DPM2: Digital Enquiry

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DPM 2: DIGITAL ENQUIRY A Proposal for a New Thread at the Welsh School of Architecture

Dr. Wassim Jabi and Sergio Pineda

Welsh School of Architecture

DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND METHODS DPM 2: DIGITAL ENQUIRY YEAR 2 - FALL TERM - 10 CREDITS (DRAFT PREPARED BY DR. WASSIM JABI AND SERGIO PINEDA) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The aim of this module is to maintain and improve the connections between design creativity and computational principles and methods in architectural design. This module introduces students to the use of digital tools for design enquiry. It extends the concepts and techniques of design investigations to include digital principles and methods for representation, form-finding, modelling, simulation, rationalisation, and fabrication. The focus of the content is tightly coupled to that of the studio -- mainly the analysis of context and the design of appropriate architectural responses. LEARNING OUTCOMES Critically evaluate the role of digital tools and their effect on the proposed design response. Select and use appropriate digital techniques for representation, 3D modelling, material assignment, lighting, animation, analysis, and fabrication. Creatively integrate digital tools and techniques in the design process. CONTENT Praxis Use architectural standards and conventions for accurate and disciplined technical drawing. Task: Draft accurate representations of an architectural or urban precedent. Figure-ground analysis, accurate plans, sections, elevations etc.) Layering Use layering techniques to aggregate, superimpose and order information. Task: Use advanced image-processing (using Adobe Photoshop) to create an evocative conceptual image - focus on response layered on top of a context. Conceptual Thinking Use narrative, hierarchy, order, layout to convey a specific concept. Task : Use material from previous tasks and combine with advanced layout and desktop publishing (using Adobe Illustrator) to create a conceptual board.


Form Finding Use 3D digital modelling tools (including generative and parametric ones) to investigate possible responses to a design problem. Task: Create a series of analytical digital studies (using 3DS Max) for the architectural project in studio. Simulation Use 3D digital modelling tools to investigate the behaviour of digital models. Task: Create a series of digital studies (using 3DS Max) that simulate material, lighting, and other conditions for the architectural project in studio. Rationalisation and Fabrication Use 3D digital modelling tools to investigate the real-world construction of digital models. Task: Create a series of rationalised digital studies (using 3D Studio Max) that unfold and rationalise an architectural element and prepare it for digital fabrication. ASSESSMENT This module is project-based and will be assessed based on the quality of each of the 6 submitted projects. There will be no exams. SCHEDULE Wk 1&2: Praxis: Task 1: Task 2:

Investigations using drawing and analysis standards and conventions. Architectural standards using accurate drawings of precedents. Urban analysis using figure-ground and other mapping techniques.

Wk 3:

Layering: Task 3:

Wk 4:

Conceptual Board Use of analogy, narrative, diagram, and image to convey an architectural concept. Task 4: Create a conceptual board using desktop publishing and illustration techniques.

Wk 5&6: Form Finding

Image-based layering techniques. Project/Context Montage Image.

Use of digital techniques for design enquiry and formfinding. 2

Task 5:

Wk 7&8: Simulation Task 6:

Create a series of analytical digital studies (using 3DS Max) for the architectural project in studio.

Use of digital techniques for design enquiry and simulation of properties (material, light etc). Create a series of analytical digital studies (using 3DS Max) for the architectural project in studio.

Wk 9&10: Rationalisation and Fabrication Use of digital techniques for design enquiry and rationalisation of form. Task 7: Rationalise and prepare an architectural element for fabrication. Create a series of analytical digital studies (using 3DS Max) for an element in the architectural project in studio. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Akin, O. (1979) An Exploration of the Design Process. Alexander, C. (1964). Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Harvard University Press. Aranda, B., Lasch, C. (2006). Tooling. Pamphlet Architecture 27. Archer, L.B. (1965). Systematic Method for Designers. London: Council of Industrial Design. Archer, L.B. (1979). "Whatever Became of Design Methodology?". Design Studies 1 (1): 17–20. Broadbent, G. (2006). Design in Architecture. Wiley. Ching, D.K., Juroszek, S.P. (1997). Design Drawing. Wiley. Cook, P. (2008). Drawing: The Motive Force of Architecture. Architectural Design (AD). Wiley. Cross, N. (2006). Designerly Ways of Knowing. London: Springer. Deplazes, A. (2008). Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures; a Handbook. Birkhauser Verlag. Eastman, C. (1970). “On the Analysis of Intuitive Design Process” in G. Moore, ed., Emerging Methods in Environment and Planning. MIT Press. 21–37. Farrelly, L. (2007). Basics Architecture: Representational Techniques. AVA Publishing. Hensel, M. , A. Menges M. Weinstock (eds.) (2006). Techniques and Technologies in Morphogenetic Design. Architectural Design. Hensel, M. and A. Menges (eds.) (2008).Versatility and Vicissitude: Performance in Morpho-Ecological Design. Wiley. 3

Iwamoto, L. (2009). Digital Fabrications: Architectural and Material Techniques. Princeton Architectural Press. Jones, J.C. and D.G. Thornley (eds) (1963) Conference on Design Methods, Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press Jones, J.C. (1992). Design Methods. Wiley. Kolarevic, B. (ed) (2005). Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing. Taylor and Francis. Leach, N. (1997). Rethinking Architecture. Leach, N. (2002). Designing for a Digital World. Leach, N., D. Turnbull and C. Williams (eds) (2004). Digital Tectonics. Wiley. Mills, C. B. (2005). Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and Using Architectural Design Models. Wiley. Pallasmaa, J. (2009). The Thinking Hand. Wiley. Rahim, A. (ed) (2000). Contemporary Processes in Architecture. Architectural Design. Wiley. Rahim, A. (ed) (2002). Contemporary Techniques in Architecture. Architectural Design. Wiley. Rykwert, J. (2005). Translation and/or Representation. (Mellon Lecture). Schรถn, D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How professionals think in action. New York: Basic Books. Simon, H.A. (1969). The Sciences of the Artificial. Karl Taylor Compton lectures. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press. Sakamoto, T., Ferre, A., Kubo, M. (eds) (2008). From Control to Design: Parametric/ Algorithmic Architecture. Actar. Terzidis, K. (2006). Algorithmic Architecture. Architectural Press. Unwin, S. (2009). Analysing Architecture. Routledge. Umemoto, N. and J. Reiser (2006). Atlas of Novel Tectonics. Princeton Architectural Press. Woodbury, R. (2010). Elements of Parametric Design. Routledge. Zumthor, P. (2010). Thinking Architecture. Birkhauser Verlag.




Praxis (Architectural)

Praxis (Urban)



Conceptual Board


Form Finding



Rationalisation and Fabrication


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