WISPA - November 2010

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Warwickshire Scouts


Issue 88 - November 2010

Motiva10n success!

The second bi-annual Motiva10n camp at Lime Bridge in September saw over 300 Warwickshire Explorer Scouts join together for a fantastic weekend of adventure. The turn-out, which was double the number attending the first Motiva8 in 2008, was fantastic and the buzz over the whole weekend was excellent. GSL Support Days | BearTrek 2010 | County Vacancy | Get In...County Camp 2011

Well where does one begin? I want to say a m a s s i v e THANK YOU to you all for making me feel so welcome into the County Commissioner role, wherever I have gone you have greeted me with smiles and conversation, and often a lot of good humour. A good example of this is the welcome 1st (Attleborough) Nuneaton Cubs gave me in September; when Steve and his team invited me along for a night of mini-pioneering and crafts. It was great to see such a positive example of Scouting in action, and I look forward to spending more time with groups over the coming months! It would also be impossible to let WISPA go by without a mention of Motiva10n for Explorers. The event was a great success and I can't help but praise Wendy and Jo-ann for their hard work in pulling it together. To see so many young people enjoying such a wide variety of activities was a real pleasure see you all at Get-In!

Chairman's Corner Firstly I should like to thank all of you who took the time to attend this year's AGM. It was particularly memorable as we witnessed the change over from Dave Bramston to Andy Shorter as County Commissioner. The high regard in which Dave is held was demonstrated by the numbers that came along. Obviously the main business of the evening is necessary to the running of the County and is by its nature a very “dry� affair. However the presentation concerning the handover between Dave and Andy lightened the formalities and, at the same time, provided the vehicle for Dave to say his goodbyes and for Andy to introduce himself formally and to give his vision of what the future holds for Scouting in Warwickshire.

It's impossible to say it all here; if you get chance, check out my blog on warwickshirescouts.org.uk where you can follow me in my everyday adventures! (Just click on 'county information' and then 'county commissioner'). It's not Shakespeare, but I try to keep it entertaining!

All who attended would have experienced a very positive atmosphere and, I would hope, have been reassured that the County is in good hands with Andy at the helm. Those of you who could not make the meeting will find the Annual Report gives an excellent insight of what we achieved over the last year and what we aim to achieve over the next twelve months. It goes without saying that we are in for a period of change in certain areas but the fundamental principles that we strive to work to remain the same.

Looking to the future you'll spot in this edition an advert for a role in the county team, specifically working with our ACCs. I would encourage you all to have a look at this, and if interested please do get in touch - it could be the start of your next big adventure!

Finally, on behalf of the members of the Executive Committee, I should like to thank all members of Scouting in Warwickshire for their support and enthusiastic commitment. We look forward to working closely with you over the next year.

Thank you for all the good that you are doing, it really does count.

Sid Russell | County Chairman


Wanted: Programme & Activities Manager

MOTIVAT10N motiv8-2010

A few weeks ago all the Explorers in Warwickshire gathered in one place for another Motiv8 event, yes I know what you're thinking... Upwards of 300 Explorers altogether on one camp, chaos must have ensued. But rest assured, apart from the traditional first-night camp chaos it all went smoothly. Saturday was the day for activities. Alongside the normal Scouty bases of rifle shooting, archery, climbing and water activities, there were a few more unusual activities. Events such as a JCB challenge (although we were actually told they weren't real JCBs, they were a different type of digger). In addition a small session in bush-craft fire-lighting ran alongside a martial arts session. On Saturday I was also fortunate to be presented with my Queen's Scout Award by the Scout Commissioner for England. It was a real honour, both in meeting a prominent Scouter and also in that my brother was presented with his Queen's Scout Award at Motiv8 in 2008. Sunday saw the return of the Wipeout Challenge in which Districts were organised into teams and pitted against each other in a series of wacky activities, including attempting to chariot an Explorer across a length of water in two kayaks. Also on Sunday there was the opportunity for a number of Explorers to be taken around a field in a SKODA Motorsport rally car at speed, an event which was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Chris McGhee| Explorer Scout

