PERSPECTIVE: ARCHITECTURE, OPTICAL ART & TROMPE L’OEIL COURSE DESCRIPTION In this semester course, students will build upon the skills and knowledge from previous art classes to use the Elements of Art and Principles of design to solve visual art problems in creating depth in two-dimensional space. Students will learn different techniques to show one-point, two-point, three-point, atmospheric and anamorphic perspective. Students will learn how these perspective techniques were used in different styles and subjects throughout history to the present. Historical context ranges from Proto-Renaissance to Contemporary artists and architecture. Architecture will be studied as a form of art through the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. Architectural drawings illustrating perspective such as vignettes and axonometric drawings will be studied, as well. Students will work with various media including graphite, pen & ink, colored pencil, watercolor, water soluble pencils and acrylic paint. Prerequisite: At least one Foundations course and 2D Studio Art II.
Waterford Public Schools
K-12 Art Curriculum