Research Matters Issue 4 - Summer 2005

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Nobel Laureate Visits WIT

Research Collaboration

Research Results

Research Support







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Editorial 11 10 3


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Welcome to the final research matters of the 2004/2005 academic year. It has been another highly successful year of innovative research activity, industry partnerships and community outreach. In this research matters we focus on three important themes. The first is our role within the international research community. We have been honoured and privileged to welcome the Nobel laureate Professor Harry Kroto as guest of honour at the Institute's science week. WIT's researchers continue to increase their leadership role within the international academic and industrial research community as exemplified by the visit of Europe's leading Internet Protocol experts to the Institute. A new area of academic development for us is Health Science. This is an area of research, which is of strategic importance both to the country and to the Institute. The special feature of health science demonstrates the quality, breadth and depth of the Institute’s research activity in this area. It also shows the movement towards trans-disciplinary research required to address the challenges of modern society. As a premier academic partner in the region, the Institute’s new research and innovation centre will act as a catalyst for regional economic development and a conduit of knowledge and innovation from academia to industry.

Contents International experts visit WIT

Dr Willie Donnelly Head of Research

Nobel Laureate explains importance of scientific research


Leading internet security experts meet at WIT. ......


Health research at the Institute Centre for Health Behaviour Research reveals risk factor for obesity in children ......


Researching Healthcare and Healthcare Economics ......


Profile of a Researcher: Dr John Wells ......


Research in focus Using discourse analysis and internet groups to help victims of rape and sexual abuse ......


European forests: source of renewable energy and sustainable rural business ......


ISOL research centre secures major EU-India research and development contract ......


Education for Literacy: unlocking the potential of eLearning ......


eLearning Technologies Research Centre ......


Learning in later life: research in the School of Education......


Corporate reputation not featured on balance sheet ......


Regional innovation and development Patterns of funding for SMEs in South East ......


Meeting the challenges of the next phase of the tiger economy ......


Establishing best practice for campus incubators ......


Interview with Manager of WIT’s new Innovation Centre ......


Publications Recent WIT publications .....










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Nobel Laureate Sir Harry Kroto explains the importance of scientific research

Group of Primary School Students from Waterford pictured after making their Bucky Balls during the workshop with Nobel Laureate Professor Harry Kroto; brought to WIT by CALMAST.

Most Professional Scientists rarely have the opportunity to meet a Nobel Prize winner. But on February 4th last, final Year students in Chemistry had the unique opportunity of not only meeting but actually working with Nobel Laureate Sir Harry Kroto. Professor Kroto won the Nobel Prize in 1996 for Chemistry with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley for the discovery of a new form of pure carbon. Diamond and graphite are known forms of pure carbon and Kroto's team discovered a new form of it - 60 carbon atoms arranged in a ball. They named this new form of carbon Buckminster Fullerene, popularly known as ‘Bucky Balls’. Professor Kroto was in Ireland to address the Royal Irish Academy and very kindly agreed to visit WIT to conduct a workshop for nearly two hundred primary school children and to address the Institute’s science community. Professor Kroto also had a serious message for his audience. Millions die each year of malaria. Millions are hungry and do not have clear water.

Young people with imagination and creativity are needed to find solutions to these problems. He urged his audience to question and wonder. Following the workshop Professor Kroto addressed an audience of the Institute’s Science students and staff. He explained the importance of the discovery of Buckminster Fullerenes, which have become the basic building block of nanotechnology. In a question and answer session Professor Kroto explained why he studied Science; what his current research is; and why he feels that Science and Engineering are so important to humanity. "A doctor can save some lives, but a Scientist, by developing a drug can save millions", said the Nobel Laureate. Professor Kroto was brought to WIT by CALMAST - The Centre for the Advancement of Learning of Maths Science and Technology. For more information contact: Dr Sheila Donegan ( or Eoin Gill (

Leading internet experts meet at WIT The Telecommunications Participants included Software and Systems Professor Peter Kirstein of Group (TSSG) at WIT University College London, recently hosted a meeting who was recently awarded a of the SEINIT project, a CBE on the Queen's collaborative research and Birthday Honours List for his development effort work on the embryonic funded by the European Internet in the 1970s and Commission and the Swiss 1980s and Ms. Lynn St Government under the 6th Amour, President and Chief Framework Programme, in Executive of The Internet the Information Society Society, the international Technologies area. body based in Geneva and Washington, that oversees SEINIT stands for "Security Pictured after the SEINIT meeting are from left: Miguel Ponce de Leon, TSSG; Ms. Lynn St. Internet standards and Expert Initiative", and brings Amour, President of the Internet Society; Jimmy McGibney, WIT; Professor Kieran Byrne, development. together specialists in the Director of WIT; Professor Peter Kirstein, University College London; Micheál ó Foghlú, Director of Research at the TSSG. security of information and communications systems from thirteen partner organisations The objectives of the SEINIT project include providing a user-cenin six countries. WIT is a partner in this project through the TSSG. tred trusted and dependable security framework for the next SEINIT meetings are held quarterly with previous meetings generation of Internet services that will work across a wide having taken place in Paris, Berlin, London and Geneva. The variety of equipment and networks. recent meeting had a total of 25 participants, of whom 20 were For more information contact: Jimmy visitors from international partner organisations. McGibney (










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Centre for Health Behaviour Research reveals risk factor for obesity in children High levels of television viewing have been identified as a risk factor for childhood obesity. Switch Off - Get Active was a 16-week primary prevention project that aimed to decrease television viewing and increase physical activity in primary school children. A secondary aim of the project was to collect baseline data on the bodyweight and lifestyle characteristics of 9-11 year old Irish children. Devised and supported by a joint WITHealth Services Executive (HSE) South Eastern Area (formerly the South Eastern Health Board) research team, Michael Harrison and Con Burns from WIT, Meabh McGuinness and Dr Julie Heslin from the HSE; Switch Off - Get Active produced some challenging research results. • Analysis of the baseline data revealed that 26% of the children were over weight and a further 8% obese. Over half of these 9-11 year old children reported having a television set in the bedroom. • Those with a bedroom TV had a higher bodyweight than those without. Distinct differences were found between the children who spent more than 2 hours and less than 2 hours daily watching TV and playing computer games. • The high TV users had a higher body weight along with lower levels of physical activity, aerobic fitness and self-confidence in their ability to be active. • Levels of TV viewing and computer game usage were excessive in some cases with 26% of the boys and 9% of the girls engaging in 4 or more hours daily. The teacher-led project involved 312 fourth-class children in nine different schools in the Carlow-Kilkenny region and the principle behaviour modification technique employed involved teaching the children to self-monitor their activity and inactivity with the aid of diaries and a points scoring system. The children were encouraged to budget their available points for TV viewing and computer games but could earn additional points for such inactive pursuits through physical activity. The intervention was successful in decreasing TV viewing and computer game usage (-18min daily) and increasing

physical activity (+30min daily) in children in the intervention schools relative to those in the control schools. However, these changes were only evident in the normal weight children. Although physical activity levels were generally acceptable with most of the children engaging in the recommended one hour daily, some of the findings give cause for concern. Data from the project received considerable attention in the national print and radio media after its publication in July 2004. It was subsequently presented at the All-Island Obesity Conference in November 2004 and is currently under peer review after submission to an international journal.

