Warwickshire Scouts WISPA May 2010

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Warwickshire Scouts


Issue 86 - May 2010

...Stratford rockets away! Beavers & Cub Scouts from across Stratford District visited the Space Centre (Leicester) recently. Much fun was had by youngsters, parents and leaders plus we received a letter congratulating everyone on their excellent behaviour! INTouch | Welcome to WISPA | Active Support Launches | Explorers & Scouts Working Together

County Outlook

Chairman's Corner

Congratulations to all St. George's Day Award recipients. Please see the County website for details. Early March saw WAGS deliver a brilliant week of entertainment, not only did they sell more tickets than ever before, they raised ÂŁ2,500 for charity. Well Done! Last month saw the first planning meeting for the County Camp in 2011. Although still in its early stages, this will be a fantastic event. Motivat10n is also moving fast, with over 200 Explorers already booked to attend. Our thanks to WCVYS and John Sharp for their help with our successful grant application to Warwickshire County Council. This annual grant is most welcome, although not guaranteed. Having served 5 years as your County Commissioner, I recently accepted the post of Regional Commissioner (West Midlands). Before launching into this new challenge I will ensure Warwickshire is left in good hands. I am happy to talk to anyone who wishes to explore the position and I am also happy to arrange a confidential chat with any other County Commissioners who may be of help. Warwickshire is a fun and exciting place to do Scouting, so I hope as you read about the search for my replacement you will think about whether this is a job you can do or you can nominate someone else for. We are looking for someone who will be an asset in managing Warwickshire's winning team to provide exciting, safe Scouting for more and more young people. Have fun! Dave

In past reports I have mentioned that 2010 would involve changes in the structure of the County Executive Committee; even I was unaware of how radical these changes would be. Dave Bramston has been appointed Regional Commissioner. This means we are searching for his replacement. Anyone interested in taking on the role of County Commissioner is encouraged to apply. Whether you nominate yourself or someone else, we shall be happy to receive all applications. Whoever is successful will have the backing of the whole Executive Committee and County Scout Members and the transition will be made as painless as possible. Dave has been instrumental in developing Warwickshire into one of the most forward thinking and innovative counties in the Country, whilst not losing site of basic Scouting values. Typically he has stated he is happy to support his successor in the transition period. Dave will be a hard act to follow; working as a team we will continue to develop and look forward to embracing new ideas from his successor which will without doubt benefit the County as a whole. On behalf of the Exec' and County Scouting Members I should like to congratulate David on his appointment and inform Headquarters that our loss is definitely their gain (although I'm not sure they know what they have let themselves in for!)

Sid Russell

Capitation Thanks Thank you to all District Treasurers for their very prompt response to this year's request for capitation payments. I am pleased to say all payments were received by the 7 April deadline and our County payment was made to the Scout Association in time to claim the 50p early payment discount. Hazel Prescott | County Treasurer

The number of Scouts in the UK has increased by 16,500 since 2009, biggest rise in 38 years

Welcome to ..... Warwickshire Scout County's newsletter for those supporting Scouting If this is the first issue of WISPA you have receive then we hope you enjoy it. WISPA is now sent to every adult who is a registered member of Warwickshire Scouting. We aim to make each issue of WISPA as interesting as possible. The County team use it to publicise forthcoming programme events and promote good practice and District teams use it for idea sharing and to shout about local success stories. Anyone can contribute WISPA and we like to receive good quality photos showing local Scouting in action. WISPA is issued quarterly on the first of February, May, August and November. The deadline for submissions is the 14th of the month before publication.

WISPA is also published online at www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk We will continue to send you our newsletter unless you tell us not to. To opt-out of receiving WISPA by post please either contact Andy Walker at andy.walker@googlemail.com or click on the 'opt-out' button on the WISPA page of the website. Communication Team

Nominations for a new County Commissioner Please help us to find a new County Commissioner for Warwickshire by nominating any people you think should be considered for this important appointment. Use the form available at www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk (click on the advert). There is also a copy of the role description and other information. Paper copies can be obtained by calling the County Secretary, Andy Walker, on 01926 774277. To keep the process confidential, and to avoid building up false hopes, please submit nominations without approaching the individuals concerned. It is perfectly acceptable to nominate yourself using the same form, but again to maintain

confidentiality do not tell others that you have done so. Please think carefully about people you know, whether in Scouting, at work, or in the wider community, to identify anyone who you believe would be a good County Commissioner. Don't compare them with the current or any previous CCs because at this stage it is important to draw up a list with the widest possible cross section of people. Nomination forms must be returned by 28th May. Thank you in anticipation of your support. Sid Russell | County & Search Team Chairman

STOP PRESS: We have the date and venue for the County Camp 20th - 22nd May 2011 at Stoneleigh Park (home of what was The Royal Show)