Moot Adventure After 15 months of preparation I joined 13th World Scout Moot in Kenya. A Moot is an international camp for Scouts aged 18-25 whose 2,000 participants join together in units of 50 people for 2 weeks, sharing cultures and experiencing the real Africa. I was assigned as a unit leader directing participants to their activities, making sure food was collected as well as waking them up! We undertook community service at Mung'ala primary school painting walls and playing games as well as visiting a local handicrafts cooperative to plant 200 trees. Onsite activities included spoon carving, making cups from coconuts, fire starting, bamboo pioneering and various sports including the traditional British and Irish Lions vs. Australia rugby match (which we won!). There were opportunities for safari walks, expeditions and trips to the elephant and giraffe orphanages. The main Rowallan campsite had a global development village where participants discussed issues around faith, environment, personal development and safety. After the Moot intrepid UK contingent members took a 10 hour off road bus journey into Tanzania to begin the epic climb of the world highest freestanding mountain - Mount Kilimanjaro. After 4 days, including the final ascent starting at midnight, I finally reached the summit of Uhuru peak 2 minutes before sunrise on the 11th August. Standing at 5895m for a short period I was the highest man in Africa! The sun peaked over the cloud base and bathed the summit in fresh light casting a shadow of the mountain over the clouds out to the west - what a magnificent finish to an amazing adventure! Hakuna Matata! Philip Hargreaves | Rugby Network Coordinator

Frank Latcham September saw the Frank Latcham annual Cub Scout competition hosted by Atherstone. Five districts joined in attempting challenges which included knotting, arrows, communications and basic Scouting as well as circus skills fun. At the end of the day the champions were Atherstone. The day culminated in a tug of war won by Nuneaton. Thanks to Atherstone and the sun which shone! BearTrek 2010 - 20th November 2010

Network members came together last month for WANG an evening of p r o g r a m m e support, meeting new friends and silly games. The District Network Units interacted with each other to discuss the pros and cons of being in Network, and what changes they would like to see as a County Network. Thank you to all who attended and helped out, and we hope to see you all at WANG 2011! Mike Barrett County Network Coordinator

Warwickshire Active Support Units (WASU) WASU is up and running and starting to take hold, with over 60 members in the process of joining. Geoff Russell has been appointed Manager of the General County Support Unit and Paul Skipper will look after the Alfrey Activity Centre Unit. The Units currently being formed are WAGS, Alfrey Activity Centre Unit as well as the County General Support Unit. And in 2011 we will be helping at Get In. If you are interested in joining us please complete an AA or OH form and return via your unit manager to John Foster at jandpf48@btinternet.com . All appointments in Fellowship will cease on 31 December this year so now is the time to join one of Warwickshire's Active Support Units. Look out for more activities for WASU on the County web- site or in WISPA. For Adult Training Dates check www.warwickshirescouts.org.uk/calendar/

PLEASE READ Supervision of young people in outdoor activities We all know the importance of ensuring we comply with the guidance and rules around running activities so that we can be sure we have minimised potential hazards whilst delivering an exciting activity. The rules and guidance sets out adult to young people ratios in certain circumstances and in others these should be determined by a risk assessment. What we don't want is for too much reliance to be placed on these ratios in terms of monitoring the group and therefore we need to consider the importance of when head counts need to be conducted, where and by whom. Risk Assessment A risk assessment must be carried out for all activities but this does not need to be a time consuming process. More important is that a risk assessment is regularly reviewed both before and during an activity. Often it is the activity which is run regularly with little perceived risk where incidents may occur.

Regular re-assessment of familiar activities will allow those running it to identify changes in the risks over time. Further information can be found in factsheet FS120000 Activities - Risk Assessment. Head Counts It is difficult to be prescriptive about when head counts should be done. It is important these are considered for all age groups in all outdoor activities and, specifically, when young people are moving as a group. A considered view is these should be done when there is a change of terrain or overcoming a particular hazard. In the younger age groups this could be done when a walking group moves from one terrain to another (e.g. from one field to another or from a road to a track) or crossing the road. For those in adventurous activities it could be when paddling around a bend, moving around a rocky outcrop or, generally, when moving in poor visibility. Furthermore, for larger groups, it should be agreed who conducts these to remove the expectation someone else will do it. Jason Wiggins | Heath & Safety Coordinator

Cub Leader Weekend Early in October over 60 leaders from the Cub section gathered at the Alfrey Centre for the weekend. Supported by around 20 others from Districts, County and HQ they enjoyed a full weekend with a programme which ranged from fire-lighting to risk assessment and a campfire workshop to spiritual development. Lots of fun was had and friendships made. The weekend has given the Cub section a great platform for Warwickshire Cub Scouting to move forward from. Graham Howe | ACC Cubs WAGS - Cubs Audition 7th November 2010

Atherston District Beaver Scouts - One of the busiest seasons upon us but one of the most pleasant especially for the Beaver Scout section because at six to eight year old the festivities are full of magic, excitement, anticipation and fun. The Harvest with an abundance of merchandise, then swiftly into Halloween with a mixture of squeals and laughter leading to a spectacular firework display and hot jacket potatoes grasping the fingers tips tumbling into the enchantment of Christmas.

