Warwick SU Bubble

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Free and independent advice on student-related problems E-mail: advice@warwicksu.com Phone: 02476 572 824 Find us: SUHQ Level 2, next to the lift



the bubble issue 47|26.04.10 -09.05.10

intro • general election 2010 • exam revision tips • warwick advantage and global advantage awards

Welcome back! Things have not been the same without you, and we’re happy that you’re here. As far as most people are concerned, Term 3 is the exam term - however, there’s much more going on besides that. Although the one thing on your mind will be the date of your last exam, there are several events happening this term for which attendance is basically compulsory. Firstly, there’s Pressure with HIGH CONTRAST, SCRATCH PERVERTS, and ANDY C, to name just a few highlights from an impressive line up. Then uLive presents EXAMPLE, and the return of GATECRASHER right here on campus. From Six Days of Summer to numerous student plays, there’s a lot headed your way. Keep checking www.warwicksu.com for updates there’s bound to be something to take your mind off exams. You’re always more than welcome to come and ask any of us for advice - we were in your shoes last year, so we know how stressful Term 3 can be. If you need support you might want to take a look at www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ skills as your first stop. We wish you all the best! Isaac

general election: may 6th 2010 No, we are not having by-elections, and Daniel Stevens is still our president for next year. However, on Thursday 6th May the General Election is taking place, and polling stations will be open between 7am and 10pm. We know that not everyone is eligible to vote - however, if you can, we hope that you do use it. Your vote can make a big difference in determining which party is in control of this country for years to come. The SU has been doing its bit to help everyone find out more information about the elections by making dedicated pages available online at www.warwicksu.com/election. Confused about which parties have which policies? Want to know which parties share your views and ideals on a broad range of issues? There is a way to find out. By visiting www.votematch.org.uk you can fill out a quick survey which will tell you which your preferred party should be based on your answers. It’s not an exact science, but before you vote, give it a go - you might be surprised which parties stand up for what you believe in!

exam revision tips Remember, it is supposed to be revision. If this is the first time you are looking at the lecture slides, books or notes it not revision but just ‘vision’!

○○ Start early. ○○ Make a revision timetable. Avoid wasting time re-writing this over and over again.

○○ Answer questions from past papers. ○○ Identify the key points, examples and evidence for each topic - you will not be able to write very much on each in the exam.

○○ Prepare for questions that combine two different topics. ○○ Prepare for unusual questions or angles for your ‘best’ topics. ○○ Go over the same material quite quickly several times rather than spending a long time on one occasion.

There are lots of website with hints and tips to keep your revision on the right track - we recommend visiting www.palgrave.com/ skills4study/studyskills/exams/revision.asp

celebrate warwick advantage and global advantage awards winners! Some students have been working extremely hard behind the scenes to bring us not just great events, but lasting memories. These included everything from plays to week-long events, and it’s time for them to get some recognition. The Advantage Awards are University-accredited and recognise student activity beyond the scope of their degree; new this year are Global Awards which focus on international achievements. These fantastic awards will be presented at the ceremony on the 4th May 2010 in the Panorama Room (Rootes Building).

six days of summer: graduation ball * summer party * sports ball * wsaf

six days of summer: are you ready for the best week o

Across Weeks 9 & 10, campus will come alive as we usher in the Summer in grand style. With the bulk of exams well and nothing left to do but party - and we need each and every one of you to get involved to help make this the most memor

Clap your eyes on www.sixdaysofsummer.com for full details of everything that’s going on - in the meantime, here’s ju

Tuesday 29th June 2010

Thursday 24th June 2010

Saturday 26th June 2010

We’ve gone all-out in Week 10 to bring you a mini-festival right here on campus. In addition to a stunning line-up of acts across two stages (including live sets from The Courteeners, Chicane, DJ Yoda, Chiddy Bang and Bombay Bicycle Club to name just a few), there’ll be a free fairground, cider pitch, live graffiti art and much, much more. Oh, and, er… did we mention the bouncy castle?!

Calling all Finalists! For one night only, the splendour of Birmingham Motorcycle Museum will play host to the spirit of the Roaring 20s as we invite you to an evening of elegance and sophistication.

This year, the Sports Ball has undergone a metamorphosis. The days of ‘Score in a tent’ with plastic tables and chairs are no more - in its place will be a luxury evening at the Birmingham Hilton. Now you and your team-mates can enjoy your final blowout together in a much grander setting, with better food, better entertainment and better value-for-money than ever before.

