GRADE 1 Essential Questions: Creating – How do artists and designers work? Presenting – Why do artists show their work? Responding – What is an image? Connecting – How does art help us understand the lives of people of different times, places, and cultures? Grade Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies
CREATING Works together with peers to create a single piece of art. Cr1.1.1 Uses planning strategies (thinking aloud, looking at art work) before making art. Cr1.2.1 Explores different kinds of art materials and tools in art. Cr2.1.1 Uses scissors, paint, glue & clay with care. Cr2.2.1 Tells how everyday objects can be used in art (e.g. printmaking). Cr2.3.1 Talks about lines and shapes in art work. Cr3.1.1
Cooperative learning/Marzano Nonlinguistic representations/Marzano Student modeling Reinforcing effort & Providing recognition/Marzano Teacher modeling, think-alouds
PRESENTING Explains reasons for a preference in art styles. Pr4.1.1 Makes decisions about how to present art work. Pr5.1.1 Identifies a curator as a person who organizes exhibits in a museum. Pr6.1.1
Artist investigations Identify similarities & differences/Marzano Authentic art works
RESPONDING Explain how a work of art can express feelings. Re7.1.1 Compare images that represent the same idea. Re7.2.1 Describe different types of sculptures (e.g. clay, wire, paper) and the properties of each. Re8.1.1 Sort art work according to personal preference. Re9.1.1
Response games Think, pair share Inter-disciplinary integration of core subjects; Setting objectives & Providing feedback/Marzano
CONNECTING Discusses different opportunities students have to make art outside of school. Cn10.1.1 Understand that people from different places and times have made art for a variety of reasons. Cn11.1.1
Current art events, local museum events Multimedia presentations (V-Brick & Art DVD’s)
Common Performance Assessments Common Arts Literacy Assessment Art Portfolio Art Exhibit
Children’s Tradebooks – see attached list Videos – Brain Pop Jr., Tumblebooks, VBrick videos Equipment & Supplies – various art media & supplies for drawing, collage, painting, printmaking, sculpture and ceramics
PACING GUIDE Waterford Public Schools
K-12 Art Curriculum