• The girls were less active than the boys with considerably lower levels of aerobic fitness. Only 22% of the children walked or cycled to school with the majority coming by car. • In addition, 54% of the children reported that they rarely engaged in vigorous physical activity during school break time. • Activity levels were considerably lower in February compared to June, indicating a need for indoor recreation facilities both in schools and in the community.

Formed in 2001 with the aid of a Technological Sector Research Strand III grant, the Centre for Health Behaviour Research in the School of Health Sciences, formerly School of Humanities, engages in research and consultancy in the health promotion, physical activity and exercise science fields. The centre currently comprises 12 staff members and 4 postgraduate students. A further 7 students have successfully completed postgraduate studies at WIT, while engaged in centre-related research projects. Collaborative links have been established with a number of partners including the Health Services Executive South Eastern Area (formerly the South Eastern Health Board) with joint projects undertaken. The centre is expecting a period of rapid expansion after an initial phase of steady growth. This will be helped by a number of new staff members in WIT with expertise in the exercise science and health promotion fields. Links continue to be forged at home and abroad. Centre Director, Dr Niamh Murphy is currently on sabbatical at the University of Sydney, which houses the Australian Centre for Health Promotion. Future collaborative projects are already being planned. It is envisaged that the experienced gained in this setting will facilitate the development of the Centre for Health Behaviour Research into a national centre of excellence in the health promotion field.

Photograph shows from left: Annalouise Muldoon; Bruce Wardrop; Rosie Donnelly; Elaine Mullan and Michael Harrison.

For more information contact: Michael Harrison (








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Centre for Management Research in Healthcare and Healthcare Economics Quality Accreditation, Quality Management and Performance Management are primary research themes at the Centre for Management Research in Healthcare and Healthcare Economics at the moment. For example, Dr Denis Harrington, one of the co-ordinators of the Centre has recently been invited to join Centre co-ordinators Dr Sheila O'Donohoe and the Accreditation Steering Dr Denis Harrington. Committee at Wexford General with the team members. Dissemination of Hospital. Together with the Centre’s the research findings is seen as a priority. quality management team he has Results of the research to date have been co-ordinated the design of a training presented to the research site and have programme, delivered by Sinead also been reported at the National Acheson and Sean Byrne, to assist Association of Healthcare Quality with quality project implementation Conference in Florida (September 2004) at the hospital. and in the Journal of the California This programme provides a system of Association of Healthcare Quality support and training for both (February 2005). management and staff across nine A second Ph.D. project being supervised identified project areas. The approach at the Centre focuses on performance incorporates on-going mentor support for management within the Irish healthcare participants and opportunities for 'live' system. Performance is multidimensional, interactive dialogue on quality initiatives. with the concept of performance Later this year there will be a showcasing management encompassing aspects of of on-going projects in the form of a structural, accounting and behavioural 'Quality Day' in an effort to share regional control. The overall objective of this practices with other interested research project is to investigate the stakeholders. The intervention has attractsignificance, types and determinants of ed funding from the Irish Health Services performance management systems in Accreditation Board and the Health acute hospital care settings in the South Services Executive (HSE). The model being East region of Ireland and to compare used for this intervention is currently these with this similar hospitals in the UK, being examined by the HSE for applicaCanada and Australia. Rosemarie Kelly, tion in other hospital sites in Ireland and the Ph.D. candidate, is at present research is currently underway nationally collecting her Irish data in four hospitals on how this might be achieved. via a triangulated approach. She has Ph.D. research is also being conducted by attended a number of conferences both in Brigid Milner on quality accreditation Ireland in the UK and has presented at system implementation, focussing on the the BAA Doctoral Colloquium in process of accreditation as a means of Edinburgh. She will also present at the improving quality in healthcare. 3rd Conference on Performance Accreditation involves the self-assessment Measurement and Management Control of an organisation's processes and in Nice in September of this year. practices against predefined standards, The area of management development in which are then subject to external review. the field of nursing is the focus of another The exercise is now seen as a key vehicle of the key projects within the Centre. for improving service quality within acuteSince the report of the Commission on care hospital settings in Ireland. The Nursing in 1998, the roles within nursing research has been on-going for the last 12 have been transformed through the months using a case-based approach development of the Clinical Nurse examining the accreditation exercise in a Management career structure and the large, regional acute-care hospital. The general and specific competencies focus of the project is on the attached to each grade. This change has multidisciplinary teams who are charged also been accompanied by wide-scale with delivering on the self-assessment reform and structural change within the exercise and employs multiple methods health service, and the acute care sector including on-going team meeting in particular, which necessitates an observations; structured enhanced role for the clinical nurse questionnaires and in-depth interviews

manager. Research in this area is being conducted at Masters level by Laura Purcell and it explores a range of issues across a number of acutecare sites around the development of the management competencies for clinical nurse mangers and the extent to which these can be readily transferred to a work-place setting to contribute to organisational culture change. Another aspect of the Centre's development is the establishment of links with other research centres. Members of the Centre's team have been actively involved in building links with similar Centres at the Universities of York, Birmingham and Sheffield in the UK. The Centre is also engaged in a collaborative research with Memorial University Newfoundland, Canada, examining quality and performance in the Canadian healthcare system. The intention is to produce a report of the work for dissemination to interested stakeholders and to present the findings to a meeting of healthcare professionals in Ireland later this year. Ongoing collaborative work is also underway with healthcare practitioners under the primary healthcare strategy. Established in 2003, the Centre for Management Research in Healthcare and Healthcare Economics was formed with a remit to conduct and disseminate applied research in a previously underrepresented area in an Irish context. The formal commissioning of the Centre, as part of the School of Business, was facilitated by a successful application to the National Technological Sector Research Programme (Strand III), which secured funding in excess of 300,000 Euro. The Centre has further benefited from an established partnership with the SouthEastern branch of the Health Services Executive, which is currently charged with the provision and management of healthcare services across the continuum of care throughout the region. This has facilitated both the joint identification of key research priorities and access to research sites where appropriate. A unique facet of the Centre is its multi-disciplinary membership, which is in turn reflected in its research activities. For more information contact Dr Denis Harrington ( or Dr Sheila O'Donohoe (










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Profile of a Researcher: Dr John Wells According to Dr John Wells, Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Nursing, "the agenda for change in health and social care in Ireland has gathered pace and, in the case of mental health, is likely to be further accelerated by the dynamic of the recent research initiative established by the Mental Health Commission (2005) and the work of the Expert Group on Mental Health, which is expected to report in the Summer of this year". Dr Wells began his involvement with health care research when he joined the Department of Nursing Studies at King's College, University of London as a lecturer in mental health nursing. "During my time at King's College I completed a number of research projects, both funded and unfunded, including a conceptual analysis of health care rationing and its implications for nursing," he says. He undertook a Ph.D. at King's College, supervised by Professor Dame Jennifer Wilson-Barnett, examining how Clinicians within community mental health teams negotiate policy demands through their practice. This research utilised the works of Michael Lipsky on Street level bureaucracy and Spillane on the relationship of cognitive processing with implementation to provide a theorietical

