May 2017

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Medical and Education Special Sections Inside Education A Special Section of The Washington Diplomat

VOLUME 24, NUMBER 5 United States

Trump Seeks Massive Budget Cuts to State Department, USAID With a refugee crisis at its worst level since World War II and famines threatening millions across the globe, human rights groups say the drastic international affairs budget cuts sought by the Trump administration could lead to more death and misery for people who could have been saved. / PAGE 4

May 2017

May 2017


Hard Lesson in Exclusion



B Latin America Trump’s Travel Ban May

Have Chilling Effect on

International Student Enrollment

by Stephanie Kanowitz

y now, we’ve all heard the stories of students unable to return to the Donald Trump’s hastily United States after President issued Executive Order 13769 on Jan. 27 barring Muslim countries from travelers from seven entering the United largely States.

For instance, there was the Sudanese Stanford University who was detained at JFK student “We’re still unraveling exactly International Airport in New Iranian Ph.D. candidate at Yale University who was York, and an Jill Welch, deputy director for what the damage is or will be,” said Dubai. public policy at the National left stranded in ciation of International Educators AssoWe also know about the (NAFSA). “What the schools also reporting is that it’s replacement order, 13780, are not just the six or seven signed March 6 and which which Trump students countries. Other affected countries — Iran, removed Iraq from the original list of about are concerned they’ll be next, and they’re also concerned what other policies might Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria And we know about the and Yemen. Titled “Protecting the Nation be put into place.” legal actions taken against that have blocked their both travel bans the United from Foreign Terrorist enforcement. But what Entry into States,” Trump and his we don’t know is what residual effect they team say the ban is a necessary will have on American universities.

Ecuador Bucks Leftist Decline See TrAvel BAn • page 24


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Ecuador has bucked the leftist political slide in Latin America by electing an ally of populist firebrand Rafael Correa as its new president. Quito’s ambassador in D.C. says Lenín Moreno will improve relations with the U.S. while continuing Correa’s “citizens’ revolution.” / PAGE 10

Middle East

Hardliners Challenge Iran’s Moderate President for Power Iran’s presidential election has become a closely watched contest that will render a verdict on Hassan Rouhani’s nuclear deal with the West and whether Iran continues on the incumbent’s moderate path or reverts to the more conservative roots of its Islamic Revolution. / PAGE 6

Diplomatic Spouses

Peruvian Lends Helping Hand For Homeland


Picasso Disciple Explores ‘Psychological Cubism’ George Condo pays homage to Pablo Picasso to an almost obsessive degree in a new Phillips Collection survey. / PAGE 40

The astonishing election of Donald Trump triggered a range of reactions from political leaders around the world. Some pulled back, others dug in and some stayed quiet. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe plunged right in, wooing the new president to ensure America’s commitment to Japan and to develop what Japanese Ambassador Kenichiro Sasae calls a “personal and official” relationship. / PAGE 17

For Consuelo Salinas-Pareja, wife of Peruvian Ambassador Carlos Pareja, volunteering is a vital commitment and a part of her informal job to help Peruvians from her perch in Washington, whether it’s raising funds for flood relief or promoting her country’s artists, fashion and cuisine. / PAGE 41

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