We’ll also be running a Survivors’ After-Party in The Copper Rooms ’til 5am to allow you to party the night away. Those of you who bag your tickets in the first week of term will be entered into a prize draw to win a CD bundle and signed event poster - what are you waiting for?!


A 5-course meal, full swing orchestra, lush décor and cocktail The Graduation Herald lounge are among the delights on The Graduation Herald offer, while a seedy underbelly of Speakeasies, bootleg liquor, hot jazz and Flapper girls awaits those wielding the correct password. With a whole host of spectacular performances promised throughout the evening, this will truly be a night to remember.

Listen to The Chip Shop Boys whilst you take on your mates at one of the 3 Nintendo Wiis, or simply sit back and watch the footy. Make sure you hit up your team captain in the coming weeks, as they will be receiving an official invitation on behalf of your club to join us for a night of dancing and debauchery in the classiest of settings!

www.sixdaysofsummer.com Thursday 24th June - Tuesday 29th June

food and beverage at your Union • nus extra offers

of your life...?

d truly out of the way, there’ll be rable week in Warwick’s history.

ust a taste of what’s on offer ...

food & beverage at your Union Here at the SU we believe it’s essential to take breaks between studying. So whether you’re in the Library writing your essay, the Learning Grid preparing for a presentation or in a study hall revising for an exam, the SU is here to look after your well-being. We have lots of ways to help you break up your revision and give your mind that much needed breather.

new menus Starting from Monday Week 1, Xananas International Bistro & Bar and The Dirty Duck will be offering some new delights to tempt you in and give you new reasons to make your break taste good. Watch out for loads of specials!

Fri 25th - Mon 28th June 2010

early starts

‘WSAF’ stands for Warwick Students Arts Festival, and across 4 jam-packed days it does exactly what it says on the tin. Showcasing the full range of diversity and talent across the student body, WSAF 2010 brings together performances in art, dance, literature, music, theatre and discussion to provide a colourful snapshot of life here at Warwick.

If you are starting early, then so are we. Xananas will be serving breakfast from 8am until 11am Monday to Saturday to help kick-start the busy day ahead of you. Remember, you cannot study effectively on an empty stomach!

Look out for poetry readings, society demonstrations, dance competitions, live music and much, much more as the WSAF crew take over campus to bring you a host of events in various settings. You’re bound to know someone who’s involved, so make sure you come along and support the best in student creativity!


Summer Party £35.00 Graduation Ball £65.00 (Combo Ticket £85.00) Sports Ball £49.00 www.sixdaysofsummer.com

7 days a week If you don’t stop, than neither will we. Xananas will be re-opening its doors on Sundays with a taste of the wider world. We will be launching our ‘Round the World in 8 Days’ menu, which will stop in a different port each week - collect stamps from each of the destinations to take advantage of some special offers at the end of term. Apart from The Bread Oven, all outlets will be operating 7 days a week. John Sm ith Unive rsity of Warwi ck Stu dents’ Union

pre-order your baguettes In a rush? Save some time and have your custom-made Bread Oven baguette ready and waiting for you to collect. Just grab a form from the outlet, fill out what you’d like and you’re sorted!

nus extra offers this fortnight

live sport

week 1: the dirty duck

Don’t miss any of the action this term - The Snug has all the live sport you could shake a stick at.

Free dash of coke/lemonade/ diet coke with every shot of spirit.

the return of the bbq Now that we’ve (hopefully!) seen the last of the snow and Spring is in the air, what better way to satisfy your hunger pangs than with some barbequed goodness? Look out for the SU BBQ on sunny days in the Piazza and check out the sizzling menu!

week 1: the terrace bar Free upgrade from a small to a regular hot beverage.

week 2: king edwards Free cheese with every jacket.

