The Washington Diplomat - March 2020

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VOLUME 27, NUMBER 03 United States

What’s in Trump’s Budget for USAID, State Department? Every year since coming into office, President Trump has proposed significant cuts in funding for the State Department and USAID. And every year, Congress has batted down those proposals. This latest budget is likely to be no different. PAGE 4

Middle East

After Five Years, Yemen Still Fights To Be Remembered This month marks five years since Saudi Arabia and its partners launched a military intervention in Yemen after Houthi rebels took over the capital. Since then, the country has become a staging ground for one of the world’s worst conflicts and humanitarian disasters, with no relief in sight. PAGE 12


PRIORITIES For the first time, Croatia, the European Union’s youngest member, has assumed the rotating presidency of the EU, where it will confront some of the toughest challenges bedeviling the bloc, from the Brexit divorce to controversies over migration and expansion to transatlantic trade wars and global security threats.

MARCH 2020

The Americas

Venezuela Complicates Election of OAS Chief Secretary-General of the Organization of American States Luis Almagro is running for re-election this month, but his outspoken stance on Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia has alienated some Caribbean member states and turned what is normally a sleepy contest into a divisive power struggle. PAGE 9


Diplomatic Spouses


Anger, Apathy in ‘Secret Life of Earth’ “The Secret Life of Earth: Alive! Awake! (and Possibly Really Angry!)” sounds a clarion call about our persistent environmental apathy. PAGE 24

Icelandic Envoy’s Husband Sports Quite a Resume Jon Oskar Solnes has become a jack of all trades for his wife, Icelandic Ambassador Bergdís Ellertsdóttir, supporting her career while adjusting his by taking on jobs ranging from television sportscaster to humanitarian aid manager in warzones to an expert on EU socioeconomic and financial regulation. PAGE 25

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