KINDERGARTEN Essential Questions: Creating – How do artists work? Presenting – Where do artists show their work? Responding – What can we learn from looking at works of art? Connecting – How does art enrich people’s lives? Grade Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies
CREATING Uses imagination while exploring with various art materials. Cr1.1.K Works cooperatively with peers on a shared art project. Cr1.2.K Experiments with art materials and discovers new ways of creating. Cr2.1.K Uses scissors, paint and glue safely. Cr2.2.K Draws or paints a landscape. Cr2.3.K Tells a story about his/her art work. Cr3.1.K
Nonlinguistic representations/Marzano Cooperative learning/Marzano Reinforcing effort & Providing recognition/Marzano Teacher modeling, think-alouds Identify similarities & differences/Marzano Think, pair share
PRESENTING Self-select favorite piece of art from his/her portfolio. Pr4.1.K Explain the function of an art portfolio. Pr5.1.K Explain why we have art museums. Pr6.1.K
Setting objectives & Providing feedback/Marzano Student modeling Multimedia presentations (V-Brick & Art DVD’s)
RESPONDING Recognize art & design in everyday objects. Re7.1.K Describe what an image represents. Re7.2.K Notice details in a work of art. Re8.1.K Describes feelings in response to a work of art. Re9.1.K
Response games Artist investigations Authentic art works Current art events, local museum events
CONNECTING Tell a story about personal art work. Cn10.1.K Recognize that art has been created throughout time. Cn11.1.K
Inter-disciplinary integration of core subjects; Local presentations, exhibitions and Arts Nights
Common Performance Assessments Common Arts Literacy Assessment Art Portfolio Art Exhibit
Children’s Trade Books – see attached list Videos – Brain Pop Jr., Tumblebooks, VBrick videos Equipment & Supplies – various art media & supplies for drawing, collage, painting, printmaking, sculpture and ceramics
Waterford Public Schools
K-12 Art Curriculum