Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by DIAMANTE on Tue Jul 05, 2011 8:04 am
JtNŠ wrote:Craig Sawyer is just in it for the money. The show he is on is
a comedy at best and his having anything at all to do with the show only lowers his his integrity and honor, but that is just my opinion. Come on people, the watch was given to him be shown wearing, it was a promotional gift to him so he could pose with it and show it off and let himself be used to help Invicta sell a piece of junk. He has fully allowed himself to soil his military brethren by willingly allowing himself to be used to dupe the world into thinking its a great watch. I thank Craig Sawyer for his service to his country but as soon as he accepted that freebie piece of crap to wear and display as if he is endorsing it is when he slumped to the levels of Prisoner Davis, Unemployed Skelton and the Honorable Mr Laylo. Sorry Craig but your a douche.
You are assuming that Sawyer is only wearing the watch for money. He may actually like it. It's going to take alot more than speculation as to his motives or his taste in watches for me to judge Sawyer as a sell out or equate him with a Michael "convicted felon" Davis. Sawyer served honorably. For anyone, especially someone who never served, to refer to him as a douche is uncalled for.
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by DIAMANTE on Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:12 pm
JtNŠ wrote:D, show me his actual military record where he actually put
his life on the line. Many Navy Seals along with many of our Special Forces never see actual combat or situations where there lives are on the
line so to just blindly think this person has is rather a joke or are ewe under the influence of a little kool-aid. He has sold his integrity out for money and that makes him a sellout and a douche.
That statement makes it absoulutely clear to me that you have never served in the U.S. Military. Anyone who has knows for damm sure that once you join the U.S. Military and have taken the oath to support and defend the the Constitution of the United States you have, in fact, put your life on the line. I suppose you could argue that there are different levels of risk depending on which branch of the service you serve in or what your military occupational specialty is, but every service member accepts the fact that he/she can be sent anywhere at anytime and be put in harm's way. Sawyer served as a U.S. Marine and a Navy Seal. To say that he did not put his life on the line because he may have not served in a combat zone is lunacy. He is prohibited from profiting from his military experience while on active duty. Once he has honored his commitment to the USG he is free to make a living anyway he chooses. You may begrudge him or call him names for capitalizing on his military experience, but in my book he has earned the right. I'm sure the majority of veterans feel the same way. You have argued on this forum that wild baseless accusations about people could destroy the credibility of this site - I agree with that. I point out that slandering and impuning the character of a veteran for his business decisions and choice in watches is exactly the type pointless character assasination you have previously argued against so eloquently. The whole righteous indigination schtick (soiled his military bretheren, etc...) rings hollow.
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by bigedsurf on Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:16 am
he gets a pass from me.....i'll take him at his word. _________________ time flies........
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by DIAMANTE on Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:18 am
koimaster wrote:...snip....While I have zero tolerance for SEAL
impostors, I cannot deal with Mr. Davis on that issue if he isn't in my loop of contact. If I ever meet him, I'll bring it up. Thanks for the heads up. All the best,
Craig R. Sawyer Cell: Email: Website:
I'd LOVE to see that! D
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by JtNŠ on Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:41 am
My opinion ...he is a shill a sellout and a douche for it. I'm really shocked though that they sent him 100 Pro Divers to pass out to the troops and why they didn't him 100 Coalition Forces
watches to pass out since those are at least military field tested watches. And for WatchNoob and others, go ahead and gang up, that is just the Geek mentality in you.
Last edited by JtNŠ on Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:52 am; edited 1 time in total Re:
Sawyer of Top Gun by Watch Noob on Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:50 pm
Being a Shill, sell-out, or whatever you want to call Craig is your opinion and your right. To cast dispersions at a man's military record (especially a Marine and SEAL), is a dick move by a Poser. Yes this means you JtN. You never served a day in your life, so when it comes to commenting on people in the Armed Services, you'd be served best to shut your fucking mouth. _________________
Check out BetterSkills Blog at :
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by TemerityB on Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:29 pm
DIAMANTE wrote: JtNŠ wrote:Craig Sawyer is just in it for the money. The show he is on is
a comedy at best and his having anything at all to do with the show only lowers his his integrity and honor, but that is just my opinion. Come on people, the watch was given to him be shown wearing, it was a promotional gift to him so he could pose with it and show it off and let himself be used to help Invicta sell a piece of junk. He has fully allowed himself to soil his military brethren by willingly allowing himself to be
used to dupe the world into thinking its a great watch. I thank Craig Sawyer for his service to his country but as soon as he accepted that freebie piece of crap to wear and display as if he is endorsing it is when he slumped to the levels of Prisoner Davis, Unemployed Skelton and the Honorable Mr Laylo. Sorry Craig but your a douche.
