Washingborough academy ltp maths lks2 terms 3 & 4

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Washingborough Academy Maths LTP LKS2- Terms 3 & 4 Multiplication and division (2)

Objectives; • Choose and use standard metric units and their abbreviations when estimating, measuring and recording length, mass and capacity (3M1a, 4M1) • Interpret intervals and divisions on partially numbered scales and record readings accurately • Read time to the nearest minute; use a.m., p.m. and 12-hour clock notation (3M4b, 4M4b) • Choose units of time to measure time intervals and calculate time intervals from clocks and timetables (3M4b, 4M4b)

Objectives; • Recall multiplication facts up to 12 × 12 and derive the corresponding division facts (4C6a) • Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally, including: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by 1; multiplying together three numbers (4C6b) • Use written methods to record and explain multiplication of two-digit numbers by a one-digit number (3C7, 4C7) • Use written methods to record and explain division of three-digit numbers by a one-digit number, with whole number answers (4C7) • Use knowledge of rounding, number operations and inverses to estimate and check calculations (3C3, 4C3)

Thread: Thread: Recall and use multiplication and division facts (3/4C6) •Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £ and p HAPs: Solve problems involving numbers up to three (3M9a, 4M9) decimal places HAPs- Use all four operations to solve problems including measure (money) using decimal notation, including scaling (5M9a)

Thread: Recognise and show, using diagrams, fractions of common equivalent fractions (4F2)

Objectives; • Count in tenths and hundredths and recognise the equivalence between decimal and fraction forms of tenths and hundredths (4F1, 3F1a) • Compare, order and round decimal numbers with one decimal place (4F7) • Use diagrams to identify equivalent fractions (4F6a, 4F6b) • Find fractions of numbers, quantities or shapes • Use diagrams to add and subtract pairs of fractions with the same denominator (3F4, 4F4)

Links: Fractions when shopping Acvtivity ideas

Links: Measurement of every day objects Activity ideas

HAPs: Multiply and divide whole numbers and those involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 (5C6b)

Number and place Value (2)

Assessment- new threads needed based on children's needs

Spring Term

Measurement (2)

Objectives: • Compare and order decimals with two decimal places • Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest whole number • Use decimal notation for money and measures and position decimals on a number line • Multiply and divide numbers to 1000 by 10 and 100, including decimal answers • Use positive and negative numbers in context and position them on a number line • Recognise and continue number sequences formed by counting on or back in steps of constant size • Read Roman numerals to 100 (I to C)

Addition and Subtraction (2)

Geometry Properties of shapes/ Position and direction (3)

Objectives; • Use knowledge of addition and subtraction facts and place value to derive sums and differences of pairs of multiples of 10, 100 or 1000 (3C1, 4C1) • Add or subtract mentally pairs of two-digit whole numbers (3C1, 4C1) • Use efficient written methods to add and subtract fourdigit whole numbers and £.p (3C2, 4C2) • Use knowledge of rounding, number operations and inverses to estimate and check calculations (3C3, 4C3)

Objectives; • Compare and draw polygons and classify them by identifying their properties, including their line symmetry (4G2a, 4G2b) • Visualise 3-D objects from 2-D drawings and make 3-D models using construction kits (3G3b) • Make nets of common solids • Identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes and patterns (4G2b) • Identify right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles in 2-D shapes (3G4a, 4G4) • Find the area of rectilinear shapes by counting squares (4M7a)

Thread: Thread: Thread: Recall and use multiplication and division facts (3/4C6) Read time to the nearest minute; use a.m., p.m. and 12- Recognise and show, using diagrams, fractions of hour clock notation (3M4a, 4M4a) common equivalent fractions (4F2) HAPs: Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other HAPs: Draw given angles and measure them in degrees HAPs: Multiply and divide whole numbers and those (5G4c) involving decimals by 10, 100 and 1000 (5C6b)

Links: Different methods of multiplication

Links: Placing decimal numbers on a number line

Link: Subtraction strategies

Link: Angles

Activity ideas

Activity ideas

Activity ideas

Activity ideas

Assessment- new threads needed based on children's needs

Strand Fractions and decimals (2)

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