Buy an NUS Extra card today and save money: www.warwicksu.com/nusextra


JOIN THE LAW FIRM THAT THINKS OTHERWISE... ‌ about law, business and you. We are recognised for the innovative way we provide services to our clients. The same thought has gone into how we structure your training. Through client secondments, international placements and our groundbreaking MBA programme, we give you the opportunity to see things differently. That’s because we work to a simple principle: the more you see and do, the more you learn.

what’s on

what’s on week 1


Julius Caesar

9pm - 1am £TBC room 1 & rouge

5:30pm - 8pm the atrium

The Russian-Speaking society offer up Vodka and thumping dance anthems galore at their now-legendary termly shindig!

what’s on week 2

friday 30th

indoor market monday 26th

indoor market 11Am - 4pm the atrium

Your body is a temple. It needs something fresh! We have fresh local produce, fruits, vegetables, meats, free-range eggs, cakes, breads, jams, cheeses and deli meats. Stock up your cupboards at the first market of term.

top BANANA 8pm - 2am (club from 10pm) £2 NUS / £4 non (free before 10pm) the ATRIUM

Contemporary chart hits and student anthems, with selected drinks at £1 all night! It could only be the glorious return of Top B!

wednesday 28th

indoor market 11Am - 4pm the atrium

In case you missed anything on Monday, come and check out the extended range of offers and even more delicious nibbles to tickle your tastebuds.

pop! go commando 10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) £3 entry room 1

War! What is it good for? Fashion, actually. Get your best Army togs on for some more midweek mayhem as Disco Dave unleashes the cheese!

thursday 29th

General Election Debate 8:30pm venue tbc

Come watch Cameron, Clegg and Brown go at it again in the final televised debate of this year’s General Election. It is make your mind up time...

11Am - 4pm the atrium

monday 3rd

Take a break and check out the last market of the week, offering clothes, perfume, jewellery, shoes, cosmetics, books, fancy dress and more. Don’t miss your chance to grab yourself a bargain!

indoor market

live jazz

Time for a little more monkey business as we lash out the chart bangers and £1 drinks. Bish bash bosh.

3pm - 6pm the atrium

Nothing touches the soul quite like the beat and vibe of jazz music. After a week of exams + revision come and unwind in the Atrium, you know you want to.

Get Funked at the terrace bar 9pm - 1Am FREE ENTRY the terrace bar

An illogical progression through hip hop, funk, soul, breaks and everything in between in The Terrace Bar. There’s also special Cocktail offers that will get you into Hustle for half price!

hustle 10pm - 2am £3 entry room 2 + rouge

*ALL NEW HUSTLE*. We’ve handed the decks over to student DJs Saagar Baines and Spin Cycle who’ll be banging out the finest urban music this side of the solar system! Also featuring society performances and Champagne/ cocktail bar. Come and check out the new-look Hustle!!

saturday 1st

pressure 9:30pm - 3:30Am £8 nus / £10 non the copper rooms

A heavyweight line-up featuring High Contrast, Scratch Perverts, Andy C and more. Get ready to tear the place a new one as the mighty Pressure returns!

11Am - 4pm the atrium

top banana 8pm - 2am (club from 10pm) £2 NUS / £4 non (free before 10pm) the Atrium

tuesday 4th

Julius Caesar 5:30pm - 8pm the atrium

The Shakespeare society present a modern day production of Julius Caesar for the current political climate.

Love Music Hate Homophobia 8pm - 12am £TBC the copper rooms

Come celebrate LMHH with live bands including Hot Magenta, Just Panic and Fiona Cox!

wednesday 5th

indoor market 11Am - 4pm the atrium

POP! 80s theme 10pm - 2am (circling from 7pm) £3 ENTRY room 1

Time to whip out those Fame leggings, Miami Vice jacket and dodgy feathered hairdo as we revisit the decade that time (and fashion) rightly forgot!

thursday 6th

general election 7Am - 10pm nationwide polling stations

Make sure you vote - your vote can make a big difference!

society awards doors 7:30pm free entry room 1

Come party with our societies as they are rewarded for their achievements.

Gen. election results from 10pm the atrium

Live coverage of the election results as they happen - find out who’ll be the next Prime Minister from 10pm!

friday 7th

indoor market 11Am - 4pm the atrium

live jazz 3pm - 6pm the atrium

National Table Football Tournament 7pm £40 / £25 the Atrium

People from all over the country come to compete - and it’s open to you too! Come along for three days of intense table football.

