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According to your post in a thread at Watchgeeks entiltled “what does the future portend for Invicta” you claim that posts made concerning Invicta and a recent lawsuit were removed because they were linked to “a site set up to bash Watchgeeks, myself, jim anon”.


What a load of crap Davis! Your ego is rapidly catching up with that of the Knife Lord Jimbo. This is a watch forum. The skelton forum and in the dark are for those catching up on your private and darkened forum. Those forums were installed less then two months ago in response to requests for information on WG and Jimbo. I take an even hand in the Dark forum. On the other hand, skelton and you are open season for me and others.

You guys seem to have a lot of class as shown below.

Flyback –That trouble maker Alan is here now. How long before we ban him for life from here. Darth, banned from every forum in the world……… Michael- The guy is a head case. He thinks he thinks he really has something with those cheap watches he buys. He needs a clue. Bruce- Ban him now and save us some headaches. He doesn’t know his ass from a hole. Jim- He has one redeeming quality, he can make a sig file. His watch collection is crap. arielr22 – Alan is a tool and not a very useful one. CANNON – Now he changed himself to the zodiac. Maybe we can have him arrested. Aren’t they still looking for that buy in gaybay. He would fit right in, an asshole in a city looking for assholes.

And in case you had forgotten, the link is not at any forum and Asshat‌.. there are posts there that include happy buyers.

from Jim Skelton to his members. "It's a shame that Sean could not stop badgering certain folks and certain brands. Then when warned to stop posting links to WG-hating forums and content, he continued. Also a shame that he could not hold his temper in PMs. But as many of us know, Sean has been banned from numerous watch forums over the last year or two... so I suppose it was only a matter of time. Shame really... he had his moments, as demonstrated here."

yamahaki Xtreme Member

Posts: 288 Join date: 2009-09-08 Subject: Re: another banning Yesterday at 8:37 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heres the link that got me banned. http://www.scribd.com/doc/29810240/Invicta-Watch-Group-Sued-for-Patentinfringement-for-the-Dive-watch-container-being-sold-at-shopnbc register.they only require your email address.then download the pdf. Its an eye opener.Eyal lalo got caught red handed stealing.pure evidence and facts.This is one time he can't get out of it. Somebody asked a question about why they cancelled his watch case.Another members said it might be because of the suit. alls I did was post the link since its all over the net anyways.While there,I gave watches and straps away,did my part in supplying the correct info and gave them brand histories and other things that WG forums lacked.

But this is what they do every day since that forum went private.The owners started that forum to get away from the very thing they became.I'm no angel, but these guys are truely ignorant.

Bashing? Do any of you think I make this stuff up? go to the fuzzy bunny site, http://watchedgeeks.forumotion.net/fuzzy-rabbits-reading-gallery-f2/ and have a good read

Bashing? I am not the one who spies on members of my forum, not bashes them. From : "Jim Skelton" <watchguy@ To : Date : Tue, Jun 02, 2009 12:38 PM Now... onto the "spying" comment. You know as well as I do that admins of other watch fora have done rather unscrupulous things to gain access to areas of our forum. You also know, by reading some folks posts, that they have created false identities in order to gain access to all member-exclusive areas of the forum. We do not "spy" or anything like that. When you see or hear us comment on posts at WTW, they are form public, open-access forums that any unregistered guest can read. I have also made it CRYSTAL CLEAR to my entire staff that no one bans a WG member for what they say on another forum. Now if someday a member really crosses the line, that may change... but it would have to be very, very serious. -Jim I wonder why all of those members at XMT were banned than? Cali kid, Z-Freak, Bodypeerser and many more/ HMMMMMM

Original Message ---------From: <@r********r.com To: @juno.com Subject: Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2009 13:16:35 -0400 I am doing am chores so will be brief...think you should tell alan(z)

Ok..this is all I know: I found Z's post and linked on to it. No sooner than I signed in than I got a phone call from Brad(fly) I am saying the ---SECOND--- my name appeared on Z's forum, my cell phone rang and he told me not to join z's group. why? "as a favor to me" he gave a brief run down of "hate mail..getting Jim fired.. I replied, : will you let me find out for myself ? translation: no I will not do what you want. Ok..he hung up. ie....Z's forum is being monitored ( I do not know how..am computer illiterate). Z should know about this. I am staying with Z but also go to WG. I am trustworthy...always a rebel, but I do not take chances where I know I will lose


And on this date Michael, I get a threat from a piece of crap known as Jim Skelton telling me to keep my mouth shut or else. And your involvement as well as that of one of your admins From: "Jim Skelton" <watchguy@********t>

To: "Alain" < Subject: Hmm Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2009 15:20:03 -0500

Have you told your members why I have an issue with you, skel and the rest? I don’t think so. Have you informed them that after a phone conversation between Bruce, myself and Jimbo you investigated me because I would not play ball with you. Have you told them I was threatened 5 times by Jimbo and others. And have you informed them that Watchgeeks and those in admin & ownership sent out an email blast falsely accusing me of things and distorting other information. Did you tell them you endangered members of my family including my daughter and helped in ID theft. Well, that is why you will soon be served ( we have a year ) and I have recently decided to include Invicta and Valuevision as separate defendants. All of the court documents WILL be uploaded on line for the public to view. A skelton’s past will be revealed even more than now. So will a certain Admin’s.

You scumbags whined and sniveled when you left your admin forums open and information was made public. Serbo70 posted this: The only "mean spirited" issue in any of this is the way the information was obtained, how it could be potentially used, and our personal contact information in the hands of the people that would do this.

That feeling came from the fact that my personal contact information is now out in the open and the fact that I received an email from "someone" last night that I do not know telling me they have all of this information REALLY bothered me. Don't get me wrong, I can handle MOST things that come along, but when something as ridiculous as this can possibly have an effect on my wife (given that my home phone and address is now out there for public view) THAT really bothers me.

And you whined about that information leading to someone slashing your tires and damaging your car. Except there is not a police report about it but you were quick to be angry about this weren’t you.

Yet here you are sending out an email blast with personal information, distorted and too bad for you that you did not know we had been robbed twice by scum who engaged in ID theft. So you send out my daughters home address, false information, distorted information on top it and you white trash idiots conspired to do it. The paper trail is amazing. You guys are like the keystone cops. Better yet, yo send that information to all of the members of XMT where it was forwarded to me, and one of those members, here in Oregon, is a member of the Oregon Dept of Justice. You guys are rocket scientists. So to review that little game you played, you all whine because you thought your personal information was compromised but it was Ok to send out mine or anyone one elses? I want to see you explain that to the jury.

So Michael, you and skel are a sideshow to any real WIS. You do not qualify as one. Owning a watch or working for Invicta does not a Watch Collector make. Here at this forum we comment on Geeks both good and bad. We hope that many Watchgeek members are happy with their purchases and expand their horizons and grow in their hobby. This forum was started while I was at XMT. It had nothing to do with Geeks. This, unlike your forum, is an open one. We discuss many things here. And we insult each other as well as support each other. Get a life Michael. And Jimbo, if you read this, Fuck Off. Instead of purchasing all of those knives, perhaps Lindsey might have appreciated a bit of that money. And stop lying to your public, you were trolling at knife forums.

We are not the ones making this US again THEM. I leave that to you. It is nothing new for you. You did it with BDWF and you even threatened them via email.

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