Dr John Wells, Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of Nursing.

framework and he was awarded his doctorate in June 2004. Dr Wells has become interested in issues of social integration of people with longterm mental health problems and he has completed a number of small and largescale research studie. Two such studies include a national study of recruitment to mental health nursing, funded by the Department of Health and Children, in which he was lead applicant, and an examination of occupational support for people with severe and enduring mental health problems, funded by the South Eastern Health Board, now known as the Health Services Executive (HSE) South Eastern Area. He has also studied how a Waterford youth training scheme could better meet the needs of its client group, particularly




those with psychological and behavioural difficulties. "One study I found particularly satisfying was a year long examination of the significance of hospital based industrial therapy units for people with long-term mental health problems,funded by the HSE South Eastern Area." says Dr Wells. "This study interested me for two reasons. The first was the centrality of the 'voice' of users of the service within the study and the second was that it provided a positive agenda for improvement based on these views." Dr Wells is currently involved in a number of collaborative research projects. For example, an international study of employers' views on disability policy with partners in the UK and Switzerland. Collaborative relationships are one of the strengths that WIT possesses in relation to research in the area of health care. "The Institute has an established tradition of health and social care related research. With the establishment of the Department of Nursing, it provides a potentially significant research resource for the professions allied to medicine," says Dr Wells. For more information contact Dr John Wells (


Using discourse analysis and internet support groups to help victims of rape and sexual abuse Discourse analysis focuses on the actual ways in which survivors talk about their rape or sexual abuse experiences and uses this data to subsequently inform about methods for counselling and intervention with survivors. Jennifer Yeager, lecturer of psychology at WIT and PhD student at University College Cork, is currently engaged in PhD research on the social support needs of Irish rape and sexual abuse survivors. Her research has employed a discourse analysis methodology to examine rape survivors' accounts of the role of their social relationships (i.e. with family, friends, and partners) in their ability to cope with rape and sexual abuse. In addition, Jennifer also assessed the role of internet rape support web sites as a means of support in coping with rape and has shown that internet support groups can be as important as the traditional forms of support provided by family, friends, and partners.

The use of the internet and instant messenger services in gathering interactive interview data was also considered. Jennifer suggests that collecting sensitive data via the internet is a viable option for social research but needs to work within strict ethical and practical boundaries in order to gain the best interview results. This methodology is particularly suited to participants who wish to remain anonymous throughout the study. Jennifer's current research now focuses on assessing how the various types of rape and sexual abuse that survivors have endured may affect survivors' support needs and their ability to access needed support. No current research in the literature has been found that directly compares various contexts of adult rape in terms of primary or secondary (family and friends of victims) survivors’ support needs. There is an extreme scarcity of data on male rape and specifically on rape in Ireland.

This lack of data is detrimental to the field of knowledge concerning rape and sexual abuse, as it is important to define and recognize these varying contexts in order to draw reliable and accurate conclusions about the needs of victims, and how these needs may or may not be met. In general,Yeager's completed and current studies aim to develop knowledge, ideas, and theories that will be of use to rape crisis organisations throughout Ireland, and abroad. This research will inform new ideas, theories, and policy for working with rape victims. She is currently collecting information from survivors of rape and sexual abuse and the friends and relatives of survivors. All information is treated with the strictest confidentiality.

For more information contact Jennifer Yeager (






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European forests: source of renewable energy and sustainable rural business The role of wood as a renewable energy in Europe's energy supply strategy has taken on a new importance since the Kyoto Protocol came into effect in February 2005. The Kyoto Protocol has set legally binding targets on European Union member states to reduce greenhouse emissions to 8% below 1990 levels by 2010. The European forest sector can contribute in two ways to meet this target: by storing atmospheric carbon in trees, roots and forest soils; and by developing wood energy, which is renewable. EU policy on renewable energy calls for the expansion of capacity to meet 20% of Europe's energy needs by 2020. At the moment less than 8% of primary energy comes from renewable sources. Waterford Institute of Technology has been awarded a Leonardo da Vinci grant to develop a pilot training project on wood energy. The WESST project - Wood Energy Supply Systems Training - will create targeted short course training on best practice in wood energy supply in the partner countries of Ireland, UK, Finland, Portugal, Italy, The Netherlands and Slovenia. The two-year project will allow the team to create and test a series of training courses consisting of case studies, presentations, reference material and assessments focused on wood energy supply systems. This material will be developed in conjunction with target groups' needs, availability and abilities. The team is committed to deliver the WESST course on a pilot basis using an innovative e-learning tool, reinforcing the use of ICT in facilitating access to life-long learning opportunities. The project is led by Waterford Institute of Technology in partnership with Sylviron limited and includes Clark MacTavish from the UK; Oulu Polytechnic, Finland; Viseu Polytechnic, Portugal; CNR/IVALSA Forestry Research Institute, Italy; Larenstein University, The Netherlands, and; VITRA rural development agency, Slovenia. While wood energy can help satisfy Europe's needs for limiting greenhouse gases, and securing a sustainable, renewable, indigenous fuel there are other benefits at a regional and local level. Wood energy production, supply and

Wood as a raw material for energy generation may come from a wide variety of sources, including: • Thinnings and residues from conventional forest harvesting; • Sawdust, shavings, chips and off cuts from wood processing industries; • Purpose grown energy crops such as short rotation coppice willow; • Pallets, packaging and other demolition wood untreated with contaminants; • Branches, stumps and clippings from arboricultural operations, and; • Residues from agricultural and horticultural sources such as fruit and Christmas trees. generation are inherently rural and relatively local enterprises. Thus much needed sustainable rural business development opportunities are presented by this technology. In addition, the forestry sector can benefit from this new market opportunity that makes more efficient use of forest resources, while woody energy crops may provide farmers with an alternative land use. The raw materials used in producing wood energy have widely diverse physical, chemical and energy properties. Despite this wide range of sources there are only four forms of wood fuel used in energy generation. These are: firewood logs, wood chips, pellets and briquettes. Firewood logs and briquettes are only suited to small hand-fed stoves and boilers. Wood chips and pellets may also be used in this way but have a much greater range of uses because these fuels can be fed automatically. The efficient and wide-spread use of any fuel requires that the fuel be homogenous with known parameters such as energy

content, particle size distribution and chemical composition. Currently European standards are being developed for solid biofuels. The successful development of wood energy will rely on cost effective, reliable supply systems producing a fuel of consistent quality and competitive price. The WESST project will focus on this gap between potential wood energy sources and actual energy market requirements for wood fuel. There is a supply and processing chain that any wood raw material must undergo in order to meet the quality standards specified by the energy generation sector. The WESST project will map these supply chains from harvesting, drying, chipping through to densification, transporting and storage. The quantification methods and conversion factors used for wood energy will be an important module of the developed training. Currently, the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully develop wood energy supply chains tend to be held at a specialist level. Expansion of the European wood energy sector will rely on the transfer of such knowledge and skills to the following target groups: • Farm forester owners and farmers • Forest contractors and machine owners /operators • Forestry professionals, consultants & companies • Small sawmills, joineries and furniture manufacturers • Timber and forest product traders • Wood energy companies • Agricultural and forestry extension advisors • Local and regional energy agencies • Sustainable development organisations • Municipalities and local policy makers • Media organisations The project team is currently carrying out an analysis of the target groups training needs. Best practise case studies and course development should continue through 2005 and an e-learning tool and pilot training delivery will mainly take place next year. For more information contact Tom Kent (








