February Careers Newsletter

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Contents - Page

1 Postgraduate Study 2 Professions - Tourism and Hospitality / Careers Centre Locations 3 Careers In Europe 4 Dates for your February 2012 Diary

Newsletter - Issue No 5 as at 6 February 2012 Dear Students, This month our focus is on Postgraduate Study. The Postgradireland Study Fair takes place on Wednesday, 15 February 2012 in the RDS from 1.00.p.m. to 6.00.p.m - http://gradireland.com/events/54749. Why not use the acronym POSTGRAD to get you thinking P Purpose of postgrad study. Why am I interested in postgraduate study? What are my motivations? O Options in terms of area of interest. In what subject area do I want to undertake postgrad study? What are the potential benefits and will it improve my chances of employment? S

Study location. Do I want to study in Ireland or overseas?


Type of Postgrad study. Research or Taught programme? Am I interested in following a Research Masters or PhD route in my chosen specialist area working with my supervisor or is a taught postgraduate programme, following a structured timetable, the route for me? Should I consider postgraduate conversion courses which offer an opportunity to change direction? Should I opt for full-time, part-time and remote or distance/open learning option?


Grant and Tuition Fees. How much are the fees and can I extend my higher education grant?


Research What research do I need to undertake to help me make an informed decision? What useful web sites and events / seminars can help me?


Action What is my action plan and timeline?


Deadline dates and application procedure. Investigate entry requirements, application procedure, deadline date, fees, employment prospects, the modules, duration of programme, expectations, etc. Try to talk to current students on similar programmes and get a realistic experience of what it is like.

A few web sites to assist you in your search  Postgrad Ireland - http://postgradireland.com - postgraduate study website in Ireland, information on choosing and applying, course search and funding  Destinations - http://www.wit.ie/destinations - (internal WIT access only)

     

Qualifax - http://www.qualifax.ie - Irish national courses database Prospects - http://www.prospects.ac.uk/postgraduate_study.htm - Information about UK courses and research Ploteus - http://ec.europa.eu/ploteus - Information about studying in Europe Petersons - Petersons - http://www.petersons.com - Guide to studying in USA WIT Taught Programmes - http://www2.wit.ie/StudyatWIT/PostgraduateStudy/TaughtPostgraduateCourses - Information about taught courses at WIT WIT Research - http://www.wit.ie/StudyatWIT/PostgraduateStudy/ - Information about research

Institutes of interest  Check individual college site for the programme of interest - http://www.hea.ie and http://www.dfes.gov.uk

Attend the Postgradireland Ireland Fair on Wednesday 15th February 2012 from 1.00.p.m. to 6.00.p.m. in the Main Hall, RDS., Dublin. Register in advance for FREE ADMISSION. For further information including registration and a list of course providers, visit www.gradireland.com/postgradfair

Hope to meet you on Wednesday next in RDS. Le dea-ghu Angela and Careers Centre Team

Don’t forget the Careers Centre is now on MOODLE - https://vle.wit.ie/ - check us out!

Professions - Tourism and Hospitality What is the size and scope of the sector? Tourism is Ireland largest indigenous industry, with over 145,000 people working across 16,500 separate businesses, in areas such as Accommodation, Catering and Tourism services and attractions. There are over 900 hotels and 300 guest houses providing services to tourists. The Tourism sector contributes a massive €5 billon to the Irish economy annually and approx 5.6 million overseas visitors come here every year. According to the Restaurant Association of Ireland, the Irish restaurant industry employs 64,000 people and contributes €2 billion to the economy per annum.

What changes are anticipated over the next 5 years? Failte Ireland and other agencies such as Tourism Ireland are working tirelessly to grow overseas Tourism Business. The targets include -

 

Investing in significant business, sporting and cultural events which offer good prospects for tourism growth.

Investing in services which assist tourism businesses to increase their international customer base, with particular emphasis on the British Market.

Particular emphasis will be placed on the business meetings, conferencing market where performance has been relatively strong. The opening of the CCD (Convention Centre Dublin) has vastly helped, increasing our capacity to accommodate larger conferences.

What are the main occupations in this sector? Traditionally roles in the Tourism and Hospitality sector are jobs in the following -

    

Hotels, B&B’s and Guest Houses Bars Restaurants Tourist Offices / Heritage Sites / Tour Guides / Travel Agents Cruise ships

More recently there are additional jobs in the following areas -

    

Corporate and Event Catering Super Pubs / Clubs Live Music Venues Exhibition / Conference Centres Sports Venues

For further information - http://www.tourismireland.com/ http://www.picktourism.ie/ http://www.prospects.ac.uk/industries.htm http://gradireland.com/career-sectors/hospitality-sport-leisure-and-tourism Extract from - http://careersportal.ie/sectors/sector_org.php?sector_id=16&client_id=25

CAREERS CENTRE LOCATIONS / FUTURE EVENTS WHERE TO FIND US Careers Office Where we are - Front Entrance, Immediate left, Main Building, Cork Road Campus How to contact us - Telephone Fax Email Website

051 302038 051 306279 careers@wit.ie www.wit.ie/careerscentre

REMEMBER to register with the Careers Centre to receive quick, up to date information.

http://www.wit.ie/CareersCentre/RegisterwiththeCareersOffice/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/WITCareers-Centre/164371466911273? ref=ts

WE HAVE MOVED the Careers Information Library to TOP FLOOR Luke Wadding Library Cork Road Campus NEW PHOTO COMING SOON, BUT DON’T WAIT FOR THAT, CHECK IT OUT NOW Now even better resources Extensive “reference section” Free Sector Booklets, Monthly publications, Careers Handouts, Computers with careers search programmes installed for your use

Careers In Europe What do the EU Institutions offer you?

