Washington Gardener Enews June 2013

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JUNE 2013

Welcome to the Washington Gardener Enewsletter!

This enewsletter is the sister publication of Washington Gardener Magazine. Both the print magazine and online enewsletter share the same mission and focus — helping DC-MD-VA region gardens grow — but our content is different. In this monthly enewsletter, we address timely seasonal topics and projects; post local garden events; and, a monthly list of what you can be doing now in your garden. We encourage you to subscribe to Washington Gardener Magazine as well for indepth articles, inspirational photos, and great garden resources for the Washington DC area gardener.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This enewsletter is only sent out as a PDF via email to current subscribers. Without your support, we cannot continue publishing this enewsletter nor Washington Gardener Magazine! Our magazine subscription information is on page 9 of this enewsletter. If you know of any other gardeners in the greater Washington, DC-area, please forward this issue to them so that they can subscribe to our print magazine using the form on page 9 of this enewsletter. You can also connect with Washington Gardener online at: • Washington Gardener Blog: www.washingtongardener.blogspot.com • Washington Gardener Twitter Feed: www.twitter.com/WDCGardener • Washington Gardener Pinterest boards: http://pinterest.com/wdcgardener/ • Washington Gardener Discussion Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WashingtonGardener/ • Washington Gardener Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/washingtongardenermagazine • Washington Gardener Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/WDCGardener • Washington Gardener Web Site: www.washingtongardener.com Sincerely, Kathy Jentz Editor/Publisher Washington Gardener Magazine

Spring 2013 Issue

Our Spring 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine issue is now out. The cover story is on creating Great Garden Soil in seven easy steps. You’ll also find in this issue: • Squash Growing Tips • Plant Profile of Asters • 2013 Photo Contest Winners • Eastern Hemlocks Threatened • Never Let Weeds Go to Seed • A DayTrip to 11 Smithsonian Gardens • Avoiding Crape Murder • Duo of Native Azaleas • Lovely Native Carolina Spiderlily • And much, much more... To subscribe, see the page 9 of this newsletter for a form to mail in or go to www.washingtongardener.com/index_ files/subscribe.htm and use our PayPal credit card link.

Reader Contest


For our June 2013 Washington Gardener Reader Contest, Washington Gardener is giving away 3 pairs of passes to the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in Richmond, VA. Each set of two passes is a $22 value. The passes are good until June 30, 2014 and are good for one-time daily admission (including Butterflies LIVE!). With something for all ages and interests, Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden (http://www.lewisginter.org/) is a place to learn about plants, to marvel at nature, to relax in a beautiful setting, to take gardening classes, or to have a wedding or a business meeting. A wide variety of experiences are offered through its diverse gardens and facilities. To enter to win one of the three pairs of passes, send an email with “LGinter2013” in the subject line to WashingtonGardener@rcn.com by 5:00pm on Sunday, June 30. In the body of the email please include your full name, email, mailing address, and tell us: What is Your Favorite Public Garden to Visit and Why. The pass winners will be announced and notified by July 2. Some of the entry responses may be used in future online or print articles.

Quick Links to Recent Washington Gardener Blog Posts • Rainy Day Garden Gazing • A Passionate Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day • Favorite Local Garden Centers in DC-MD-VA • Video: Dumbarton Oaks Sparkles • Astilbe: You Can Grow That! See more Washington Gardener Blog posts at WashingtonGardener.Blogspot.com.

June Garden To-Do List

Spotlight Special Canna ‘South Pacific Scarlet’ AAS Flower Award Winner

AAS* Judges raved about this first F1 hybrid canna from seed because it is such a floriferous bloomer. ‘South Pacific’ grows up 4-5' tall, providing a great grouping of specimen plants or a back-of-the-border focal point. The colorful blooms are produced on a flower spike held above the large leafed statuesque plants. Home gardeners will love the robust nature and the many flower-laden branches it produces. ‘South Pacific’ boasts 6-7 stems per plant and delivers larger flowers than other seed cannas. The scarlet flowers appear early, bloom consistently all summer and withstand a light frost better than comparisons. As with other cannas, ‘South Pacific’ tolerates wet conditions, so it can be used as a pond border or in other similar growing conditions. Canna is a perennial, but can be treated as an annual by Zone 6 gardeners. Rhizomes can be dug before first frost and stored properly for the next season. Bred by Takii & Co. Ltd.


