Warwickshire Scouts
Issue 90 - May 2011
Warwickshire Grows again. It is with great pleasure that I can confirm Warwickshire's census figures in detail - and once again we show another year of growth! The grand total is now: 5,739 members (this is growth of 3%) - Total youth membership has grown from 4,544 to 4,670 (+2.8%) - Total leadership has grown from 876 to 919 (+4.9%) - The percentage of female young people has also grown from 17% to 18% (This year's aim is to hit 20%)
I just want to say a massive thank you for all of your hard work and efforts in making this growth a possibility, and look forward to working with you to make 2011 another fantastic growing year for Scouting in Warwickshire! Andy | County Commissioner Get In County Camp 2011 | WAGS WOWS | Swimming Update
WARWICKSHIRE GROWS AGAIN!! It's with great news I get to start this edition of WISPA; our census has once again demonstrated an increase, with overall membership up by 3%! Well done everyone for clearly making Scouting in Warwickshire such a fantastic adventure that more and more young people and adults want to be a part of! That's not to say that we still don't have our challenges; but with a 2.8% increase in young people and a whopping 4.9% increase in adults I can't help but have a smile on my face and a spring in my step as we face those challenges together. One prime example of the events we continue to deliver as a County is WAGS, which this year celebrated its 40th year. I have to confess it was my first time at WAGS but it was an absolutely knock out show, with the young people clearly loving their time in the limelight - good on WAGS for continuing to grow the confidence of young people in such a way, and long may it continue! I was also thrilled to be invited to West Warwickshire's 'Dove' Trek - a large scale incident journey for Scouts and Explorers in Derbyshire. It's a prime example of how Scouting can deliver an exciting event for young people, and I was so pleased to see how the District pulled together to make it a possibility. I know there are many more examples of such fantastic Scouting in action out there, and I'd love chance to visit so please do let me know! Andy
Chairman's Corner As we head into British Summer Time its noticeable the difference moving the clocks forward an hour makes. Initially it made me an hour late for everything. But, once I'd caught up, the difference was a real benefit especially the lighter nights. This also has another effect which is apparent in the activity programmes being run. The lighter evenings, and hopefully the better weather, give the opportunity to be more adventurous and move further afield. As always, I'm amazed by the enthusiasm and commitment that the leader teams demonstrate and the time they give to their various groups. Over the next few weeks we are set to participate in numerous St. George's Day celebrations. These are a real 'shop window' for Scouting and put the Movement directly into the public eye. One of the perks of my position is that I'm invited to attend a number and the ones I manage to attend always make me feel extremely proud to be part of a Movement that enables young people to enjoy themselves whilst promoting and demonstrating the values that Scouting embraces. This simply would not be possible without your willingness to give your time freely so I would like to thank you all for your efforts and wish you an enjoyable summer full of fun. Whilst mentioning FUN if you spot me at Get In come over and say hello. Sid Russell | County Chairman
St. George's Day Awards Congratulations to the following recipitents of a Silver Acorn: Sheila Foxon - SAS Member - Rugby District John Nelson GSL 29th Rugby
20th - 22nd May Get In County Camp - Stoneleigh
Beaver Scout News:
Wally Williams Challenge In March a great afternoon was held at Shipston's HQ when Beavers Scout Teams from 6 Districts worked their way around some very challenging bases including signing, Hieroglyphics and weather wallies. The final (picture identification) was won by Nuneaton. It was a fun day where all the Beavers joined in, learnt new things and made new friends. Beaver Programme idea Newbold Beavers recent held a Treasure Hunt around our local Tesco store. The colony contacted the stores Community Champion and had the thumbs up. So with Risk Assessment done, extra CRB’d help involved and questions set, the Beavers set off to find the answers. This turned out to be one activity to highly recommend to all colonies, so get in touch with Tesco and have some fun. Many of our Beavers are also preparing for Get In‌, so we will see you all there, doing what Beavers Scouts do best, having fun and making friends.
Ghostly Capers The annual Alan Flavel Cub Trophy was held at Mancetter HQ. This Ghost Hunt, where the event is held the cold and dark, involved nine teams of four attempting a number of bases. This year the event theme was countries that had hosted World Jamborees; ranging from the Norway base offering ski walking on grass to Japan for martial arts and origami. Congratulations to winners 1st Wolvey Cubs just two points ahead of runners up, 1st Attleborough. And thanks to the leaders and helpers for some fantastic ideas and refreshments. Geoff Russell
Angie Dexter | Stratford ADC BS Following Kevin's recent retirement from the role and a search/interview process I am pleased to confirm Joann Bramston, current ACC Explorers, has accepted the role and is taking over from Kevin.
