JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
My thoughts on the elections: 1. I'm fairly convinced that America did not vote for Obama. They simply voted against George Bush. And not as decisively as the electorial college vote might suggest. - the popular vote may pan out to show that very nearly half of Americans did not vote for Obama.
Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046
JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
2. Obama's main support came from a young sector who simply thought Obama is "cool" (much like the young demographic who elected Bill Clinton on the basis of his playing his saxaphone on MTV) and voted for his platform of change - a platform many young people could not define, other than point #1 above. The other segment of Obama's support came from those who desired change based on factors which in reality are have little direct impact by the office of the Presidency. In the final analysis, both points 1 and 2 above say the same thing - that a good number of American people want change so badly they would have voted for just about anyone giving them a glimmer of hope that change would happen. And that's exactly what happened.
Quote: Originally Posted by save_alkaline exactly! i like obama and have been pulling for him since his fight with hillary (of whom i can't stand and i would not have voted if she had won the primaries). but bush.. come on. i'm so beyond grateful to see his term finally come to an end. it was so bad that even the republican party didn't want him present throughout the campaign. I have but three issues with President Bush:
Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046
1. He campaigned on revamping Social Security, and had a plan for diverting the dollars that folks my age are paying into SS into something that was 401k like. Since it's questionable that I'll ever see a dime of Social Security, I was very much for that planned. He failed to implement it, or make any changes to SS whatsover. 2. It's possible that the decision to invade Iraq was made with bad information from the intelligence community. It's also very possible that the WMD in Iraq were hidden/moved so that we would not discover them. 3. He has not found Bin Laden. Outside of these issues, I have no complaints with the Bush Administration. I think Bush has been the scapegoat for issues and problems which really lie outside the purview of the purview of the office of the US Presidency. When the economy is good, the President takes credit. When it's bad, the President is blamed. But the US economy is a mighty big ship - when the President acts in those limited areas where the President impacts the economy, the effects aren't often seen for several quarters, and in many cases not until after their term of office. But most people don't realize that. Bill Clinton took a lot of credit for an economy that he did little to create, and Bush is being blamed in much the same way. Quote: in addition, i hardly concerned myself with mccain after he chose palin.
that woman is a walking disaster. i would do everything in my power to keep her out of the white house (maybe even vote for hillary despite my original claim above). Amusing. I would have voted for her ahead of Obama or McCain (I was always of the opinion we had two democrats running with Obama and McCain). JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
Originally Posted by illuminatus ... from the BBC http://tinyurl.com/62fn3z Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046 JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
This doesn't surprise me in the least. Obama's stance on most issues which many Americans might find morally questionable are fairly in step with prevailing values in Europe and abraod. Heck, the guy may not even have American citizenship.
Originally Posted by illuminatus ... genuinely interested, please do expand, i.e ... what issues ? Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046
... morally questionable ? ... prevailing values in Europe & abroad ? ... American citizenship with a
rather than a
I don't think it's a secret that traditional American values and sensibilities do tend to diverge a bit here and there from those in Europe. And yeah...I question the legitimacy of Ombama's US citizenship - it has been strongly suggested that he was actually born in Kenya, not Hawaii. I don't think we've heard the last of this issue. __________________ Owner & Administrator Watch Talk Forums www.watchtalkforums.info Rolex Reference Page www.rolexreferencepage.com Seamaster Reference Page www.seamasterreferencepage.com Contributing Writer & Photographer, InSync MAGAZINE NAWCC#0162437
JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
Originally Posted by save_alkaline and as a closing comment on my part - It will truely be a scary day if Palin ever gets in the white house. Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046
http://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/Politi...6196407&page=1 amongst many other MAJOR problems presented in the article.. she didn't know Africa was a continent?! come on! C'mon. Are you serious? The woman has a Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism, having graduated in 1987. Do you SERIOUSLY think the above is true, or do you think MAYBE there's no basis in this bit of heresay? I think you'd LIKE to believe it, but I think anyone who can stand toe to toe with Joe Biden in a political debate has a bit more going for them than that.... __________________ Owner & Administrator Watch Talk Forums www.watchtalkforums.info Rolex Reference Page www.rolexreferencepage.com Seamaster Reference Page www.seamasterreferencepage.com Contributing Writer & Photographer, InSync MAGAZINE NAWCC#0162437
JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
Originally Posted by save_alkaline it's not like it's rumored. it's documented.
Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046 JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
It's documented hearsay. That's all it is. And if you want to talk about turning a blind eye, we can talk about Obama quotes which show more than a little ignorance on his part. Obama displayed ignorance about American history when he said, "Throughout our history, America's confronted constantly evolving danger, from the oppression of an empire, to the lawlessness of the frontier, from the bomb that fell on Pearl Harbor, to the threat of nuclear annihilation." If you'd like a few more, just let me know...Obama's been a veritable well of idiocy that the he's for the most part gotten a free pass on...
Do you really want to go there? I mean, Obama's secrecy about how his education got funded? His radical and in some cases criminal associations? The drug use? And I'll match your "long list of fully documented blunders, mishaps, flat out lies, stupidity, mistakes, errors, etc." with one for Obama....and don't even get me started on Joe Biden. I mean, c'mon...the man only just decided it might be a good idea to quit smoking. And only for political reaons.
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Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046 JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
Originally Posted by save_alkaline i'm just saying, of all politicians i've ever seen, palin goes down as the slimiest / dumbest.
Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046
JBHII Administrator WTF Veteran
Believer in and enjoying a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Join Date: Nov 2007 Location: Dayton, OH USA Age: 38 Posts: 15,046
OK, I think we've entered end game on this particular exchange. If you're not willing to acknowledge that Bill Clinton is the most corrupt president/politician in American history, then your liberal bias is just too extreme to have a reasonable conversation. He does have the distinction of being the ONLY popular elected president ever impeached. __________________ Owner & Administrator Watch Talk Forums www.watchtalkforums.info Rolex Reference Page www.rolexreferencepage.com Seamaster Reference Page www.seamasterreferencepage.com Contributing Writer & Photographer, InSync MAGAZINE NAWCC#0162437
Originally Posted by two21b Richard Nixon - I am not a crook. Jimmy Carter - I have lusted in my heart. Dan Quayle - Po-tay-toe / Po-tah-toe Bill Clinton - I did not inhale. George W. Bush - nuff said. Do we really need to point out every politician's faults? Let's just re-elect Teddy Roosevelt. I see your point. However, given that I work closely with the Air Force secure personnel, I know more than a bit about the process of obtaining a DOD security clearance. Based on what I know about that process, I SERIOUSLY doubt that, given his list of known associates, Obama will be able to get the security clearance that any one holding the office of President of the United States should be able to get. That goes a quantum leap beyond the foibles you list - of course Bill Clinton, as previously stated, is guilty of far, far worse. __________________ Owner & Administrator Watch Talk Forums www.watchtalkforums.info Rolex Reference Page www.rolexreferencepage.com Seamaster Reference Page www.seamasterreferencepage.com Contributing Writer & Photographer, InSync MAGAZINE NAWCC#0162437