Genus species: Canna generalis Plant type: Tender perennial in zones 7-10 Garden location: Full sun Garden spacing: 18-24 inches Length of time from sowing seed to flower: 11-12 weeks *AAS or All-America Selections is a nonprofit organization founded in 1932 to test new flowers and vegetables for home gardening. We utilize a network of over 40 trials grounds across North America 2

Here is our comprehensive garden task list for gardens in the greater DC metro region for June 16-July 15. Your additions to this list are most welcome: • Direct sow annual flower and vegetable seeds. • Water newly planted trees and shrubs weekly or as needed. • Contact a certified arborist to have your trees’ health inspected. • Check on your container plants daily and keep them well watered. • Watch for insect and disease problems throughout your garden. • Mow in the early evening and cut off no more than one-third of the grass height at one time. Leave grass clippings on the ground to provide nutrients. • Add barley straw (in a bale or ball) to your pond to improve water clarity. • Take cuttings from azaleas and roses to start new plants. • Harvest herbs to use in salads and summer dishes. • Try a few new tropical plants on your patio. • Shape your evergreens and hedges. • Look for slug trails in the early morning and put out slug bait as needed. • Tie-up climbing roses and other wandering vines. • Fill in bare spots in the garden with annuals. • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage reblooming. • Prune flowering shrubs as their flowers fade. Last chance to do so for fall blooming camellias. • Spray roses with Neem oil every two weeks. • Start a sunflower patch with help from a few kids. • Harvest strawberry beds daily. • Cut a few flowers to enjoy at your workplace. • This is the perfect time to apply grub control. • Change the water in your birdbath daily and throw a mosquito dunk (or bits) into any standing water. • Put in supports for tomatoes and tall-blooming plants such as dahlias. • Order spring flowering bulbs to arrive for planting this fall. • Take photos and update your garden journal. • Inspect your garden hose for leaks and tighten all connections. • Weed. • Sow beets, beans, cucumbers, pumpkins, and squash for fall harvest. • Prune boxwoods. • Sharpen your lawnmower blade. • Avoid pesticides or any chemicals near your water garden. • Make hummingbird food by boiling two cups sugar in four cups water. • Turn your compost pile. • Clean up fallen fruit and berries. • Cover berry bushes and fruit trees with bird netting. • Dig up garlic when the tops turn brown. Let dry in the sun then braid and store. • Fertilize your azaleas and rhododendrons and monitor them closely for any lacebug damage. • Sow heat-tolerant greens like Swiss Chard and mustard greens in part-shade. • As the heat and humidity move in, take it easy by working in the morning or early evening to avoid intense sun and humidity. Leave the big projects for this fall. For now concentrate on maintaining the beds you’ve already established and nurturing your new plantings.

WASHINGTON GARDENER ENEWS © 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine. All rights reserved.

������������������������������������ Save money by purchasing your FREQUENT VISITOR PASS and enjoy unlimited return visits this season!

Experience the Magic of the Morpho Butterfly!

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WASHINGTON GARDENER ENEWS © 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine. All rights reserved.