You are assuming that Sawyer is only wearing the watch for money. He may actually like it. It's going to take alot more than speculation as to his motives or his taste in watches for me to judge Sawyer as a sell out or equate him with a Michael "convicted felon" Davis. Sawyer served honorably. For anyone, especially someone who never served, to refer to him as a douche is uncalled for. D
+1. I could never question the integrity of someone who is part of our fighting forces. That's bravery, courage, conviction. That's being a real man. Who gives a rat's ass what watch he wears. That being said, his response to Davis' facts was disappointing, sure, but good heavens. _________________ "...companies like Invicta really give the hobby a black eye, but unfortunately they're not the only ones taking shortcuts. Raping a heritage might be good for a quick nut, but in the long run, your only selling out for a fast buck. Making a lasting impression that will be valued by generations of collectors takes much more effort then simply bullshitting your way into their hearts." - fellow member TickTocker, summing up the truth in one amazing sentence.
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by nous defions on Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:36 pm
JtNŠ wrote:D, show me his actual military record where he actually put
his life on the line. Many Navy Seals along with many of our Special Forces never see actual combat or situations where there lives are on the line so to just blindly think this person has is rather a joke or are ewe under the influence of a little kool-aid. He has sold his integrity out for money and that makes him a sellout and a douche.
I don't know this Navy SEAL personally, nor have I ever worked along side him. But, I can state this with absolute certainty: Everytime a SOF operator jumps out of a perfectly good aircraft, primes a block of C-4, takes part in a live-fire exercise in a shoot-house, or conducts a lock-in/lock-out of a submarine, HE IS putting his life on the line for his country. You, sir, have obviously never served in this capacity.
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by Bigjimzlll on Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:50 pm
I was infatuated with Invicta...and I paid to have them. This guy gets paid and free stuff. At some point hopefully he'll wake up and realize he's been had. Does that make him a shill..a sell out??? Nah...just a hero getting paid for passing out shinny stuff.
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by boscoe on Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:24 pm
\ +1. I could never question the integrity of someone who is part of our fighting forces. That's bravery, courage, conviction. That's being a real man. Who gives a rat's ass what watch he wears. That being said, his response to Davis' facts was disappointing, sure, but good heavens. [/quote] Oh gag me with a spoon. I appreciate the service to the nation, but that doesn't automatically make you noble and give you a pass for being an asshole. Let's talk "Tail Gunner" Joe McCarthy, Richard "Tricky Dick" Nixon, George W. "Disappearing National Guard" Bush and a bunch of liberal slimeballs. _________________ If I feed you a line of bullshit and take your money, I'm not a liar or a thief, I'm a salesman. - Eyal "Swiss Made" Lalo "Fate and the cunning treachery of the summa rudis killed me" - Last words of Gladiator Diodorus who was slain after referee error
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by Bigjimzlll on Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:57 pm
Is the consensus that this Sawyer guy is an ass because he does ad work for Invicta? Or because he handed out 100 PD's to the troops? Are these his short comings? Did I miss where he lied?
If so....step the fuck back. He is being talk about like he's Davis. I just don't get it. _________________
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by mpswatches on Sat Jul 09, 2011 6:25 am
Shill, sell-out, naive, perhaps...But the guy was a SEAL!! for crying out loud. The two are separate in my opinion. I don't care if you wash dishes, if you are a SEAL, you are bad ass!
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by sandoz on Fri Jul 08, 2011 8:07 am
foghorn wrote:This place is going to hell!
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by boscoe on Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:10 am
Falstaff wrote:Plenty of losers, jackasses and boneheads in the military -
just as in civilian life. It is possible to honor their service without overlooking their shortcomings.