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ISOL plays leading role in major EU-India research programme The Information Systems, Organisations and Learning Research Centre (ISOL) is one of five partners in a recently established research and development project funded under the EU-India programme. This project involves over twenty academic and industry partners in as many countries and represents a new departure for research in the field of technological innovation. According to Dr Larry Stapleton leader of the ISOL research centre, “this is the largest EU funded R&D project into India this year and represents a major coup for WIT”. The project, entitled ‘Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions' (SRISTI), is part of a new third world initiative involving millions of euros in government aid and corporate donations, which seeks to leverage technology development processes to improve the lives of thousands of Indian communities. A goal of SRISTI is to develop ways of presenting information on technological innovation to a wide variety of indigenous communities. One major problem is usability. For example, software engineers in India have developed a kiosk which houses a computer that presents information on technological innovations through a touch screen interface. However, some users from remote areas had no concept of a ' screen' and found it very difficult to use the solution. ISOL hosts a Usability Research Unit, headed up by Mary Lyng and one of its contributions to SRISTI is to find ways in which these information technologies can be made usable in such complex settings. Working with the local software engineering team in India, Lyng and Stapleton are setting up a usability study to investigate ways in which usable systems can be modified after they are implemented to take these kinds of complexities into account. ISOL is the Irish lead partner and the project also includes lead partners at the University of Versailles Centre d'Economique et Ethique pour l'Environment et le Developpement (C3ED)

Photograph taken at the "India Innovates" awards presented by the President of India at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Gujarat State (NW India). Pictured from left to right: Professor Martin O'Connor of the C3ED Research Institute, University of Versailles; Professor David Smith, University of Wales, Newport; One of the winners of the India Innovates Awards; Dr Larry Stapleton (WIT); Dr David E. Martin, CEO of M-CAS and Honorary Fellow of University of Virginia.

under the leadership of Professor Martin O'Connor and the University of Wales Digital Media Research Group under the leadership of Professor David Smith. The lead partners in India are the Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network (GIAN) lead by Dr Mahesh Patel and Professor Anil Gupta's team at the Indian Academy of Management (IIMA), widely recognised as a world leader in the area of technology management. As a leading researcher in technology design and development methodology and the accompanying educational practices, Dr Stapleton explores how methodologies used to develop and implement new information technologies create major barriers to innovation and creativity. Recent evidence gathered by ISOL and other international research groups suggests that systems development methodologies, as taught in many higher education institutes, bear little resemblance to the actual ways in which these technologies are developed and implemented in commercial organisations. This research theme seeks to understand how technologies like IT are actually developed in practise: what works and what does not work, and what barriers exist to the effective development and implementation of advanced systems. Dr Stapleton believes that traditional cultures have a lot to teach advanced systems engineers about how to develop really useful technologies. In recent field studies he conducted in traditional Indian communities, many of the barriers encountered by innovative technologists in Europe were just as real for the Indian innovators. “As an example, the Indians

spoke of a lack of There is a very real relevance of formal developmental education,” he aspect to this project explains. “You and it is important notice with these innovators that they to put this work into context. Gujarat is spend an an area that was enormous amount devastated by of time trying to earthquakes three understand the years ago. problem and the general context within which it exists. The same is true of systems development methodologies which have focussed too much on controlling development activities and too little upon innovation and creativity." Whilst in India Dr Stapleton was one of a number of guests to attend the GIAN Awards, an event hosted by the President of India. In his address the President noted that a great strength of India is that it is full of highly imaginative people who have found solutions in the most difficult circumstances. The SRISTI project ultimately aims to empower these people, who are financially poor but 'knowledge rich'.

For more information contact: Dr Larry Stapleton ( or Mary Lyng (






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Education for Literacy: unlocking the potential of eLearning In co-operation with the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA), WIT has been a key player in responding to the educational and professional needs of Adult Literacy practitioners throughout Ireland since 1987. In 1995 the collaboration of the Institute and NALA resulted in the establishment of what have now become Higher Certificate and Bachelor of Arts courses in Literacy Development. An Honours BA Degree is also in the process of development. In September 2003 the WIT/NALA Accreditation Project launched a research initiative that would establish if eLearning could successfully contribute to the development of good practice guidelines for adult learners of the WIT/NALA courses. The pilot project endeavoured to implement and evaluate WIT's first eLearning programme that was delivered using WIT's virtual learning environment (WebCT) and piloted with a group of adult literacy educators throughout Ireland. eLearning presents opportunities for

the students of the WIT/NALA courses who at the moment have to take time off work to attend these residential modules. The courses are currently offered on an outreach basis (off campus) and the concept of blended learning is applied, where a mixture of face-to-face and online sessions is used. This means that one residential session per module is needed rather than two. The pilot initiative utilised WebCT to partially deliver a single module of the Higher Certificate in Literacy Development , namely the Quality Management module. The remainder of the module was delivered in a classroom format. The Higher Certificate has been offered since 1995 in a modularised format via the traditional classroom approach. The pilot project elicited a broad range of ideas and implications for the development and delivery of future online modules. The research confirmed that eLearning is in fact a suitable method of course delivery, particularly when used in conjunction with face-to-face meetings. There

Objectives of the research: • To compare eLearning with more traditional models of teaching in terms of knowledge transfer and the learning experience. • To identify which adult learners can benefit most from this medium of delivery. • To determine what level of computer literacy is required for participation. • To quantify the time/cost implications of the running of an e-learning programme. • To evaluate which modules would best lend themselves to this medium in the future. • To evaluate the content of the module in the light of the changing context of literacy practice. • To evaluate how useful the online content could be as resource material for literacy practitioners. was a general endorsement amongst the pilot group for the introduction of further eLearning / blended learning modules and these modules are currently being developed. For further information please contact Lorraine Halpin (

eLearning Technologies Research Centre

At a recent colloquium held in WIT, members of the group played host to, Mr Bruno Zuga, manager of the Distance Education Study Centre, Riga Technical University, Latvia. Mr. Zuga gave an inspiring talk on current trends in eLearning in Europe and met with WIT staff engaged in eLearning. Members of the WIT eLearning support team also met with Mr Zuga, for a fruitful exchange of views and experiences on the use of Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) in third level colleges.