“Catnip” photo by Drena J. Galarza

Pet-Friendly Gardening

Cats and Dogs Can Coexist with Your Gardens By Kathy Jentz

If you love your canine and feline family members and your outdoor spaces, here are a few ways they can co-exist in harmony with each other. Pets and gardens go together well, like, wool and seersucker – meaning, not really a natural match, but you can make it work with a little designing, flair, and planning. The most important thing is to ensure your plantings are pet-friendly. The ASPCA has a comprehensive list of poisonous plants to avoid in your garden at http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/plants/. Common toxic garden plants to avoid are Asiatic Lilies, Lily of the Valley, Yews, and Foxgloves. Next, you will want to put in plants that can put up with some animal foot traffic and even an occasional napping. Try Ornamental Grasses, Clumping Bamboos, and Ferns. Cover bare ground with sturdy groundcovers like Ajuga, Liriope, and Alyssum. Add color with edible flowers like marigolds, snapdragons, and thornless roses. If your “fur baby” is like many pets that love to chew and eat anything they can get in their mouths, you will want to avoid using tools and garden materials that are toxic to animals. Top of the list is to avoid Cocoa Mulch. Keep pets away from slug and rodent baits as well as soil amendments like bone meal and blood meal. Fertilizers can also be dangerous for pets to ingest. Be sure to store your garden tools and hoses after each use so that your dog does not “discover” them and make them his new chew toys. 4

As we reported in the Spring 2012 issue of Washington Gardener Magazine, “High amounts of lead, phthalates, and the toxic chemical BPA were all found in the water of a new hose after it sat outside in the sun for just a few days.” We recommended you choose polyurethane or natural rubber water hoses, and non-PVC tools and work gloves. Tools can also cause injury when pets step on them or rub against them, so store all un-used pruners, hoes, etc. in a safe place. The compost pile can be very tempting to pets, but coffee grounds and moldy foods can be toxic to them. Keep your compost contained and offlimits to pets or bury it. Avoid using any pesticides or herbicides around areas pets will visit in your garden. There is no long-term testing for pet “safe level” exposure to these lethal chemicals. Your pets are, of course, current on their rabies vaccine, right? It is still a good idea even so to keep an eye on your pet anytime they are outdoors to make sure they do not accidentally encounter a rabid animal or play with a dead carcass. Fleas and ticks are a concern for all pets. Keep your lawn neatly trimmed as ticks love tall,

WASHINGTON GARDENER ENEWS © 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine. All rights reserved.

unkempt grasses, Check your animals regularly with a flea comb and for any tick hitch-hikers.

Specific Tips for Cat Owners Most of the advice for cats in gardens centers on their skills as a master predator. This is fantastic for those of us with mole, vole, or other rodent issues. However, we do want to watch out for the other beneficial animals that visit our gardens like birds. Put a bell on your cat’s collar and keep bird feeders high and away from where cats can jump to them. Provide birds with safe shelter like a prickly holly bush that they can retreat to.

Specific Tips for Dog Owners The best thing to do is to set aside a space where your dog can dig and do as he pleases. Otherwise, you are chasing him all over your yard yelling “No!” and the poor thing starts to think that is his name. Give him a shady spot in a outof-the-way corner where not much grows anyway. Mark it off with a stone or wood border and every time he digs where he is not supposed to, bring him over to his “yes” spot. You might even add a few bags of sand to the area to make it more fun for him to dig in. With just a few precautions you and your pet can enjoy your gardens stress- and hazard-free.

About the Author

Kathy Jentz is Editor/Publisher of Washington Gardener

Magazine. She has leash-trained her Maine Coon, Santino, and he joins her for weeding sessions in the garden. She blogs about “Cats in Gardens” sharing a photo and story about a different cat in a garden setting each week at http://catsingardens.blogspot.com/. She welcomes your cat-in-garden submissions at kathyjentz@gmail.com.

Washington Gardener Book Club Summer 2013 Pick

Photo courtesy of www.HealthyStuff.org.

