Netherlands @ Ecomondo 2022

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Netherlands @
Rimini, 8 November - 11 November 2022 Hall D4, Booth 026

The Netherlands

Foreword 5 Map of the Netherlands 9 Get in touch with the Dutch @ Ecomondo 10 Programme highlights 10

Company profiles

CirTec 14 Cyclomedia 15 Drycake 16 Fugro 17 Join the Pipe 18 Oxycom 19 Pure Water Group 20 Tema Process 21

Contact details Partners & Organisation

Water Alliance 24 Netherlands Enterprise Agency 26

3 Index

Small in size, big in ambitions The world population is growing and this is affecting the environment. To ensure there’s enough food, water and prosperity in the future, we need to switch from a linear to a circular economy. That’s why the Dutch government has developed a Government-wide programme for Circular Economy and set the ambition target to be a 100% circular economy by 2050.

Well known for its inventiveness the Dutch will join Ecomondo with the Netherlands Lounge. In the Netherlands technology plays an important role in transforming a linear economy into a circular one. Innovation is key to this transformation.

Climate change puts enormous pressure on resources, this requires long-term solutions for a sustainable world, to ensure that humanity, the earth and its lifesupporting systems can exist in harmony. In short a world where everyone prospers The scope of this challenge is wide and varied and so are the solutions. The Dutch delegation to Ecomondo reflects this diversity. I hope you will come and visit us to discover them at Ecomondo, Hall D4, stand 026.

The NL Lounge at Ecomondo is hosted by Water Alliance. Water Alliance, a Dutch network organisation which is part of the WaterCampus. WaterCampus is the physical core of the Dutch water technology sector and has the ambition to play a (cross) sectoral uniting role for the rest of Europe as well.

The church you see on the left (which is actually a hub for start-ups and not an active church) and the waved building behind it, together form WaterCampus Leeuwarden in the Netherlands. WaterCampus stimulates cooperation between (inter)national businesses, knowledge institutes and governments within the water technology sector, in order to create synergy for world class innovation, education and entrepreneurship. Additionally, WaterCampus offers a unique research infrastructure, and is a meeting point for scientists and companies from all over Europe.

To further underline this, we are delighted to announce that the WaterCampus and its ecosystem has been nominated for the prestigious European Enterprise Promotion Awards.

Let’s solve global challenges together!

5 Foreword



Map of the


1. Amsterdam (and Airport Schiphol) | 2. Arnhem | 3. Assen | 4. Breda | 5. ‘s Hertogenbosch | 6. Eindhoven | 7. Enschede | 8. Groningen | 9. Haarlem | 10. The Hague | 11. Leeuwarden | 12. Lelystad | 13. Maastricht | 14. Middelburg | 15. Rotterdam | 16. Utrecht | 17. Zwolle |

1 9 10 16 15 14 5 6 4 13 11 17 2 12 3 8 7

Get in touch with the Dutch


Meet up with the Dutch at Ecomondo! NL delegation;

CirTec Cyclomedia Drycake Fugro Join the Pipe Oxycom

Pure Water Group Tema Process

The Netherlands Lounge at Ecomondo is hosted by Water Alliance. Water Alliance realizes the NL Lounge in cooperation with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and the Embassy and Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy.

Programme Highlights @ Ecomondo

Tuesday 8 November 16:30 - 18:00 - The Circularity of Water Symposium Hall D1/Sala Biobased Solutions

Discover the challenges, solutions and technologies for a new international geography. Also the limelight will be on partnerships between Italy and the Netherlands

Further topics: challenges and solutions for water security, circular technologies and companies: Italy and the Netherlands compared. Amongst others Water Alliance Director Hein Molenkamp and Pauline Diepenbroek, Deputy Ambassador of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Italy will be speaking at this event.

Wednesday 9 November 13:30 - Networking Event

Hall D4/Booth 026

Meet up or (re)connect with fellow professionals during this event at the Netherlands Lounge. Italy is well known for its great climate, coffee culture and great food. When you think of the Netherlands what comes to mind? Windmills, clogs, tulips, Amsterdam, cheese and maybe Heineken, alas we can’t bring all of it. But you do get to experience a combination of typical Dutch & Italian treats during this event.

1110 Solving global challenges together


13 Company

Company profiles


Nijverheidsweg 26

1442 LD Purmerend

The Netherlands

With both proven and innovative technology, CirTec is able to provide the most appropriate solution for a large number of environmental issues. Recovery of valuables from sewage, re-use of materials and recovery of low-grade energy are key to our solutions. Through research and collaboration we look for new ways to solve existing problems in a more sustainable and economical way.