The Centre for eLearning Technologies Research, WeLearnT, was formally recognized as a WIT Research Centre in 2003. The group's main focus is research and consultancy in the area of eLearning technologies, including an interdisciplinary

approach, an emphasis on transnational collaboration and a critical analysis of the learning potential in Information and Communication Technologies. Members of the group come from a variety of backgrounds, including Computer Science, Education,

Educational Psychology and Social Science. There are currently six postgraduate members engaged in master's level research. Five members are engaged in research at PhD level. Research themes undertaken by group members to date include: • Computer-based learning and primary education • Development and evaluation of a computer-based learning tool for adults with learning disabilities in mathematics • The applicability of computers and multimedia to literacy best practice. • Use of Open & Distance Learning (ODL) and information technology in pre-school teacher training • The use of ICT/ODL in promoting social inclusion. For further information please contact Mary Barry (










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Learning in later life: research in the School of Education The increased recognition of the importance of educational provision for older people in Ireland is reflected in the keen awareness on the part of educational providers, policy makers and practitioners of the benefits of offering educational programmes to older people. The changing demographics in Ireland will have implications in Dr Anne Jordan and Karen Bunyan, School of Education in WIT many areas and higher education institutions are no exception. There must take their needs into consideration. are currently over one million people in Ireland over the age of fifty, In the US they are predicted to be the next access group campaigning for accounting for over 25% of the total educational rights as previously population (Central Statistics Office, 2003, p.31). These trends are set to increase disadvantaged groups such as women or those from ethnic backgrounds were back with the number of people over the age of eighty projected to double by the year in the 1960's. 2031 (Central Statistics Office, 2001, p.2). In light of such emerging issues, the These demographic changes have School of Education in WIT is concerned implications for educational providers as with the development of lifelong learning the increase in the older population opportunities for older people. Karen means that there will be fewer adults in Bunyan and Dr Anne Jordan have comthe workforce supporting a greater retired pleted research exploring the needs of population. Therefore, in the future older older learners in higher education and adults will be encouraged to return or informal settings and how educational remain in the workforce making them an programmes are best designed to meet important target group for education and these needs. This research explores the training initiatives. With an increase in the interests and motivations of older learnamount of older people returning to ers, their learning experiences and the education, higher education institutions barriers faced in accessing education. The

research is also concerned with promoting inclusiveness in education and developing strategies for promoting equal access and opportunities for older people. The significance of the research is evident from the considerable attention it has received at conferences such as, the Forum for the Advancement of Continuing Education (FACE) Conference in the University of Stirling (2003), and the Universities Association for Continuing Education (UACE), in the University of Glamorgan in (2004) Karen recently completed her MA studies and is extending her research in this area by undertaking doctoral research in WIT. In this she proposes to identify the societal barriers that exist for learners in later life; looking at the theoretical evidence regarding power and knowledge in society and how this impacts on the older adult in accessing educational opportunities. This research will also raise the moral argument as to why we should provide access to learning in later life and contribute to debates on active citizenship and participation in the community. For more information contact Dr Anne Jordan ( or Karen Bunyan (

Corporate reputation not featured on the balance sheet At the recent International Reputation Research Colloquium academics from 11 countries met with one thing on their mind: corporate reputation

The Waterford Crystal Centre for Marketing Studies hosted a research colloquium from March 20th - 22nd at WIT. The theme of this colloquium was corporate reputation and researchers from 11 countries, including Pakistan, Portugal, Chile, Turkey and the U.K., discussed topics as diverse as the reputation of countries, the reputation of politicians, the latest thinking about the effect of mergers on corporate reputation and the influence of retailers' corporate image on our willingness to buy their own brands. "Our main concern is how companies manage their reputation with customers and employees.

Pictured at the research colloquium are from left: Anthony Foley (lecturer), Dr Tom O'Toole (Head of School of Business); Paul O'Toole, (CEO, Tourism Ireland); Dr Susan Whelan (lecturer); and Prof. Gary Davies (visiting Professor of Marketing, Manchester Business School). (photo by photozone)

A company's reputation is probably its most valuable asset, but it rarely appears on the balance sheet. It takes years to build and minutes to

lose", said Gary Davies, visiting professor of marketing at WIT and head of the Centre for Marketing Studies. The visiting academics also heard presentations from guest practitioners Paul O'Toole, CEO of Tourism Ireland and Brian McGee, Sales and Marketing Director of Waterford Crystal. The Waterford Crystal Centre for Marketing Studies will be formally launched later this year. Two faculty members from the marketing group at WIT, Anthony Foley and Dr Susan Whelan, form the core of the Centre together with Professor Davies and ten associate members from the faculty. Current research projects include collaboration with a major initiative to enhance tourism in the region and research into so-called 'ruthless' corporate brands. For more information contact: Dr Susan Whelan ( or Anthony Foley (









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Patterns of funding for SMEs in South East Ireland Delayed payment to suppliers, retained profits and owner/ managers own personal finance or finance obtained from friends/family were key sources of finance used in the past by firms in the region. Bank overdrafts, hire purchase/leasing along with bank loans of less than five years as well as grants are cited as the most commonly used external sources of finance deployed in the past. The least used sources were venture capital and invoice discounting. These are some of the results identified by Keith Butler who successfully completed his Masters Degree in Business Studies by Research in September last year under the supervision of Dr Sheila O’Donohoe, School of Business. Funded under the Technological Sector Strand 1 the main objective of Keith's study was to examine the patterns and access to finance of Small to Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the South East of Ireland. No empirical research of this nature has been conducted to date in Ireland.

external sources of finance over the past three years with 46% stating that they encountered problems trying to secure this finance. Manufacturers and more innovative businesses sought to raise more external finance and encountered more difficulties in the process. More female controlled businesses attempted to obtain external finance over the past three years compared to their male counterparts (74% v 54%) and they too appear to encounter greater difficulties in securing this in comparison Keith Butler who successfully completed his Masters Degree in Business Studies by Research and Dr Sheila O’Donohoe, School of to male respondents (59% v 25%). Business. Respondent businesses seem to choose their source of finance based on The most important and widely used an overall package and not for any one sources at start-up stage cited were: individual reason. Choice of finance • private savings (61%); appears to depend on what it will be • bank loans (58.2%) used for, on the cost of servicing the • trade credit (20%). finance and on availability followed by the flexibility of the type of finance to be In addition finance from used. The study reveals that the vast friends/family was also identified as majority of firms have not changed or are being a relatively important source. not currently considering changing banks. Businesses appear to attach a relatively Current usage patterns are reported to be high level of importance to the full range quite different from past usage with The primary data was obtained by a of services provided by these institutions. retained earnings now undoubtedly the questionnaire distributed to 500 The quality of bank services that rated most widely used internal source of owners/financial directors of SMEs in the highest was the general operation and finance. The top three sources of external South East of Ireland. With a response accessibility of banks while transaction finance used in the past are still the three rate in excess of 50%, respondent firms charges, collateral required and interest most widely used at present (private were from a comprehensive cross section rates were perceived to be the most poorsavings; bank loans and trade credit). of industries and geographically spread ly provided service. The major concerns However both grants and the Business across the five counties in the South East. expressed in dealing with banks were Expansion Scheme appear less significant, Most of the sampled firms (60%) are excessive bank charges, high interest rates which may be indicative of the stage of engaged in manufacturing, employing 35 and the threat of termination of their the financial life cycle the businesses are employees on average. Up to 78% were overdraft facility. in. This study emphasises the importance set up since 1970 with 1988 being the In conclusion, the pecking order of short-term sources of finance and most popular year for businesses starthypothesis seems to provide an SMEs’ dependence on bank financing, ups. Those sampled enterprises were explanation for the financing pattern of particularly bank overdrafts. The main predominantly male owned/managed with SMEs in the South East of Ireland. This reasons cited for this were ease of access almost half of all managers over 50 years theory suggests that owner/managers will and flexibility of each source. old. The educational level of respondents tend to favour internally generated funds Approximately 64% of the respondent varied considerably with 40% educated and short-term external debt. businesses use some form of credit card up to third-level. for business purposes and this may Businesses engaged in indicate that these businesses find it manufacturing and those more difficult to obtain other cheaper educated owner/managers appear alternative sources of external finance. In more likely to avail of grants. In addition the findings presented suggest addition those with business plans external equity capital is not a source and those who use external advisors favoured by SMEs. on a regular basis and female Respondent businesses appear to follow owned/managed enterprises report the pecking order theory in that they higher usage of grants at this initial favour the use of internal financing first, financing stage. followed by external debt and as a last For more information contact Keith resort they may issue external equity. Just The first phase investigated how the Butler ( or Dr Sheila over half of the respondents cited that businesses were financed at the initial O'Donohoe ( they attempted to obtain additional start-up stage.