For our next selection Washington Gardener Magazine Book Club, we are reading Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer by Novella Carpenter. We have reserved a meeting room at the Takoma Park* DC Neighborhood Library Room in the downstairs Meeting Room on Tuesday, July 16, 2013, from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM. The room allows food and drink and you may bring your dinner and/or snacks to share. We checked and made sure that the DC library and other local library systems currently have several copies available for borrowing of Farm City. The book club meetings are FREE and open to anyone who would like to attend. Please RSVP to “WG Book Club” at WashingtonGardener@rcn. com. We limit attendance to 20. If you need to cancel, please let us know ASAP so we can give your spot to someone else, should we have a wait-list. In case you like to read ahead, the Fall 2013 book club selections is: Beatrix Farrand: Private Gardens, Public Landscapes by Judith Tankard We will announce the date for the next book club meetings after each previous meeting. We will meet roughly once each quarter. *Note that there is also a Takoma Park, MD town library. This meeting will take place at the library in Takoma, DC at 416 Cedar Street, NW, WDC. It is just a couple blocks from the Takoma metro station and is near several bus lines. Street parking is available in the neighborhood.

WASHINGTON GARDENER ENEWS © 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine. All rights reserved.


TOP AREA GARDENING EVENTS DC-Area Gardening Calendar ~ Upcoming Events ~ June 16 - July 15, 2013 • Tuesday, June 25, 10am-2pm Garden Whimsy Mosaic Totems Jane Pettit, Mother Nature Throws a Party These mosaic sculptures add color and artistic whimsy to any garden. They can be tucked among the plants or set out as a focal point. The mosaicked poles are approximately 30" x 4". All supplies are provided, including pole, adhesive, grout, and mosaic materials: tiles, dish shards, stained glass, stones, and shells. The two-day class involves mosaicking the first day and grouting the second. Must attend both sessions. Register for course # 231208 on ParkPASS. Fee $95; FOBG $85 Registration required. Brookside Gardens Visitors Center 1800 Glenallan Avenue Wheaton, MD 20902. See http://www. montgomeryparks.org/brookside/. • Tuesdays: June 25, July 2, August 6 and “first Tuesdays” through October 10-11 am Guided Garden Tours Historic & Growing: Understanding the Tudor Place Landscape Immerse yourself in the lore of centuries-old trees, heirloom plants and flowers, and shapely English boxwood on a guided walk across 5.5 acres and two centuries of landscape design. Tudor Place reflects both its Federalperiod origins and changes in land use over time; see first-hand how orchards, vegetable patches and stables made way for lawns, rose beds, and the lovely garden “rooms” of this urban estate, as four owners over six generations cared for and embellished the landscape. Advance registration encouraged but not required at www.tudorplace.org. Tudor Place Historic House and Garden, 1644 31st Street, NW, Washington, DC. • Wednesday, June 26, 9:30-11:30am Hands-On Potting! Find out how to handle seedlings, potup plants, and divide overgrown perennials. Mt. Cuba Center’s knowledgeable greenhouse staff will demonstrate proper plant care and answer your questions. You will even take home the native plants you work with. Mt. Cuba Center, 3120 Barley Mill Rd., Hockessin, DE 19707, mtcubacenter.org. 6

• Wednesday, June 26, 7-8pm Concert in the Garden Be our guests for a musical evening in the gardens with the Fairfax Symphony Brass Quintet and celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Friends of Green Spring (FROGS). Bring a picnic dinner to enjoy on the lawn. FROGS Board will serve complimentary birthday cake and lemonade and raffle off 20 plants in celebration of their 20 years. Free. Green Spring Gardens, 4603 Green Spring Rd, Alexandria, VA 22312, www. fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/greenspring. • Thursday, June 27, 12noon Online Chat: Threats to Your Tree Insects and Disease Tree decay is a tricky issue to detect and can require more sleuthing than just a visual inspection to identify. Pick up some basic and advanced detection tips during this online chat to better understand the warning signs of decay and failure. Casey Trees, caseytrees.org. •Friday, June 28, 10:30-11am and 12noon-12:30pm Pollinator Party! Does your garden flutter? Is it a-buzz with flighty friends? Whether you are invested in insect garden visitors or just want to learn more, come celebrate pollinators at the USBG during this special event. Join Jim Willmott, USBG Plant Health Care Specialist, as he shares the wonders of what butterflies, bumblebees and honeybees bring the environment, and then help him release select butterflies into our Butterfly Garden! Please note: This program will be offered twice, at 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. It is held outdoors. We suggest bringing sunscreen, protective clothing and water. The program is canceled if it rains or during times of extreme heat (heat index of 95 degrees or higher/ Code Red weather alert). United States Botanic Garden Conservatory, 100 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC. See more at: http://www.usbg.gov. • Saturday, June 29, 8:30am–1:00pm Vegetable Gardening Open House The Montgomery County Master Gardeners will host a free Open House