Explorer Scout age range changes: The Vetting & Barring Scheme will start to be implemented from July 2010. Most people in Scouting aged 18 or over will need to be registered with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). Feedback to HQ suggests having both Leaders and young people over the age of 18 years old can cause some confusion with regard to making correct arrangements for residential experiences, CRB / disclosure checking, permits etc. To clarify the distinction between young people and adults in the Association, the Explorer Scout section age flexibility will change with effect from July 2010. Currently Explorer Scouts have until they are 18 years old to move on. From July 2010 Explorer Scouts will be required to move on from the Explorer Scout Section by their 18th birthday. Explorer Scouts can move on to any or all of: The Scout Network section (from 17 1/2 years of age) To a role in Scout Active Support (from 18 years of age) To any other adult role in Scouting (from 18 years of age)

Nuneaton Cub Scouts held their annual Ghost Hunt recently at Ullesthorpe. By the light of the moon this was a scary place! Fifty Cubs took part in a variety of activities from lightweight tent pitching to camp cooking, and woodcraft to chivalry. A great time was had by all.

Explorers & Scouts Working Together Under the leadership of Phil Houghton & Jo-ann Bramston (ACC Scouts & Explorers) the County is currently looking at how to improve retention between Scouts and Explorers. The project so far has looked at the following: Scouts and Explorer Scout membership over the past 5 years and see if we can see any pattern on when we lose them. Data is currently being collect to identify where & when we are loosing people. What is happening in the 'life' of a 14-18 year old? Exams, relationships, driving, earning money, DofE (Scouts or school) plus lots of other stuff they want to get involved in; camps, gang shows, etc. In fact there are huge demands on this age range. How Districts communicate and engage with the older Scouts to aid transition. Having looked at this we recently shared best practice with the Explorer leadership across Warwickshire. Plus all Districts are encouraged to carry out joint activities with the older Scout age range, as we believe this will aid successful transition. Is Explore Scout provision in the right place within Districts? Longer term we plan to map Scout Troop locations overlaid with Explorer Units. This will be published so young people can see the choices available to them. Is the Explore programme sufficiently flexible to allow for the many life challenges this age group encounters? We are working with DESC's & Explorer Leaders to see if too much or too little is expected from this age group bearing in mind their full lives. We will also be working with the Training Team to promote key message to Explorer leaders about flexibility of membership and commitment for this age group. Jo-ann Bramston (01926 498168) | ACC Explorers

Nuneaton Leader Scores a Treble!

Scout Active Support is an opportunity for adults to volunteer time to support Scouting in Warwickshire. As an adult you can volunteer time flexibly to suit you. Groups of people who join together to provide support are known as Active Support Units. Units provide a resource pool for managers of local Scouting. Scout Active Support welcomes men & women aged 18 and over of all interests, abilities and backgrounds. All that is required is a willingness to volunteer some time to support Scouting. To be a member of a Scout Active Support Unit you must become a member or associate member of The Scout Association. In Warwickshire there will be Units for all interests including Activity Centre, Warwickshire Gang Show, County Events and County Commissioners Support. To find out more, come along to one of our open meetings, (without commitment).

Andrea Dunn, ASL 1st Bulkington at a recent awards evening received her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award from Helen Heenan, Adult Training Wood-beads from Sam Marshall and the Queen Scout Award from Dave Bramston. Andrea travelled to St James Palace in early April to receive her certificate from Prince Edward and was on Parade at Windsor Castle for the Queens Scout Parade, attended this year by HRH Prince of Wales. Congratulations to Andrea on this fantastic achievement!

Wednesday 12th May, 7.30-9.00pm Alfrey Activity Centre, Maxstoke Lane, Meriden CV7 7HR or Sunday 16th May, 2.00-3.30pm Dale Street Church, Leamington Spa CV32 5HL Tony Guy | County Active Support Manager tony@tonyguy.co.uk | 0777 416 2222 www.scouts.org.uk/activesupport

Shelterbox Challenge Over 18,000 young people from all sections of Scouting have now registered to take part in the ShelterBox Challenge. The ShelterBox Challenge is a brilliant opportunity for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers to take part in fun activities whilst exploring the international disaster relief work of ShelterBox. Skills Training Day - 5th June 2010

It's been a crazy nine months in the world of Jamboree preparations! Road shows, recruitment and some of the toughest decisions we've had to make in our Scouting lives. Finally Unit 79 was created with 36 young people who will represent Warwickshire in 18 months time. Our training programme started in February with our 'get to know you' day. Inspired by the words 'Strangers are just friends you have not met yet', the Unit was engaged in a variety of tasks designed to encourage interaction. Challenged to force themselves into different shapes to mimic vehicles, chairs and even a toilet, we were soon surrounded by much laughter! During the day they embarked upon a 4 (yes 4!) legged assault course, rivalled each other at blindfolded egg & spoon racing and even tested origami skills.