Bingo! Give that man a corona gorda! _________________ If I feed you a line of bullshit and take your money, I'm not a liar or a thief, I'm a salesman.
- Eyal "Swiss Made" Lalo "Fate and the cunning treachery of the summa rudis killed me" - Last words of Gladiator Diodorus who was slain after referee error
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by RaiderFan on Thu Jul 07, 2011 10:37 pm
DIAMANTE wrote: JtNŠ wrote:
Interesting, Invicta is listed as one of his "Best and Most Supportive Friends" or should we not be so politically correct and just say that Invicta is one of his sponsors. He is a sellout and a douche but I still give him credit and thanks for his time in the Navy, but since then he has sold himself out and is a douche.
That means alot coming from you - not really - and says more about you than Sawyer. Self righteous hypocrite passing judgement on a man who has put his life on the line to ensure the freedoms you have - freedom you then use to call him a douche sell out and equate him a with convicted felon. Only in America. D
Well said "D." "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death to defend your right to say it." was never more applicable. I don't think I've ever seen a post in which he has something positive to say. Anger fuels a fire that burns brightly, but fades quickly, leaving only a pile of useless ash. I thank Mr. Sawyer and every other that has
fought and spilt blood so we can argue over trivial things, and I mean things, like Mongo. _________________
"If doing right is arrogant, then I prefer arrogance to the alternative."-Col. Ralph PetersBeyond Bagdad
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by AlbertaTime on Thu Jul 07, 2011 9:22 pm
JtNŠ me his actual military record where he actually put
his life on the line. Many Navy Seals along with many of our Special Forces never see actual combat or situations where there lives are on the line...
I'll only comment on this. Joining the forces or the police or fire, ambulance etc services is making a commitment to put yourself in harm's way if required from the get-go. Whether one is specifically asked to be in mortal danger after that is often luck of the draw, pure circumstance. After all, even office and supply workers get killed in hostile action, even miles from any
recognizable front or criminal action. In other words, the putting your life on the line is taken the instant one accepts the calling, so when you say "show me his actual military record where he actually put his life on the line" I say it's where he signed his name. Never disrespect that. Never minimize it. Never ignore it. _________________ Alberta Museum of Chinese Horology in Peace River (AMCH/PR) 中国手表博物馆,皮斯里弗,艾伯塔省
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by Aqua Homer on Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:14 pm
Bigjimzlll wrote:Is the consensus that this Sawyer guy is an ass because
he does ad work for Invicta? Or because he handed out 100 PD's to the troops? Are these his short comings? Did I miss where he lied? If so....step the fuck back. He is being talk about like he's Davis. I just don't get it.
I don't think he is an ass at all. I think he is probably slightly naive, and is enjoying his recent celebrity without due diligence being performed. The response that he wrote Alain, was obviously shillish in nature, thats all. You can be a shill AND a goddamned motherfucking bona-fide hero at the same time. One does not take away from the other in my book. I just won't defer from calling him a shill, solely because he was a hard charging serviceman. Again, my opinion only.
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by Bigjimzlll on Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:57 pm
Is the consensus that this Sawyer guy is an ass because he does ad work for Invicta? Or because he handed out 100 PD's to the troops? Are these his short comings? Did I miss where he lied?
If so....step the fuck back. He is being talk about like he's Davis. I just don't get it.
Re: Craig Sawyer of Top Gun by TemerityB on Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:09 pm
Bigjimzlll wrote:Is the consensus that this Sawyer guy is an ass because
he does ad work for Invicta? Or because he handed out 100 PD's to the troops? Are these his short comings? Did I miss where he lied? If so....step the fuck back. He is being talk about like he's Davis. I just don't get it.
+1 _________________ "...companies like Invicta really give the hobby a black eye, but unfortunately they're not the only ones taking shortcuts. Raping a heritage might be good for a quick nut, but in the long run, your only selling out for a fast buck. Making a lasting impression that will be valued by generations of collectors takes much more effort then simply bullshitting your way into their hearts." - fellow member TickTocker, summing up the truth in one amazing sentence.