WASHINGTON GARDENER ENEWS © 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine. All rights reserved.

about Vegetable Gardening at the University of Maryland Extension/Montgomery County, Agricultural History Farm Park, 18410 Muncaster Road, Derwood, MD 20855. Sessions include growing grapes and making wine, fall and winter vegetable gardening, pests and diseases, seed saving, and cooking with herbs. Attendees can purchase plants, have gardening questions answered, and tour the Demonstration Garden. No registration is required. For those interested in canning, a separate class on Food Preservation will take place during the Open House from 10:00am–1:00pm for $35. To register, send the online form with check to the above address by June 21. For more information, go to: http://www.extension.umd.edu/growit/ montgomery-county-vegetable-gardening-classes-and-events. • Sunday, June 30, 2-4pm Washington Gardener Magazine’s Garden Photo Contest Exhibit Opening Reception Winning photographs from this year’s Washington Gardener Magazine photo contest will be on display at Meadowlark through August 25. Light refreshments offered at reception. Free and open to the public. Reservations not required. Address: Meadowlark Botanical Gardens, 9750 Meadowlark Gardens Court, Vienna, Virginia 22182. Go online to : http://www.nvrpa.org/park/ meadowlark_botanical_gardens/events. • Monday, July 1 Oatlands Art Show Fifteenth Annual Four Seasons of Oatlands Art Show and Sale Begins July 1 The fifteenth annual Four Seasons of Oatlands Art Show and Sale will be displayed in Oatlands’ historic Carriage House from July 1 through July 31. The show is free and open to the public, and Oatlands’ Carriage House is airconditioned for a pleasant and unique gallery experience. Oatlands Historic House and Gardens, 20850 Oatlands Plantation Lane, Leesburg, VA 20175, www.oatlands.org.

TOP AREA GARDENING EVENTS DC-Area Gardening Calendar ~ Upcoming Events ~ June 16 - July 15, 2013 • Sunday, July 7, Sale- 11:00am until sold out, Show- 1:30-5:00pm Daylily Show & Sale Sponsored by the National Capital Daylily Club at the Brookside Gardens Visitors Center 1800 Glenallan Avenue Wheaton, MD 20902. See http://www. montgomeryparks.org/brookside/ events_calendar.shtm. • Thursday, July 11 10:30am-12noon Gardening for Children with Special Needs A gathering of parents, educators, gardeners, special education advocates, and environmental educators to discuss successes and resources for gardening and outdoor learning for children with special needs. The program will feature a discussion of the book, Gardening for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Special Educational Needs, by Natasha Etherington. Everyone is welcome to this free discussion. Reading of the book is optional. The discussion leaders include: • Elenor Hodges, Nancy Striniste and Mary Van Dyke of NoVA Outside • April Rosenthal, Therapeutic Recreation Programmer. Arlington County Department of Parks and Recreation Sponsored by NoVA Outside, An Alliance for Environmental Educators. Central Library 2nd floor meeting room, 1015 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA. More information:www.novaoutside.org <http://www.novaoutside.org/> or 703228-6427. • Saturday July 13, 10am-1pm Preservation Basics ‘Tis the season of abundance! Figure out how to preserve summer’s bounty at this interactive workshop. You’ll leave this workshop with a strong understanding of pickling, fermentation, dehydration, and freezing. Bring your questions and plan to eat well all year. Separate child-friendly activities are available for an additional fee. Fee: $35. Instructor: Rachel Bronson, formerly of the Farm School. Arcadia Farm, 9000 Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA 22309, call 571.384.8845 or email info@arcadiafood.org.