New Programme & Activities Manager Appointed
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Kevin for his outstanding contribution to the Programme & Activities Team, as well as to welcome Jo-ann on to the Management Team. I ask that you all give Jo-ann support as she gets to grips with her new role. Andy
WAGS WOWS What a treat! WAGS in its 40th year was still vibrant, full of energy, youthful and contemporary. What a fantastic way to spend a cold evening in early Spring watching 150 youngsters giving their all and enjoying Warwickshire's very own equivalent of Glee. From the opening number the pace hardly allowed us to draw breath let alone the performers. Highlights came thick and fast from the 'Truly Scrumptious Beavers' to the Monty Pythonesque King 'Enery'. with 'Everybody dance now' rocking the theatre with some fabulous moves! Even WAGS' tribute to Nigel had pace. Nigel Hailey, Producer for the past 15 years bowed out from this role at the end of the final performance. Nigel took the reins from creator Tony Guy back in 1999 and from the start of Nigel's era became apparent. With a strong emphasis on young people on stage and in the limelight (and older ones supporting backstage), uncluttered innovative sets and exciting use of lighting his style was clear. And with a strong creative team (Helen, Neil, Sara and many others) behind him WAGS has seen the numbers of young people performing and audiences watching grow. WAGS is a triumph of many groups of people pulling together to give Warwickshire's young people a thrilling opportunity on stage and the population of the Warwickshire the chance to see young people excelling. What a fantastic asset this is. As WAGS looks to a new production team, led by Paul Clark we wish them well for the next 40 years. Here's what some others had to say....... Thank you so much for inviting me to WAGS show last night and for supporting Over the Wall. The show was absolutely amazing the creativity of the ideas, the talent of the performers, the choreography, the sets, the music, the attention to detail, the sheer hard work and professionalism that had gone into every aspect of the show made it unforgettable. It really is an honour for us to be supported by such an incredible group of people who are bringing the very best out of the young people in Warwickshire Scout and Guide groups. Richard Mott Chief Executive Officer, Over the Wall (WAGS raised over ÂŁ3,200 for this charity) Stop Press: WAGS Dance Team will appear in a charity fund raiser for Over the Wall May 8th at the Playhouse Theatre (West End) ... very exciting!
Nuneaton & District Scout & Guides 30th Annual Gang Show
Swimming Update The rules governing swimming activities have been revised and improved. The new, simplified arrangements will ensure that running such activities is easier for leaders.
Scouts & Guides from around the Nuneaton impressed with their recent Gang Show, playing to a full house virtually every night. The opening started with a bang, wowing the audience followed the Beavers with their wonderful Bears Everywhere. Other highlights included the Bollywood 'Jai Ho' number and the more traditional 'My Boomerang won't come back!' Congratulations to Producer Claire Roberts and her team for an excellent show once again. PS: This year has been a special one for Nuneaton Gang Show celebrating 30 years.
Main changes: • Paddling has been clarified and still requires no qualification by leaders. • No further qualifications are required in instances where a lifeguard is provided (including swimming pools and beaches). • Swimming in pools and Class C waters are now managed in line with other Class C water activities. No qualifications are required by leaders. • Swimming in all other open waters (B1 and higher) has been simplified and safety cover can be provided by either: • A water activities permit holder (when following the guidelines outlined in the swimming factsheet) • Someone who holds the Royal Life Saving Society Water Safety Management Programme (WSMP) or any equivalent or higher award. Full guidance is available in the swimming factsheet available from Scoutbase. Activities planned under the existing rules can still take place under these revisions, which are implemented and in use immediately.
Get In up-date Are you one of the 3,700 members of Warwickshire Scouting attending Get In this spring? This is a fantastic turnout for what will undoubtedly be a great camp. Planning activity is reaching a peak so make sure you keep checking in at the Get In web pages to keep up-to-date with the latest information. See you there!
26-28th August WANG - Network Weekend | Scout Fishing Competition - 8th May
Scouting for All Accessibility As I've been around the County, I've seen lots of evidence that we are inclusive. Warwickshire Leaders work hard at integrating youngsters, with a huge range of needs, into the fun of Scouting.
Beaver Colony renamed in memory of GSL Long serving Kenilworth Abbey GSL Ian Mitchell recently passed away after a long illness. He had a long career as a Scout and a Scouter, and his significant contribution was recently recognised when the Scout Association awarded him one of our highest accolades, the Silver Acorn. He was 'a bit of a legend' as one Scout put it.