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Educating researchers for the knowledge economy The availablity of a highly educated workforce was one of the key factors in the creation of the 'tiger economy'. The institutes of technology paid no small part in the creation of this workforce, with almost 50% of degree graduates coming from the institute of technology sector. Now, the government has identified the availability of graduates to Ph.D. level as a key requirement for the next evolution of the Irish economy. Doubling the number of Ph.D. graduates is required by 2010 if we are to meet the challenge of the emerging knowledge society . The number of postgraduates registering at Waterford Institute of Technology has grown rapidly over the last five years, and will continue to grow. However, if we are to succeed in achieving the required levels we must develop effective training programmes. There are a number of reasons for expanding the training necessary for students to succeed at Ph.D level. First, we need to tackle the issue of non-completion rates to Ph.D. level within third-level institutes. Anecdotally, the non-completion rate across the whole third-level sector is in the order of 30%, and this figure is typical of non-completion rates in other countries such as the U.K. Second, the third level sector must address quality assurance concerns, including those of transparency in the requirements of a research degree, including a specification of the skills, including the transferable skills, demanded of a competent researcher. Finally, while by tradition students studied for a Ph.D. in the expectation of achieving an academic position, increasingly the emphasis is on industry /social research and development opportunities. These, together with the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of research and the broadening of the research paradigms beyond traditional positivist models indicate that training in methods should be a pre-requisite of all research programmes of study. A comprehensive training support structure must now be put in place in WIT to provide students with the tools necessary to conduct high quality research at postgraduate level. This is in line with best international practice. It is now the norm in third-level institutions in advanced societies to require prospective research students to undertake a course in research methods before they embark on their research programmes. For example in the UK, the Higher Education Funding Councils, the Council for Graduate Education and the Quality Assurance Agency have combined to determine the aims, objectives, learning outcomes and topics that should be covered in a mandatory research methods course. For the past five years the Educational Development Centre in WIT has run such a generic research methods course, offered on a weekly basis, and running throughout the academic year.

The course is offered to all postgraduate researchers, staff and students and attendance is voluntary. Now however, the Research & Development Sub- Committee of the Academic Council is developing an accredited Research Methods module, which must be taken by all postgraduate research students, unless they can demonstrate the prior acquisition of such knowledge and skills. The benefit of this module, apart from ensuring that all students acquire basic research skills, is the gaining of an additional portable qualification, so that students transferring to other institutions to acquire research qualifications will be able to demonstrate basic competencies in this area. This course will run in tandem with existing initiatives, which take place in WIT's schools or departments, such as the research seminar series run by the School of Business Studies or those run by the Mathematics Seminar Group. Topics to be covered include: • An overview of the research process • Engaging with the research process •· Relationships with supervisors and peers •· Values, ethics and power in research •· Time and project management •· •· •· •· •·

Quantitative research methods and statistical methods Qualitative research methods Multi-method approaches Copyright and intellectual property rights Bibliographic research skills

•· •· •· •· •· •·

Computing skills Writing skills Writing for publication Presentation skills Personal and negotiation skills Career planning.

An accredited module in research supervision for prospective and new research supervisors has also been developed. This module will explain the roles of the supervisor, including the quality assurance requirements in relation to institutional procedures and the counselling/mentoring skills needed to operate as an effective and supportive supervisor.

For more information contact: Dr Anne Jordan (






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Establishing best practice for Campus Incubators Enterprise Ireland announced last year that it is investing 32 million Euro across each of the thirteen Institutes of Technology to develop campus incubators to strengthen the enterprise infrastructure of each region and to support the growth of new high potential start-ups. The rationale for this investment is that the incubators will provide an effective framework for supporting the development and expansion of campus company activity and encourage Institute of Technology-led enterprise development initiatives. They will also, it is hoped, encourage the commercialisation of Research and Development carried out within the sector and promote further Technology Transfer initiatives. Pioneered in the U.S., campus incubators help academic staff and students to create campus enterprises by providing them with a comprehensive range of support services including space; business advice; training and mentoring; and networking opportunities. A recent body of research carried out by Mary Fenton set out to develop a best practice framework of campus incubators applicable to the Institute of Technology sector. The researchers explored literature on best practice of campus incubators and investigated current practice of four campus incubators in Irish Higher Education Institutes. “Our research found that the provision of incubation space is just a first step in the total campus incubation process with clients placing greater emphasis on the value added support services, namely the association with a reputable third-level Institute; access to the Institute's resources such as academic staff; incubator managers’ expertise and enterprise networks, which they would otherwise be unable or unwilling to access outside the campus incubator,” says Mary Fenton. The success of campus incubators, it seems, is dependent on incubator managers supporting the client companies and developing relationships between them and key academic staff, students, entrepreneurs and enterprise development agencies. Campus incubators therefore provide an enhanced platform for developing of enterprise and academic partnerships and the manager plays a central role in facilitating high-level links between entrepreneurs, academic staff and Enterprise Development Agencies. The incubator manager also provides value added support services, designed to meet the individual company's stage of development, i.e. at the pre-incubation, incubation and post-incubation stage. In addition to providing support services to current, prospective and former clients, managers could extend the range of support services to entrepreneurs outside the incubator who could benefit from links with both the campus incubator and the Institute of Technology. This would embed the campus incubator as a hub for converging the academic and enterprise communities and developing symbiotic links not just for an elite band of tenant companies but the wider regional enterprise community; thus justifying Enterprise Ireland's confidence in the Institute of Technology sector becoming an "engine for growth" in the regions. Success is also contingent on the individual Institute of Technology embracing an enterprise ethos and supporting the campus incubator in the development of campus and regional enterprise. There is a clear need at a sectoral level to develop a vision of the sector's role in enterprise development, both on and off campus. There is a need for a systematic approach to dealing with campus companies. The continuance of an ad-hoc approach to dealing with spin-offs and spin-ins will hinder the sector's effectiveness in campus enterprise development. “It is imperative