A fantastic day setting a great tone for events to come! This signalled a light-hearted start to our training programme. Over the next year our Unit will attend training camps designed to help build the skills necessary to get the most from the Jamboree; teamwork, Scouting skills & working in the community. It's going to be a fantastic journey! Andy Shorter | Unit 79 Contingent Leader

Swimming Rules HQ have recently become aware of some confusion and concerns at the implications of the revised swimming rules contained in the recently updated edition of POR. As a result the HQ Activities Team is carrying out an urgent review of our swimming rules. Please note that whilst this review will be undertaken, the rules as written in POR remain in place and must be followed. STOP PRESS: The Warwickshire Unit have agreed on their unit name...BRITISH BEARWAYS... stand forward and take a bow! We look forward to seeing their Unit badge soon.



...The NEW Home Contact System

Alfrey Centre: Over 140 scouts from across the county enjoyed a weekend of challenges for the bi-annual Olympics trophy at Alfrey Activity Centre Broadwater. Congratulations to Hampton Magna's 'M.I.T.' who won the trophy and were declared true Olympians.

Scouting has reviewed Home Contacts. The new system is called InTouch. DCs have passed information to all Groups so that across Warwickshire we will all use the new system from 1st May 2010.

Bookings for our Cub 'Fun in the Sun' camp, 11-13 June are being taken. Visit www.broadwatersc.co.uk for details.

InTouch is designed to give you more flexibility to put together the most effective communication process for all events & activities you run, including recognising the different communication methods available.

ACC International Vacancy: Graham Martin is stepping down as ACC International. Our sincere thanks go to Graham for carrying out the role with such dedication over many years. For full details of the role & responsibilities go to www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk and click on the home page news item. Nominations and applications should be sent to the County Commissioner. Anyone interested in taking up this role is welcome to contact David, in confidence, 01926 498168|davebram@ukonline.co.uk New Resources! The following are now available from Scout Shops: Colony Programmes Plus II, Pack Programmes Plus II, Troop Programmers Plus II, Unit Programmes Plus II, Beaver Scout Games, Cub Scout Games, Scout Games and Nights Away (new edition). Cub Leaders & Helpers Training Weekend for all adults at

Alfrey Activity Centre 9th-10th October 2010

FREE for more information call Graham on 01926 431384


InTouch needs to be in place for every event or activity within Scouting. Whether regular weekly meetings or international expeditions and for all sections and groups (young people and adults). The InTouch process asks the leader in charge of the activity to think about a series of key questions about how contact information will be held and accessed, how leaders, young people and parents will communicate and how communication will be handled in an emergency. To help you implement InTouch several resources have been created and can be found at www.scouts.org.uk/intouch. These include factsheets, frequent questions & answers and other useful information. There was also information in the December/January edition of Scouting Magazine. Sam Marshall | County Training Manager

Nuneaton Gangshow Members of Nuneaton Gang Show were visited by the Mayor & Mayoress of Nuneaton & Bedworth. Afterwards, the Mayor talked to the cast and said how much he had enjoyed the show. Indeed he was seen virtually jumping up and down in his seat. Also visiting the show was CC, Dave Bramston who after visiting the cast left the theatre still humming some of the songs! Geoff Russell Motivat10n - Explorer Camp - 17/19 Sept 2010

County useful numbers:

Diary Dates:

See County website.

16 May: Scout Fishing Competition 5 June: County Basic Skills Day - Horley 11-13 June: Cub Beach Party - Alfrey Centre 27 June: Beaver Fun Day - Alfrey Centre 17-19 Sept: Motivat10n - Explorer Camp 2 Oct: Frank Latcham 9-10 Oct: Cub Leader Training Weekend For more information & specific training details please consult the County website calendar.

MOTIVAT10N motiv8-2010

Limebridge Scout Camp, Nr Alcester 17 to 19 September 2010

Leamington Commissioner makes new friends in Mauritius

Contact Unit Leader for more info Camp deposits to be paid ASAP Final balances by 19 July 2010

Tim Thorpe (Leamington DC) and his wife Cathy recently holidayed in Mauritius. Cathy, a Brownie Guider, had made contact with the Chief Commissioner of Mauritius, for the Guiding Centenary. Tim says: “At the meeting place in Curepipe, we discovered the Brownies (known as Bluebirds) meet at the same time as the other uniformed groups. We found Cubs, Scouts and Ventures in the Scout hut behind an adjacent building. This became a great opportunity for us to mix with Scouts and leaders from another country. They were very friendly and made us feel very welcome. It was amazing to travel so far and discover the same bond with Scouts from other sides of the world, and to realise that we operate in very much the same way. It was an amazing experience and hopefully we can develop the friendship link in the future.� Tim Thorpe | Leamington DC Next WISPA deadline: 14th July 2010 - all articles & adverts. If your Group needs a website. Contact: Alan Peedle - 5 Broomybank, Kenilworth CV8 2SF | 01926 851195 | alan@acstededesign.co.uk

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