CirTec is active in the municipal and industrial market worldwide and focus on the treatment of sewage, industrial wastewater, process water, sludge and gasses. Separation and thickening of solids and liquids are of our core activities. Supported by our extensive knowledge and experience about (biological) treatment processes, we can assist you in designing or upgrading your entire treatment plant. CellCap (Recovery of cellulose from sewage), IntenSieve (dynamic rotating belt finesieves), GaLiCos and Crescendo (Evaporation of concentrated liquids) are CirTec products.

You can also visit CirTec at their partner Giotto Water Srl - Pavilion D3 Booth 105.


Il nostro continuo impegno per l’innovazione si riflette nel costante sviluppo di tecnologie sostenibili e sempre più funzionali.

IntenSieve®: Una separazione controllata dei solidi sospesi c ontenuti nel refluo senza l’impiego di additivi chimici.

CellCap® - Cellvation®: Recuperare la cellulosa contenuta nelle acque reflue per trasformarla in una risorsa preziosa.

Coos Wessels

Managing director

+31 299 792090


Van Voordenpark 1B 5301 KP Zaltbommel The Netherlands

Cyclomedia captures real world data and transforms it into valuable insights enabling you to understand the complexities of public space. With the world’s most accurate 360°street-level visualizations and AI-powered analytics, Cyclomedia delivers actionable insights you can use today to build a better tomorrow.

Bart Verhoeven Marketing Manager

+31 6 50419204

1514 Solving global challenges together

Drycake Koningslinde 26 7131 MP Lichtenvoorde

The Netherlands

Are you looking for a high performance depackager with a small footprint, and that can accept all kinds of food waste without need for pre-shredding? Look no further! Twister, The Universal Depackager for installations large or small.

Mark Vanderbeken

Chairman and Founder +31 544 792 300

Fugro Veurse Achterweg 10 2264 SG Leidschendam

The Netherlands

Fugro is the world’s leading Geo-data specialist. Using our integrated data collection, analysis, monitoring and consultancy services we provide advice to government organisations, port and harbour facilities, research institutions, and shipping agencies to enhance the safety and efficiency of maritime activities globally.

Fugro was founded in the Netherlands in 1962, and the Fugro Group remains headquartered here. From our Dutch offices we support local and global clients with a diverse and fully integrated range of geo-intelligence and asset integrity solutions. Administrative, technical and development work for the group is also undertaken here.

Giancarlo Cristofalo Marketing/Commercial Manager +39 335 6516561

1716 Solving global challenges together Company profiles

Company profiles

Join the Pipe

Danzigerbocht 45 F

1013 AM Amsterdam

The Netherlands

Join the Pipe provides a total solution to eliminate single-use plastic water bottles. With our reusable water bottles, made from sugarcane, and our in- and outdoor refill stations we offer an alternative to disposable plastic bottles. It’s our mission to give everyone in the world access to clean sustainable drinking water and tackle plastic pollution at its source.

Refill. Reuse. Reduce.

Want to cut down on single-use plastic water bottles? Join the Pipe can help you transform your business from single-use to multi-use. With reusable (branded) bottles, in- and outdoor refill stations and our City Water concept.

Anton Wijs

Business developer

Drink Local. Act Global.

Oxycom Kaagstraat 31 8102 GZ Raalte The Netherlands

Oxycom is the pioneer of highly innovative ‘natural cooling systems’ with one goal: reduce the global ecological footprint required for cooling, ventilating, and heating buildings. Our patented two-stage adiabatic cooling solution use 100% clean, fresh, and, filtered outside air to ensure optimal ventilation conditions and a healthy oxygenenriched indoor environment.

With its world-class sustainable climate control, Oxycom helps in boosting earth friendly climate control solution for industrial facilities. Oxycom’s patented twostage adiabatic colling can turn your production hall into a comfortable, healthy and productive workplace with 90% lower energy consumption.

Cleverclima is the official Oxycom’s technology Distributor in Italy. We design and install air conditioning systems for large surfaces.Our goal is to achieve the desired level of comfort or microclimate, with the maximum energy savings allowed by the most innovative technologies available.

Thanks to the new and original Oxycom adiabatic cooling technology, we help increase the efficiency of companies while reducing the environmental impact. Cleverclima has fully embraced Oxycom’s mission:

“Our goal is to offer a healthy indoor climate, which allows people to feel good and work at their best, in all seasons. Inspired by nature, we develop and implement the most practical and efficient solutions of the present, with an eye to the future of climate control. “

We are at your disposal to offer you the best service aimed at creating a healthy and comfortable environment in your company, starting with a thermotechnical design offered free of charge.