that the sector develops policies to deal with IPR and campus companies because in the long-term this will lead to an increase in the number of spin-off and spin-in activity on campus,” argues Fenton. While the proposed best practice framework cannot be applied generically to all Institutes of Technology because of their individual focus, their strengths and the regional factors and influences at play, the researchers acknowledge that it is a first step towards best practice of campus incubators within the sector. The creation of campus incubators demonstrates both Enterprise Ireland's and the Institute of Technology sector's commitment to fostering and facilitating enterprise development. Campus incubators must be promoted not as stand-alone entities but as inclusive partnerships with entrepreneurs and enterprise development agencies, initiating real and practical synergies between the academic and enterprise communities. Bill O'Gorman, School of Business; John O'Connor, Enniscorthy Enterprise Centre and Mary Fenton, School of Education and Professional Development are co-developing a Postgraduate Diploma in Enterprise Development for Incubator/Enterprise Centre Managers.

Research findings - best practice for campus incubators in the Institute of Technology sector 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Support and commitment of an enterprising host Institute Commitment to the core principles of business incubation Balanced configuration of campus incubator board Recruitment of dynamic campus incubator Manager Continuous professional development of Incubator Manager Optimisation of links with key stakeholders Team approach between Manager and Industrial Liaison Manager Strategic planning for long-term sustainability of campus incubator Recruitment of clients congruent to the ethos of the campus incubator

10. Provision of support services tailored to meet individual clients' needs 11. Clarity of policies and procedures 12. Optimisation of internal and external networks 13. Continuous evaluation of campus incubator's effectiveness 14. Links with campus incubator Alumni 15. Engagement in targeted outreach activity through provision of virtual incubation services

For more infomation contact Mary Fenton (; Bill O’Gorman ( or John O’Connor (










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Interview with Manager of WIT’S new Innovation Centre In January 2005, Tom Corcoran began work as Manager of the Innovation Centre which is currently under construction at the new Carriganore campus, just on the edge of Waterford City. He recently answered some questions put to him by Research Matters. RM: Did you have a connection with WIT prior to your appointment? TC: Yes indeed. I graduated from WIT and have been working at WIT since 2003, on assignments with the CHART and Development departments. I also spent a year as Operations Manager with the TSSG research team, which was a great experience. RM: What experiences have you had which relate to the Centre's activities? TC: For many years I worked in management positions with multi-national corporations; in Ireland, in the UK, in mainland Europe and the USA. I also spent several years as vice-president of a U.S. consulting organisation with responsibility for a division with $12 million in revenue and a staff of 50 professionals. So, I have Business environments experience in many different and business models are industries, in a variety of management roles and in very different from country to country and I organisations of various sizes. The clients that I have worked believe we ultimately have to create our own with were also very varied; model for success. One from major corporations to small start-ups. Most of my of the most important factors in achieving this time in the U.S. was spent in will be to play our part the Silicon Valley area and I in creating a supportive had the opportunity to see how a region can environment for benefit from a dynamic entrepreneurs and to entrepreneurial ethos and to encourage innovation see the mechanisms and and risk-taking. infrastructure that have developed to support this type of business activity. I was working with companies in this region during the highs and the lows of the era and I saw at first-hand the difficulties that high-tech, high-potential start-ups have to deal with. RM: Have you seen other institutions whose experiences might be a model for what you expect to achieve in the Centre? TC: We can certainly learn from some of the more successful business incubation centres in the U.S. and U.K and there are also some very successful organisations operating out of relatively small economies, in countries as widespread as Finland and New Zealand. It has to be remembered, however, that business incubation is a relatively new

Tom Corcoran, Manager of the Research & Innovation Centre

"industry" in mainland Europe; about 95% of the incubation centres in Ireland and U.K. are less than 5 years old so there is still a lot to be learned and to be developed. RM: Who will benefit from the work done at the Centre and what will the benefits be? TC: Before I answer that I would first like to acknowledge the sponsors of the Centre; Enterprise Ireland, the Higher Education Authority and Allied Irish Banks Ltd. By providing the funding for this venture they have clearly demonstrated their commitment to supporting research and innovation in the South East region. The beneficiaries of the work done at the Centre will first of all include the employees and investors in the companies that are created. As the role of the Centre develops it will serve as an access mechanism to the intellectual resource base of WIT and thus will help existing regional businesses to progress their development. This may happen through the enhancement of existing technologies or by acquiring and exploiting new technology or service opportunities that arise from collaborative research. As the level of successful start-ups increases so too will the potential for the employment of graduates in those regionally-based companies. This is of critical importance in halting the "brain drain" that results in many of the South East's most talented individuals moving away to pursue other opportunities. If we can foster the development of thriving, high-potential companies in a region that has an unrivalled lifestyle to offer then I believe it's a winning combination. RM: What services do you see the Centre providing? TC: The Centre will provide a range of direct business support services to clients along with a mentoring and development programme. These services will be available to start-ups and to more established companies and, of course, to spin-out

companies from the Institute. We will provide clients with a modern, fullyequipped, fully-serviced and secure facility at competitive prices and aim to be very supportive of client needs. The Centre will provide access to a network of professional specialists, some of whom will have expertise in international business. The role of these specialists will be to mentor companies and to augment the skills and knowledge of management in key areas of business. I am particularly interested in developing the expertise of the Centre in providing strategic and practical help to clients in the areas of international sales, marketing development and product support. The networking opportunities that Centres such as ours can provide are The Innovation Centre generally acknowledged by has the potential to be entrepreneurs as being the focal point for extremely important to the technology transfer and success of their businesses. We will be very focussed on the commercialisation of research in the region developing the investmentreadiness of client companies and, if it is successful in and ultimately the intent is to doing so, can definitely help businesses to mature to serve as a catalyst for the point where they can exit regional economic from the Centre and function growth. We can also learn from other Irish independently and and international 3rdsuccessfully. level institutions as to The key word in all of this is how the development support; supporting the and commercialisation development of management of technology platforms and commercial skills, and services has made a supporting the ability to major impact on their capitalise on business regional economies and opportunities and supporting on the success of the the entrepreneurial efforts of institutions themselves. our clients. RM: Finally, where is the Centre in its development at this point in time? TC: The construction of the building is actually ahead of schedule and is due to be handed over in August 2005. We have worked with the architect to create a very different interior space from a standard business facility. I want the style and the energy of the building to be as creative and as positive as the commercial activities that will happen within it and I definitely expect this centre to have a terrific buzz! Over the coming months I will be focussed on marketing and recruiting clients for the Centre and will keep you updated on the progress of the project.