Did you know that the Duke of Edinburgh Award, (Explorers & Network) is also inclusive? Don't let the special needs of your youngsters prevent them achieving this Award. For advice on inclusion talk to Helen Heenan, D of E Advisor. If you look at the County website, Special Needs has moved. You'll now find us under the Adult Support banner at Scouting for All. The page now includes areas of Diversity, an outline of our Equal Opportunities Policy, new resources and links to training opportunities for Special Needs and Challenging Behaviour. All of this will help you continue to make Scouting accessible for All. Festivals As a Religious Education specialist, I have begun to add suggestions on the website for fun and reflective ways to celebrate faith festivals. For example the Hindu festival of Holi starts with fire (what more excuse do we need?) and includes throwing a lot of coloured powder around! Ann Howe
Kenilworth DC Richard Staveley said 'Ian has made a huge contribution to Scouting in Kenilworth and to the Abbey Group in particular. Naming the Group's Beaver Colony the 'Abbey Mitchell Beaver Colony' is a fitting tribute to a man who dedicated almost half his life to the young people of Kenilworth. We can never overestimate the positive influence Ian has had on the hundreds of young people who have passed through the Group while he was in charge.'
David Mein RIP Nuneaton Scouter David Mein passed away recently after a long illness. Dave spent most of his life involved in Scouting since joining 1st Attleborough as a Cub. Dave had a strong vision for Scouting, understanding the value of looking to the future. During his 20 year term as DC, early on he appreciated the need for development planning, running several District days on this theme well before it became the 'norm'. Many will remember Dave for his international Scouting; leading the planning for the (last) Amikaro in summer '97and a number of successful exchange visits with Polish Scouts. Dave's incalculable commitment to Scouting manifested itself in many ways over the years and on St. George's Day 2009 that work was recognised with a Silver Wolf, the highest award in Scouting. Dave Mein will be missed, not only by the family he leaves behind, but by many fellow Scouts.
ACC Beaver Vacancy With the change of County Programme & Activities Manager from Kevin to Jo-ann, the search for a new ACC BS has been restarted. If you have previously expressed an interest or would like to apply for this exciting and important role please contact Jo-ann Bramston on 01926 468198
Promoting good sexual health Organisations such as Scouting play a key role in helping young people develop the confidence and self-esteem to resist peer pressure until they are ready to make safe and informed decisions. However, many young people are already sexually active, and adults in Scouting can play a significant role in promoting safe and responsible relationships. While parents or schools are still likely to be young people's preferred sources of information and advice, as adults in Scouting we have a trusted role in the lives of young people and this makes us a potential source of confidential information and advice. HQ has recently issued support information for young people and leaders. The factsheet (FS950000) aims to: clarify the role of adults in Scouting with regard to information about sexual health and young people; provide guidance, support and information to adults who may be approached by young people. My Body, My Choice is a resource which has been produced to support those Explorer Scout Leaders who wish to address the topic of sexual health and relationships in their section meeting. It has been produced with the support of Brook, the young people's sexual health charity, to respond to increasing demands from leaders and young people to support them with such activities. There are two sets of materials one for Leaders and the other for young people.
Passionate about Scouting? We're looking for an enthusiastic person to look after all press contact for the County. This mainly includes local Warwickshire Scouts papers and radio. Specific training is available. So, if you're interested in promoting Warwickshire Scouting locally please contact Kerrie McCann for a chat on 01926 428897
For Adult Training Dates check www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk/calendar
County useful numbers: See County website.
Diary Dates: 2011 8 May - Scout Fishing Comp 20-22 May - Get In County Camp 29 June - Deadline County Exec papers 13 July - County Exec 15-17 July - Cub w/end Alfrey Centre 26-28 Aug - WANG - Network For more information & specific training details please consult the County website calendar.
Cover image: Courtesy of Shottery Scouts who created this super image using a combination of touches, exposure & flash for faces
Cubs build GREEN-house 1st Atherstone Cubs have spent the winter building a GREENhouse out of pop bottles! Having collected 1,200 bottles, early this year the Cubs set about building their green-house. Joined by a few dads and supported by a donation of wood from a local joiner, they washed and removed labels from bottles and cut off tops and bottoms. Having stacked them into tubes, they built the green-house sides by inserting bamboo canes through the tubes and nailing them to the wooden frame. All the walls were bubble wrapped to wind proof them and a roof of clear plastic corrugated sheets was attached. As you can see from the pictures, the green-house is now complete and Atherstone Cubs are very proud of it. Kim Marston, Arkela said “We now have a fully functional green-house made entirely from recycled bottles, which is full of seed trays of vegetables growing already! As a recycling and ecoproject, working towards the Global Conservation and Global Challenge badges, this is a tremendous success. A lot of effort from all the kids concerned has paid off and we are all very proud of our result.� Next WISPA deadline: 7th July 2010 - all articles & adverts. Contact: Alan Peedle 5 Broomybank, Kenilworth CV8 2SF | 01926 851195 | alan@acstededesign.co.uk