Francesco Di Paola



1918 Solving global challenges together
CEO Cleverclima SRL +33
99 27 22


Pure Water Group

Korte Hei 3

4714 RD Sprundel

The Netherlands

Pure Water Group is renowned as a leading manufacturer of innovative and sustainable water technology solutions and highly specialized in:

• Electro Deionization (EDI); high performance and a full range of system- and module capacities.

• Electro Dialysis Reversal (EDR); potable water production and water reclaim applications, including zero/minimum liquid discharge.

• High Purity and UltraPure Water equipment; including full validation package where needed.

Electro Deionization and Electro Dialysis based equipment and modules are distributed throughout the world and implemented in key process water purification applications. High Purity and UltraPure Water equipment is manufactured for the thermal power-, hydrogen production-, the semiconductor-, the pharmaceutical industry and for hemodialysis.

Dedicated commercial and technical support to OEMs or water system integrators is an important part of our services. Pure Water Group means engineering purity for sustainable water purification solutions.

Ruud de Vetter

Senior Sales Engineer +31 165 348 253

Tema Process

Ingenieur R.R. van der Zeelaan 5 8191 JH Wapenveld The Netherlands

TEMA Process has developed a solution to turn waste streams from AD-plants in to a granulated Fertilizer, using Fluidized bed technology. This product has a high organic fraction and a high concentration of NPK, making it an excellent fertilizer with a small carbon footprint.

Mark Kragting Sales Manager +31 650 549 514

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Contact details Partners & Organisation



Water Alliance

Agora 4 8934 CJ Leeuwarden The Netherlands

Water Alliance is the network organization for the Dutch water technology sector with more than 100 members (mostly SMEs). Water Alliance supports water technology companies with (inter)national matchmaking, networking and business development. The most important activities of the Water Alliance are: International and national branding and lobby, (inter)national and cross-sectoral matchmaking, organizing and coordinating trade missions, organizing (inter)national events and tailor-made advice for water technology companies. All with a clear goal to accelerate business

Moreover, Water Alliance is part of Water Campus Leeuwarden. This is the European innovation ecosystem where companies, research institutes and governments cooperate in the field of water technology. It brings together a complete chain of innovation for water technology, from first idea, research & development, specialised laboratories, a water application centre, various demosites, launching customers to international applications with commercial companies.

Juliette Douglas

Liaison Business Development Water Alliance +31 683 706 450

WaterCampus Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

WaterCampus Leeuwarden is the meeting point of the Dutch water technology sector and has the ambition to play a sector uniting role for the rest of Europe as well.

WaterCampus stimulates cooperation between (inter)national businesses, knowledge institutes and governments within the water technology sector, in order to create synergy for world class innovation, education and entrepreneurship. This strengthens the global position of the European water technology sector. Additionally, WaterCampus offers a unique research infrastructure, and is a meeting point for scientists and companies from all over Europe.

Water Campus managing partners are: Water Alliance, Wetsus and CEW.

Wetsus, European centre of excellence for sustainable water technology is a facilitating intermediary for trendsetting know-how development. Wetsus creates a unique environment and strategic cooperation for development of profitable and sustainable state of the art water treatment technology. The multidisciplinary collaboration between companies and research institutes from all over Europe in Wetsus results in innovations that contribute significantly to the solution of the global water problems. Wetsus’ scientific research programme is defined by the private and public water sector and conducted by leading universities.

The Centre of Expertise Water Technology (CEW) is the Netherlands leading knowledge and innovation centre for applied research and product development in the field of water technology. The CEW brings together expertise from education, research, government and industry. We are your partner in the field of applied research, product development and research facilities.

Partners: City of Leeuwarden, Province of Fryslân, Biobizz Hub, Centre for Innovative Expertise Water (CIV) and Water Application Centre (WAC)

Members: companies and institutions that are connected as a member or partner of the managing partners.

WaterCampus Innovation Chain

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& Organisation

Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Prinses Beatrixlaan 2 - 2595 AL The Hague, the Netherlands

Tel: +3188 042 4241

Mobile: +31655484076

Contact: Philippe Evers

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency supports entrepreneurs, NGOs, knowledge institutes and organizations.

We aim to facilitate entrepreneurship, improve collaborations, strengthen positions and help realise national and international ambitions with funding, networking, know-how and compliance with laws and regulations.

We are a government agency which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. Its activities are commissioned by the various Dutch ministries and the European Union.

NL missions in Italy

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Via Michele Mercati 8

00197 Rome

Economy and Trade Section

Contact : Chris Schoenmakers

Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Via F. Turati 27

20121 Milan Economy and Trade Section

Contact: Daniela Colpani

2726 Solving global challenges together Partners & Organisation

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Netherlands @ Ecomondo 2022 by Water Alliance - Issuu