The Washington Diplomat - October 2018

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Education and Luxury Living Special Sections INSIDE


A Special Section of The Washington Diplomat

VOLUME 25, NUMBER 10 Middle East

Who Will Put Syria Back Together? After seven years of bombing, gunfire and killing, Syria is a ruined shell of its former self. Which is why reconstruction has become the latest battleground as the war’s power players jostle for position in what may be the final act of this long-running tragedy. / PAGE 6





October 2018

OCTOBER 2018 People of World Influence Smithsonian’s Secrets

World’s Largest Museum,


Education and Research

Complex Holds Hidden

Gems •



U.S. Envoy Reflects on ‘Betrayal and Resilience’ ay the word Smithsonian and lifelong Washingtonians and newcomers alike think of the museums that line the National Mall. But there is more to the 170-plus-yearold insti-


tution than those 11 musenational collaboration. ums. There’s the National Zoo, In fact, the Smithsonian eight additional museums, Institution is largest mostly in Washington, museum, D.C., education and research research centers, cultural comcen- plex in the world. ters, gardens and programs to promote education and interSEE SMITHSONIAN

The Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center is home to thousands of aviation and space artifacts that cannot be exhibited on the National Mall.

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Prudence Bushnell understands the curse of Cassandra. The former U.S. ambassador reflects on how her dire warnings about the Rwandan genocide and American vulnerability in Kenya went unheeded in her new book, “Terrorism, Betrayal and Resilience: My Story of the 1998 U.S. Embassy Bombings.” / PAGE 4

South Asia

Army Casts Shadow Over Pakistan’s New Leader Pakistan’s new prime minister, Imran Khan, gave an inaugural speech in which he had plenty to say about corruption but almost nothing about foreign policy. Why? The army controls that. / PAGE 8


NGA Reveals Corot’s Women The National Gallery of Art looks at a lesser-known side of the iconic French landscape painter in “Corot: Women.” / PAGE 32

As Republicans debate whether climate change is real despite record-shattering heatwaves and hurricanes, for the Caribbean, the debate is a moot point, as extreme weather patterns threaten its very survival. So island leaders, joined by partners such as Virgin’s Richard Branson, launched a major initiative to make the Caribbean the world’s first “climate-smart” zone, a sign that the region has entered “fighting-back mode,” says Jamaican Ambassador Audrey Marks. / PAGE 13

Washington, D.C.

Meridian Chief Talks Leadership As the Meridian International Center prepares for its 50th anniversary ball, Ambassador Stuart Holliday reflects on leadership in the 21st century — and in an era of bitter partisan divisions. / PAGE 17

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