Washingborough Academy Maths LTP UKS2- Terms 5 & 6
Strand Multiplication and Division (3)
Objectives: • Identify common factors and common multiples of numbers (6C5) • Recognise that prime numbers have only two factors and identify prime numbers less than 100 (6C5) • Find the prime factors of two-digit numbers (6C5) • Express missing number problems algebraically (6A1) • Find pairs of numbers that satisfy number sentences involving two unknowns (6A1) • Represent and interpret sequences, patterns and relationships and suggest and test hypotheses (6A1) • Construct and use simple expressions and formulae in words then symbols (6A3)
Objectives: • Select and use standard metric units of measure and convert between units using decimals to three places (6M5) • Measure and calculate using imperial units still in everyday use; know their approximate metric values (6M5) • Calculate the area of parallelograms (6M8) • Calculate, estimate and compare volume of cubes and cuboids using standard units, including centimetre cubed (cm3) and cubic metres (m3) (6M8)
Objectives; • Use knowledge of place value and multiplication facts to 12 × 12 to derive related multiplication and division facts involving decimals • Use knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations involving the four operations • Multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers (6c7A, 6c7b) • Multiply and divide numbers up to four digits by a two-digit whole number using an efficient written method (6c7A, 6c7b) • Use written division methods for money and measures where the answer has up to two decimal places (6c7A, 6c7b) • Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form (e.g. 1/4 x 1/2 = 1/8) (6F5) • Divide proper fractions by whole numbers (e.g. 1/3 ÷ 2 = 1/6) (6F5)
Summer Term
Convert between metric units (M5)
Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages e.g. of measures such as 15% of 360 (6R2)
Multiply and divide mentally (C6)
Recap on any assessment areas which are identified as a weakness
Thread: Recap on any assessment areas which are identified as a weakness
Activity ideas
Activity ideas
Objectives: • Recognise, describe and build 3-D shapes, including making nets • Find unknown angles in any triangles, quadrilaterals, and regular polygons • Find unknown angles where they meet at a point, are on a straight line, and are vertically opposite • Illustrate and name parts of circles, including radius, diameter and circumference (6G5) • Use coordinates in all four quadrants to draw, locate and complete shapes that meet given properties (6P3) • Visualise and draw on grids where a shape will be after reflection, after translation, or after rotation through 90° or 180° about its centre or one of its vertices (6P2)
HAPs: Understanding the ffects of multiplying and dividing by numbers between 0 and 1 (KS3)
Link: Understanding the different parts of a circle Activity ideas
HAPs: Justify generalisations, arguments and solutions (KS3)
Fractions, decimals and percentages (3) Objectives; • Associate a fraction with division to calculate decimal fraction equivalents (e.g. 0.375) for a simple fraction (e.g. 3/8) (6F11) • Calculate fractions and percentages of whole-numbers, money or measures (e.g. 5/8 of 96, 65% of £260) (6F10) • Express one quantity as a percentage of another (e.g. express £400 as a percentage of £1000) • Use ratio to compare quantities, size and scale drawings, including notation a:b (6R1) • Solve problems involving proportionality in contexts such as similar shapes and recipes (6R1)
HAPs: Find the locus of a point, that moves according to a given rule (KS3)
Link: Solving equations
Link: Finding the area of a Parallelogram
Activity ideas
Activity ideas
Block to address misconceptions or based on children's needs
Assessment- new threads needed based on children's needs
Measurement (3)
Assessment- new threads needed based on children's needs
Patterns and number (2)
Geometry Properties of shapes/ Position and direction (3)