• Sunday, July 14, 12:30pm-3:30pm Workshop: Bonsai II Take your skills and your tree to the next level at this workshop designed for those who have taken a beginner’s class and are ready for the next step. Bring your tree in to learn how to properly prune, wire, and apply design elements that will improve its overall design and health. The Museum curator will teach the principles and give individual attention to each participant. Limit of one large or two small bonsai per student. Bring your own tools. Fee: $39 ($31 FONA/NBF) Registration required. National Bonsai & Penjing Museum Lecture/Demonstration Center, United States National Arboretum 3501 New York Avenue, NE; Washington, DC. See details at http://www. usna.usda.gov/index.html. • Various dates and times Master Gardener Plant Clinics Montgomery County Master Gardeners will be providing Free, Walk-in ”Ask A Master Gardener” Plant Clinics at 13 locations around the County during the April through October gardening season. County residents may bring their full and intact plant and insect samples, garden problems and/or questions and get free answers or advice. For further information call the Master Gardener Plant Helpline: 301-590-9650, weekday mornings or send email to mgmont@umd.edu.

SPECIAL NOTE: The National Arboretum is now CLOSED every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday because of the sequester cuts. They are OPEN Friday through Monday, 8:00am-5:00pm. Please see http:// www.usna.usda.gov/index.html for additional information.

SAVE THE DATE: • Tuesday, July 16, Washington Gardener Magazine Book Club, 6:00-7:30PM, Takoma Park* DC Neighborhood Library We will be reading “Farm City: The Education of an Urban Farmer” by Novella Carpenter. See details on page 5 of this enewsletter.

•Washington Gardener Magazine is proud to be a sponsor of the annual Parade of Ponds weekend in the DCMD on July 27-28, 2013. Participants can tour private gardens in the area that include ponds, water features, and water gardens for inspiration and enjoyment. They can visit all the gardens over the weekend in any order they desire or just visit a few. Donations are requested from tour-goers and all proceeds go to support Shepherd’s Table in Silver Spring, MD, which provides food and services to the needy. For more information, visit: http://www.premierpond.com/parade-of-ponds.html. • Saturday, August 24, 6th Annual Washington Gardener Magazine Tomato Tasting, 10:00am-12:00noon, FreshFarm Market in downtown Silver Spring, MD. Sample the multitude of tomatoes at market and vote on your favorites. Stop by for tomato recipes, growing tips, and much more... The event is FREE and open to the public. Wear a bib! Details at http://washingtongardener. blogspot.com/. Still More Event Listings See even more event listings on the Washington Gardener Yahoo discussion list. Join the list at http://groups.yahoo. com/group/WashingtonGardener/. Event Listing Submissions To submit an event for this listing, please contact: Wgardenermag@aol. com and put “Event” in the email subject head. Our next deadline is July 12 for the July 15 edition of this enewsletter featuring events taking place July 16-August 15.

Your Ad Here

Are you trying to reach thousands of gardeners in the greater DC region/Mid-Atlantic area? Washington Gardener Enews goes out on the 15th of every month and is a free sister publication to Washington Gardener magazine. Contact wgardenermag@aol.com or call 301.588-6894 for ad rates. The ad deadline is the 10th of each month. Please submit your ad directly to: wgardenermag@aol.com.

WASHINGTON GARDENER ENEWS © 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine. All rights reserved.





