The Washington Diplomat - November 2018

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A Special Section of The Washington Diplomat


The Treasury Department began testing a new law to strengthen a little-known government agency so as to turn the screws on a wellknown geopolitical adversary. The agency is the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS, and the adversary is China, with which the Trump administration is engaged in a trade war. / PAGE 8


Drop in EU Migrant Arrivals Hasn’t Dented Populists

November 2018



Our Civic Duty

United States

U.S. Targets China By Cracking Down on Foreign Investment

Decline of Civics Education

PRIME REAL ESTATE A country few Americans have ever heard of is home to the only permanent U.S. military base in Africa, located just a few miles from China’s first overseas military base. In fact, Djibouti has taken advantage of its geostrategic location to become a hub of counterterrorism operations, global shipping, economic growth and regional stability. PAGE 15

The electoral successes that far-right, anti-immigrant political parties across Europe have achieved this year is paradoxical given that the flood of refugees from the Middle East and Africa has abated considerably from its peak in 2015. / PAGE 10


Means Students Less Prepared


The Founding Fathers sign

to Become Informed Citizens

hen pop star Taylor Swift just 24 hours the total number for posted on Instagram last all of August. There’s a lot that’s month her support for remarkable here, but two Tennessee Democrats one aspect in the stands out: In adding upcoming midterm elections, to the civic the discourse, she’s inspiring number of voter registrations her largeon ly young fan base to skyrocketed, get involved, outpacing in too.


the U.S. Constitution on Sept.

17, 1787.


And sparking interest in civics is no small feat. Defined as the study of citizens’ rights and duties and government workings, civics education has been languishing for years. SEE CIVICS • PAGE 26


| NOVEMBER 2018 | 25


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Culture People of World Influence

Diplomatic Spouses

Phillips Surveys Nordic Landscape

Two Presidents, Two Visions For Latin America

Tenacity Pays Off For Japan Envoy

Beauty and terror, light and darkness and other Nordic themes riff off each other to resonate in a show that revels in delighting and jarring viewers. / PAGE 32

From corruption scandals to migration crises to Venezuela’s epic meltdown, the Latin America portfolio is a tough one for anyone to tackle — let alone someone who’s worked for two bosses with opposite viewpoints. But Fernando Cutz managed to do just that, and come out on the other side relatively unscathed. / PAGE 4

He set his sights on her from the beginning and never blinked. His persistence paid off. After nearly 40 years together, Japanese Ambassador Shinsuke Sugiyama and his wife Yoko are now busy promoting the deep bonds between their homeland and the U.S. / PAGE 33

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