EPSO selects staff for… European Commission

European Parliament


Court of Justice

Court of Auditors

Committee of the Regions

Economic & Social Committee

Data Protection Supervisor

What do the EU Institutions offer you? cont… • International career with opportunities to work abroad (External Action Service); • Competitive remuneration and package; • Challenging and meaningful work – address world challenges from global warming to the financial crisis; • Develop and implement policies that make a difference to society


…and many other agencies of the EU

• extensive opportunities for development personal and professional • great opportunities for training and development (including language training); • career progression; • mobility - different jobs and different Institutions possible and actively encouraged; • flexible working conditions for a good work/life balance;

We are looking for people who:

How to apply

• Want to make a difference for Europe and its citizens; • Enjoy working in multicultural teams; • Are passionate and talented at what they do, and are committed to delivering quality results; • Come from wide range of backgrounds: generalists, economists, lawyers, scientists, IT specialists, linguists, and many more.

• Entry is by open competition for citizens from all 27 Member States (no quota!) • All vacancies are advertised • Apply online: www.eu-careers.eu • Applications in German, French and English • Selection procedure 5 – 9 months

Basic requirements

Selection: Assessment centre

• EU citizen; • University degree (for AD posts Bachelor); • Knowledge of 2 official EU languages, of which one must be EN, FR or DE as your second language; • Specific profile requirements for each competition

Annual Competition Structure > 50,000 Applicants

Typically 1:3

< 300 Successful

Assessment Centre Parameters

• Assessment centre premises in Brussels • One day • Performance in English, French or German – the second language of the candidates • 36 candidates maximum per day in groups of six

1. Admission tests (cognitive abilities in CBT, MCQ) All applicants

• Based on competencies of inter-institutional competency framework • Each competency at least tested twice • Each candidate tested by several assessors • Feedback report to all candidates and Institutions

2. Assessment centre (Competency based) Fixed quota

3. Reserve lists Fixed quota

Recruitment Procedure

The full ppt is available on the Careers Centre Moodle site, under the Careers Centre Presentations/Workshops Handouts Section.

• EU-Institutions check profiles of the candidates • Candidates are invited to job interviews • Job offer (one candidate – one post!) • Candidates accepts job offer – or remains on reserve list

Staffing Levels by Institution Committee of Regions

40.000 staff in total


Economical and Social 2%Committee Court of Auditors


European Court of Justice


European Parliament 13%

European Ombudsman

Further Information:




European Commission 70%

http://www.eu-careers.eu http://ec.europa.eu/stages/index_en.htm

Dates for your February 2012 Diary

gradireland National Student Challenge Those of you who have taken the Challenge will have noticed that we have partnered up with some of Ireland's top graduate recruiters ahead of the Final Day in March. Our headline partners are Lidl, who have several career paths for graduates including management, purchasing, procurement, supply chain and more, as well as a grad programme offering international placements. Our gold partners are PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young, EMC and Ericsson, each of whom have leading graduate programmes and varied career paths for graduates across a wide range of disciplines (you can find out about these opportunities here). We will be working with these fantastic companies to create the six Final Day challenges which will be taken by the Top 60 students on the leaderboard when the online component of the Challenge ends on 29 February - watch out for news of these over the coming weeks. So if you haven't already had a go, take the National Student Challenge online. And don't forget to check out our handy video guide to taking the Challenge to give yourself the best chance of winning! postgradireland Fair 2012 The postgradireland fair 2012 is taking place in the RDS on Wednesday 15 February from 1pm - 6pm. There will be over 100 further study course providers in attendance from Ireland north and south, UK, Belgium and Switzerland. For a full list of exhibitors, click here A range of free seminars will run throughout the day, including seminars on funding, writing your personal statement, studying abroad and teacher training in the UK. The list of seminars is available on the postgradireland Fair website. There will be careers advice available on the day in the careers pavilion. To help you with your funding queries, there is a dedicated Funding Pavilion with finance professionals available to answer your questions.. To attend the postgradireland Fair register for free entry or â‚Ź5 on the day.

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Careers Centre Awareness Day Date Time Venue

14th February 11.00.a.m. to 2.00.p.m. Main Atrium Cork Road Campus


February 2012

Monday 06 February 2012 13 February 2012 20 February 2012 27 February 2012 2.00.p.m. to 4.00.p.m.

Quick Query, CV, Interview and Application Advice

Careers Centre, Cork Road Campus

All Students

Tuesday 14 February 2012 11.15.a.m. - 12.15.p.m.

Summer Internship Presentation

Auditorium Cork Road Campus

Business Students

Wednesday 15 February 2012 1.00.p.m. to 6.00.p.m.

Postgraduate Fair

RDS, Dublin

All Students

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