Success at Wolvey The Parish Council entered four categories in the Best Village Competition: Community Projects, Communication, History & heritage & Environment. New Scout Group 1st Wolvey was entered into the Community Projects segment along with the Summer Festival and the boardwalk development in the wetland area of the village. Wolvey village were winners of the Community Project section, received Silver for the Environment section and were placed third overall so did very well. I am delighted that such a young Group led by Paul Merchant and his team has established itself so quickly in the Community.

Wood End and Hartshill Colonies are holding a joint Christmas sleepover on 4th-5th December and visiting the Christmas Adventure, planting bulbs, feeding the reindeer and seeing Santa, back at camp there's craft, games and Christmas Dinner. The BL's are going Greek with a meal and entertainment on 13th November. The District Carol Service is being hosted by Water Orton Tuesday 7th December at St. Peter and St Paul's in Water Orton 6pm -7pm. In the New Year District beavers are joining together for Spring Watch at the Country Park. Gail Clarke | ADC

WAGS tickets now on sale! - Tickets for the fortieth WAGS show are now on sale. Our Scouts and Guides will be performing from 28th February to 5th March at the Royal Spa Centre, Leamington Spa. Tickets can be purchased through the link on the County website or by returning the enclosed booking form. We can guarantee you a great evening out ! WAGS calling Cub Scouts - We now have a Gang of 90 Scouts, Guides, Explorer Scouts, Network and Leaders and it is time to call for Cubs to join us. The registration for Cubs will take place on Sunday 7th November, 2.00 3:30pm at Dale Street Methodist Church, Leamington Spa. We are looking for between 20 and 30 Cubs to be in the show. We have a great number for them this year, and they will also be joining the rest of the gang in the opening and first act finale. See the County website for more information.

Clive Dunn | DC Nuneaton

General County Support Unit We have had an active few months preparing teas for an SAS meeting at Broadwater, putting on craft stalls at the County Beaver day and at Motiv10n where we were kept extremely busy. A very pleasant BBQ was held by Tony Guy at his lovely home in Preston Bagot and we've also enjoyed cream teas at Packington Hall, the Rugby BBQ and our own BBQ at David and Linda's. More recently 11 of us had a day out in Warwick visiting the Military Museum and the beautiful Mill Gardens. We have had several groups visit the Scout & Guide Museum and a special tidy up day when most of our members went along. Sadly we lost our founder, Gordon Richards, who is very much missed. We now only have two of the original founder members left. At Gordon's funeral 19 of our 21 members managed to get along. Future plans include hosting more visits to the County Museum and sorting out the Broadwater Chapel area, putting in boundary hedges/ bushes etc. As our 24th birthday year comes to a close we now looking forward to a new era as the Fellowship moves forward to Active Support. Geoff Russell Get In... book by 31st December 2010

County useful numbers:

Diary Dates: 2010

See County website.

20 Nov - Bear Trek Scouts 31 Dec - Get In bookings should be in 2011 12 Feb - GSL & DC Forum 28 Feb - 5 March WAGS 31 March - Get In final balances due 20-22 May - Get In County Camp For more information & specific training details please consult the County website calendar.

Fancy a new adventure?

Why would that be?

We're looking for an enthusiastic Scouter, with a keen interest in supporting adults, to lead and coordinate the county Programme and Activities team - our Assistant County Commissioners.

Kevin Perks, our current Programme and Activities Manager, is moving on to pastures new - we're going to miss him! Thank you Kevin! Me? Yes, you! We're looking for the right person for the role, and we won’t know that until we meet you! So whatever your experience or background, if you're interested please get in touch! Contact: Andy Walker on 01926 774277 or e-mail: andy.walker24@googlemail.com - for an information pack Next WISPA deadline: NOTE DATE CHANGE: 7th January 2010 - all articles & adverts. Contact: Alan Peedle - 5 Broomybank, Kenilworth CV8 2SF | 01926 851195 | alan@acstededesign.co.uk

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