MARCH/APRIL 2005 • Landscape DIY vs. Pro • Prevent Gardener’s Back • Ladew Topiary Gardens • Cherry Trees

MAY/JUNE 2007 • Roses: Easy Care Tips • Native Roses & Heirloom Roses • Edible Flowers • How to Plant a Bare-root Rose

MAY/JUNE 2009 • Top Easy Summer Annuals for DC Heat • Salad Table Project • Grow and Enjoy Eggplant • How to Chuck a Woodchuck

MAY/JUNE 2005 • Stunning Plant Combinations • Turning Clay into Rich Soil • Wild Garlic • Strawberries

JULY/AUGUST 2007 • Groundcovers: Alternatives to Turfgrass • How to Pinch, Prune, & Dead-head •William Paca House & Gardens • Hardy Geraniums

SUMMER 2009 • Grow Grapes in the Mid-Atlantic • Passionflowers • Mulching Basics • What’s Bugging Your Tomatoes • Growing Hops

JULY/AUGUST 2005 • Water Gardens • Poison Ivy • Disguising a Sloping Yard • Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2007 • Succulents: Hardy to our Region • Drought-tolerant Natives • Southern Vegetables • Seed Saving Savvy Tips

FALL 2009 • Apples • How To Save Tomato Seeds • Persimmons

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2005 • Container Gardens • Clematis Vines • Sponge Gardening/Rain Gardens • 5 Insect Enemies of Gardeners

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2007 • Gardening with Children • Indoor Bulb Forcing Basics • National Museum of the American Indian • Versatile Viburnums

WINTER 2009 • Battling Garden Thugs • How to Start Seeds Indoors • Red Twig Dogwoods • Unusual Edibles to Grow in Our Region

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2005 • Backyard Bird Habitats • Hellebores • Building a Coldframe • Bulb Planting Basics

JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2008 • Dealing with Deer • Our Favorite Garden Tools • Indoor Bulb Forcing Basics • Delightful Daffodils

JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2006 • Garden Decor Principles • Primroses • Tasty Heirloom Veggies • U.S. Botanic Garden

MARCH/APRIL 2008 • Patio, Balcony, Rooftop Container Gardens • Our Favorite Garden Tools • Coral Bells (Heucheras)

SUMMER 2010 • Fragrance Gardens • Watering Without Waste • Lavender • Potatoes

MAY/JUNE 2008 — ALMOST SOLD OUT! • Growing Great Tomatoes • Glamorous Gladiolus • Seed Starting Basics • Flavorful Fruiting Natives

FALL 2010 • Vines and Climbers • Battling Stink Bugs • Russian Sage • Garlic

JULY/AUGUST 2008 • Landscaping with Ornamental Grasses • Edible Grasses to Graze On • Slug and Snail Control • Sage Advice: Sun-loving Salvias

WINTER 2010 • Paths and Walkways • Edgeworthia • Kohlrabi

MARCH/APRIL 2006 • Top 10 Small Trees and Large Shrubs • Azaleas • Figs, Berries, & Persimmons • Basic Pruning Principles MAY/JUNE 2006 • Using Native Plants in Your Landscape • Crabgrass • Peppers • Secret Sources for Free Plants JULY/AUGUST 2006 • Hydrangeas • Theme Gardens • Agave • Find Garden Space by Growing Up SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2006 • Shade Gardening • Hosta Care Guide • Fig-growing Tips and Recipes NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2006 • Horticultural Careers • Juniper Care Guide • Winter Squash Growing Tips and Recipes • Layer/Lasagna Gardening JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2007 • Indoor Gardening • Daphne Care Guide • Asparagus Growing Tips and Recipes • Houseplant Propagation MARCH/APRIL 2007 • Stormwater Management • Dogwood Selection & Care Guide • Early Spring Vegetable Growing Tips • Franciscan Monastery Bulb Gardens


SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 • Autumn Edibles — What to Plant Now • Beguiling Barrenworts (Epimediums) • The Best Time to Plant Spring-blooming Bulbs • 14 Dry Shade Plants Too Good to Overlook NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2008 • Outdoor Lighting Essentials • How to Prune Fruiting Trees, Shrubs, and Vines • 5 Top Tips for Overwintering Tender Bulbs • Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2009 • Compost Happens: Nature’s Free Fertilizer • Managing Stormwater with a Rain Garden • Visiting Virginia’s State Arboretum • Grow Winter Hazel for Gorgeous Winter Color MARCH/APRIL 2009 • 40+ Free and Low-cost Local Garden Tips • Spring Edibles Planting Guide for the Mid-Atlantic • Testing Your Soil for a Fresh Start • Redbud Tree Selection and Care • Best Viewing Spots for Virginia Bluebells

SPRING 2010 • Community Gardens • Building a Raised Bed • Dwarf Iris • Broccoli

SPRING 2011 • Cutting-Edge Gardens • Final Frost Dates and When to Plant • Bleeding Hearts • Onions SUMMER 2011 • Ornamental Edibles • Urban Foraging • Amsonia/Arkansas Blue Star • Growing Corn in the Mid-Atlantic FALL 2011 • Herb Gardens • Toad Lilies • Sweet Potatoes • Cool Weather Cover Crops WINTER 2011 - EARLY SPRING 2012 • Green Roofs and Walls • Heaths and Heathers • Radishes SPRING 2012 • Pollinator Gardens • Brunnera: Perennial of the Year • Growing Yacon SUMMER 2012 • Tropical Gardens • Captivating Canna • Icebox Watermelons

WASHINGTON GARDENER ENEWS © 2013 Washington Gardener Magazine. All rights reserved.




Coming Soon!

Washington Gardener Magazine’s DayTrip columns compiled into one handy publication — available soon in both paper and e-book versions. Great gift idea!

Your Ad Here

Are you trying to reach thousands of gardeners in the greater DC region/Mid-Atlantic area? Washington Gardener Enews goes out on the 15th of every month and is a free sister publication to Washington Gardener magazine. Contact wgardenermag@aol.com or call 301.588-6894 for ad rates. The ad deadline is the 10th of each month. Please submit your ad directly to: wgardenermag@aol.com.

In Our Next Issue... Miniature/Faerie Gardens

Annmarie Garden in Solomons, MD

Garden Tour Season Wrap-Up Growing Great Carrots!

If your business would like to reach area gardeners, be sure to contact us by July 10 so you can be part of the next issue of our growing publication! oooooooooooooooooooooooo

Be sure you are subscribed!

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Magazine Excerpt: Have Your Squash and Eat It, Too!

BY ELIZABETH OLSON Gardeners who like to grow squash have to cope with one of the most vexing indigenous pests: the squash vine borer, Melittia cucurbitae. A single borer larva can cause significant damage to — or the death of — a squash vine. The borer afflicts cultivars of the squash species Cucurbita maxima and C. pepo. The majority of familiar summer squash, winter squash, and pumpkin cultivars belong to these two species. Common practices to ensure a crop from susceptible cultivars include: • Preventive pesticide applications • Surgical removal of borers from infested vines • Trying to outpace borers by encouraging the formation of roots at the leaf nodes of running vines that sprawl on the ground • For bush-type summer squash, expecting borer damage and a limited crop, then destroy infested plants before the growing season is over. The easiest and most productive option is to plant cultivars of squash species that are naturally resistant to the squash vine borer. This works very well, especially in gardens such as the traditional Three Sisters garden, where access to squash vines is problematic during the growing season. Naturally resistant squash species are C. moschata and C. argyrosperma (syn. C. mixta). These two species have a surprising number of cultivars, are well-adapted for the greater Washington region, and have the same general cultural needs as the better-known squash species. The plants have running vines that can be managed; see the recommendations in Cultural Notes on page 14 of this issue... Want to learn more about growing Squash and fighting the vine borer? Read the rest of this EdibleHarvest column in the Spring 2013 issue of Washington Gardener Magazine. See how to subscribe below to start with this issue.

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