which is looking terrific, with items from Bee Gees, Wizard of Oz and the 3rd excerpt from Lord of the Rings. The Cubs take on Henry V111, whilst Beavers are “flying� with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. There is a special selection from the 40 years of WAGS from the very first items in the first show, through each decade to the present. WAGS are keen to hear from anyone who was in the first show at the Pavilion, Jephson Gardens, Leamington Spa in 1972. Contact us at WAGS@tonyguy.co.uk This year is the final year as the producer of WAGS for Nigel Hailey after 14 years, this period included producing shows at for the Jamboree Contingency Heads during the Centenary Year (2007). With such a special year get your tickets now from WAGS Ticket office 0845 601 4348, www.wagsgangshow.org.uk or complete the booking form with this month's WISPA.


In these dull, dreary winter months we start to dream about summer camps and long sunny days, cooking outside and sitting round talking in the long light evenings. If you are thinking of planning a trip abroad as part of your programme then please make sure you get in contact with me as soon as possible. If you fancy doing something different, there are lots of opportunities on the horizon, so take a look at the latest issue of International Opportunities which is available on the County website. To occupy those wintery programme evenings, when you can't get outside, the Join in Jamboree resources have lots of ideas for all sections, which will entertain you and allow you to get a greater understanding of the world around you. For more information on any of the international and global aspects of the programme then please contact me. Jane Newbould | ACC International

For Adult Training Dates check www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk/calendar

County useful numbers: See County website.

Diary Dates: 2011 12 Feb - GSL & DC Forum 24-26 Feb - Explorer's Pineapple Cup 28 Feb to 5 March - WAGS 15 March - Cub Road Safety Quiz 26 March - WAGS Ball 28 March - Papers for County Exec 31 March - Get In final payments due 20-22 May - Get In - County Camp For more information & specific training details please consult the County website calendar.

WAGS 40th Show Celebration Dinner Dance Saturday 26th March 2011 Holiday Inn, Kenilworth If you have been involved in one of the 39 previous WAGS shows then join us to celebrate our 40th show Black tie 3 course dinner & entertainment Tickets: ÂŁ30 Contact: Simon Rose bearandraggedstaffnetwork@hotmail.co.uk

Warwickshire Active Support - Catering Unit Over 60 people have now signed up as members of Warwickshire Active Support with 20 more in the pipe-line. Scout Fellowship has ceased and all appointments have been cancelled; give me a call for more information if you haven't yet signed up for WASU. We plan to set up another unit for people willing to be part of a County Active Support Catering Unit supporting County events. This is a flexible volunteering opportunity and you just need to be willing to offer your services on an occasional basis to get involved. Some of the potential events that need catering are Bear Trek, Get In, Beaver Fun Day, among others. It doesn't matter whether you have experience as a caterer, chef, cook, buyer or none at all - anyone can join. Adults (inside or outside the Movement) who would like to be involved should contact Tony Guy. Once sufficient people let me know of their interest then a meeting will be held to discuss details. Don't be shy get involved and enjoy the experience! Tony Guy | WASU Manager | SAS@tonyguy.co.uk

Next WISPA deadline: 7th May 2010 - all articles & adverts. Contact: Alan Peedle - 5 Broomybank, Kenilworth CV8 2SF | 01926 851195 | alan@acstededesign.co.uk

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