Design Principles and Methods Proposal

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DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND METHODS A Proposal for a New Thread at the Welsh School of Architecture

Dr. Wassim Jabi Dr. Cristian Suau Jacob Hotz Sam Clark Sergio Pineda

Welsh School of Architecture Dr. Wassim Jabi, Senior Lecturer

DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND METHODS A Proposal for a New Thread at the Welsh School of Architecture

INTRODUCTION This is a proposal to introduce a new thread of teaching and research at the Welsh School of Architecture. Reflecting on the needs of graduating students and contemporary challenges, this proposal puts forward a new teaching thread, titled Principles and Methods, based on the long traditions of Design Research and Design Methods – re-considered in light of contemporary issues. The basic aim of this thread is to enable students to gain knowledge and skills in the multi-faceted areas involved in the process of designing. This general aim will find specificity in the various modules, outlined below, that will form this thread. LOGISTICS Similar to the existing threads of Architectural Technology, and History and Theory, the Principles and Methods thread must have a subject area leader, module leaders, and a cohort of tutors that contribute to it. In addition, and again similar to the other two areas, the Principles and Methods area will ally itself with the Practice Research Group and derive its teaching from the research interests of staff members. Finally, since this area focuses heavily on the design process, it will aim to integrate with the main design studio thread in many aspects. MODULES AND AREAS OF ENQUIRY The proposed sequence of modules and areas of enquiry is: First Year Module Title: DPM I: Fundamentals Focus on: Conceptualisation Abstraction Composition Skills: Communication/Representational Skills Sensorial/Analytic Skills Cognitive Skills Tasks: Fieldwork Geometry Precedent Studies Model Making Design Diary Second Year Module Title: DPM II: Digital Enquiry Focus on: Critical Thinking 1

Skills: Tasks:

Conceptual Thinking Systematic Thinking Communication/Representational Skills Parametric Design Simulation Rationalisation / Optimisation Digital Fabrication Praxis (Architectural + Urban) Layering Conceptual Board Parametric Form Finding Simulation Rationalisation and Fabrication

Third Year Module Title: DPM III: Design Research Manifesto Focus on: Critical Thinking Systematic Thinking Integrative Thinking Skills:

Tasks: (Focus on one of) Conduct a practicum resulting in a design research manifesto in one of the following areas: 1. Digital Making and Narrative Through Parameters. 2. Materials and Fabrication. 3. Spatial Politics and Contemporary Practice. 4. Perception and the Poetics of Phenomena.

Fifth Year Principles and Methods will be fully integrated in the Dissertation and Thesis Studio offerings. In particular, we will see results in: Design-based dissertations Design Diaries Design Thesis Work and Presentation Methods. INITIAL BIBLIOGRAPHY This is by no means a comprehensive list. Individual tutors will contribute their own bibliographic references as the modules get introduced. This list is illustrative of the breadth of possible references in the general area of Principles and Methods. The bibliography includes references in the general areas of: Theory, Design Process and Methods Research, Architectural Representation, Sketching, Model Making, Digital Design, Material and Construction. • • • • •

Akin, O. (1979) An Exploration of the Design Process. Alexander, C. (1964). Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Harvard University Press. Aranda, B., Lasch, C. (2006). Tooling. Pamphlet Architecture 27. Archer, L.B. (1965). Systematic Method for Designers. London: Council of Industrial Design. Archer, L.B. (1979). "Whatever Became of Design Methodology?". Design Studies 1 (1): 17–20. 2

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Broadbent, G. (2006). Design in Architecture. Wiley. Ching, D.K., Juroszek, S.P. (1997). Design Drawing. Wiley. Cook, P. (2008). Drawing:The Motive Force of Architecture. Architectural Design (AD). Wiley. Cross, N. (2006). Designerly Ways of Knowing. London: Springer. Deplazes, A. (2008). Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures; a Handbook. Birkhauser Verlag. Eastman, C. (1970). “On the Analysis of Intuitive Design Process” in G. Moore, ed., Emerging Methods in Environment and Planning. MIT Press. 21–37. Farrelly, L. (2007). Basics Architecture: Representational Techniques. AVA Publishing. Hensel, M. , A. Menges M. Weinstock (eds.) (2006). Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design. Architectural Design. Hensel, M. and A. Menges (eds.) (2008). Versatility and Vicissitude: Performance in Morpho-Ecological Design. Wiley. Iwamoto, L. (2009). Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques. Princeton Architectural Press. Jones, J.C. and D.G. Thornley (eds) (1963) Conference on Design Methods, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press Jones, J.C. (1992). Design Methods. Wiley. Kolarevic, B. (ed) (2005). Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing. Taylor and Francis. Leach, N. (1997). Rethinking Architecture. Leach, N. (2002). Designing for a Digital World. Leach, N., D. Turnbull and C. Williams (eds) (2004). Digital Tectonics. Wiley. Mills, C. B. (2005). Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and Using Architectural Design Models. Wiley. Pallasmaa, J. (2009). The Thinking Hand. Wiley. Rahim, A. (ed) (2000). Contemporary Processes in Architecture. Architectural Design. Wiley. Rahim, A. (ed) (2002). Contemporary Techniques in Architecture. Architectural Design. Wiley. Rykwert, J. (2005). Translation and/or Representation. (Mellon Lecture). Schön, D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action. New York: Basic Books. Simon, H.A. (1969). The Sciences of the Artificial. Karl Taylor Compton lectures. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press. Sakamoto, T., Ferre, A., Kubo, M. (eds) (2008). From Control to Design: Parametric/Algorithmic Architecture. Actar. Terzidis, K. (2006). Algorithmic Architecture. Architectural Press. Unwin, S. (2009). Analysing Architecture. Routledge. Umemoto, N. and J. Reiser (2006). Atlas of Novel Tectonics. Princeton Architectural Press. Woodbury, R. (2010). Elements of Parametric Design. Routledge. Zumthor, P. (2010). Thinking Architecture. Birkhauser Verlag.


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