Get Funked 9pm - 1Am FREE ENTRY the terrace bar

ELECTRIC CITY 10pm - 2am £3 NUS / £4 non room 2

Time for another party in the EC family living room as Grandpa Rick and Weird Aunt Holly dish out contemporary indie + electro tunes. Visit Offbeat’s goody stall and chill-out room too!

saturday 8th

Julius Caesar 5:30pm - 8pm the atrium

skool dayz 10pm - 2Am £4 nus / £ 5 non the copper rooms

Get yer school tie on as we relive the most memorable tunes from the 90s and early noughties. ‘Too cool for school’? Zip upstairs for some old-skool breakbeats!

featured event • competitions • did you know? • indoor market

featured event:

saturday wk 1


where do you eat yours? Our long-running Drum’n’Bass night has a history of bringing together the biggest names on the scene, and tonight we’re pulling out all the stops with a storming line-up stretching across two rooms. HIGH CONTRAST, ANDY C and a special live set from SCRATCH PERVERTS will adorn the main stage, while Room 2 hosts the finest in dubstep and electronica from the likes of Emalkay, Arctic Sunrise and more. Backing them all up will be our trusty Pressure residents, together with 1000+ students and an absolutely filthy great sound system. Make no mistake, structural reinforcements will be needed: this one’s going to be huge…

did you know?

su lockers The SU have lockers that cost 50p a day, £2.50 a week or £25 a term. They’re especially useful in Term 3 if you need somewhere to leave your bags during exams - for more info, pop up to SU Reception.

This tasty competition is brought to you by The Bread Oven. All you have to do is submit a photo of yourself enjoying one of our delicious baguettes in the most weird and wonderful place you can think of. If your photo makes it onto the Top 10 Shortlist you’ll get to see your photo displayed within the outlet. For the lucky winner a months worth of free baguettes is all yours! For your chance to win, email your photo to wheredoyoueatyours@warwicksu.com by the end of Week 4, and keep your fingers crossed!


curiositea-pot colouring Fancy yourself a bit of a budding artist? Head over to Curiositea, grab one of the blank teapots and get your crayons out! All entries will feature on the Curisoitea-pot Wallof Fame, with the best design earning the a permant spot within the outlet. Not only that, the winner can look forward to enjoying a free cuppa every day for a whole month! For your chance to win, submit your finished design to the staff in Curiositea by the end of Week 2 and just maybe you’ll be the one smiling!

Pop into the Warwick SU Atrium where you will find a whole range of goodies from fresh fruit and local produce to sparkling new jewellery - go on, treat yourself! You know you deserve it after a year of hard work and exams just round the corner!

Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11am - 4pm Weekly - Open to all - Located in the Atrium, Warwick SU

warwick su marketing department

warwick su marketing department Whilst the Warwick SU Marketing Department is responsible for promoting the Union’s entire range of products and services to its members, designing and printing most of the Union’s publications and publicity materials, and bringing revenue into the Union through advertising and sponsorship, we are also here to help each and every one of you! Here’s just a few things we can do for you:


You may have noticed the new plasma screens and digital boards around the Students’ Union. These are a more modern cost effective way of communicating than our older boards! Prices are from £20 per week depending on the length of your advert. Email media@warwicksu.com or pop in to see Christina in the Marketing Department to get your club or society’s message on the screens!

print shop

For enquiries or bookings: e media@warwicksu.com p 024 765 72792 v Marketing Department, 2nd floor of SUHQ

Warwick SU Print Shop is an innovative print & design service based in the Marketing department of SUHQ, available for any Warwick University student, club or society. We provide great value for money & an excellent service. Choose from our extensive range of print products:

□ □ □ □

Large Format Posters Small Format Posters Photo & Canvas Printing Flyers Leaflets

□ □ □ □

Booklets Banners Thesis & Project Printing Clothing

A professional design service is also available. A full price list can be found at www.warwicksu.com/print

For any enquiries: e print@warwicksu.com p 024 765 72812 w warwicksu.com/print v Marketing Department, 2nd floor of SUHQ

BOOK THE UNION’S ATRIUM Did you know that your club or society can book the Atrium space for any of the events that you are organising? Yes, it’s true and absolutely free! If you’re interested, all you have to do is pop in and see Christina in the Marketing Department of SUHQ or email her on christina.oneill@warwicksu.com where you can confirm availability and complete an Atrium booking form for your activity. Simple as that!

For enquiries or bookings: e coneill@warwicksu.com p 024 765 72792 v Marketing Department, 2nd floor of SUHQ

do you want some more infomation? Email christina.oneill@warwicksu.com • phone 02476 572792 • visit www.warwicksu.com

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