For mor information contact .Tom Corcoran (






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Recent WIT publications ■ ■ ■


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Barrett K., Davy S., Jennings B., van der Meer S. (2005) ,On the use of Policy Based Management of Pervasive M-Government Services. In: International Conferences on Mobile Government (M-Gov), 10-12 July 2005, Sussex University, Brighton, UK. Barrett K., Carroll R., Osmani V., van der Meer S. UserCentric Management of Ubiquitous Environments Challenges & Initial Solutions. IN: Second International Workshop on Management of Ubiquitous Communications and Services, MUCS 2004 Dublin, Ireland, December 12-13, 2004 Boschi, E., Schmoll, C., Malone, P., D'Antonio, S. (2005). INTERMON: an Architecture for Inter-domain Monitoring, Modelling and Simulation,. In: Proceedings of 2005 IFIP Networking Conference . Davy, A., Mahon, F., Doolin, K., Jennings, B. and Ó Foghlú, M. (2005) Personalised, Context-aware Composition of Pervasive Mobile Services. First Euro Conference on Mobile Government. Sussex University, Brighton, UK Doran, C., McCormack B. (2005). An investigation of the relationship between the "cutability" or sharp ness of scalpels and the width of their cutting edge, IN: Proceedings of Bioengineering in Ireland (11), 28-29 January, Dublin, Ireland Butler, R. and Jackman, B. (2005). Wireless Gateway for Intelligent Diagnostics. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Centenary World Congress , Detroit, USA, April 2005. Duane, A. & Finnegan, P. (2005). Reinforcing Control of Email Systems Through Electronic Monitoring and Control: The Experiences of Management and Staff. In: International Critical Management Studies Conference (ICMS 2005: Technology and Power), July 4-6th, Cambridge University, England, UK. Duane, A. & Finnegan, P. (2005). Staff Reactions to the Implementation of Electronic Monitoring and Control of Email Systems: A Contemporary Case Study. In: Information Resources Management Association International Conference, (IRMA 2005) May 15-18th, San Diego, California, USA. Jackman, B. and Sanyanga, S. (2005). A Software Component Architecture for Improving Vehicle Software Quality and Integration. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Centenary World Congress, Detroit , USA, April 2005. Jackman, B. and Foran, T. (2005). An Intelligent Diagnostic System for Distributed, Multi-ECU Automotive Control Systems. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Centenary World Congress, Detroit, USA, April 2005. Keating, F. Walsh, G. and Jackman, B. (2005). Simulation of KWP over a CAN-BUS Network. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Centenary World Congress, Detroit, USA, April 2005. Mc Donnell, E. and Jackman, B. (2005). Software-Based Vehicle Dynamic Power Management System. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Centenary World Congress, Detroit, USA, April 2005. Mjeda, A. and Jackman, (2005). A Fuzzy-Logic Approach for an Electrical Power Steering System. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Centenary World Congress, Detroit, USA, April 2005.

Morrissey, D., Jackman, B. and Buttle, D. (2005). Optimization of Software Function Distribution for OSEK-Based In-Vehicle Networks. Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Centenary World Congress, Detroit, USA, April 2005. Osmani, V., Barrett K., Carroll R., Jennings B., van der Meer S. (2005) An architecture for User-centric Management of Intelligent Environments. IN: 28th International Convention Mipro 2005, IEEE rg. 8 Opatija, Croatia, May 30-June 3, 2005. White, M. and Jennings, B. (2004) Adapting Access Rights to the Changing Profile of User Sets in a Ubicomp Environment. IN: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services (MUCS 2004), 26-37, 2004. White, M., Jennings, B, Osmani, V., van der Meer, S. (2005) Context Driven, User-Centric Access Control for Smart Spaces. IN: The IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Environments, IE 05 University of Essex, Colchester, UK, June 28-29, 2005. ■ ■ ■ JOURNALS ■ ■ ■ Doran, C., McCormack B. & Macey, A. (2004) A simpli fied model to determine the contribution of strain energy in the failure process of thin biological mem branes during cutting, Strain, 2004 v40 n4 pp 173 Duane, A. & Finnegan, P. (2005) Monitoring and Controlling Email Systems for E-Commerce. International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR)(Theme Issue on Electronic Communication Adoption and Service Provider Strategy). Foley, A. and Fahy, J. (2004). Towards a further understanding of the development of market orientation in the firm: a conceptual framework based on the mar ket-sensing capability, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 12, December. Hayden, H. O'Brien, T. O Rathaille, M. (2005) User sur vey at Waterford Institute of Technology Libraries: How a traditional approach to surveys can inform library service delivery. New Library World 106 Number 1, pp. 43-57 Hegarty, N. Quinlan, . Lynch, T. (2004) A Portrait of OLAS as a Young Information Literacy Tutorial. Library Review 53 Number 9, pp.442-450 Hegarty, N. (2004) First Steps: Piloting WebCT at WIT SCONUL Focus (formerly Newsletter) 32 Summer/Autumn 2004. McGibney, J. Schmidt, N. Patel, N. (2005) A servicecentric model for intrusion detection in next-generation networks, Computer Standards & Interfaces, Vol 27, Issue 5, pp 513-520, June 2005 O' Raifeartaigh, C. Alhourani, M. Leonard F. and Barklie R.C (2004) Spin-dependent magnetophotoconductivi ty in silicon-on-sapphire 2004. Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 96, no. 11, pp 6557. ■ ■ ■ OTHER ■ ■ ■ O'Brien T., 2004. At the Heart of Education: School Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care. In: James Norman, ed. Overcoming Barriers To Effective Learning in SecondLevel Schools. Veritas, , ISBN - 1853907529, O'Raifeartaigh, C. (2005) One Hundred Years of Relativity. SPIN Science Magazine Issue 9 p22.


All staff in the School of Research and Innovation are based on the second floor of the Information Technology Building. Contact details are as follows: Dr Willie Donnelly, Head of School of Research and Innovation, Office: IT 2.07 Tel: +353 – 51 – 845500 or Internally ext 5500 Email: Kathryn Kiely, Manager External Services, Office: IT 2.08 Tel: +353 – 51 – 302034 or Internally ext 2034 Email:

Susie Cullinane, Projects Manager, Research Support Unit, Room IT 2.10 Tel: 353 – 51 – 845503 or Internally ext 5503 Email:

Denise Breen, Administrative Assistant, Research Support Unit, Room IT 2.10 Tel: 353 – 51 – 845501 or Internally ext 5501 Email:

Tom Corcoran, Manager Innovation Centre , Tel: +353-(0)51-302975 or +353-(0)87-7954400 Internally ext : 2975 Email:

Jenny Murphy, Administrative Assistant, School of Research and Innovation, Room IT 2.10 Tel: 353 – 51 – 845501 or Internally ext 5501 Email:

Rita Dalton, Administrative Assistant, School of Research and Innovation, Room IT 2.10 Tel: 353 – 51 – 845596 or Internally ext 5596 Email:

Research Matters is published three times a year by the School of Research & Innovation in Waterford Institute of Technology. Please address any comments or suggestions that you may have on this publication to Kathryn Kiely, External Services Manager. Email: Edited by Margaret Grene

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