GRADE 4 Essential Questions: Creating – What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks? Presenting – What criteria are considered when selecting work for presentation, a portfolio, or a collection? Responding – How can the viewer "read" a work of art as text? Connecting – How does art preserve aspects of life? Grade Level Expectations
Instructional Strategies
CREATING Brainstorm ideas to a creative art or design problem. Cr1.1.4
Nonlinguistic representations/ Marzano
Collaboratively create artwork that is meaningful to the makers. Cr1.2.4 Explore and invent novel art-making techniques. Cr2.1.4 Demonstrates proper care, use and cleaning of art materials, tools and equipment. Cr2.2.4 Document, describe, and represent regional constructed environments. Cr2.3.4 Revise artwork in progress based on insights gained through peer discussions. Cr3.1.4
Teacher modeling, think-alouds Setting objectives & Providing feedback/Marzano Reinforcing effort & Providing recognition/Marzano Cooperative learning/Marzano
PRESENTING Discuss how time and technology have changed how we see artwork. Pr4.1.4 Consider multiple scenarios for how and where to present art. Pr5.1.4 Compare and contrast the intention and experiences provided by art museums, art galleries, and other venues. Pr6.1.4
Identify similarities & differences/ Marzano Local presentations, exhibitions and Arts Nights
RESPONDING Compare responses to a work of art before and after working in similar media. Re7.1.4 Interpret art by analyzing visual components, reviewing contextual information and considering use of media. Re7.2.4 & Re8.1.4 Apply one set of criteria to evaluate multiple works of art. Re9.1.4
Think, pair share Response games Current art events, local museum events
CONNECTING Create work of art that reflects community cultural traditions (e.g. Cinco de Maya). Cn10.1.4 Infer information about the time, place and culture in which a work was created through observation. Cn11.1.4
Inter-disciplinary integration of core subjects; Authentic art works Multimedia presentations (V-Brick & Art DVD’s)
Common Performance Assessments Common Arts Literacy Assessment Art Portfolio Art Exhibit Class critiques
Waterford Public Schools
K-12 Art Curriculum